Zoosk, C+K Unleash ‘Heart Friend’ for Love Advice

In early June, San Fran-based Camp + King took over as the first AOR for the mobile dating site Zoosk. Seven weeks later, we herald the return of Heart Friend, the chatty heart-shaped mascot who is now doling out dating advice for inquiring users. Zoosk asked its users to post questions on Facebook, and then the Zoosk team selected the best posts for our little buddy, Heart Friend.

Each week, Heart Friend will answer one question by video for the site’s YouTube channel. This week: what to wear on a first date. Heart Friend does some rambling about men being bulls and then goes into an awkward aside about a red dress. Heart Friend has a man’s voice, but then shows up wearing a dress, which is supposed to make you laugh, I think? Cupid must already be under contract elsewhere. Credits after the jump.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Cafe Cafe: The Wha’tsApp Parliament

Café Café, Israel’s largest coffee chain, wanted to promote its message- Better Together. The solution – a campaign of café cafe searching for the best Israeli What’sApp group – the best “Parliament”.

Advertising Agency: Ecaliptoos, Ramata-Gan, Israel
Associate CEOs: Maor Chen and Dror Blumental
Marketing Manger for Cafè Cafè: Orit Ulman
Creative Director: Maayan Dar
Supervisor: Vicky Petel
Project Manager: Batel Diamant
Programming: Yossi Melamed
Content Strategist: Joel Ariel Shamir

C.S. Hammam-Lif Football Club: Mobilizing the 12th Man

This is how mobile allowed football fans to be instrumental in their team’s success:
2 years after the Arab Spring, tension amongst the Tunisian remained. For security reasons, the Government decided that all professional Football League games had to be played without any audience in stadiums, forcing teams and their fans into a frustrating long distance relationship.
At the end of a football season with average results, Tunis team C.S Hammam-Lif faced a critical situation. Ties with their fans had eroded, and the most important game of the year approached: the deciding moment whether C.S Hammam-Lif stayed in the league or not. The team really needed its fans back.

Idea: We created the 12th Man App and brought back fans into the stadium. The 12th Man is a downloadable mobile application that connects every fan to 40 speakers placed inside the stadium.
The app enables them to support their team while watching the game live on TV.
A simple tap on sound icons is instantly turned into powerful support: cheering, clapping, drumming, singing… The more people press, the louder the sound in the stadium.
The 12th man app turned phones, which were only used to talk about games, into a tool to influence the result of the game. By merging two screens and linking fans to stadiums, we empowered them again. Vice versa, the app gave C.S Hammam-Lif the support it needed to win the crucial game and positioned the club as one that truly cares about its fans, keeping them involved in the game against all odds.
A virtual experience turned real and made football an event again.

Results: The 12th Man app made Headline news. It allowed 93.100 fans to recreate a cherished experience they were being denied. 1.2m people watched the game on TV. Energized by the support of their fans, C.S Hammam-Lif won by 1-0, securing their place in the league. 1.2m others watching the game. If you’re a football fan, you can probably agree: the 12th man app saved the meaning of life.
Up next: the Tunisian Handball and Basketball League.

Advertising Agency: Memac Ogilvy, Tunisia

Bundesverband Deutsche Tafel: Miles for meals

Advertising Agency: Grabarz & Partner, Hamburg, Germany
Chief Creative Officer: Ralf Heuel
Creative Directors: Andreas Brunsch, Thomas Dempewolf, Tobias Heinze
Art Directors: Ciro-Andreas Buono, Patrick Mess, Kaloyan Yanev, Mark Köhler
Copywriters: Fabian Bill, Thomas Dempewolf
Managing partner: Reinhard Patzschke
Group Head Creation: Timm Weber
Idea: Fabian Bill
Digital concept: Niklas Rieger
Motion Design: Steven König
Project manager: Josephine Sagna, Cordula Möller
Agency producers: Patrick Cahill, Judith Uhrlau, Henriette Ahrens, Tim Felicetti
Final artwork: Mareike Dörries

Em Seoul, balões com Wi-Fi gratuito oferecem conveniência em compras pelo smartphone

Embora os coreanos coloquem grande peso na variável “preço baixo” oferecida por supermercados como Emart, segundo estudo da Cheil Worldwide, a maioria dos consumidores acaba por simplesmente recorrer às lojas que ficam mais próximas de suas residências, por conta da acessibilidade e conveniência.

