Yahoo Is Bringing Back Its San Francisco Billboard, but It Won't Be as Iconic as It Was

Yahoo is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, and to celebrate, it’s reviving the iconic billboard that welcomed (or repulsed) San Franciscans driving on Interstate 80’s eastbound approach to the Bay Bridge. The original board was taken down only four years ago, so calling it a revival might be a stretch, but whatever. Let them have their fun.

As you may recall, the original ad looked like a campy roadside motel sign, with a yellow-and-purple color scheme that always seemed a bit too John Waters for that side of the country. It did have a lot of personality, though—check out these great snapshots on Flickr—but that’s unfortunately been stripped away from the drab new sign, which is just an oversized version of the current Yahoo logo.

Here are some photos of the construction:

The new board will be used primarily to update people on product offerings, local events and other company news worth sharing. I feel like they’re missing a lot of opportunities for fun, but that’s why they’re Yahoo and not Google.

Yahoo Japan's Awesome 50% Off Sale Leaves the Price the Same and Cuts the Product in Half

Next time you see a sale online, be sure to read the details closely. 

Yahoo Shopping’s Japanese division is running hilarious ads promoting 50 percent off several items: suits, bicycles and household appliances, to name a few.

But there’s a catch: The prices aren’t cut in half. The items are.

Yahoo partnered with Web promo company Burg Hamburg Burg for this 15th anniversary sale that actually exists. Take a look below at a few of these ridiculous ads. 

The only way I could see this look working is if I were a model: 

Actually I am pretty sure there are dudes in Brooklyn who would buy this: 

I hope this sweatshirt is for sale, too:  

Via RocketNews24.

Indicados ao Oscar de Melhor Filme ganham cartazes versão LEGO

O Yahoo! Movies misturou a proximidade do Oscar com o sucesso de “The LEGO Movie” e criou a série de pôsters abaixo.

As minifiguras LEGO tomam o lugar dos personagens dos nove títulos indicados a Melhor Filme na premiação da Academia. Não há nenhuma grande criação além dos cartazes originais, mas não deixa de ser irresistível.


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Should Yahoo Really Have Apologized to Google for Mocking Outage?

When Google services go down, apparently no one wins. Case in point: Competitor Yahoo is being called a coward for deleting tweets that mocked today's global Gmail outage.

"Earlier today, a tweet that reflected bad judgment was posted and has been deleted," Yahoo noted via Twitter around 4:30 Eastern today. "We apologize to @Google and the @Gmail team."

While the original tweet simply said "Gmail is temporarily unavailable" with a screenshot of Gmail's access error, Yahoo put salt in the wound by continuing to tweet the same message at least four times in parody of the ongoing outage.

Instead of being praised for a change of heart and good sportsmanship, Yahoo quickly felt the tide of criticism turn against the company. Some responses accused Yahoo of merely wanting to avoid looking like a hypocrite if it faces its own email outage in the future, while others simply said the retraction was "laaaaammme."

Below you can see one of Yahoo's original tweets and some of the many responses to its apology.

(Screenshot via Marketing Land.)


Os 10 Tumblr’s mais populares de 2013

Em seu tradicional relatório de fim de ano, o Yahoo! revelou – entre outras coisas – quais foram os 10 Tumblr’s mais acessados em 2013.

É a primeira vez que esse tipo de informação é publicada, e coincide com o fato do Yahoo! ter comprado a rede social, por 1,1 bilhão de dólares, há pouco mais de um ano.

Você confere o TOP 10 abaixo, que realmente contém vários Tumblr’s que foram muito comentados ao longo de 2013. Porém, eu questiono a credibilidade de uma lista que não tem o Fuck Yeah Dementia!!1!, que deveria ser o mais popular desde 2009.

1. Reasons My Son Is Crying
2. This Charming Charlie
3. Hot-Dog Legs
4. Things Fitting Perfectly Into Other Things
5. The Worst Room
6. Brides Throwing Cats
7. Emojinal Art Gallery
8. Exploding Actresses
9. Yacht Cats
10. Buzzfeed Articles Without the GIFs

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In Monopoly’s Battle of the Brands, Carnival Crushes Coke, Nestlé and More

Some of the world’s largest brands are squaring off today in a high-stakes game of … Monopoly. Well, kinda.

