Thanks to Their Newsopoly, Google Is Minting Money

The Googs wants to do no harm. But monopolies, by definition, do harm. And when it comes to delivering news to your digital doorstep, the Mountain View-based technology company has no equal. Last year, Google made $4.7 billion from its news products. The journalists who create that content deserve a cut of that $4.7 billion, […]

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Publish Authoritative Content That Adds Value, Or No One Will Care

No. You’re not imagining things. Content fatigue is real. According to a new study from BuzzSumo that looked at 100 million posts published in 2017, social sharing of content has been cut in half since 2015. That’s a steep decline in a short period of time. We can blame poor quality and an increase in […]

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Command and Control Is for 20th Century Egotists, Not 21st Century Marketers

Bad advertising is here to stay. Bad advertising is about to go away. Which is it? Here’s a fresh sample of how bad, bad can be: I know that hurt. Sorry for putting you through that. Is there any hope for an industry that consistently churns out this kind of rotting flotsam? According to Andrew […]

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Ask And You Shall Receive A Thoughtful Answer

Russian hackers are now meddling in the French election. French newspaper, Libération, is fighting back with a search engine staffed by real-life journalists. Libération with the help of J. Walter Thompson/Paris came up with the anti-hoax service, a search engine trading cold algorithms for journalists for three days before the French elections. In related […]

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Use SEM to Put Your Marketing Efforts Under the Microscope

  Marketing for SMBs used to be a simpler game. There were very few avenues where marketing efforts could be easily applied, and they were more simply understood than the marketing avenues of today. Let’s say you were a used car business in 1970. Available to you, you’d have local radio, simple publications like newspapers, […]

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Ways You Can Generate Money From Niche Marketing

Any discussion about making a profit online will almost constantly refer to the term “niche marketing”, often describing it as one of the most effective ways to do this. It’s not a difficult concept to understand as it simply refers to a market sub-division where consumers are looking to purchase certain products or services who can be targetted online. A niche in the market can be a relatively unexploited and moneymaking resource since there are more buyers than sellers or, in other words, fewer competitors for your business. We are going to discuss how to become a niche marketer and establish your own profitable Internet business.

Firstly, you have to find a good niche and the easiest way to do that is to inquire about the possiblities using online resources. By visiting the Clickbank and Amazon web sites, for instance, you’ll quickly realize that there are a number of possible niches you can research. At these sites you can look through the product categories to find ones that are selling stongly and make a short list to be refined at the next stage.

Once you have some prospective markets to look into, you need to begin to do some keyword research to find out if there are niches you can compete in and that have the potential to make you some profit. Tools to help you perform keyword research are in abundance, some free and some you pay for, but the free Google keyword tool is just fine when starting out. The basic aim in keyword research is to start with broad category words and increasingly drill down into longer key phrases that still have a modest search volume. Usually these ‘long-tailed’ keywords will have fewer competition and are the ones you have to be aiming for in your niche market.

Having chosen those longer key phrases with good numbers of searches each month, you can now continue and find those with the least numbers of websites targetting the same phrase. To do this is simple – simply type the term within quotation marks into the Google’s search bar and hit enter. The number of search results that Google gives is an indication of how many websites out there are using your prospective key phrase. Of course, a profitable niche will be one without very many competing websites. A few of these longer key phrases will be the names and model numbers of particular products which are search terms used by people who are about to purchase rather than those merely searching for information.

Having completed the research and decided on a possible niche market, you can now begin to make a site using your list of profitable niche keywords. Numerous people, who are not especially knowledgeable about creating websites, use the WordPress blog platform to get their first site up and running very quickly. WordPress websites are easily crawled by the search engines. If you can obtain a domain name the same as one of the keywords you want to target then this can help your site to get higher search engine rankings. Don’t try to brand names since companies may well object and make you change it.

When you have everything ready, you can get started to monetize your website to produce passive income and eventually sell the website for a lump sum if you want.

