Tell Everyone What You’re Doing This Sunday Night With Mad Men Out of Office

If you can't wait for Mad Men to return for part one of its seventh and final season this Sunday, and you're itching to declare your intention to watch it to all your social media friends, AMC would like to offer you a special opportunity to advertise on its behalf by customizing a picture of Don Draper so your name appears next to his face.

You can choose one of seven other characters, too. It's a fun tool for die-hards, and a smart way to drive the natural symbiosis between TV and social media. Dubbing it "Mad Men Out of Office" seems a bit of a misnomer (as much as posting to Facebook may feel like clocking in to some). If you were going to be in the office on a Sunday night, you should obviously quit and watch Mad Men.

Unless you work in advertising, in which case, of course, you probably are in the office on a Sunday night, and you won't be watching Mad Men, or having much use for AMC's widget. You can still drown your woes in Canadian Club, though—and catch up on the first six seasons in two minutes, to remember what you'll be missing.

Leroy & Clarkson Goes Black (Comedy) with ‘Mad Men’ Spoof

New York’s Leroy & Clarkson certainly went all in with “Don-O-Mite”, its Blaxploitation ‘Mad Men’ parody.

The agency also went all out to promote it: here’s the tumblr page and the reddit post and the fake Amazon book reviews (!!) and the tweets pushing it to everyone from The New York Times to Key & Peele.

“Sugar Hills Holloway” brings the mutha fuckin’ mayonnaise, et cetera.

Credits we can’t read on a fake poster after the jump.


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Can’t Wait for Mad Men’s April 13 Return? Watch Don’s Entire Journey So Far in 2 Minutes

How many times can a two-minute recap of Don Draper's six-season-long journey on Mad Men capture the off-the-rails boozer puking into a potted plant? Zero. But the rest of his repertoire is nicely represented in this short promo video ahead of the Season 7 premiere.

There are the suave drags on cigarettes, highball in hand, the prolific womanizing, the creative genius. AMC, as usual, has been stingy in releasing new material for the upcoming, final season. Hence the look back at Draper's world-by-the-tail early days on Madison Avenue through his infidelities, betrayals, failed marriages and, where fans last saw him, forced sabbatical from his namesake ad agency.

It's not much, since the Season 7 premiere is still six weeks away. But it's a decent, stylized refresher. What would make the April 13 series return not seem so distant? Two-minute Joan, two-minute Peggy, two-minute Bob. Definitely two-minute Bob.

Also, for a deeper dive, check out our archive of Mad Men Minute video recaps of every episode.


Icons: O filme multirreferência de The Sunday Times

The Sunday Times é um dos principais jornais do Reino Unido, publicado aos domingos. Pronto, essa informação qualquer um podia ter somente lendo o nome da publicação, certo?

Mas esse vídeo aí acima soube vender o peixe de uma maneira muito mais interessante do que qualquer manchete em destaque na banca, ou qualquer chamada na home do site. Ele mistura algumas referências culturais que, com imagens icônicas, se tornaram facilmente reconhecíveis em todo o mundo. Música, cinema, TV e pintura se mostraram ainda mais ligados do que você sempre imaginou.

Daft Punk winning big at the Grammy’s, The final series of Mad Men, and Tarantino are all over the media right now. These people and their work have left an indelible mark and we’ll probably still be talking about them in ten, twenty maybe even a hundred years years time. The TV spot is a respectful nod to it all.

Com produção impecável, o making of é uma atração à parte. Algumas das imagens que dispensam qualquer apresentação ou legenda:

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Canal + Series

A l’occasion de sa chaîne TV exclusivement consacrée aux séries « Canal + Series », cette vidéo d’animation par Bot 42 présente avec talent les éléments visuels essentiels de séries telles que Mad Men, Dexter, Platane, Hannibal ou encore The Big Bang Theory. Un montage réussi à découvrir en exclusivité dans la suite.


