360i and Oscar Mayer have a new campaign championing unsung bacons — turkey bacon, always in the shadow of its porcine relative; and Michael Bacon, whose popularity also pales in comparison to a certain member of his family.
The goal of the campaign, which lives at the landing site www.unsungbacon.com is simple: Oscar Mayer wants to help Michael Bacon gain more Twitter followers than his famous brother. So far, it’s quite the uphill battle. As of press time, Michael trails 1,361 to 430,943. Michael, in case you didn’t know, is an Emmy award winning composer and a member of The Bacon Brothers. The landing site will host videos, photos and facts about the campaign. It’s a clever idea which may get people to reconsider an item they’d otherwise ignore. 360i’s spot, with production company Mssng Peces is pretty funny and well worth a view, noting similarities between the two unsung bacons. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…
Chamar a geração de impaciente nem é uma crítica nova. Há anos se ouve falar do imediatismo e da instantaneidade dos jovens, e do quanto a nossa capacidade de concentração está cada vez menor.
Esses dados do Spotify, no entanto, são um pouco alarmantes: estamos tão impacientes que não aguentamos ouvir uma música inteira. Segundo o streaming de música, quase 25% de todas as músicas são puladas logo nos 5 primeiros segundos, o que eu gosto de pensar que é a versão musical de zapear por canais de TV. No entanto, mais de 33% das canções são ouvidas por apenas 30 segundos, e quase metade de todas as músicas são puladas em algum momento antes do final.
% da música que foi ouvida
Segundos da música tocados antes do skip
Passar dos 12 segundos ouvidos é um sinal de comprometimento – depois desse período, a tendência é que a música seja ouvida até o final. E, como era de se esperar, os adolescentes são os que menos têm paciência: a grande maioria deles pula canções com frequência. Curiosamente, os mais velhos também estão entre os que mais apertam o botão de ‘forward’.
Comportamento por idade
Paul Lamere, diretor da Echo Nest e organizador desses dados, acredita que esse comportamento tem mais a ver com o tempo livre disponível do que com a faixa etária. “Os adolescentes têm mais tempo, enquanto os adultos de 30 e poucos, com seus filhos pequenos e trabalhos, não têm tempo para ficar cuidando do seu player de música”, especula ele. Isso também é uma verdade durante os fins de semana – enquanto os usuários não estão trabalhando, o índice de ‘puladas’ de música aumenta.
Comportamento por hora do dia
Comportamento por dia da semana
No entanto, uma outra teoria sugere que os adolescentes estariam usando a conta do Spotify dos seus pais (espertinhos!), o que gera essa quebra de padrão.
Para Lamere, esses dados evidenciam que quanto maior o engajamento do ouvinte com o tocador de música, maior é a chance de ele pular uma determinada canção. “Quando a música está tocando para preencher o ambiente, como quando estamos trabalhando ou relaxando, ‘pulamos’ menos canções”, argumenta ele. “Quando temos mais tempo livre, como quando somos jovens, ou estamos em casa depois do trabalho, ou durante um fim de semana, queremos selecionar melhor o que vamos ouvir, e pulamos mais músicas”, conclui.
Dá até saudade daquela época em que você apertava o ‘forward’ do Winamp sucessivamente, e tinha tempo livre…
McCann Worldgroup Milan created “Fair Play Machines” for Coca-Cola, bringing together rival fans at the San Siro Stadium in Milan.
Internazionale di Milano and A.C. Milan have a fierce rivalry dating back decades, which often leaves neighbors, friends, and even family enemies when the two teams meet. So, as part of Coca-Cola’s ongoing “#ShareTheGood” campaign, in the moments leading up to kickoff at an important Internazionale di Milano versus A.C. Milan match at a very divided San Siro Stadium in Milan, McCann Worldgroup installed two vending machines in the stadium, one on each side of arena. The catch: fans couldn’t get a Coke for themselves, only for fans of the rival team. Pressing a button on one of the machines, connected to the other via video and audio, sent a Coke down a chute and delivered it to a rival fan. In under an hour, both machines were emptied, bringing rival fans closer together and supporting fair play.
