How ABC’s Stake in Hulu Changes the Game

NEW YORK ( — Taking a stake in Hulu represents a big change in approach for Walt Disney Co., which was first among the networks to distribute on the web but kept content tightly controlled on and the websites of ABC's broadcast affiliates. Ad Age talked to Hulu CEO Jason Kilar about how the deal changes the game for Hulu.

Search – En Busquedad


Broadcast explores the ways in which artists since the late 1960s have engaged, critiqued, and inserted themselves into official channels of broadcast television and radio. Hurry up! the show closes on May 2nd continue

Superfluous Virus Prevention – Macabre Surgical Masks to Fend Off H1N1, aka Swine Flu (VIDEO)

( The term ‘swine flu’ is no more. The USDA says that since pigs can’t get swine flu, U.S. citizens should refer to the disease that will kill you as ‘H1N1,’ not ‘swine flu.’ Either way, people are taking…

Glass-Walled Homes – Hollywood Hills Estate Maximizes Stunning Skyline Views (GALLERY)

( This exquisite Hollywood Hills house is on the market for $4.95 million. This LA classic estate architecture incorporates elements of the city lights into its ultra-modern details.

Designed with different…

Obama and Tim Roth Lose Half Their Viewers After 100 Days

MINNEAPOLIS ( — Barack Obama's 100-day mark was this week, as he discussed during his presidential press conference, but it's also been 100 days since the launch of "Lie to Me," which made its debut a night after Mr. Obama's Jan. 20 inauguration. The show made the news this week when News Corp. announced it would run it instead of the president's press event. Nielsen ratings for both "Lie to Me" and the prime-time press conference show about half the viewers of their dazzling debuts.

Dell e a Dança do Créu

Ah, isso é mentira vai. Fala que é fake, que foi feito por alguma pessoa pra tirar uma onda. A Dell não fez isso. Claro que não, nunca faria. Tenho certeza.

Fez mesmo? Conseguiu ser pior do que aqueles infomerciais terríveis que passam na TV? A Microsoft se mata para dizer que PC é cool, gasta milhões para mostrar que PC é melhor que os Macs da Apple, e a Dell faz isso?

Prepare-se para níveis de vergonha alheia nunca antes atingidos na história da propaganda mundial.

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TVC: When you should cry

Agency: Leo Burnett Cairo, Egypt
Executive Creative Director: Mohamed Hamdalla
Creative Director: Hesham El Labban
Copywriter: Bassna Hassan, Dina Nagiub
Art Director: Bassna Hassan, Dina Naguib

Via [Dubai Lynx]


Vou falar: achei hilário o novo comercial da Dell.
Circulando na internet, com inserções na home da Wired e no Youtube, o comercial é uma paródia à “Dança do Créu“, famosa música(?) que “explodiu” em todo Brasil, ano passado. O filme serve para divulgar o perfil da Dell Brasil no Twitter. No início do mês, a Dell Brasil também saiu com um anúncio na Revista Época comunicando que a subsidiária brasileira da empresa havia lançado um perfil no microblog. Pelo que eu to vendo, a Dell é uma das empresas que mais está levando a sério essa tendência. Assista o filme e dê sua opinião:

:: Dica da Vera Alves

Helping Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan

The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and the Ad Council are launching a new series of PSAs to empower family and friends to help veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Nearly one-third of the 1.7 million veterans of that region suffer from PTSD, depression or traumatic brain injury, and many don't know how to begin to seek help.

Not All Bank Brands Are Cashed Out … Just Ask Canada

Fully half of Brand Finance Canada's top 10 "Most Valuable Brands 2009" are banks, with Royal Bank of Canada coming in first.

Sem propaganda, __________.

Se a propaganda não existisse, como o mundo seria? Como você seria? É o que quer saber o projeto Without Advertising.

É simples: você entra no site e completa a frase. Tem coisas como: “creative directors would just be pimps”, “account people would sell insurance” e “I would be bored walking around NYC”.

Qual a sua resposta?

Without Advertising

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Delta Taps Wieden Kennedy for Creative Duties

NEW YORK ( — Delta Air Lines has selected Wieden & Kennedy as its new lead creative agency, according to industry executives. The independent shop beat out Omnicom Group's BBDO Worldwide for the business.

Hire My Mom. Because I’m Tired of Eating Cereal Out of an Ashtray.*


We need to create a new category labeled “Overseen Internet,” expressly for stuff that we stumble upon by chance and haven’t got words for.

Vodafone Unleashes Mad Zoozoos on India


To promote Vodafone’s wares in India, Ogilvy dreamt up a small community of incoherent, maniacally laughing, wingless bird things called Zoozoos.

Nerd Jargon Tattoos – Witty Geekttoos That Only Other Geeks Will Understand (GALLERY)

( Tattoos are cool, but as a form of individual expression they have become pretty routine. These tattoos all have some wit and vagueness that makes them special, and their meaning will be lost on many people.…

Our Balls Are Crunchier Than Yours


There’s just something wrong with food that resembles left over KFC chicken breading that’s congealed to the point where it’s nothing more than a fat-laden ball of over-cooked floor scraps.

Macbook Air sucks!

Você é um Apple fanboy? Está preparado para cenas fortes? Aguentaria ver a morte de um MacBook Air? Então prepare-se para o vídeo abaixo.

Poderia ser a nova campanha da Microsoft, poderia ser um viral da IBM, mas certamente é só um cara p. da vida com o notebook mais fino do mundo (ainda é?).

De qualquer maneira, fica a idéia para a Crispin Porter + Bogusky. Agressividade galera, chega dessa história bonitinha de “I’m a PC”, nada disso ainda me fez trocar o meu MacBook. E MacBook Black, MacBook de macho, nada dessa frescura de Air.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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The HEAD brand has a new modern positioning. Why, I hear you ask yourselves?

Well, to strengthen their position in the market place, HEAD felt the need to rejuvenate the brand by taking it in a fresh direction, and so a more emotional strategy was devised. To make them more distinctive from their competitors and to capture their customer’s hearts, they have shifted focus away from equipment technology by creating a brand story, and to express this new emotion they have a totally new brand slogan “The Power of You”.

In order to reach a modern, young, brand-savvy target audience a new communications strategy has been devised, focusing on new advertising channels including viral. The Djokovic viral film is the cornerstone of this new consumer-centric direction and HEAD hope it will up their cool credentials by getting young people talking about the brand.

In the film we see Novak Djokovic score on and off court. The slow motion action replay shows his finesse as a real player. Between shots he manages to flirt with a young lady in the crowd, charming her with everything from a 90’s boy band dance routine to nipple tassel twirling and even a Navy Seals balancing act! After all, being a male tennis player isn’t just about scoring points, it’s also about scoring with the ladies, watch carefully as Novak gives us a lesson in the art of seduction. It’s all in the game!

If Your House Can’t Keep Up with the Joneses, Your Utilities Should at Least Try.


This is neat. To remind people of their changing energy needs (and increased use of it), Colorado’s Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association launched a wordy print campaign with look-twice imagery.

OMD lands £80 million Sony PlayStation media account

LONDON – OMD has won Sony Computer Entertainment’s £80 million consolidated international media account after a final pitch against rival incumbent network Mindshare.