Pensando nisso, Emart – que possui como público justamente aqueles que pesquisam pelo preço mais baixo – passou a pensar em como persuadir os consumidores que moram longe de suas lojas à irem até lá para fazerem suas compras.

Como parte dessa estratégia, construíram balões controlados por controle remoto e com um roteador de Wi-Fi embutido, o Flying Store, soltos de forma inesperada por áreas centrais em Seoul, como estações de metrô, centros comerciais e áreas empresariais.

Ao verem o balão e se conectarem em seus smartphones com o Wi-Fi disponibilizado, as pessoas eram direcionadas para um aplicativo da loja, onde podiam baixar vouchers de descontos para diversos produtos e promoções.


Flying Store possibilitou à Emart introduzir uma nova variável aos seus serviços: a conveniência.

De acordo com a Cheil Worldwide, que desenvolveu a ação, as compras feitas através do site da Emart cresceram em 157% depois da ação. E ainda espera-se crescer em quase 10% as compras nas lojas físicas, devido às pessoas que baixaram vouchers de descontos pelo aplicativo.

Usando a importância da conexão e da mobilidade, a empresa conseguiu levar seus preços competitivos para aonde seus consumidores estavam. Apesar da inovação, da curiosidade e da interação que trazem balões com Wi-Fi gratuito circulando pela cidade, a conveniência traria ainda maior resultado se o consumidor atingido estivesse, de fato, procurando fazer compras, e não apenas de passagem.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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App-book ensina crianças misturando storytelling, interatividade e animações

O aplicativo para iPad The Jörgits and the End of Winter, baseado em um conto de fantasia, mostra como a interatividade e a conecitivdade podem transformar uma história.

The Jörgits introduz às crianças as culturas ao redor do mundo, abordando desde as dificuldades para superar obstáculos da natureza e da vida emsociedade, até conceitos como amizade, otimismo e superação.

Escrito e criado por Anders Sandell (da Tank and Bear), o livro-aplicativo cuida para explicar sobre temas atuais como culturas de diferentes povos, sustentabilidade e aquecimento global para crianças, contando a jornada de alienígenas que vieram para a Terra à procura de um lugar mais quente para morar. Nesta aventura, os personagens tem como alvo chegar ao Havaí, mas acabando aterrisando em Helsinki, na gelada Finlândia.

A cada página, o leitor tem a chance de mergulhar em uma aventura audiovisiual que vai de simples interações pelo toque à complexas animações. O roteiro não linear abre espaço para que o usuário se aproxime dos personagens, lendo suas biografias, descobrindo detalhes sobre suas vidas, desbravando novos cenários e destravando segredos em um mapa da cidade.

Um dos principais recursos é a trilha sonora, criada por músicos profissionais da Indian Sonic Research Organization. A inspiração em jogos é clara, onde o som e a animação trabalham harmonicamente para tornar a experiência mais imersiva, equilibrando composições de ilustrações e textos tradicionais com criações multimídias.

helsink-appbook1 helsink-appbook2 helsink-appbook3

O aplicativo não só capta a atenção da criança ao convidá-la para interagir com a história e descobrí-la por inteira através de diferentes caminhos, mas cria um ambiente de aprendizagem através do instinto mais urgente de todos, a curiosidade, possibilitando cliques, sons, jogos e animações aonde sempre foi imaginado mas nunca possível.

The Jörgits and the End of Winter está disponível para iPad por $6.

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Office Turntable toca vinil ao ser ativado via QR Code por um smartphone

Com o objetivo de promover a nova música de seu artista Boris Dlugosch para agências de publicidade, o maior selo de dance music do mundo, Kontor Records, excluiu qualquer meio – como o CD, o DVD, uma carta ou até um email com link – que fosse direto para o lixo.

Focando em prender a atenção de um público saudosista e apaixonado por música, a gravadora resolveu enviar um vinil e garantir que fosse, de fato, escutado.

Para isso, Kontor Records criou um envelope interativo em forma de mesa de discotecagem. Chamada de Office Turntable, a mesa de papel foi desenvolvida para tocar o vinil em um smartphone, apenas o posicionando no local indicado. Assim, o QR Code é ativado para tocar a faixa, além de permitir mover a agulha da vitrola, controlando o tempo da música.