To promote its new, brand-centric game, Monopoly Empire, Hasbro is hosting a Facebook “Battle of the Brands” featuring several of the companies featured in the game. The goal is to see which brand can get 5,000 Likes on its #BattleoftheBrands Facebook post first. Participating are Carnival Cruise Lines, Transformers, Chevrolet, Fender Guitar, Nestlé, Beats by Dre, eBay, X Games, Nerf, Ducati, Electronic Arts, JetBlue, Coca-Cola and Yahoo.

As of this writing, Carnival had already blown past the 5,000-Like mark in a mere two hours, despite having just 2.2 million fans, a mere fraction of Coca-Cola’s 73.6 million. A few brands, namely Beats by Dre, JetBlue and Chevrolet, were past 2,000 Likes, while poor eBay and EA apparently forgot to participate altogether—or at least hadn’t posted anything two hours into the competition. Perhaps even sadder, Nestlé and Yahoo did participate but hadn't broken 200 Likes yet.

While it may not be a true test of brand potency, today's challenge sure is a telling reminder that there's a big difference between having a lot of fans and knowing how to put them to use. After the jump, check out a fun gallery of branded images Monopoly created to tease the contest.


And Finally, Here It Is: Yahoo’s New Logo

After "30 Days of Change," Yahoo rolled out a new logo at midnight ET on Thursday, introducing a design that wasn't one of the 29 previously floated throughout the past month. Instead, it's a completely new design—one that CEO Marissa Mayer explains at length in a blog post titled "Geeking Out on the Logo." She writes:

One weekend this summer, I rolled up my sleeves and dove into the trenches with our logo design team: Bob Stohrer, Marc DeBartolomeis, Russ Khaydarov, and our intern Max Ma. We spent the majority of Saturday and Sunday designing the logo from start to finish, and we had a ton of fun weighing every minute detail.
    • We knew we wanted a logo that reflected Yahoo—whimsical, yet sophisticated. Modern and fresh, with a nod to our history. Having a human touch, personal. Proud.
    • Other elements fell quickly into place:
    • We didn’t want to have any straight lines in the logo. Straight lines don’t exist in the human form and are extremely rare in nature, so the human touch in the logo is that all the lines and forms all have at least a slight curve.
    • We preferred letters that had thicker and thinner strokes – conveying the subjective and editorial nature of some of what we do.
    • Serifs were a big part of our old logo. It felt wrong to give them up altogether so we went for a sans serif font with “scallops” on the ends of the letters.
    • Our existing logo felt like the iconic Yahoo yodel. We wanted to preserve that and do something playful with the OO’s.
    • We wanted there to be a mathematical consistency to the logo, really pulling it together into one coherent mark.
    • We toyed with lowercase and sentence case letters. But, in the end, we felt the logo was most readable when it was all uppercase, especially on small screens.
    Our last move was to tilt the exclamation point by 9 degrees, just to add a bit of whimsy.

Check out a video about the new logo below. What do you think of it?


Revelado o novo logo do Yahoo!

Depois de brincar com um novo logo por dia durante um mês, o Yahoo! revelou o redesign de sua marca, o primeiro em 18 anos de existência.

Como prometido, a cor roxa e o ponto de exclamação continuam, e o vídeo acima mostra a mudança em detalhes. Na minha opinião, o redesign apresentado não parece um trabalho profissional, apenas uma troca de fonte (pra pior).

As reações iniciais, aliás, são bastante negativas. Claro que isso é sempre natural e esperado em toda mudança de logo, mas no caso do Yahoo! a discussão deve passar longe do campo de meras percepções pessoais.


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Yahoo Will Unveil a New Logo at Midnight. Do Any of These 30 Options Beat the Original?

[UPDATE: And here is the new logo!]

Yahoo is just hours away from that terrifying moment for any brand: the unveiling of a new logo. But the company has approached this rebranding a little differently.

A month ago, it launched "30 Days of Change," a project in which it unveiled a new logo each day—displaying each one on its homepage and throughout its network in the U.S. "It's our way of having some fun while honoring the legacy of our present logo," Yahoo said.

The project has now featured 29 logos. The 30th, set to be introduced tonight at midnight ET/9 p.m. PT, will be the company's official new logo. Yahoo has not said whether No. 30 will be one of the previous 29, or a completely new mark. (If it's one of the earlier ones, then this whole thing appears to have been an elaborate focus-group test—wise, perhaps, given the vitriol that greets many new corporate logos.) This much we do know: "We'll be keeping the color purple, our iconic exclamation point and of course the famous yodel," says the company. "After all, some things never go out of style."