Site mostra os primeiros projetos de criativos famosos

Há algumas semanas, mostramos por aqui o The Worstfolio, um site criado pela Miami Ad School que reúne os piores projetos dos maiores criativos do mundo. Por um caminho bastante parecido segue Before They Were Famous, que mergulha no portfolio da época de estudante de diversos profissionais, revelando alguns de seus primeiros trabalhos. Spoil alert: não é bonito.

Há pouco tempo no ar, o site foi criado pelas duplas Nathalie Turton e Lorelei Mathias, da Beattie McGuinness Bungay, e Paul Clinton e Daryll Arthur, segundo eles mesmos em busca do próximo trabalho.

Por enquanto, é possível encontrar os primeiros projetos assinados por Daryl Corps, da Droga5, Andrew Cracknell, autor de The Real Mad Men, Stuart Outhwaite e Ben Middleton, da Creature London, Mike Crowe e Rob Messeter, da Adam & Eve/ DDB, e Josh Engmann, da Mother NY, entre outros.

Entre os “criativos famosos” há, curiosamente, uma foto de Don Draper. Ao clicar nela, a descrição e uma promessa: “Diretor Criativo Executivo da Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce – Em breve – De verdade. Nós temos um plano ardiloso para conseguirmos os primeiros rabiscos de Don Draper”. É aguardar para ver o que vem por aí.

Há, ainda, uma seção que mostra os emails dos criativos que declinaram a “oportunidade” de mostrar seus primeiros trabalhos, alguns dizendo que não sabem onde estão suas pastas, outros dizendo que têm vergonha… De certa forma, é uma pena. Afinal, seria mais uma ótima oportunidade para quem está começando na área ver que ninguém é fodão logo de cara.


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Roger Sterling and Don Draper Are Big Time Squares, Man

Roger Sterling and Don Draper—two suave New Yorker ad men—got their balls handed to them in a Los Angeles nut sack last night on Mad Men season six, episode 10.

Interestingly, this episode, “A Tale of Two Cities,” was directed by John Slattery, the actor who portrays silver-haired fox Roger Sterling.

On the way to L.A. to meet with Carnation, Sunkist, and “the avocado people,” Roger scolds Don for working too hard. He reminds him that they’re from the Center of the Universe, and that’s all it takes to succeed in this world. Don isn’t so sure. He likes to be prepared.

In the meeting with Carnation, the New Yorkers in the room get roughed up pretty good. First, they’re forced to endure the client’s right wing political diatribe. Then they’re grilled on their commitment, their “New York attitude” and what new ideas they might have to move the Carnation brand forward. Their lack of any good answers helps them come across as smug and clueless.

Later when Harry takes the partners to a party at a house in The Hills, Roger and Don go from bad to worse. Don can’t handle his hash, and Roger refuses to share a decent work with a former colleague. Both Roger and Don pay the price for it.

What does it all mean? It means that the country was splitting into pieces in 1968. Young and old. East coast and West coast. Black and white. Soldier and draft-dodger. Straight and hippie. Man and woman.

We are starting to see that Roger and Don are no longer the future of Sterling Cooper & Partners. They’re the future Burt Coopers of the place. But Ginsberg, Joan, Pete and Peggy are the future of the business. Normally, I wouldn’t give Pete the nod, but I have a feeling the final scene in this episode, where he takes a hit of Stan’s joint and has an “a-ha!” moment, is a prelude to a new and improved Pete.

Previously on AdPulp: Peggy Olson Stabs Her Self-Righteous Lover

The post Roger Sterling and Don Draper Are Big Time Squares, Man appeared first on AdPulp.

Peggy Olson Stabs Her Self-Righteous Lover

This week on Mad Men, Peggy accidentally stabs her boyfriend Abe. On the way to the hospital, Abe thinks he might not make it and he wants to clear his conscience, so he tells Peggy she’s no good.

Your activities are offensive to my every waking moment. I’m sorry, but you’ll always be the enemy.