A ação teve ótimos resultados por trazer de volta a diversão analógica de se descobrir uma música nova, da forma mais simples possível, tocando-a através de um smartphone.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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UAI: Blah Blah Blah Generator

When everybody knows everything about a subject, except you.

Once in a while, you stumble upon a conversation on a topic you know absolutely nothing. To avoid being left out or seeming ignorant, we introduce the Blah Blah Blah Generator. An app that will get you trough any conversation with fast, shallow, embarrassment-free phrases. We help you to fake it until you make it.

Advertising Agency: Filadélfia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Creative Director: Dan Zecchinelli
Art Directors: Paulo Filipe Souza, Lucas Queiroz
Copywriter: Deborah Vasques
Illustrator: Paulo Filipe Souza
Project Manager: Hely Lopes
Film Production: Alterosa Cinevídeo

Johnny Two Shoes, W+K Concoct Chewing-Controlled Game for Stride Gum

In a cute take on motion controlled games, Stride Gum invites you to enter the world of Gumulon, where you’re represented by a “rebellious miner” named Ace. Ace, a strange green helmet-wearing thing, can only control the “intergalactic action” and ultimately vanquish the prehistoric cave beast if you concentrate on chewing while staring at your iPhone. When your jaw finally collapses after the strain of coercing Ace around the mine, the monster will eat Ace/you after seasoning you and taking a photo for posterity.

Watching the gameplay video makes this activity look like the dweebiest way to spend your day. I hope I never see someone sweating as they chew emphatically on the subway. This game should be played at home, if at all. Thankfully, Gumulon also comes in a touch version, should your mandibles tire of mining.

I will, however, give Stride’s effort points for novelty and its do-good nature. If we collectively achieve better breath through gamification, I can’t complain.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Silence Productions: Sound Script

Advertising Agency: DM9Rio, Brazil

Novo disco de Jay-Z vira brinde para usuários do Samsung Galaxy

Um milhão de cópias do novo álbum de Jay-Z serão distribuídas gratuitamente para usuários do Samsung Galaxy, 72 horas antes do lançamento oficial do disco (previsto para 4 de julho nos EUA).

Para ganhar o novo trabalho de Jay-Z  as pessoas precisam baixar o aplicativo Magna Carta a partir de 24 de junho. O nome do disco é Magna Carta Holy Grail, e seu lançamento foi divulgado dia 16 de junho no intervalo de um jogo da NBA, num vídeo promocional de 3 minutos da Samsung.

Nada mal ter um disco de platina antes mesmo do lançamento, não?

Veja o vídeo lá em cima.


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Cannes Lions 2013: GP de Mobile para Smart TXTBKS das Filipinas

O GP de Mobile foi inesperado, mas interessante em tempos de escolas de primeiro mundo que não vivem mais sem tecnologia, com computadores e tablets.

Um case das Flipinas, onde a operadora de telefonia móvel Smart transformou celulares antigos em uma espécie de e-reader analógico. Livros didáticos foram divididos em mensagens de 160 caracteres – que é o máximo que esse tipo de aparelho suporta – e incluídos em chips SIM.

Em parceria com escolas do país, os chips foram distribuídos para as crianças. Um solução barata e low-tech, que deu deixou as mochilas escolares bem mais leves.

Criação da DDB.

Smart TXTBooks

O Brasil levou 6 Leões na categoria:


Peugeot: Crash



Easy Way Subtitles

(com 2 Bronzes)

Hipoglos: Bluetooth Diaper Alert


Audi: Screenshot


Obra do Berço


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Poker Friends: Rub it in Your Friends’ Faces

Advertising Agency: EGG Productions, Tel Aviv, Israel
Creative Director: Yotam Guendelman

Charmin Bath Tissue: Ass

“Keep it clean.”

Advertising Agency: Publicis Kaplan Thaler, New York, USA
Chief Creative Officer: Rob Feakins
Executive Creative Director: David Corr
Creative Directors: Dan Cohen, Steven Emry
Art Director: Steven Emry
Copywriter: Dan Cohen

Cannes Lions 2013: Shortlist de Mobile tem 9 trabalhos brasileiros

Hipoglos: Bluetooth Diaper Alert


Billboard: The End of The Silent Magazine


Sky: Air Check In

Age Isobar

Easy Way Subtitles


Asics: Perfect Pace


Carvalho Hosken: The Social Home Tour


Audi: Screenshot


Peugeot: Crash


Obra do Berço


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Email Wins Again

In a world where relationship marketing is the be all and end all, email wins again.