Whatever the case, it's worth looking at the 29 and asking if any of them is an improvement on the original. (Apologies for leading the witness, but we should mention that the Day 10 logo has fared best among the public, according to polling site Polar.) In fact, we have a 30th option to consider, too—as 99designs held its own unofficial contest to develop a new Yahoo logo, and has picked a winner.

So, below, check out Yahoo's 29 options from the past month, plus the 99designs victor. And tell us: Should any of them actually be the new Yahoo logo?

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

Day 20

Day 21

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24

Day 25

Day 26

Day 27

Day 28

Day 29

99designs winner


Yahoo! prepara rebranding com um novo logo por dia até setembro

Como parte de sua reorganização, o Yahoo! está preparando uma mudança de marca que será revelada no próximo dia 4 de setembro. Porém, antes disso, a empresa iniciou um projeto chamado “30 Days of Change”, que vai alterar o logo no site e perfis de redes sociais todos os dias até que a versão final

Segundo o Yahoo!, essa é uma maneira de preparar o espírito das pessoas para a mudança. O fiasco da GAP, que teve sua nova identidade visual rejeitada e destroçada na internet, fazendo a empresa até voltar atrás na decisão, tornou-se um exemplo a ser evitado.

Independente das escolhas de design, esse tipo de rebranding é sempre traumático, e com essa ação, simpática até, o Yahoo! já deixa seus usuários de sobreaviso durante todo o mês. O departamento de marketing da companhia também já garantiu que o ponto de exclamação e a cor roxa serão mantidas.

O primeiro logo desses 30 dias é esse abaixo:


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Yahoo! critica a homepage do Google em novo filme

O Yahoo! parte para o ataque para cima do onipresente Google com um vídeo debochando da simplicidade da homepage do concorrente.

“Você chega neste lugar para logo sair” — alfineta o portal. Muita gente no Google deve achar esse vídeo um elogio, esta é a filosofia da busca deles. Na verdade são só diferentes abordagens de site: enquanto o Google adota a técnica de estar em todos os lugares com sua busca, AdWords, Buzz, Reader e milhares de outros penduricalhos o Yahoo! tenta matar seu leão sendo o chamado destination site, um modelo muito mais popular no Brasil com seus mega-portais que falam de todos os assuntos.

Para nós consumidores continua valendo a máxima de que toda concorrência é bem-vinda se isso faz com que as empresas corram atrás de melhorar seus serviços.

Via Google Discovery.

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Announcing, Binghoo!

Yahoo! has thrown in the towel and entered into an agreement with Microsoft to use Bing as the search engine across all Yahoo sites, whilst being the paid search sales force for Bing.

It’s an acknowledgment that separately they are not threat to Google, but by combining Bing’s superior search technology and desire to innovate, with […]

Yodle’s CEO Explains How to Kick Local A$$

YodleFor the first time in nearly a decade, online spending was reported to be 5% lower in Q1 of 2009 than Q1 of 2008. Although losses were not specified by category, it’s clear that online advertising is not recession-proof.

Yet, glimmers of success are still found among gloomy reports and forecasts.

Yodle, an online advertising provider that specializes on small businesses in local markets, has repeatedly shown dramatic increases in year-over-year revenue gains over the past two years.

How dramatic? Try a 300% increase from 2006 to 2007, and 700% from 2007 to 2008. The company started with just nine employees and now boasts over 250. Additionally, Yodle’s client list has jumped from 125 clients in 2006 to well over 5000 accounts managed in 2009.

What is Yodle’s business model for success? As luck would have it, I was able to ask Court Cunningham, CEO of Yodle, that exact question (among others).

Court Cunningham (CC): Yodle delivers the strongest return on marketing investment to the small business owner. In 2007, 50% of online users performed searches for local businesses. In 2008, 82% of online users searched locally. Yodle focuses on providing an avenue for small businesses to “get found.” We place our clients’ ads on larger sites, such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN, as well as 75 other top-performing local sites, providing small businesses the online accessibility of a larger company.

Beyond Madison Avenue (BMA): When you say “small” business, what size company are you talking about?

CC: A law firm with 100 employees can be considered a small business… but Yodle’s main focus is on businesses with ten or fewer employees. We are targeting the “S” of SMB. Small business owners realize that they need to be online now more than ever, and Yodle can get them there.

BMA: What does Yodle offer a small business that the online Yellow Pages or a local portal does not?

