Peugeot Exalt

Dans la lignée du spot Onyx, voici le nouveau film Peugeot pour son prototype Exalt à l’occasion du salon de Pékin. Une nouvelle fois réalisée par Paul Mignot et produite par Cream, cette vidéo époustouflante vante les mérites et la grandeur du concept avec un travail de post-production de Digital District.

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Optimus Lamp

La marque de design Tcherassi Vilató, basée à Barcelone, a récemment sorti sa lampe « Optimus », suspendue au plafond et faite de tubes métalliques. Un objet esthétique par sa forme mais aussi responsable puisqu’elle fonctionne avec des ampoules LED pour réduire l’énergie consommée. A découvrir dans la suite.


Photoshop In Real Life by Flora Borsi

La talentueuse photographe Flora Borsi, basée à Budapest, a réalisé une série très drôle intitulée « Photoshop In Real Life » dans laquelle elle retranscrit les retouches photo du logiciel sur une personne réelle. Une idée très originale à découvrir en photos dans la suite de l’article.

Exposition « Flora Borsi – Pieces of my mind » jusqu’au 20 Avril 2014 à la galerie Art 350.
Flora Borsi’s portfolio.

Mini Cooper – Black Light

Ben Tricklebank, déjà à l’origine de la superbe vidéo Light Echoes, a réalisé un spot d’une grande qualité pour la marque Mini. Intitulée « Mini Cooper – Black Light », cette vidéo nous invite à découvrir en slow motion un modèle de la marque traverser et briser dans le noir une installation fluorescente, transformant ainsi la voiture.

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Mini Cooper - Black Light

Monument Valley Game Trailer

Sortie le 3 Avril 2014 sur l’Apple Store, Monument Valley est un jeu de puzzle développé par Ustwo. Influencé par les dessins de M.C. Escher, ce jeu n’est pas un simple jeu d’architecture divertissant ; il est avant tout très graphique et esthétique dans sa direction artistique. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.

Behind The Scenes :


Classic Album Covers in Google Street

Comme Etienne Lavie, Halley Docherty confronte brillamment la ville et l’art. Dans cette série, elle intègre des couvertures d’albums cultes à leurs vrais lieux sur Google Street. Un mélange qui joue avec l’urbanisme, la musique et la culture numérique, à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.


DealBook: Comcast Shares Are Down, but Time Warner Cable Deal Is Still Safe

Since Comcast announced its deal for Time Warner Cable, its shares have fallen about 10 percent, meaning Time Warner Cable investors are receiving about $140 a share instead of nearly $159.

25 Dresses for 25 Cities

Le designer allemand Jule Waibel a créé 25 de ses robes en papier plié pour la marque Bershka dans plusieurs villes du monde entier. Jule Waibel produit les robes à la main à l’aide de grandes feuilles de papier imprimées de motifs puis pliées dans des formes qui correspondent à l’organisme. A découvrir en photos et en vidéo.

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Beautiful Glass And Marble Light

« Apollo Light » est une lampe qui a été conçue par Lucie Koldova et Dan Yeffet en 2013. La lampe réunit deux matières différentes dans une forme convexe : le verre et le marbre. Les faisceaux de lumières sortent de la tête en marbre. Une belle combinaison à découvrir dans la suite.


Atmospheric Reentry by Maiko Takeda

L’artiste Maiko Takeda a imaginée la série « Atmospheric Reentry » dans laquelle elle a confectionnée des sacs et des chapeaux très conceptuels qui ont la forme de hérissons. Les accessoires faits avec des pics en plastiques ont été présentés à l’occasion de la Royal College of Art. Le tout sur des clichés d’Ayaki Kichikawa.


Secret Rooms in Hidden Doors

Nous avons recensé sur Fubiz une série de photos montrant des pièces secrètes derrière des portes cachées. Fonctionnelles et minimalistes, c’est une manière intelligente d’avoir son jardin secret à l’intérieur de sa maison. Une compilation de pièces secrètes à découvrir en images et en légendes dans la suite.

By DeForest Architects.

By LASC Studio.

By Vizbeen Architects.

By Karin Weiborg.

By Mappleseed Renovation.

By Hutker Architects.

By Witt Construction.

By Savvy.

By Hidden Passage Way.

By AB Rogers Design.


3D Food Impression

Foodini est une imprimante alimentaire 3D qui permet de réaliser de la nourriture ressemblant à n’importe quelle cuisine. Un appareil conçu pour être utilisé tous les jours, pour une cuisine sucrée ou salée combinant la technologie de la nourriture, l’art et la conception. Le tout est à découvrir en photos et vidéo.

Foodini 3D.

Pomme de terre violette.

Viande hamburger.

Impression viande.

Hamburger ouvert.

Impression fromage.

Fish and chips.

Impression pâte à pizza.

Impression sauce pizza.

Pizza avant cuisson.


Quiches épinards en dinosaures.


Impression pâte à hamburger.

Cookies de Saint Valentin.