Do you have an “Abe” in your life? Someone who questions what you do for a living? Someone who looks down on you because you make a living as a commercial artist in service to brands?


Maybe Abe is just an inner voice, reminding you to do more and be more. On the other hand there’s a distinct possibility that Abe is merely a strident liberal, intent on fighting the man. It is 1968 and Abe is itching to join the Revolution in the streets. Peggy, on the other hand, wants to live in a safe neighborhood. Can’t say that I blame her.

But back to this Abe character and the real reason for this post. People with strong political beliefs tend to make the biggest mistake in the book, over and over again. They fail to connect and they don’t bother to persuade. Deeply political people don’t bother to persuade because they are so certain of the rightness of their cause that they skip right past the “why anyone should care” part.

Abe is certain that Peggy is contributing to “the problem” by serving her corporate masters. Peggy hasn’t indicated any passion for political ideas, and therein lies the non-mendable rift. Abe wants a partner in arms against the ominous state. Peggy wants someone to appreciate her for who she is — a smart successful woman — which, in reality, is a political ideal come to life.

The post Peggy Olson Stabs Her Self-Righteous Lover appeared first on AdPulp.

The Little Black Cookie Now Filled With Wonder

Oreo ran a 90-second animated spot during the airing of Mad Men on Sunday night.

The new anti-vampire/pro-cookie spot was created by the Martin Agency. It features music from the band Owl City.

According to The New York Times, Jorge Calleja, the group creative director at the Martin Agency who serves as the global creative director on the Oreo account, said he believed that the concept of wonder is “something the brand could own.”

“Other brands like to wake up the athlete in you,” Mr. Calleja said. “We want to wake up the inner child in you.”

But of course. Wake up the inner child, the inner child won’t bother about things like fat or calories. The inner child wants to dream, and eat cookies while doing so. It’s a smart strategy. But what I really enjoy here is the animation. A commercial needs to be something you want to look at, and this one is.

The post The Little Black Cookie Now Filled With Wonder appeared first on AdPulp.

Jeff Goodby Has Advice for Don Draper Where Chevrolet Is Concerned

Jeff Goodby has some experience teaming up with another agency to work on Chevrolet—an experiment that didn't go so well for him. So, in light of Sunday's episode of Mad Men, he tweeted out this amusing note below on Tuesday. To be fair, it almost certainly won't end well for Don, either.


Os personagens de Game of Thrones em Mad Men, Arrested Development e Seinfeld

Em homenagem à terceira tempora de Game of Thrones, que estreou recentemente, o site Vulture resolveu imaginar quem os personagens da série seriam se estivessem em outras séries, como Mad Men, Arrested Development e Seinfeld.

Veja as ilustrações abaixo.

Game of Thrones como Arrested Development

Varys como Tobias, Jamie como Gob, Cersei como Lindsay, Tywin como George Sr., Tyrion como Michael, Catelyn como Lucille, Joffrey como George Michael, Littlefinger como Buster, e Sansa como Maeby.


Game of Thrones como Mad Men

Brienne como Joan, Jeor Mormont como Bert, Tyrion como Roger, Cersei como Betty, Samwell como Harry, Arya como Sally, Joffrey como Pete, Robb como Don, e Daenerys como Peggy.


Game of Thrones como Seinfeld

Hound como Kramer, Samwell como George, Daenerys como Elaine, e Tyrion como Jerry.seinfeld

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Mod Men: O mundo de Mad Men através das lentes do século 21

Cinquenta anos separam o cotidiano dos Mad Men e o nosso atual dia a dia. É impossível deixar de pensar no que aqueles criativos fariam hoje em dia, quando as ferramentas disponíveis são praticamente ilimitadas. Para marcar o início da sexta – e penúltima – temporada, a equipe do Shutterstock criou  Mod Men, uma série de seis ilustrações retratando objetos de uso diário dos Mad Men em 1963 vistos através das lentes do século 21.