CC: The greatest benefit Yodle provides is more leads and a lower cost-per lead. Second, we accommodate small business owners by getting them online in an effortless (on their part) manner. If a business owner needs help developing a web site, we offer those services. Finally, Yodle provides full transparency and accountability. We supply clients with an online dashboard that records the number of clicks and calls from their ads. This allows them to record the clicks or calls that turn into qualified leads or sales versus those that did not go anywhere.

BMA: Do you focus on certain types of businesses?

CC: Businesses that benefit the most from Yodle are those in which the product or service has a high value. We cater to plumbers, electricians, cleaning services, locksmiths, personal trainers, contractors, construction companies, etc.

BMA: Do you advertise national companies on a local level?

CC: We do have clients that are national franchises, such as ServiceMaster, that advertise their services locally. But, the majority of our clients are small business owners. Yodle has a unique solution for national franchise companies that allows them to manage local ad dollars and national coop dollars through one easy to use product.

BMA: Currently, Yodle is in the Top 40 DMAs (markets). What are your expansion plans? Are you going to increase the number of markets that Yodle covers?

CC: No, our plans for growth are vertical, which will enable us to provide greater depth per market. We’ll also be rolling out new products in the near future that will be beneficial for our clients.

BMA: Would you say that your greatest competitors are Yelp and other “like-minded” sites?

CC: Not really. We use Yelp and City Search to display our client’s ads. Our biggest competitors would be other sites like ours, and the Yellow Pages.

BMA: Please reiterate Yodle’s advantage over these sites…

CC: Yodle will provide small businesses with a high volume of quality leads, complete service and transparency, and higher ROIs than advertising currently being used.

Yodel-ogoYodle is yet another example of a company that thinks progressively and has the ability to succeed while others remain stagnant. Now is the perfect time for small business owners to take advantage of online advertising opportunities to increase their advantage over competitors. Yodle provides local businesses with a simple and affordable way to get new customers and phone calls while establishing an online presence. Click here to find out more about services offered by Yodle, as well as its clients’ success stories.

Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Account Coordinator. His passion is writing. Reach out to him on either or

Googler’s Defense: “We’re Not That Big”

google_logo-smallGoogle, the leader in Search Engine technology, handles approximately 66% of all search engine traffic. So much, in fact, that when Michael Jackson died and his name spiked, Google thought that it was a coordinated attack.

Much like AT&T did two decades ago, Google is fighting back over anti-trust allegations although no formal investigation is underway.

Dana Wagner, the Googler known as “senior competition counsel” explains in the New York Times that “competition is just a click away.”

Google has been on the PR warpath, partially due to regulators watching its every move. Other tech companies such AT&T, IBM, Intel, and Microsoft suffered much of the same thing when it became apparent that there was no “real” competition. Google is clearly the leader in the search category, and it’s possible that the only “competition” may be from the US Government’s possible intervention. In November of 2008, the Justice Department killed a deal between Yahoo and Google due to concerns over market domination. But who is kidding who, right? Google already owns the market.

GoogleMountainViewThere are other investigations taking place. The Justice Department is investigating Google’s hiring practices and the Federal Trade Commission is researching the ties between the boards of both Google and Apple. But nothing’s been aimed at the heart of Google.

…unlike other technology giants in years past, Google has not been accused of anti-competitive tactics. But the investigations and carping from competitors and critics have Google fighting to dispel the notion that it has a lock on its market, even as it increases its share of search and online advertising.

However, Jeff Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy, stated;

“Google search is an absolute must-have for every marketer in the world.”

Google’s lawyer, Mr. Wagner, agrees that the company is a great success. He also noted that the environment is turbulent and highly competitive. Further, he said that Google wasn’t looking for sympathy, but simply telling its side of the story.

Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Account Coordinator. His passion is writing. Reach out and touch him: or

Dismal Economy’s Bright Spot

new-iab-logo1Today, as I was feverishly submitting resumes and simultaneously reading about the economy (multi-tasking for all you would-be employers), I came across ”Ten Winners in the Recession” on Yahoo!, nestled nicely on the Personal Finance page.

Although there weren’t a whole lot of suprises, a few made me scratch my head. Some of the better listees included: Resume Writers & Editors, Condom Manufacturers (we’re poor, but safe!), At Home Coffee Brews, and…(drum roll, please) Career Development Websites! 

That just goes to show you that there is opportunity out there if you know where to look for it.