If You’re Aiming To Save Time From Your Internet Marketing And Advertising You May Possibly Want To Consider Outsourcing

Many individuals get started in Internet Marketing and advertising simply because they feel this is really a fast and easy method to make money, nevertheless you will recognize that this is a thing that is extremely time consuming. Having free time in your life is something you are going to have to give up if you wind up taking on Internet Marketing and advertising by yourself. Of course you should recognize that there are things that can be done which can actually help you free up your time and still accomplish everything you need to get done. On this page we are going to be taking a look it outsourcing together with a few of the benefits which can be connected with this.

Something that can end up taking up a lot of your time is the creation of web sites, and you are going to discover that there are individuals and companies available to do this for you. There are currently Online Marketers who will build two or three internet sites each day and this is a thing that can take up their entire day. By paying other folks to build web sites for you you are going to discover that this will free up most of your time for doing other things which you need to accomplish. Based on how complex your sites are will determine how much you are going to need to pay somebody to build the website for you.

Seo is another thing which can wind up being incredibly time consuming for a lot of Online Marketers. We are not actually talking about on page optimization, what we are speaking about is the creation of back links that will help your website get better rankings in search engines like google. Because there are plenty of companies who can build these website links you are going to see that this can be something which is incredibly affordable but can wind up freeing up loads of you time.

When you finally begin having free time on your hands, again you should realize you could take this time to start entering new niche markets to be able to make even more cash. There are even companies and men and women out there that will keep your social networks updated with new products or content that you add to your website. Because you can continue using outsourcing on any new project you begin you should recognize that you are going to consistently have the ability to enter new markets consistently.

I am sure you’ve heard the expression that content is king and you ought to be aware that individuals who have a huge selection of web sites must update this content regularly. And as you probably already recognize this is also something you are able to end up outsourcing to people or organizations that create content.

Needless to say there are several people who decide that they are simply going to outsource every aspect of their business this includes the startup of new niche markets that they enter.

WordPress SEO Tips You Can’t Ignore

Have you ever wondered why some other WordPress blogs rank better than your site? Of the various blogging solutions out there, WordPress remains at the top of its field. That’s all you need to know! The CMS system provided by WordPress is not only chosen by many for the kind of flexibility it offers, but also because it’s the easiest way to get indexed and ranked by the major search engines like Google. The WordPress platform also includes exceptional, advanced features which permit search engine optimization for your website. The best traffic you can hope to get is organic – it is 100% free and targeted specifically to your site’s keywords and key theme. This is why when you use WordPress for your SEO needs you can have benefits that many sites don’t. There are settings within WordPress which you can use to maximize the ranking that your website achieves. Every website needs targeted traffic to survive, so WordPress SEO cannot be underestimated. Read on for tips about using WordPress SEO, and how you can customize it so that it helps you the most.

Using relevant keywords in the post titles on your WordPress blog is one of the most essential (and simple) ways that you can increase your search engine optimization right away. Such keywords must be involved in the comments of your post, and not just used in the titles. Your titles have to be unique and shouldn’t be repeated anywhere on your site because if they are, then the search engine’s would be confused when ranking your pages. You will want to have an assortment of relevant keywords to use in the post titles of the different articles on your blog. Along with having your targeted keywords, your post title should be enticing and interesting to read. When your potential visitor first sees your site link in the search engine results, your post title will be the very first thing that they’ll notice. Ensuring that your titles are succinct and easily readable is a good practice. You want to deliver your objectives clearly and simply, so don’t be vague when describing your content.

Don’t forget to have a sitemap on your blog, which is important if you’re having a WordPress blog. You can use a simple Google plugin to create a sitemap, and you’ll never have to program a thing. The benefit of using a sitemap is that it will assure that Google indexes your site quickly and aids the search engine in seeking out all of your blog pages. In addition to building a map of your site, you should use different sites to ping the posts that you create. Enabling you to obtain other bloggers’ backlinks, this also will increase your exposure on the Internet. Every post published to your blog should be pinged – no exceptions!