Arbre de Noel en chocolat.

Impression chocolat.


Arbre de Noel en cookies.


Chocolat 2014.

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3D Breaking Lamps

L’entreprise suédoise Gässling a récemment lancé une collection d’ampoules appelées « Breaking Bulbs » avec un effet 3D. Entre art et design, les lampes sont en fait des ampoules faussement cassées et sculptées par une imprimante 3D. Les ampoules semblent être écrasées, comme si elles étaient tombées.


Leaos Electric Bike

Voici des images du vélo électrique de la marque Leaos, qui propose un moyen de locomotion pratique et au design soigné. Très élégant, ce modèle possède un guidon avec écran intégré et un système d’éclairage de dernier cri, et propose ainsi de moderniser les cyclomoteurs. Plus de détails dans la suite.

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Just Like Swimming Light Installation

La résidence d’artistes Urban AU à Berlin, a exposé un projet collaboratif appelé « Just Like Swimming » et créé par des artistes et architectes australiens : ZAP, JUMBO, RusselL Isaac-Cole, Ben Milbourne, Tanja Milbourne et BiLD Architecture. Le concept était d’imiter l’eau d’une piscine vide par une lumière bleue diffuse.


Best-of Office Architecture on Fubiz

Au programme du premier best-of Fubiz du mois d’Avril, voici une sélection de l’intérieur des bureaux de grandes sociétés regroupant différents noms très connus tel que Google, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Nike. Nous avons choisi pour vous une sélection des bureaux les plus créatifs, originaux, et esthétiques.

Pinterest Office Architecture by Neal Schwartz.

Superdesk Installation by Clive Wilkinson Architects.

Airbnb Office Architecture by Gensler.

An Office In The Middle Of The Forest by Selgas Cano.

Inside Evernote Office in California by Studio O+A.

Dropbox Office Architecture by Boor Bridges Architecture and Geremia Interior Design.

Glass Office in Shanghai by AIM Architecture.

Google Tel-Aviv Office by Camenzind Evolution with Setter Architects and the studio Yaron Tal.

Google Tokyo Office by Klein Dytham.

Nike London Office Redesign by Rosie Lee.

Foxhead Office Architecture by Clive Wilkinson Architects.

IBM Office Redesign by Massimo Iosa Ghini.

Inside eBay Israel Office by Miki Mottes.

Inside Twitter Office by IA Interior Architects and Lundberg Design.

JWT Amsterdam Office by RJW Elsinga.

Lego Office by Rosan Bosch.

Inside Instagram Office by Geremia Design.

Inside Nike CEO Office by the CEO of Nike.

Nike London Office Redesign
12 Inside eBay Israel Office
5 Inside Evernote Office in California
13 Inside Twitter Office
16 Inside Instagram Office
1 Pinterest Office Architecture
2 Superdesk Installation
11 IBM Office Redesign
17 Inside Nike CEO Office
15 Lego Office
14 JWT Amsterdam Office
10 Foxhead-Office-Architecture-17.jpg
8 Google Tel-Aviv Office
7 Glass Office in Shanghai
6 Dropbox Office Architecture
4 An Office In The Middle Of The Forest
3 Airbnb Office Architecture
9 Google Tokyo Office

Magnet Watches For Blind People

Eone a conçu une collection de montres en différents coloris pour aveugles appelées « The Bradley Timepiece » qui fonctionnent avec une petite boule magnétique qu’on touche pour savoir l’heure. Le nom « Bradley » est un hommage à un gagnant des Paralympics qui a perdu la vue au combat en Afghanistan.


Brazilians Pose Nude to Protest Widespread Belief That Rape Is Justified

We've seen #nomakeupselfies and #cockinasock, all in the name of cancer awareness, but the latest in viral activist hashtags is #EuNaoMereçoSerEstrupada, which translates to #IDontDeserveToBeRaped.

In a survey done by Brazil's Institute of Applied Economic Research, an astonishing 65.1 percent partly agreed with the statement that if a women is provocatively dressed, she deserves to be sexually assaulted. The results were met with public outcry—spearheaded by Brazilian journalist Nana Queiroz (shown above), and since, women have been posting photos of themselves partially nude with signs stating "I don't deserved to be raped," and, "No women deserved to be raped."

The survey results revealed other shocking information: 58.5 percent of people surveyed in Brazil agreed with the statement "If women knew how to behave, there would be less rape." In case you think the survey is an indictment of Brazilian men, it's worth noting that two-thirds of the respondents were women.

(Translation: "No woman deserves to be raped. I am ashamed of being a man and having to say something so obvious.")


Cats React to Viral Videos in Surreal Friskies-Branded Spoof

Forget about kids and teens, how to do cats feel about watching other felines online?

In a bit of branded self-satire, YouTube megaproducers The Fine Bros. partnered with Friskies to create Cats React to Viral Videos, an April Fools' version of their highly popular Kids React, YouTubers React and Elders React Web series. But, instead of naive kids and teens talking about pop culture events, the duo interviewed kittens, cats and some fellow YouTube stars in cat costumes about famous cat videos. 

