Six Taste: Eatable Business Card
Posted in: UncategorizedTV Talk: Midseason Renewals
Posted in: UncategorizedReshuffling at Time Inc. to Set Table for Spinoff
Posted in: UncategorizedAd Age’s B-to-B Agency of the Year: Here’s How to Enter
Posted in: UncategorizedYou hopefully saw the news that Advertising Age will be expanding its coverage to include the business-to-business marketing space. As part of that, we will be introducing a B-to-B Agency of the Year category in our annual Agency A-List report.
Ad Age is now accepting submissions for the B-to-B Agency of the Year award, honoring the top business-to-business agency.
The winner will be named as part of Ad Age’s annual Agency A-List report honoring the best agencies in adland (including a Multicultural Agency of the Year; a Creativity Agency of the Year and an International Agency of the Year). Your entry will also be considered for the Agency A-List, and any other agency lists in that report. Please note: the deadline for B-to-B Agency of the Year submissions is Nov. 27. SUBMISSIONS FOR ALL OTHER AGENCY A-LIST-RELATED HONORS ARE NOV. 5 AND THERE ARE NO EXTENSIONS.
Cartoon Corpse Art – This Cartoon Character Art Makes Your Childhood Favorites Gruesome (GALLERY)
Posted in: UncategorizedPepsi: Relive for now
Posted in: Uncategorized
Relive for now
Advertising Agency: Nexus BBDO, La Paz, Bolivia
Creative Chief Director: Javier Ramirez
Creative Director: Israel Blanco
Art Director / Photographer: Rodrigo Zenteno
Copywriter: Israel Blanco
Account executive: Ximena Camacho
Greg Nicotero’s Tips for Being a ‘Walking Dead’-Worthy Zombie
Posted in: UncategorizedAMC recently debuted the fourth season of its popular horror series “The Walking Dead.” Since it’s been on the air, we’ve seen characters beloved and vile come and go, but a constant figure all throughout has been Greg Nicotero. Mr. Nicotero started out as the show’s resident effects guru, having trained with some of the best, including makeup veteran Tom Savini and the zombie master himself, director George A. Romero. Since then, he’s moved up the ranks to become one of the show’s executive producers and directors. And sometimes, he even plays the part of the undead himself.
We featured Mr. Nicotero in this year’s Creativity 50, Ad Age and Creativity’s annual list of the year’s most influential innovators. When we spoke to him, he offered some enlightening tips on what it takes to look and act really undead. We present them as our treat to you this Halloween.
Da ideia ao protótipo, agora em tempo real
Posted in: UncategorizedPara a maioria dos designers, ter ideias é fácil. A parte difícil é transformá-las em protótipos que as vendam. Etapas como Precisar aprovação de rascunhos, trocar de softwares diversas vezes e até construir modelos físicos acabam transformando o processo em algo demorado e com um resultado que nem sempre é o esperado.
Context permite ver e alterar seu trabalho em 3D e dentro do ambiente real, durante todo o processo criativo.
Joshua Distler, designer que já passou pela Apple e IDEO, resolveu tornar o longo caminho da ideia ao mock up em algo mais simples, fácil e eficiente. O objetivo era reduzir o tempo e a complexidade de se obter um design totalmente pronto, deixando mais tempo de sobra para as ideias.
Distler passou 2 anos desenvolvendo o Context, um aplicativo para Mac que transforma designs em protótipos, apresentando-os em ambientes do mundo real, de forma rápida como nunca antes.
Com isso, a ferramenta permite que designers visualizem seu trabalho de forma tridimensional e em tempo real, ou seja, durante o próprio processo criativo e sem nem precisar sair do Adobe Illustrator.
O desenvolvimento de um protótipo se torna mais fluído, rápido e aberto, bem como o das ideias.
O aplicativo possui diversos recursos, como uma janela que permite visualizar a renderização do protótipo em tempo real, bem como uma enorme variedade de efeitos, ambientes e contextos para torná-lo ainda mais real e ter liberdade para experimentar diferentes ideias. Assim, o desenvolvimento de um protótipo se torna mais fluído, rápido e aberto.
A ideia por trás do Context mostra que, de fato, cada meio criativo tem sempre um componente de invenção que permite inovar e ir além do próprio meio. Segundo Distler, era inevitável que os designers passassem a ser mais inventivos, construindo seus próprios softwares e hardwares, como é o caso.
Context App está disponível de graça na versão trial ou $9 por mês / $89 por ano.
Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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10 Ways User Generated Video Can Boost Your Brand
Posted in: UncategorizedSmart marketers understand the many benefits of video — increased engagement, increased time on site, increased click-through, increased conversion rate to name a few. As smartphone adoption increases placing a video camera in everyone’s hands and services like Vine and Instagram make video sharing seamless, the amount of user-generated video has soared.
But how does a marketer crowdsource, capture, curate and leverage all this content? In this SparkReel whitepaper entitled How to Be Successful With User Generated Video, you will learn 10 ways your brand can encourage fans to create video and how to use those videos to support your brand’s marketing goals.