Don Draper, por exemplo, era obrigado a levar quilos de papéis em sua pasta. Nada que uma nuvem não resolvesse em 2013…


Joan Harris seria muito mais feliz com um iPad para substituir seu bloco de notas. Sem contar que a tecnologia ajuda a conter o desperdício.


Abaixo, dois bons exemplos de uma tendência transformadora dos últimos 50 anos: saem a bebida e o cigarro de Roger Sterling e Betty Francis – os “refrescos” do escritório e alívio contra o estresse para entrar alternativas muito mais saudáveis, como a vitamina de frutas e yoga.


Pete Campbell ganharia tempo se seus contatos estivessem organizados em agendas virtuais, em vez de um rolodex.


Se você já trabalhou com máquinas de escrever e hoje tem um computador à disposição, sabe bem o quanto isso é revolucionário. Antigamente, quem cometia um erro de datilografia (hoje digitação), tinha 2 opções: rasurar o trabalho tentando apagar ou começar tudo de novo. Pelo menos naquela folha. E, sim, havia casos que não permitiam rasuras. Peggy Olson certamente economizaria muito papel com um computador, mas por outro lado não desenvolveria a habilidade de acertar de primeira, como alguns representantes da era Mad Men faziam.


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The World of Mad Men in 2013

Afin de célébrer le retour de la célèbre série TV « Mad Men », les équipes du site Shutterstock ont imaginé les équivalences entre notre époque et celle de la série. Un phénomène et un style graphique décrypté à travers plusieurs éléments, objets et personnages, le tout dans une comparaison entre les années 1960 et 2013.


Don Draper Is Seeing Double in Poster for Mad Men Season 6

Don Draper is a man with at least two identities, so it shouldn't be surprising that he's seeing double on the Mad Men Season 6 poster, which AMC unveiled today. The New York Times has the story behind its creation:

Showrunner Matthew Weiner, inspired by a childhood memory of lush, painterly illustrations on T.W.A. flight menus, decided to turn back the promotional clock. He pored over commercial illustration books from the 1960s and '70s and sent images to the show's marketing team, which couldn't quite recreate the look he was after.

"Finally," he said, "they just looked up the person who had done all these drawings that I really loved, and they said: 'Hey, we've got the guy who did them. And he's still working. His name is Brian Sanders.' "

UPDATE: AMC also released this video offering a sneak peek at the new season.

For use on external sites w/exclusive video premieres.


Here’s AMC’s First Promo for the Upcoming Sixth Season of Mad Men

Mad Men returns to AMC on April 7 for Season 6—with a special two-hour premiere written by showrunner Matthew Weiner and directed by executive producer Scott Hornbacher. Check out the first on-air promo below, which began airing on Sunday. There's not much to go on, plot wise, although Don looks as conflicted as ever.

Separately, the other big Mad Men news this week is that Gita Hall May, a model from the 1950s and '60s, is suing Lionsgate over the show's opening credits. May, who is now 79, claims the opening segment uses an image of her without her consent. The image, below, was taken by Richard Avedon and used in a Revlon hairspray ad.

E se fizessem um reality show sobre uma concorrência publicitária?

O terror e a glória de quem vive em agência: concorrência. Uma versão concentrada e, portanto, desgastante do trabalho publicitário onde em um espaço normalmente curto demais uma equipe deve não só criar uma nova campanha para um cliente novo (ou para aquele cliente antigo que está querendo sair fora) mas também pensar uma maneira impactante de vender a ideia para quem decide.

Por conta das glórias alcançadas pela série de ficção “Mad Men” (é ficção?) o canal americano AMC encomendou a docuseries “The Pitch”, que estréia nos EUA segunda que vem, dia 30, na faixa de horário antes de Mad Men e que está com o primeiro episódio na íntegra no YouTube.

A cada semana duas agências se estapeiam por uma conta real, num processo de debrief, criação e decisão de 7 dias. Na primeira rodada poderemos ver a WDCW e a McKinney disputando a conta da rede de sanduíches Subway.