Surprisingly omitted from the Top Ten list was the single shining light emanating from the advertising sector: Online Ad expenditures. According to the IAB, 2008 saw Internet advertising revenues increase by 10.6 percent overall compared to 2007. Search advertising showed the highest percentage gain, increasing by 19.8 percent over 2007 and accounted for 45 percent of all Internet ad spending. Online display advertising increased by 8 percent while classified ad revenues fell 4 percent. The IAB study, completed with the aid of PricewaterhouseCoopers, can be downloaded here.

Yahoo! Pays for Search on Google

Searching the web this morning for fun advertising news (using Google), I groggily checked out the advertisers that were vying for the top paid slots as was my usual habit. What I saw nearly made me spit out my coffee, and will be burned into the back of my brain forever: The number one paid slot on my Google search for “advertising” was none other than Yahoo! Sponsored Search?! Disbelieving my own eyes, I refreshed the page. Same result. Now fully awake, I ran the search again. No change. This was no fluke…this was real…Yahoo was paying for search on Google! I thought about all of the people that I should call to alert, but couldn’t think of a single one. So, I sat back and thought about it for a second.

Well, I reasoned, maybe Google pays for search on Yahoo!, as well. So, I decided to check it out, although I secretly scoffed at the thought of Google paying for search. But, I logged in to my Yahoo account anyway and searched for “advertising.” No Google in the results. Slyly, I typed in “Google” and hit search. No paid results for Google, although they occupied the top bazillion pages of Yahoo’s organic results.

And that’s when I noticed the innocent-looking words, right beneath the search bar, near the top of the results: 

“You could go to Google. Or you could stay here and get straight to your answers.”

A plaintive plea from Yahoo!, begging me to stay. So, I went to Google. Obviously, if Yahoo! is begging me to stay, I have no use for them.


Yahoo Launches New Ad Products

logo_yahoo_purple-copyTo help provide and aid businesses and potential advertisers properly in hitting their target audience, Yahoo has launched three new targeting products for brand and performance marketers.

“As the economy continues to put pressure on advertising budgets, marketers are looking for increased accountability for every dollar they spend. Yahoo!’s new targeting products significantly improve the ability for search and display advertisers to reach their target audience, providing increased efficiency and accountability,” said Michael Walrath, senior vice president, Advertising Marketplaces Group, Yahoo!. “Yahoo! remains incredibly well positioned to meet the growing advertiser demand for performance marketing offerings, and no other company can provide marketers with such scale and expertise across search and display advertising.”

The new products include:

  • Search Retargeting, which gives advertisers the ability to target display advertising based on user search activities;
  • Enhanced Retargeting, which allows advertisers to deliver dynamically generated display ads across the Yahoo! network based on user activity on an advertiser’s site; and
  • Enhanced Targeting capabilities for search advertising, including ad scheduling and demographic targeting within search.
  • (Source) Press

    New Webmail Launched by AOL

    AOL MailWeb Mail is a new online mailing service which can be accessed via the AOL website. AOL’s Products and Technologies Group today announced the launch of an enhanced version of AOL Web Mail that offers users one-click access to Gmail, Yahoo! Mail and a variety of third-party sites and destinations directly from the AOL Web Mail page,

    “Web Mail is an integral part of the AOL experience and at the heart of our product offerings,” said Ted Cahall, President, AOL Products and Technologies. “With this new release, we can showcase the important role AOL products continue to play in the company. Enhancing products that already attract a large, engaged audience is a key goal for our organization.”

    (Source) Press

    Yahoo!7 Mail: Loosing Lincoln

    Yahoo!7 Mail: Loosing Lincoln

    Advertising Agency: Three Drunk Monkeys, Sydney, Australia
    Creative Directors: Scott Nowell, Justin Drape
    Art Directors: Justin Drape, Scott Nowell
    Copywriters: Justin Drape, Scott Nowell
    Director: Three Drunk Monkeys
    Agency Producer: Thea Carone
    Production Company: Radical
    Production Company Producer: Johnny Greally

    Yahoo!7 Mail: Ladyboy

    Yahoo!7 Mail: Ladyboy

    Advertising Agency: Three Drunk Monkeys, Sydney, Australia
    Creative Directors: Scott Nowell, Justin Drape
    Art Directors: Justin Drape, Scott Nowell
    Copywriters: Justin Drape, Scott Nowell
    Director: Three Drunk Monkeys
    Agency Producer: Thea Carone
    Production Company: Radical
    Production Company Producer: Johnny Greally