GIF Illustrations by Rebecca Mock

L’illustratrice Rebecca Mock fait de belles illustrations en gifs animés pour différents médias web. Les illustrations s’inscrivent dans l’ère contemporaine en mettant en scène des personnages dans les transports, tenant un iPad ou alors un bureau désordonné avec un iPhone qui vibre et une tablette graphique.


Contemporary Drawings by Karolis Strautniekas

Karolis Strautniekas est un illustrateur basé en Lituanie qui dessine des scènes contemporaines originales et s’amuse aussi avec la typographie dans un style humoristique. Il travaille pour la publicité, plusieurs médias mais a aussi fait une série nommée « Portraits from Behind ».

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World Press Photo 2014 Winners

Les gagnants du concours World Press Photo 2014 ont été annoncés. Le concours se concentrait cette année sur le thème des problèmes contemporains. Le grand gagnant de la sélection est John Stanmeyer avec sa photographie « Signal ». Les autres grands gagnants sont à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

Signal by John Stanmeyer.

Typhoon Survivors by Philippe Lopez.

Boston Marathon Bombing by John Tlumacki.

Final Embrace by Taslima Akhter.

Rebels Attack Government Checkpoint by Goran Tomasevic.

Massacre at Westgate Mall by Tyler Hicks.

Collapse of Rana Plaza by Rahul Talukder.

Temporary Accommodation by Alessandro Penso.

Bomb Maker in Aleppo by Moises Saman.

Moments Before the Hanging by Amir Pourmand.

Typhoon Haiyan by Chris McGrath.

Chaos in Central African Republic by William Daniels.

Gaza Blackout by Gianluca Panella.

Nicolette at the Orphanage by Maciek Nabrdalik.

Victims of Organized Crime by Christopher Vanegas.

A Portrait of Domestic Violence by Sara Naomi Lewkowicz.

War and Mental Health by Robin Hammond.

Last of the Vikings by Marcus Bleasdale.

Polo Fall by Emiliano Lasalvia.

Slalom Action by Andrzej Grygiel.

Forehand Forward by Al Bello.

Competition on Bars by Jia Guorong.

The Americas Cup : From Land, Sea & Air by Ezra Shaw.

World Swimming Sports by Quinn Rooney.

Sledding Race from Above by Jeff Pachoud.

Kite Skier on the Mountain by Anastas Tarpanov.

Free Diving with Sharks by Donald Miralle.

Nadja Casadei : Heptathlon and Cancer by Peter Holgersson.

Daily Exercise by Kunrong Chen.

A Lingerie League of their Own by Alyssa Schukar.

Kachin Fighters by Julius Schrank.

Soldier’s Funeral by Andrea Bruce.

Street Dogs by Julie McGuire.

Occupied Pleasures by Tanya Habjouqa.

Days of Night : Nights of Day by Elena Chernyshova.

Living Unnoticed by Jana Asenbrennerova.

Farewell Mandela by Markus Schreiber.

Ich Bin Waldviertel by Carla Kogelman.

Healing Bobby by Peter Van Agtmael.

Blind Indian Albino Boys by Brent Stirton.

Chiwetel Ejiofor by Nadav Kander.

Fennec Fox : A Species in Danger by Bruno D’Amicis.

A Flock of Guillemots by Markus Varesvuo.

Wolves Walking in the Desert by Shangzhen Fan.

Cougars by Steve Winter.

Toxic Beauty by Kacper Kowalski.

Bonobos : Our Unknown Cousins by Christian Ziegler.

47 Bonobos our unknown cousins by Christian Ziegler
46 Toxic beauty by Kacper Kowalski
45 Cougars by Steve Winter
44 Wolves walking in the desert by Shangzhen Fan
43 A flock of Guillemots by Markus Varesvuo
42 Fennec Fox a species in danger by Bruno D'Amicis
41 Chiwetel Ejiofor by Nadav Kander
40 Blind Indian Albino Boys by Brent Stirton
39 Healing Bobby by Peter Van Agtmael
38 Ich Bin Waldviertel by Carla Kogelman
37 Farewell Mandela by Markus Schreiber
36 Living Unnoticed by Jana Asenbrennerova
35 Days of night nights of day by Elena Chernyshova
34 Occupied Pleasures by Tanya Habjouqa
33 Street Dogs by Julie McGuire
32 Soldier's Funeral by Andrea Bruce
31 Kachin Fighters by Julius Schrank
30 A Lingerie league of their own by Alyssa Schukar
29 Daily exercise by Kunrong Chen
28 Nadja Casadei Heptathlon and cancer by Peter Holgersson
27 Free diving with sharks by Donald Miralle
26 Kite Skier on the mountain by Anastas Tarpanov
25 Sledding Race from Above by Jeff Pachoud
24 World Swimming Sports  by Quinn Rooney
23 The Americas cup from land sea and air by Ezra Shaw
22 Competition on bars by Jia Guorong
21 Forehand Forward by Al Bello
20 Slalom Action by Andrzej Grygiel
19 Polo Fall by Emiliano Lasalvia
18 Last of the Vikings by Marcus Bleasdale
17 War and Mental Health by Robin Hammond
16 A Portrait of domestic violence by Sara Naomi Lewkowicz
15 Victims of Organized Crime by Christopher Vanegas
14 Nicolette at the Orphanage by Maciek Nabrdalik
13 Gaza Blackout by Gianluca Panella
12 Chaos in Central African Republic by William Daniels
11 Typhoon Haiyan by Chris Mc Grath
10 Moments Before the Hanging by Amir Pourmand
9 Bomb Maker in Aleppo by Moises Saman
8 Temporary Accommodation by Alessandro Penso
7 Collapse of Rana Plaza by Rahul Talukder
4 Final Embrace by Taslima Akhter
6 Massacre at Westgate Mall by Tyler Hicks
5 Rebels Attack Government Checkpoint by Goran Tomasevic
3 Boston Marathon Bombing by John Tlumacki
2 Typhoon Survivors by Philippe Lopez
1 Signal by John Stanmeyer

Creative Installations by Michel de Broin

L’artiste canadien Michel de Broin fait des installations créatives et loufoques dans différents pays d’Europe et d’Amérique. Des chaises, des tables mises en bloc, une télévision-cheminée ou une Statue de la Liberté retournée sur sa flamme, cet artiste nous surprend à chaque idée. Le tout est à découvrir dans la suite.




100watts to 3watts.

Black Whole Conference.

Braking Matter.

Dead Star.

Epater la galerie.

Etant donnés.

Late Program.

Late Program.









The Abyss of Liberty.


Cut into the dark.

The Abyss of liberty
Testudo tables
Revolutions 3
Revolutions 2
Late Program
Late Program 2
Etant donnes
Epater la galerie
Dead Star
Braking Matter
Black Whole Conference
100 watts to 3 watts
2 Revolution
1 Molecule 2