A new study conducted by Lyris and recapped by Marketing Profs, lays out the argument for email (click for infographic).


I’m surprised to see email rank higher than personal referrals. What does that say about the state of our friendships today? Maybe nothing.

Another interesting data point in the graph is how far down mobile devices rank. Mobile is reportedly the new frontier for marketers, although consumers may not see it that way.

This bit from the report is also worth considering:

When consumers research purchases online, 77% say they often spend their time comparing product prices and features. They prefer company channels over independent channels to do this research, by a wide margin.

On the other hand, they rate independent channels as more important for subjective information, such as expert and peer reviews.

People are saying give us “Product pricing and features, please, and save the ‘ad speak’ for another day.” What are we saying back? “Hey look, here’s a shiny new App — it orders pizza for you!”

For me, the takeaway here is people look to email as a trusted channel for receiving pertinent information from trusted friends, family and companies they buy from and are interested in. There’s room for advertising, and content marketing in the overall mix, but there may or may not be room for these things in an email to subscribers.

“Product pricing and features, please.”

To a creative person working in advertising, this sounds impossibly boring. But to a busy person who isn’t interested in what the brand has to say, per se, product pricing and a break down of features and benefits solves their needs, and guides them to a purchase decision.

The post Email Wins Again appeared first on AdPulp.

Boost Mobile Brings Out the Zombies

Any agency can always reach deep down into it’s bag of tropes and tricks and pull out a zombie idea for just about every brand. Some people are bound to like watching the undead jaunt around in some apocalyptic retelling of the universe regardless of whether the take is funny, serious, or cool. For Australian-based shop The Monkeys and Boost Mobile Australia, that cool take on zombies in the centerpoint of their latest campaign: “Stay Living.” Sleek action, plenty of gore, and some moody music are all you need for the phone carrier juices to start flowing.

The clips for this campaign are somewhat graphic, making them stand out when compared to typical American commercials. Zombies getting shot in the head with arrows or completely disrespected with huge katanas to the skull holds some edgy appeal that you won’t find in our commercials with little kids who want “Puppy Brothers.” If anything, these Boost Mobile ads are a fun watch as you think about moving to Australia to start your own zombie apocalypse narrative.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

It Looks Like Someone’s Fulfilling Our Dreams at Cannes


Since we’re once again staying put here in the States during all the Cannes Lions revelry, we’re happy to see that a few folks have taken it upon themselves to bring to fruition what we were always destined to do one day at the Festival via an effort called “Busted at Cannes.”

We did a little digging, and yes, we’ve been told that this is a side project concocted by a couple of EVB staffers including the San Francisco-based agency’s VP, director of technology & innovation, Aaron McGuire, whose name is actually plastered all over the Busted site. Check out the demo video below that just launched to get more of the gist. And no, that Donny Deutsch pic will never get old. Update: The Deutsch image has been removed, so we have the above shot of folks like Colleen DeCourcy and Brian Morrissey instead.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Discovery Channel: Fingertips

Advertising School: CSM, London, United Kingdom
Creatives: Kwan Hee Cho, Gregoire Barau

Vonage Uses Crazy Street Person To Advance The Cause of Generosity

Vonage isn’t your father’s mobile phone carrier. To prove it, the brand has enlisted a new Chief Generosity Officer, and taken a page from Geico’s caveman in the process.

This is JWT’s first work for the brand. What do you think? Will the above philosopher of the people help educate mobile phone users about the “archaic ways” of other carriers?

Brand Channel spoke to Barbara Goodstein, Vonage’s CMO, about the spot. Goodstein calls the character “campaignable and relatable” and “combining the mind of a professor and the tech-savvy look of an engineer. He’s exactly what we were hoping he would be in terms of attracting attention and being interesting and someone people would want to talk about.”

Okay, so he’s not a caveman wannabe or a street person. Vonage’s Chief Generosity Officer “has the mind of a professor and the look of an engineer.” And look, he’s wearing a tie!

It’s hard to say for sure if Vonage is making fun of the Chief Generosity Officer idea here, or embracing it. I am inclined to think it’s all a joke — the production lends itself to this argument. However, the concept of a more generous mobile provider is no laughing matter.

The post Vonage Uses Crazy Street Person To Advance The Cause of Generosity appeared first on AdPulp.