“Coca-Cola reminds us that even in the face of seeming differences, happiness can be found through simple moments of human connection,” explains Claudia Navarro, director, integrated marketing communications, central & southern Europe. Check out the video above to see the campaign in action, and stick around for credits after the jump. continued…
JWT Brazil created an interactive cookbook entitled The Bible of Barbecue for leading Brazilian cookware line Tramontina.
Pages of the book can actually be utilized to create authentic Brazilian barbecue. One page, for example, breaks apart into charcoal to start the fire, while another can be used to sharpen your knife. There’s also a cutting board, salt to season the meat, an apron, tin foil, and even a serving dish. It’s a fun idea, which JWT describes as “a sensory fusion of tactile experience, visual design, and most importantly a tribute to the brilliant flavors that result from expert cooking.”
The Bible of Barbecue has been shared with master barbecue chefs in Brazil, and a version will soon be available in select bookstores. Check out the case study video above to learn more, and stick around for credits after the jump. continued…
Seu dia está ruim? Você anda meio deprimido, ou desanimado com a vida? Então siga meu conselho, clique aqui e saia dessa matéria. Se você seguiu lendo, esteja avisado que esse não é mais um joguinho daqueles que te tira do tédio, ou que acaba com a sua produtividade: esse daqui pode tirar o ânimo do seu dia, e isso talvez não seja algo que você esteja buscando nesse exato momento.
Absolutamente triste e depressivo, “Drowning in problems” é a nova criação de Markus Persson, mais conhecido como Notch. Ele é o criador do jogo Minecraft, um jogo de mundo aberto (caixa de areia, em uma tradução literal do inglês) que incentiva a criatividade e a motivação de fazer algo novo. Uma sensação completamente oposta do que o Drowning pode oferecer.
Minimalista, sem nenhum detalhe visual, o jogo lembra linhas de código na tela. A primeira interação avisa que ‘não há nada’, e um link pede para que você resolva isso. Ao clicar nele, um contador de porcentagem gira, enquanto você olha para a tela pacientemente, aguardando algo mágico acontecer. A decepção já começa por aí: você acaba descobrindo que ‘você não é nada’. Se clicar no link resolver, você ganha esperança, e com ela a possibilidade de ter um corpo.
Propondo essas reflexões nada motivacionais, o jogo de Notch segue por alguns bons minutos – em especial pelo tempo que leva para cada ação ser executada – o que permite um momento de contemplação de questões existenciais. Fatos são jogados na cara de quem se envolve com o game – mais trabalho te dá mais dinheiro, mas também gera mais stress – e as frases seguem aparecendo, pedindo por resoluções.
Você pode nascer, crescer, se tornar uma criança, um adolescente, um adulto, fazer sexo, trabalhar, mudar de emprego, relaxar, entre outras atividades comuns da vida, tudo isso apenas lendo linhas escritas na sua tela e clicando em links.
No Reddit, alguns usuários brincaram dizendo que talvez Notch precisasse mesmo é de um abraço. Como bem resumiu Adi Robertson no The Verge, se o Minecraft é sobre esperança e criatividade, Drowning é um poço de desespero e ceticismo.
Quem chegar ao fim do jogo vai perceber que a mensagem de Notch não é nada animadora. Você morre (o que demora horrores) e acaba esquecido (processo que é ainda mais lento).
E sabe o que acontece quando você é esquecido de vez?
Lance Reddick, who you should know as Lieutenant Daniels on The Wire, takes center stage in Raleigh-based agencyBaldwin&‘s new campaign for Cree LED Bulbs, entitled “The Room of Enlightenment.”