Download this whitepaper now and ensure your brand is capitalizing on user-generated video.
Maglite: Halloween
Posted in: Uncategorized
Happy Halloween
Advertising Agency: M&C Saatchi Abel, Johannesburg, South Africa
Creative Director / Art Director / Copywriter: Mick & Nick
Photographer: Maritz Verwey
Published: October 2013
Ads Punk Men Who Don’t Care What Hot Women Have to Say
Posted in: UncategorizedHere’s a completely different take on the hot-chick-in-advertising thing. Perhaps to teach a lesson to — or punk — all those Neanderthals with prurient thoughts (ahem), Hill Holliday crafted a witty campaign for Clark Bars in which hot women speak different languages while…looking hot.
While they may, indeed, look very sexy in these ads, they are not talking sexy at all. They’re talking nonsense. Which is all revealed on the Are You Clark Enough site to which each of the four ads links.
And while men may enjoy listening to hot women speak in foreign tongues, this is just proof they really don’t care what the women are saying. As long as they look sexy doing it.
Fair comment on men’s visual fixation with women? Via.
President Obama Is the Latest Real-Time Marketer
Posted in: UncategorizedPresident Barack Obama is among the many marketers tweeting out Halloween-themed messages today, seizing the moment to urge eligible Americans to sign up for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act.
The official @BarackObama handle tweeted to its more than 39 million followers, “Don’t let anyone scare you out of getting affordable health insurance,” alluding to attacks made on Obamacare by congressional Republicans. It’s accompanied by an image that shows a first-aid kit in the middle of spooky paraphernalia like a jack-o-lantern and a skull with the text, “Some people want to scare you out of getting affordable health insurance. Don’t let them trick you.”
Don’t let anyone scare you out of getting affordable health insurance. #GetCovered
Os 35 anos de “Halloween”
Posted in: UncategorizedSe você assistir “Halloween” hoje – o original – certamente não vai levar algum susto ou se impressionar com qualquer cena. É um filme simples, ainda mais se comparado ao volume de sangue, efeitos, cenas explícitas e ruídos excessivos das produções atuais. Porém, a criação de John Carpenter é a quintessência do cinema de horror e, até hoje, 35 anos depois, suas técnicas continuam influenciando o gênero.
“Halloween” não foi o primeiro terror do tipo. “O Massacre da Serra Elétrica”, “A Noite dos Mortos-Vivos” e “Aniversário Macabro” , por exemplo, já representavam um papel importante no cinema de baixo orçamento, mas nada perto do que Michael Myers fez em 1978. Com verba de apenas 325 mil dólares, “Halloween” levou multidões para as salas escuras, muito ajudado pelo boca a boca, arrecadando 70 milhões na época. Reajustando para hoje, seria algo como 240 milhões de dólares. É um dos filmes de horror mais lucrativos de todos os tempos.
John Carpenter tinha 30 anos quando seu “Halloween” estreou, e liderou uma avalanche de novos títulos do gênero ao longo de toda a década de 1980. Sem Michael Myers, não existiriam Freedy Krueger ou Jason, por exemplo. Carpenter tirou o terror da fantasia, e o colocou no “mundo real”. Myers não era um ser sobrenatural, era mais homem de carne e osso do que um monstro – e que adora matar gente promíscua.

John Carpenter no set
Michael Myers nem era tão assustador, mas a trilha sonora mudou tudo
Com total controle criativo e inspirado por “Psicose” de Hitchcock, o diretor ousou visualmente. Desde a famosa primeira cena em primeira pessoa – quando o espectador ainda não faz ideia de que o assassino é apenas uma criança – até os enquadramentos que transformam todo o espaço vazio em uma ameaça. Carpenter manipula a audiência com sombras e, principalmente, som.
A trilha sonora é, certamente, o legado mais marcante deixado por “Halloween”. Composta pela próprio John Carpenter, a inesquecível música comunica tensão como nenhuma outra já foi capaz. Ele mesmo revelou que, ao mostrar o filme para os produtores, todos foram taxativos: “Isso não é assustador”. Talvez fosse apenas uma história de adolescentes contra um homem de máscara, mas a música mudou tudo.
Além da trilha, o baixo orçamento ditou todas as outras decisões criativas da equipe. A icônica máscara custou apenas US$ 1.98. Era imitação em borracha do William Shatner, comprada em uma loja qualquer, e pintada com spray branco para o filme. Prova de que pouco dinheiro não é desculpa pra nada.
Recentemente, foi lançada uma edição comemorativa em Blu-ray de 35 anos de “Halloween. E se hoje não é capaz de impressionar os millenials, eu pelo menos tenho boas lembranças de que me diverti e perdi noites de sono quando mal tinha idade para assistir filme de terror. Já vi o original dezenas de vezes, mas evito as sequências, principalmente se tiver o nome do Rob Zombie nos créditos. Não quero estragar a magia.