(Apparently, cats don't love the clips as much as their human servants do.)

"The Friskies team has been a great collaborative partner," Benny and Rafi Fine tell AdFreak in an email. "Our fans have always been asking us to make a spinoff of our popular React franchise, but with cats instead."

The Fine Bros. have a history of working with brands, so the spoof didn’t feel unnatural.

"The Fine Bros are some of the top video creators in the world today and have never integrated a brand partner into their 'React' franchise before. With a video like ‘Cats React,’ however, it felt like the perfect opportunity for Friskies and the Fine Brothers to collaborate,” Shaun Belongie, senior brand manager for Friskies, said in an email.

The product that Friskies is trying to promote, Friskies SauceSations, isn't featured heavily in the video. It only appears in a few small scenes and in the title card at the end of the video.

Reach Entertainment's head of digital, Marc Hustvedt, whose agency produced the ad, explained that in order for a video to go viral, it needs to feel organic. Brand sponsors can't litter the ad with their logos, or people will be turned off and won't feel the need to share it.


Top Emerging Tech Companies of 2014

The Internet brought everything closer. Everyone from business owners to foodies, were able to connect online and share information, run their business and generally, make a profit from anywhere in the world. However, the Internet played an even more dramatic role in the technology sector. Information sharing and open source technology in particular led to remarkable upheavals in the last decade and technology changed rapidly due to this simple online Internet sharing. Industry analysts on top websites like state that consumers can now expect rapid changes in devices and technology in the coming years. Emerging tech companies will be utilizing shared technology, R&D innovation and technical skills to display products and talents that will revolutionize the tech world.

What to Watch For

Although there are several companies hitting the headlines already, Technology Review has created a list of the emerging tech companies of 2014 that are worth watching out for and we’ve categorized them as per industry.


With the advent of the Internet, computing and online communication is an industry that is in high demand. This is particularly true for large businesses that have to keep up with the market by adapting to modern changing technology.

  • Expect Labs has come up with anticipatory software that will listen in when you talk and suggest relevant information simultaneously. The software is modeled on Apple’s Siri system in which you have to ask and the system pulls up information on the screen. However, Expect Labs has software called MindMeld that will keep the user always-on-Siri and ensure relevant information is updated instantly for the user to access. This anticipatory computing technology is expected to become quite popular by late 2014 as companies are planning on adapting it to mobiles, PDAs and other communication platforms.
  • Freescale Semiconductor is another such company that has been playing its card close to its chest. However, the company specializes on making tiny computers for the Internet. Not much is known about the tech end, but rumors estimate the new computers to be about 2 square millimeters in size with all the functions of a conventional computer.
  • D-Wave Systems is another notable company for its work on remarkably fast computers. Quantum computers have the Holy Grail of computing, and D-Wave Systems may have achieved it. Not much is known about what the company has developed but its machines seems to solve certain problems far, far quicker than the industry average. In fact, in one demonstration, D-Wave System computers solved complex problems in half a second.  Conventional computers took 30 seconds to solve the same problems.

Communication and Video Conferencing 

Videoconferencing in particular is turning out to be an interesting field to watch in 2014. Innovative products to watch out for include the following:

  • Popular companies like Blue Jeans have been ramping up their services in the last two years. Blue Jeans video conferencing will be providing interoperable cloud-based video conferencing for all companies. Users across the world will be able to use the system from any platform to connect at any time.
  • Qualcomm is working on a brain-like or neuromorphic processors processor to be released by late 2015. The software could cut down on processing time by making communication super-fast.
  • Snapchat is also increasingly popular with users due to the short-term nature of the photos. The app runs the same way as WhatsApp but deletes all images and conversations about 24 hours or according to user-determined time periods.


The biotechnology field is improving rapidly. In the last two years, the field has several new companies creating innovative devices and software for public use.

  • Siluria Technologies has been on the radical edge of collecting gasoline from natural gas. The technology could be used to manufacture cheaper plastics and gasoline making both materials cheaper. Although they still have no appreciable results, the company is confident enough to state that it may succeed while others have failed.
  • Second Sight is another company making an impression. Retinal damage is downright impossible to treat but Second Sight has come up with an artificial retina that could help blind people see. Although the technology is still in the development stages, it is showing impressive results.
  • Arcadia Biosciences is creating quite a lot of discussion. Not much is known about the company, but Arcadia Biosciences has been generating a huge amount of buzz. The company has been experimenting with test crops that will use less fertilizer, water and tolerate adverse soil and weather conditions.

These are just a few of the top innovative companies on the market but many more companies are still creating a buzz. Companies like Qihoo 360 Technology, Monsanto and Aquion Energy are all on the frontier of scientific breakthroughs and many more interesting products and services are expected to hit the market quite soon.

The post Top Emerging Tech Companies of 2014 appeared first on AdPulp.