The digital campaign features Daniels Reddick in a series of loquacious spots extolling the virtues of LED bulbs, which compare favorably to the incandescent ham fryers you grew up with. Relying on solid copywriting and Reddick’s excellent delivery, the spots are memorable without any frills or fancy production touches. The campaign comes on the heels of a recent incandescent bulb ban, with stores still trying to sell their remaining stock of the soon-to-be relics. One spot, “Gray Market” (featured above) pontificates that there will soon be an illicit market for incandescent bulbs where you may find yourself “trading jugs of grandpa’s porch juice for bulbs out of a rusty hatchback from a guy with a tattoo on his forehead who goes by the name of Rattlesnake.” In other, clever spots, Reddick uses a competitor’s oddly-shaped bulb as a ping-pong paddle, and talks metaphorical money goats. Stick around for a couple more spots, along with campaign credits, after the jump. continued…
eBay agora anuncia a sua chegada integral ao Brasil.
Mas se engana quem acha que a empresa realmente ‘veio’ para o país – na verdade, trata-se de uma série de adaptações para atender ao público brasileiro, o primeiro da América Latina a receber essa deferência. Toda a interface do site de leilões e também os apps para mobile (para iPad, iPhone e Android) foram traduzidos para o português. Os preços também vão aparecer convertidos para o real, e a unidade brasileira do PayPal (que faz parte do grupo do eBay) vai intermediar o processo de pagamento, já incluindo o frete e o imposto de importação.
O Brasil também foi incluído no programa de remessas internacionais, que permitirá que vendedores nos EUA deixem a cargo do eBay as entregas que precisam ser feitas em território nacional. A chegada da encomenda também deverá ser acelerada – a estimativa é que as compras possam chegar em até 10 dias. O desembaraço alfandegário também será facilitado, sendo realizado por uma empresa contratada pelo eBay.
“Nosso objetivo era fazer com que uma transação internacional ficasse parecida com uma compra no próprio país. Também estamos interagindo com os Correios, para agilizar as entregas no Brasil”, explicou Wendy Jones, VP de expansão global do eBay, em entrevista à Exame.
Ainda que o Brasil esteja na mira do eBay, a empresa firma que os países emergentes ainda não são tão representativos entre os mercados atendidos por eles. A partir de meados desse mês, a empresa pretende reforçar a mensagem da sua chegada ao país, investindo forte em campanhas publicitárias e presença nas redes sociais.
Hahaha. This is too funny. Then again, we are easily amused. Then again, we’re talking about dancing dogs! Hip hop dogs. Latin gods. Electro dogs, Disco dogs.
Dog treat company MISFITS, with help from Proximity Canada, is out with The Gif Dog Party, a site on which you can choose a song, a venue and a posse of dogs to get their dance on. And the, of course, share the whole creation to your social media followers.
Ant Farm and Activision have released the official reveal trailer for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, the upcoming title in the best-selling series, featuring the voice (and digital likeness) of Kevin Spacey.
Audio from the spot was leaked several days ago, which some hypothesized was from a House of Cards viral campaign. With the audio already making the rounds, Activision posted the reveal trailer late last night, Adweek reports. The 2:46 trailer features Spacey’s character pontificating about the futility of attempting to spread democracy. What people really want, he insists, is someone to protect them and give them boundaries. You know, someone like him. The spot ends with the “Power Change Everything” tagline, and November 4th release date.
Advanced Warfare is a bit of a departure for the Call of Duty series, with the story centering around an ill-intentioned private military corporation. As a tie-in, 72andSunny and Activision teamed up with Vice to produce a chilling short documentary on the rise of private military contractors and whether the events of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare could actually happen. It makes for a few minutes of interesting (and pretty damn scary) viewing, and one of the more intriguing pieces of branded content we’ve seen. We’ve included it after the jump, along with limited credits for the reveal trailer.
Wieden + Kennedy New York’s latest World Cup spot is a welcome departure from their previous World Cup work, foregoing focusing directly on the on-field action in lieu of the conversations and connections among fans sparked by the World Cup, leading into the “Every Four Years” tagline.
