At Home With: Lee and Morty Kaufman: Cleaning Up in Their 90s

On the set (their ranch house) with the unlikely TV celebrities who pitch for Swiffer products.


Advertising: AARP Sends a Thank-You to Caregivers

AARP and the Ad Council, for a second time, have collaborated on campaign that puts caregivers in the spotlight.


Fox Viewers May Be Graying, but Their Passion Still Pays

The median age of a Fox News viewer is over 65, which could be a cause for concern given that advertisers aim for the 25-to-54 age bracket.


Old Idea looking young? / Une vieille idée sans cesse rajeunie?

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Volkswagen New Beetle « Senior Rebels » – 2012
Source : Luerzer’s Archive
Agency : DDB Beijing (China)
Taco Bell « Viva Young » Superbowl – 2013
Source : Superbowl
Agency : Deutsch LA (USA)