Bloomberg Lays Off Staff in Sports and Culture

The news agency plans to focus more on finance and government.


Disney Struggles to Make Its Free Gaming Apps Pay

Mobile games are a major growth opportunity, and analysts say a recent flop underscores the challenges Disney faces in a shifting marketplace.


Advertising: A Shorter Selling Season, So Marketers Take Risks

In one of the most competitive marketing seasons of the year, retailers like Lexus, Sharper Image and Kohl’s are making changes to longstanding campaigns.


Advertising: Giving People a Glimpse of What Their Pets See

Nature’s Recipe is giving“collar cameras” to influential pet owners, and resulting photos are posted online.


A Co-President Quits Disney’s Video Game and Web Unit

John Pleasants, the hard-charging co-chief of Disney’s video game and web division, is expected to remain with the company through January as a consultant.


‘Humans of New York,’ by Brandon Stanton

Brandon Stanton’s new book of 400 photographic portraits, “Humans of New York,” has become a best seller.


Advertising: AARP Sends a Thank-You to Caregivers

AARP and the Ad Council, for a second time, have collaborated on campaign that puts caregivers in the spotlight.


Civil Behavior: The Changing Rules of Outing

Intention matters when a publication chooses to out a celebrity.


Ads Scant When Twitter Crosses Borders

Though three-quarters of its users are outside the United States, only a modest portion of its ad revenue is generated there. But it’s growing fast.


Riding the Hashtag in Social Media Marketing

Gary Vaynerchuk, a social media marketer, pounces on any trend — tweeted or otherwise — in his quest to sell, sell, sell.


Student Newspapers Scurry to Make Ends Meet

College newspapers have until recently managed to stave off industry challenges. Now many traditional papers are struggling for survival.


Advertising: It Slices, It Dices, It Looks Great in Your News Feed

An online campaign for the kitchen appliance maker Bella encourages young people to use smartphones to post about it to social networks.


Advertising: Painting a Room With Blues, or Hip-Hop, or Mozart

A paint company is offering a smartphone app that suggests paint colors based on consumers’ favorite songs.


Campaign Spotlight: A Premium Brand Reaches Out to the Discerning Vodka Fan

BBDO New York has introduced a global campaign for Belvedere Vodka, starting with television spots and expanding to print, outdoor and digital advertising.


Media Outlets Embrace Conferences as Profits Rise

Once shunned for the fear of implying a casual relationship between journalists and their subjects, live media conferences have now been embraced.


Media Decoder: A Fan’s Mission: Resurrect a Little-Watched Movie

A television editor has organized a screening and discussion with the director of “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford,” and the event is prompting strong interest.


Vivian Schiller to Leave NBC News for Twitter

Ms. Schiller, chief digital officer for NBC News, will oversee partnerships between Twitter and news organizations like NBC and NPR.


A Liberal Parts Ways With Fox

Sally Kohn, one of the Fox News Channel’s most visible liberal pundits, parted ways with the network this week.


Campaign Spotlight: Carve the Turkey and Pass the Latkes, as Holidays Converge

In a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah overlap, and marketing tie-ins abound.


An Interview With Pierre Omidyar

The founder of eBay explains his thinking in backing a general-interest news site with Glenn Greenwald.