Mostrar os bastidores de uma concorrência pode ser um tema complicado, já que os segredos mais bem guardados de uma agência correm o risco de ser revelados. Desde a Fórmula Secreta da Criatividade quanto o relacionamento chefe-subordinados, as táticas de convencimento e outras coisas que muita gente acha que deveria ficar debaixo do tapete. Por outro lado este tipo de conteúdo pode servir exatamente para mostrar ao mundo que não existe criatividade tirada do… chapéu e sim muita ralação em cima da marca.

No que isso isso vai dar só o decorrer da temporada dirá, mas tire suas conclusões sobre o primeiro episódio e compartilhe aqui com a gente.

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Mad Men ganha video interativo em 8-bit

Para marcar o lançamento da 5a. temporada de Mad Men, The Fine Brothers criou o Mad Men: The Game, um video interativo para YouTube no estilo 8-bit. O game permite que o usuário determine as escolhas de Don Draper, entre elas revigorar suas ideias, alcançar a paz interior e ter maior auto-confiança. São três finais diferentes, que resultam da ordem em que os objetivos de Don Draper são atingidos.

Para jogar, o usuário assiste à uma animação e, em seguida, é apresentado às opções disponíveis. Ao clicar na ação escolhida, a história continua a partir daquela opção.

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“Night of the AdEaters” Comes to New York City

adeatersGeico gecko slaughtered!

Ronald McDonald tortured!

For New York Advertising Week’s finale, AdEaters will come to the industry’s birth place on Friday, September 25th. Imagine hundreds and hundreds of the best commercials from 54 countries being celebrated in one place and in one night. With the use of our favorite American advertising icons in its new trailer, it seems that the AdEaters event at Terminal 5 will prove to be extremely entertaining. As if the industry wasn’t already bubbling enough for this event’s arrival, the AdEaters team joined Mad Men fans dressed in 60’s regalia and stormed Times Square for the season premiere of “Mad Men.” New York will be exploding with ad-citement, so much so that I may cancel meetings that week to check it out. Shhh, don’t tell – buddy pass, anyone?

Tickets are available on its official website, which is linked above.

As a preview, here’s a commercial from Ford that will be featured at the Night of the Adeaters.

Jinean Robinson is a CCIO (Chief Creative Infections Officer) in this industry for 8+ years, specializing in creative strategy and implementation, 360 branding, and brand development. Join her @Twitter or her firm Germ, LLC.

Traditional Agency Model – It’s Been Good Knowin’ Ya!

mad_men-showI love the TV show “MadMen,” mostly because it’s a reminder of a quaint time in the history of our industry – big accounts, big egos, and big paychecks. Of course, at that time, advertising was limited to print and radio, as well as the “new” medium of TV.

Flash forward nearly 60 years to 2009. Magazines and newspapers are folding left and right, radio seems to have a limited shelf life, and TV is too expensive for many potential advertisers. While agencies like the fictional Sterling Cooper still exist, they’re working to hold their own against relative upstarts – the small boutique agencies that specialize in digital and social media. What would Don Draper do – get a Twitter account and attend PodCamp instead of chasing secretaries and boozing?

Traditional agencies are downsizing – many have considerably smaller employee rosters and account lists – while smaller agencies are flourishing due to the focus of specialists such as brand evangelists, social anthropologists, and relationship managers. Their primary methodologies engage the consumer through digital, mobile, and direct mail, then supplement campaigns with broadcast, print, out-of-home, and outdoor.  These small shops seem to get it as they can implement a specialized yet multi-faceted approach for clients.  Think of it as one-stop-shopping and the agencies that can’t keep up with the so-called little guys are folding quickly.

So what does this mean to traditional agencies? Is it the end of the line for them? Or can they peacefully co-exist with this new agency hybrid?

Sara Barton is a copywriter, social media strategist, and avid blogger who is in search of her next opportunity. Contact her via Twitter, LinkedIn, or her blog.