The new 30-second spot, called “Global Issues,” follows a linear conversation between soccer fans from diverse backgrounds. “Global Issues” stars real soccer enthusiasts — including a German butcher, an Italian barber, and a cab driver from the Ivory Coast, who support a vast array of teams, but all reside in the U.S. It’s a clever direction, executed well thanks largely to the precision editing, from editorial company Final Cut, necessary to pull off such an approach, and illustrates the excitement leading up to the World Cup well.
Wieden + Kennedy New York also debuted eight of its 32 original World Cup posters for ESPN, designed by Brazilian artist and graphic designer Cristiano Siqueira. Each features a likeness of key players and stories from the featured country competing in the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Stick around after the jump for a look at several of these posters, as well as campaign credits. continued…
Sony could be excused if they had decided not to bother advertising the release of MLB 14 The Show at all. The latest installation in the long-running franchise, the only baseball simulation for PS3 or PS4, has literally no competition (which is how Sony got away with releasing the PS4 version a full month into the baseball season). Instead, they tapped Portland-based boutique agency Mutt Industries, who teamed up with Eastbound and Down star Danny McBride for a integrated campaign spanning broadcast, digital and social media. At the center of the campaign is a really fun online spot starring McBride, who also stars in the broadcast version.
In the 1:45 spot, McBride tells you something you should already know: that “Baseball is Better” — better than all other sports, and better than babies. He goes on to list all the reasons baseball is the best: no crying, no flags, no clocks, etc., all while sporting a badass old school Brooklyn Dodgers uniform. McBride is inserted into the game itself (Hey Sony: You really should make Kenny Powers a playable character) allowing Mutt Industries to show MLB 14 The Show‘s shiny new graphics, which really do look great. Most fans of the franchise have been eagerly anticipating the title for months now, but “Baseball is Better” may convince a few converts that The Show is worth picking up this year.
Broadcast spots will air on on Adult Swim, ESPN, Discovery, FX, History, MLB Network, Comedy Central and other cable stations, while digital and social media content highlights top MLB players, including Miguel Cabrera, Andrew McCutchen, Brandon Phillips, and Buster Posey. Over the course of the baseball season, Mutt Industries will release over 100 unique videos for the campaign, with each player given a unique role and character. Interestingly, Mutt Industries developed, directed and produced the entire campaign in-house with creative director Mike McCommon doubling as the commercial director. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…
At the beginning of the month, Wongdoody debuted a new spot for Amazon Fire featuring Gary Busey — which was predictably weird. Now Wongdoody is back with an interactive video, just in case that wasn’t enough Gary Busey for you.
The new video allow viewers to select from 23 items, from a blowfish to a surfboard to a monkey with a party hat, which Busey will then talk to. “Talking to Things With Gary Busey” contains over 450 individual annotations within a 15:30 YouTube video, with each item selected bringing the viewer to a different point in the video. Options to click through to purchase Amazon Fire are spread throughout the video. Apparently the video “also features several secret clips that users can only find by navigating deeper within the experience,” although it’s unlikely most viewers will stick around to discover them as the interactive video adds little to the joke from the original spot, basically drawing out a kind of funny idea well past its welcome point. Credits after the jump. continued…
Advertised brand: 10 Downing Street Pub, Chennai Traffic Police
Advert title(s): Had a Drink? Think!
Advertising Agency: Dentsu India Group
Executive Creative Director: Ashwin Parthiban, Shiv Parameswaran
Creative Director: Rathish P Subramaniam, Sachit Sadanandan
Art Director: Rathish P Subramaniam, Shiv Parameswaran
Copywriter: Sachit Sadanandan, Ashwin Parthiban
Additional credits:
Production House – Silent Picture Company
Director – Mark Manuel
Executive Producer – Balaji Selvaraj
Camera – Anbu Dennis, Vignesh Vasu, Jagadeesh Ravichandran
Assistant Director – Al Hoon
Music – Timothy Madhukar
Sound Engineer – Sean Bout
Post Production – RGB
Offline – Manohar
Online – Mohan
Computer Graphics – Velu
Short rationale (optional): ‘Don’t drink and drive’. Its a message that is so ubiquitous in big cities, it has actually become a blind spot. What this jaded ‘public’ message needed was a personal touch. An emotional connect that would not only make people notice this message, but act on it. Had a Drink? Think!
