Pace Salsa Twitter Debacle Was a Prank By Comedians on a Comedian

UPDATE 2: The truth (or as close as the Internet gets to the truth) is finally revealed. This whole fracas was a prank by comedian Randy Liedtke and (we're guessing) podcasting partner Brendon Walsh, whom you can see in a screenshot below retweeting @Pace_Foods posts all the way back in August. The man at the center of this weekend's hilarity, comedian Kyle Kinane, says he wasn't in on it, but we'll let you be the judge of that.

UPDATE 1: Pace Foods owner Campbell Soup Co. has said on Twitter today that the Pace account was "not authorized," though it's unclear what that means, since the account seems to have been actively marketing the brand for a long while. However, there is the possibility that the messages supposedly received by Kyle Kinane in the exchange below could have been faked by him for laughs. See more updates at the bottom of this item.

Original item here:

There are Twitter brand disasters, and then there are all-out Twitter brand implosions with a gravitational force so great, they seem to suck in all light and matter in the universe. This weekend, Pace salsa had the latter.

(Warning: NSFW language is nigh.)

Comedian Kyle Kinane noticed that Pace's Twitter account had favorited an old tweet of his actually mocking the product, so he decided to test whether the brand was using a bot to follow any mention, positive or negative. It was. So, he began making all sorts of obscenity-filled and insulting posts about the salsa, which just kept favoriting each one.

Eventually the brand seemed to turn off the bot and apologized for "technical problems with our Twitter account."

Kinane, however, continued to prod at Pace, mocking their requests for a ceasefire and posting screenshots of the brand's increasingly desperate direct messages to him. One rep warns him (unironically) that "blackmail for salsa is still blackmail," and just when an armistice seemed to be at hand, a Pace rep told Kinane that his comments were "bull crap." That employee was "sent home early," another explained.

Eventually the brand opted for the nuclear option and simply closed down its Twitter page.

For the full blow-by-blow, be sure to check out Huffington Post's comprehensive recap of the whole sordid affair.

UPDATE: Here's the rather cryptic tweet from Campbell Soup Co., parent company of Pace Foods, implying the salsa account was a fake:

However, posts from the @Pace_Foods account go back months at least, and it seems to have been pretty active. The screenshot below from August also seems to imply it was run by a firm also posting social updates for Band-Aid (on an account that's also been suspended):

So Campbell's definition of an unauthorized account might simply mean that it was run by an outside agency (with an emphasis on "was"). Of course, the account being real doesn't automatically mean that the messages to Kinane were real.


JCPenney Advises Kmart After Boxers Ad: Cover Up Those ‘Twigs and Berries’

Kmart has a big viral hit with the guys playing "Jingle Bells" with their privates. Now, another retailer, JCPenney, is trying to draft off that popularity by tweeting a coupon for pants in Kmart's general direction. A back-and-forth ensued, with the phrase "twigs and berries" eventually being used. This is what American corporate retail has come to, people.


For Modern Brands, Social Media Marketing Is A Shared Responsibility

Hats off to David Zaleski at iMedia Connection for capturing a serious topic in a humorous way.

Zaleski says at the end of his video lashing that there’s no need for social media managers. I wouldn’t go that far, but statistics do point to a downward trend. According to newly released stats from career site, growth in positions with the title “social media manager” slowed to 50% in the past year, a dramatic decline from recent years, when triple and even quadruple digit growth was commonplace.

Ryan Holmes, CEO of HootSuite, believes the decline in social media managers indicates a sea change in the way that social media itself is used within organizations. Once the exclusive domain of digital gurus, Twitter, Facebook, and other tools are gradually becoming everyone’s responsibility.

To my mind, everyone’s responsibility means a shared responsibility. Brands do in fact need agency partners who live and breathe digital media to develop a strategic framework and help guide the discussion online. Brands also need people inside the company to step up and field customer requests when they come in via social, and to help deliver “real news” from inside the company.

Social is about real people and real voices — when a skilled staffer or team of staffers takes on social media marketing responsibilities, the authentic voice that comes through is impossible to fake or replicate and that’s worth a lot.

The post For Modern Brands, Social Media Marketing Is A Shared Responsibility appeared first on AdPulp.

JPMorgan Learns It’s Hard to Hold a Twitter Q&A If Everyone on Twitter Hates You

The Internet not only doesn't forget, it will slap you around if you pretend it does. JPMorgan Chase, which has racked up more than $30 billion in fines and legal fees, announced a Twitter chat earlier this week—a Q&A with JPMorgan vice chairman Jimmy Lee.

The response was immediate, vast and hysterical.

It's a touch reminiscent of last year's #McDStories debacle. McDonald's had started that hashtag with the hope that its followers would share nostalgic stories about Saturday-afternoon Happy Meals with their grandparents. Yeah, no.

JPMorgan has responded to the #AskJPM backlash with a simple, straightforward tweet that was just short of saying, "That Q&A? LOL, please disregard."

Via Fast Company.


#AskJPM Backfires, House of Morgan Cancels Tweet Chat

JPMorgan Chase & Co intended to use Twitter today for thought leadership purposes.

Using the hashtag #AskJPM, interested parties were invited to send questions in advance of the session set for Thursday at 1 p.m. in New York.

The bank was going to make one of its star bankers available for a live Q&A, but when negative Tweets starting rolling in like waves, the marketing team at the bank shut the event down.

This episode nicely illustrates the difference between what the people who work for the bank or its agencies think and feel about the brand, compared to what people on the street think and feel.

Given that a flare up like this is a rich educational experience for the brand, I would advise The House of Morgan to keep their scheduled Twitter chat and to carry on. It’s the difficult path for sure, but choosing to not engage sends the wrong message, making a bad situation worse.

In the face of a Tweet storm, you can run and hide or you can show some resolve, patience and balance.