When you write some new content, if it has any bearing on earlier material, then link to it. This will keep older content active and also help new visitors. This can easily be done through a plugin which collects related posts using tags, which are then placed under each post. All you have to do to give the search engines an easy route to all of your archived blogs by checking which of the related posts you want to show up.

So, needless to say, use the tips in this article if you’re aiming at the search engines and your readers.

Time to search for new ideas? / Recherche idée neuve désespérément

search2011McCannRomania search2013 search2013racism
Rom (Kandia Dulce) – 2011
Source : Cannes SILVER LION
Agency : McCann (Romania)
United Nations Unwomen – 2013
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Ogilvy Dubaï (UAE)
Anti Racism – 11/2013
Source : Osocio
Agency : ? (Australia)

Search Advertising Is Digital’s Big Dog

I don’t always look at bar graphs, but when I do…

I look at bar graphs from Marketing Pilgrim depicting digital ad spending, which is up 18 percent over last year’s first-half revenues of $17 billion, according to IAB.


What story does this bar graph tell?

One big story is how little brand advertising there is in the digital camp. Digital is dominated by search advertising. The rest of the digital ad pie is split between display, video, mobile, classifieds and various lead generation activities.

No question, display ads are improving in quality, and publishers are finding better ways to feature them on the page today. But of all the categories in digital advertising, video is the most brand-focused medium. A brand can offer commercials, episodic content, consumer-generated content and much more in video.

Another big story is how mobile continues to experience a massive rise in spending. Mobile is the fastest growing of all digital advertising types.

The opportunities for brands to grow their digital advertising capabilities (and see greater returns) is enormous. The opportunity for agencies to get digital right and make good money doing so is also at hand.

My contention is digital is so much more than direct marketing and data analysis. Just because you can measure it, is not reason enough to make measurement the principle yardstick of success.

Digital advertising, like any great advertising has to do more than inform and perform. For brands to be built, digital advertising also must move people emotionally. There’s no metric to measure love, but love is real and getting people to love your brand is the ultimate result of any marketing effort.

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The Whole Nation Gets Scroogled When Kids Don’t Learn The Basics

Kids today are exposed to ads in the school setting. There’s a problem no one’s parents had.

Microsoft sees opportunity here and has introduced Bing for Schools, which removes all ads from searches on the school’s network, adds strict filters to help prevent adult content, and enhances privacy protections.

Bing for Schools, a pilot program, is available at no charge for K-12 schools in the U.S., public or private.

I do like Bing’s direct slam on Google and the use the neologism Scroogled. But I can also think of other more problematic areas for Bing to address. Like bullying.

Exposing kids to advertising is a teaching moment and an important part of developing media literacy. Meanwhile, underfunded schools continue to underperform. So, while it’s no fault of Bing’s necessarily, they opted to solve too easy of a problem here.

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Protect Yourself from Industry Hype – Search Is What People Use When They Intend To Buy

This is the hype machine and the the hype machine is deafening.

Chugga, Chugga, Chugga the hype machine goes. That’s the sound of spinning yarns into memes and trends. Social media is the new this. Content is the new that. And so on.


Which is why I find this cold glass of water (or is it sand in the gear box?) from serial entrepreneur Kaila Colbin refreshing.

In the provocatively titled “Can We Please Stop Hyping Social As The Marketing Messiah?” Nathan Safran replaces assumptions with data. During the 2012 holiday season, for example, 34% of retail website visits came from search. 40% were direct. 2% — yes, a mere two percent — were from social.

Another study Safran cites has 15% of respondents always or often turning to social for shopping or product research, while 97% say they always or often turn to search. Search is obviously not the only possible marketing channel out there, but at least if your dogma is that “search is best,” you’ve got some stats supporting you.