With a few hidden cameras in tow, airliner KLM along with DDB and Tribal Worldwide Amsterdam decided test whether travelers waiting at the gate in what we imagine is the hometown airport would go “flat or not.” /What the hell does that mean exactly? Well, if you watch above, KLM is hyping its new business class “flat seat” by installing such seats in select areas of the gate. Those who wen t flat would ultimately win a pair of biz class tickets, like the lucky person in the clip. While we doubt we’ll be flying KLM in the near future, the chairs look pretty comfy and seeing as it’s difficult getting decent sleep on an airline to begin with thanks to the positioning, we’d be glad to see domestic airlines follow suit in adopting the contraption. In addition to the case study video, MediaMonks has also developed an online game to tying into the effort that lets you gauge whether certain unsuspecting travelers would go flat. The site’s a tad sluggish but why not give it a go if you got a few.
BBDO New York collaborated with clients Johnson & Johnson, Campbell Soup Company and AT&T Wireless to create a commercial message designed to raise autism awareness and educate viewers of the importance of early detection, timed to coincide with the end of Autism Awareness Month.
Four 15 second spots that air sequentially combine to form a story arc of a child growing up with autism. Three of those spots also acts as ads for Band-Aid, Campbell’s Soup, and AT&T. Following the last spot, which features a recent graduate and his proud parents, played by a real autism sufferer and his parents (who appear in the other ads as well), the sequence concludes with the message, “You just saw how early diagnosis can make a lifetime of difference. Watch again or learn the signs at www.autismspeaks.org/signs.” This sequence is scheduled to air one time today on the CNN program New Day, and will then live online at YouTube and the Autism Speaks website, with a digital extension expected to run courtesy of Undertone. continued…
About a month ago we brought you the sneak peek of “How to Do Everything in the World,” the web series Rooster created for Vans starring creative director/baby fighter/punk rock dadGavin McInnes. Given some of Gavin’s funny hijinks in the past, we had high hopes for the series.
In “How to Do Everything in the World,” McInnes takes on such topics as how to drink in a bar, what to do if you get in a fight, how to fly the friendly skies, and how to survive prison with an expected dose of absurdity. Unfortunately, the humor misses the mark, occasionally painfully so. There was a lot of potential here, but something about the series just feels off, and not in a funny way. The highlight is probably “How To Fight,” which mostly just sees Gavin coming up with ways to get in a cheap shot and run away. That’s really the only one of these to even merit a chuckle, as they mostly confuse awkward with funny. (Awkward can be funny, but isn’t necessarily in and of itself funny, a mistake on full display here.) Mostly, the series sees McInnes screaming at people for being jerks (especially in “How To Fly” and the painful “How To Drink”), which is basically one joke stretched over several “episodes” that are each several minutes long. It’s hard to imagine these catching on and getting shared, or even someone sitting through the entire series for its entertainment value. Let’s chalk this one up as a disappointing miss and hope Rooster delivers the goods next time. You can check out “How to Fight” above, and stick around for “How to Fly” and “How to Survive in Prison” after the jump, if you’re so inclined. continued…
W+K Portland went all out in getting celebrity talent for “Winner Stays” the latest iteration of their “Risk Everything”campaign for Nike.
The 4:12 film plays off the idea of pretending to be your favorite star players while playing a pickup game with friends. “Winner stays” says one side of one such pickup game, and soon players are claiming to be famous soccer stars and taking on their unique skill sets. It’s a fun idea, although it’s stretched a bit thin at over four minutes long. W+K is betting that with World Cup fever spreading people will stay around for the star power, which includes the return of Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar Jr. and Wayne Rooney, a host of other soccer stars from around the world, and a few unexpected cameos. During the action, the spot offers the first glimpses of Nike’s new Magista and Mercurial Superfly.