Para quem é fã, vale ver o vídeo abaixo. É o primeiro take da cena inicial, quando Carpenter ainda estava testando a filmagem em primeira pessoa. O utilizado na edição final do filme foi o segundo take.
Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Time Inc. Shakeup: Editors to Report to Business Side, Editor-in-Chief Martha Nelson Exits
Posted in: UncategorizedTime Inc. CEO Joe Ripp began putting his stamp on the publishing company Wednesday, when employees were told that editors will begin reporting to the organization’s business side, a reversal that sent a ripple of anxiety through its editorial offices. Editors of the company’s magazines, which include People and Time, had previously reported to the company’s editor-in-chief.
Martha Nelson, a well-regarded veteran of Time Inc. who became its editor-in-chief in January, is leaving as part of the changes. Mr. Ripp named Norman Pearlstine to succeed her as the company’s top editorial executive, but in the newly created post of exec VP-chief content officer. Mr. Pearlstine was Time Inc.’s editor in chief from 1994 to 2005, during which time he and Mr. Ripp developed a close working relationship, but has been chief content officer at Bloomberg for the past five years.
The changes are effective immediately.
Qualcomm Gets Viral Hit From Snapdragon ‘Photobooth’ Stunt
Posted in: UncategorizedTech dominates the Viral Chart again this week, with mobile and game consoles locking up the top spots. and Samsung’s Galaxy campaign back in the No. 1 spot after dropping off the list entirely last week. With more than 70 related clips, the promotional effort gained close to 5.8 million total views.
It was joined on the list, unsurprisingly, by campaigns promoting the new Sony Playstation and Microsoft Xbox.
An interesting newcomer, however, is Qualcomm — not as familiar a face to consumers as, say, Xbox. The wireless technology company scored the No. 2 spot with video freezing remarkable moments using 130 smartphones to make a sort of photobooth in the round. The ad shares images and footage from a Qualcomm stunt in Venice, Calif., but the attraction is currently touring the country.
Honda Sends Ghost Hunter to Rid 1996 Civic of Spirits
Posted in: UncategorizedAs part of its Something Special Campaign, Honda sent a ghost hunter to Ernie Santos who claimed his 1996 Honda Civic is haunted. Apparently, the spirits in the car were victims of some sort of crime or accident.
Honda sent the ghost hunter, Erik Vanlier of Valley Investigators of the Paranormal, in response to a comment Ernie left on the brand’s Facebook page.
Following the encounter during which Vanlier asks the spirits to leave, Santos reports he no longer senses the whispers and odd sensations he previously experienced while in the vehicle.
Beautiful Foreign Women Talk a Whole Lot of Crap in Amusingly Deceptive Candy Ads
Posted in: UncategorizedGoDaddy to Drop Sexual Innuendo From Its Super Bowl Ads
Posted in: UncategorizedFor the first time in almost a decade, DoDaddy Super Bowl advertising will contain no risque innuendo. The domain registrar has promised to clean up its act, a promise that’s been underway since DoDaddy hired Deutsch New York in mid-2012 and one that accelerated under new CEO Blake Irving who joined the company in January.
“The [new] Super Bowl ad strategy allows us to have fun and be edgy, and demonstrate how we help the little guy kick ass,” Irving said. “2014 marks a new era for GoDaddy Super Bowl commercials.” Creative details have not yet been shared.
Of the shift, Chief Marketing Officer Barb Rechterman said, “We’ve matured. We’ve evolved.” Does that sound like an insult to Bob Parsons? We’ll leave it to you to interpret anyway you like. Rechterman added, “Our new brand of Super Bowl commercials will make it crystal clear what we do and who we stand for. We may be changing our approach, but as we’ve always said, we don’t care what the critics think. We are all about our customers.”
GoDaddy will air two commercial during the Super Bowl, one of which will feature Danica Patrick. It will be her 13th appearance in a Super Bowl ad.
Of her participation, Patrick said, “I love what’s going on at GoDaddy. Since our last Super Bowl, I’ve been to the new Silicon Valley office and talked with customers who are genuinely grateful for how GoDaddy helps them grow their businesses online. GoDaddy is for the go getter, the ‘little guy’ looking to compete with the ‘big guys’ and I love that.”
Apparently, the new direction comes from “extensive research, customer segmentation analysis, customer surveys and employee input from every corner of the company.”
The net? No wardrobe malfunctions. Not hot models sucking face with geeks. No painting hot models with body paint. No stripping lessons. No bimbos with huge, fake breasts stuffed into bursting tank tops. No boys dreaming of hot angels dancing in the clouds. No beaver references. No hot, headless body doubles that turn out to be Joan Rivers. Nope. Just good, clean domain name fun.
On and there’s this. Believe it or not, we, yes, Adrants, called for an end to GoDaddy’s sexually-laced advertising in an open letter to Bob Parsons way back in 2007.