I’m not a search marketer. And this post isn’t about search, it’s about our ability to reason and read between the lines. For instance, digital spending reports continue to baffle me. Up and up the spending goes; yet, so-called display ads are the worst of the worst ROI generators.

Can we trust our most trusted media sources today? Hell, can we trust our own media literacy?

Companies are about to spend $17 billion dollars on display ads this year, but only one tenth of one percent of the people who see these display ads will notice, or act. The information fails to justify. Either companies are throwing money down the hype-made drain for no good reason, or display ads work much better than reported.

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Zeitgeist 2012: Google revela o que o mundo pesquisou durante o ano

O Google acabou de lançar o seu Zeitgeist 2012, resumindo os grandes momentos e os termos mais buscados do ano.

1,2 trilhão de pesquisas em 146 idiomas foram consideradas na análise, que utiliza ainda dados de várias fontes, como o Google Trends e ferramentas internas. Filtrando o spam, obviamente, o Google quer que as listas sirvam como representação do “espírito da época” de 2012.

Você pode acompanhar os ranking por país e também por diversos segmentos. Acesse:

E claro, como sempre, os termos mais procurados do Brasil continuam sendo pavorosos. Não que o resto do mundo fique muito atrás. Veja o ranking mundial com os 10 assuntos mais buscados:

1. Whitney Houston
2. Gangnam Style
3. Hurricane Sandy
4. iPad 3
5. Diablo 3
6. Kate Middleton
7. Olympics 2012
8. Amanda Todd
9. Michael Clarke Duncan
10. BBB12

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Mobile Australia: Google breakfast session

On Monday we attended Google’s creative breakfast session, this one on mobile. Stats and creative examples presented by Brendan Forster drove the main points home:

Australia is a global leader(!) in smartphone penetration and usage
mobile is fully mainstream yet businesses lag in the development of mobile destinations and experiences
mobile search is very local and focused (customers […]

20 Creative Agency Planets in Sydney

Whenever you bump into an old colleague (now working at a competitor agency), you might go: ‘Hey, what a small world!’.
That’s what we think as well and were therefore inspired to create these 20 small agency planets.
A big help was Ryan Alexander’s web app ‘Street View Stereographic’. It creates a “little planet” using photos from any Google […]

Google gets real-time, for real this time

Google’s version of real-time search was unveiled today, where ‘live’ search results are displayed via AJAX on the search results page.
At first glance, it’s a pretty nice execution, blending real-time with relevance, rather than just real-time, which is the focus of all new social/real-time search engines.

It looks like the real-time results are surfaced when real-time […]

New Google Ad Formats

Google has officially announced new ad formats for AdWords.
We have recently seen Ad Sitelinks (which are working very nicely, thanks) released in Australia, and Local Business Extensions have been running for a while, but there are some new ad formats on the way as well.
Video ads
These look designed for the likes of 20th Century Fox […]

Announcing, Binghoo!

Yahoo! has thrown in the towel and entered into an agreement with Microsoft to use Bing as the search engine across all Yahoo sites, whilst being the paid search sales force for Bing.

It’s an acknowledgment that separately they are not threat to Google, but by combining Bing’s superior search technology and desire to innovate, with […]

Google Beats Profit Forecast, CPCs lower than 2008

Google’s quarterly profit was ahead (slightly) of Wall St expectations with revenue growth of 3%. Unless you have Google shares, that’s not so interesting, but in the official announcement, there were some interesting points.
Clicks for sponsored links increased 15% year-on-year for Q2 (there was 17% growth in Q10.
The CPC decreased 13% year on year, but […]

Bing + Twitter = a new approach to search

Bing Tweets is a new (beta) tool “fusing Twitter Trends and Bing Insights”.
There are trending topics on Twitter in a tag cloud – click on a link to see filtered tweets and Bing search results. What’s great about this is you can see what people are saying about in real time, check out the latest […]