“We connect to players’ passion for the game, whether it is the world’s best in Brasil or players in the park or street, explainsDavide Grasso, chief marketing officer for Nike. “‘Winner Stays’ taps into an experience that every young player around the world will recognize – competition with friends and the idea of playing with your heroes or pretending to be them.”
While it may be fun and expertly crafted, it’s pretty hard to get over the run time for the full-length “Winner Stays.” Four minutes is just a really long time to expect people to sit through an advertisement and the new product reveals are relatively deep into the spot. Thankfully, there are abridged versions, with run times of 3 minutes (still pretty long), 90 seconds, 60 seconds, and 30 seconds. Stick around for full credits after the jump. continued…
The Richards Group debuted a new creative direction for Edible Arrangements, the originator of the “fresh” (if you’ve ever tasted their product, you know otherwise) fruit bouquet and global category leader, in their first integrated marketing campaign for the brand. The new campaign “marks an evolution from several different creative campaigns for different media to one streamlined positioning played out from storefronts to social media to broadcast to banner ads.” As you may recall, Edible Arrangements named The Richards Group their agency of record last summer.
The Richards Group’s new multi-million dollar campaign (the brand’s largest advertising campaign to date) centers around the new tagline “Pick Fruit. It’s Fresher.” with an integrated effort championing the choice of fruit over flowers. “Reaction,” the 30-second television spot featured above, typifies the approach. Various mothers’ open-mouthed reactions to flowers appear at first to be enthusiastic, but are revealed to be bored yawns. The spot debuts in advance of Mother’s Day on April 28, with both a 30-second and 15-second version.
“This advertising, across all channels, pokes a little fun at the same old gift and encourages families to celebrate mom in a fresh way. And our research shows that moms really appreciate creativity and ingenuity in gift-giving,” said Edible Arrangements’ chief marketing officer Jeff Lobb. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…
Chances are you’ve felt the frustration of having a great idea never see the light of day, or, conversely, have faced days where any ideas seem hard to come by. Freelance digital creative directors Kalle Everland and Timo Klaarenbeek have created a dual solution in the site http://www.ideastosteal.today/.
The site lets creatives upload their unused ideas for others to steal. There’s only one stipulation: if you steal an idea, you have to credit whoever posted it and share the glory should the work come up for any awards. Using the site is pretty simple. Login with Facebook or set up an account with username and email, and a password will be sent to you. Then click on “Upload Idea” and load your video or image onto the site, adding a brief explanation and selecting a category. If you want to steal an idea, just go for it (and perhaps add a comment), while making sure to credit the person who posted it should the work get published. Check out the site for yourself; if you’re running low on inspiration, or have a drawer full of unused ideas you’d like to see get some love, it just might make your day.
Zurich Insurance is launching “Gator Golf,” an online video tutorial series, created by McCann Worldgroup, instructing golfers on how to deal with playing in close proximity to alligators.
The series was created to build buzz around the upcoming PGA Tour, Zurich Classic of New Orleans, where an alligator famously wandered onto the course during last year’s games. While not everyone finds alligators on the golf course a laughing matter, the series is tied to the larger “For Those Who Truly Love” brand platform, the idea being that those who truly love golf won’t let an alligator on the course stand in their way. The “Gator Golf” series features “golfing and alligator expert” Jim Shanks offering up absurd solutions to gator-filled golf course problems. In the above video, for example, he recommends turning around and driving left-handed so that the gator behind you is “out of sight, out of mind,” while adding that if you’re attacked you should follow course etiquette and “die quietly.”
Gator Golf” is the social component of a larger integrated campaign including TV, print, online advertising and a microsite, and will appear on YouTube and on saud microsite in the lead up to the tournament, which takes place April 24 – 27.
Of course, when we read “Gator Golf,” we can’t help but think of this…
This is site is run by Sascha Endlicher, M.A., during ungodly late night hours. Wanna know more about him? Connect via Social Media by jumping to about.me/sascha.endlicher.