The post #AskJPM Backfires, House of Morgan Cancels Tweet Chat appeared first on AdPulp.

Kellogg’s Apologizes for Promising to Feed Hungry Kids Only If You Retweet


Em ação da Nike, jogador do Boca Juniors apaga todos os seguidores no Twitter

Em agosto passado, a Nike lançou um comercial para o Boca Juniors que retratava o ritual de batismo dos jogadores. Os novatos, quando entram como titulares, precisavam raspar a cabeça. Porém, para mostrar que no Boca todos jogam que se fosse a primeira vez, os veteranos também passam pelo mesmo procedimento.

A BBDO Argentina levou o mesmo conceito para o Twitter, utilizando o perfil do Burrito Martinez – que na época do Corinthians não fazia nada – como prova da disposição de começar de novo. Todos os mais de 92 mil seguidores do jogador foram apagados, seguido de um tweet dizendo que ele se esforçaria no campo para recuperar todos de volta.

O video-case acima resume a ação, que é bem simples, mas uma bom exemplo de transposição do conceito do comercial para redes sociais.

Boca Juniors

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Charmin Thinks Twice About Its ‘Asgard’ Joke, Even Though Twitter Loved It


Ads Scant When Twitter Crosses Borders

Though three-quarters of its users are outside the United States, only a modest portion of its ad revenue is generated there. But it’s growing fast.


Riding the Hashtag in Social Media Marketing

Gary Vaynerchuk, a social media marketer, pounces on any trend — tweeted or otherwise — in his quest to sell, sell, sell.


Twitter torna timeline mais visual e favorece anunciantes

Ontem no fim do dia, o Twitter introduziu mudanças para tornar a timeline dos usuários mais visual. Não é preciso mais clicar em um link para ver uma foto, por exemplo, pois as imagens agora aparecem diretamente no stream. Os ícones de reply, retweet e favorito passam a ficar sempre aparentes. O redesign funciona tanto para os aplicativos oficiais, como na versão web.

Muita gente não gostou das alterações, por achar que polui a timeline e/ou pelo risco de ter imagens NSFW aparecendo sem a necessidade de um clique. Pelo menos para os aplicativos, existe a possibilidade de desabilitar o preview de imagens. Basta optar nas Configurações. Já na web, não há escolha.

Alguns comentários dizem que isso é o Twitter querendo ser mais Facebook. Talvez, mas a verdade é que são mudanças que terão impacto imediato na publicidade. Com fotos diretamente nas timelines, o Twitter tem agora praticamente um formato de mídia display.

Você já pode ver o redesign diretamente no seu Twitter, mas o Vine abaixo demonstra a diferença. Ah, e um detalhe. O preview não funciona para fotos e vídeos do Instagram. Já virou pessoal.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Agora você pode pagar um café da Starbucks para alguém com um tweet

Agora você não mais poder enrolar pra pagar todos aqueles cafés que está devendo. A Starbucks criou o programa “Tweet a Coffee”, em que você pode dar um café para alguém através de uma simples menção no Twitter.

Basta enviar um tweet para o perfil @tweetacoffee citando o @ que será presenteado. A pessoa recebe um cupom digital no valor de US$ 5, que pode ser utilizado ao ser apresentado em qualquer uma das lojas Starbucks.

Por enquanto só funciona para clientes nos EUA, e os interessados devem conectar as contas da Starbucks e do Twitter no site


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Ronan Farrow: The Youngest Old Guy in the Room

Mr. Farrow, 25, the son of Mia Farrow, already has the résumé of someone twice his age and in the last year has come into his own as a public figure.


Tweeting Bra Lets the World Know Each Time It’s Unclasped

If tits could tweet, they'd probably have a lot to say; but since they can't, they'll have to settle for the next best thing: a tweeting bra. OgilvyOne Athens has created a bra that tweets every time it's unclasped, sending a titillating notification to a special Twitter feed. Greek actress Maria Bakodimou will wear the bra for two weeks, letting the world know each time the twins are unleashed. The tweets then direct people to the Nestlé Fitness website, where they can get tips on how to do a monthly self-exam. As you can imagine, the bra currently tweets a lot in Greek, but it contends that self-exams are still Greek to many women. Maybe next time they can team up with Durex's Fundawear team and add some electric tingles to the bra that can be remotely controlled by response tweets. C'mon, anything goes in the name of awareness! Via Mashable.


On Twitter, Eavesdropper Reveals Former N.S.A. Head’s Train Chat

A phone conversation between Michael V. Hayden, a former head of the National Security Agency, and three journalists was overheard and tweeted about by a fellow train passenger.


White House Official’s Career Twitters Out

Colleagues of Jofi Joseph, a National Security Council employee unmasked as an acerbic commentator on Twitter, say he was funny and smart. But many also saw a negative tendency.


Vivian Schiller to Leave NBC News for Twitter

Ms. Schiller, chief digital officer for NBC News, will oversee partnerships between Twitter and news organizations like NBC and NPR.


Encounters : Mickey Boardman: Keeping Up With His Followers

Paper Magazine’s editorial director has never been shy about being seen. Now he’s increasingly using Twitter and Instagram to be heard.


Racist Tweet About Lottery Winner Quickly Deleted From Atlanta Newspaper’s Feed

The past few years have seen many a regrettable tweet from supposedly professional companies, but this one just might be the most cringe-worthy of them all. This morning, the Atlanta Journal Constitution posted a tweet saying, "$1M GA Lottery winner Willie Lynch can get 40 acres and a whole lotta mules."

The tweet linked to a brief article on lottery winners, which did not include any sort of "40 acres and a mule" reference. The phrase refers to a post-Civil War proposal to help freed slaves begin new lives by giving them land previously held by whites. Such proposals became a source of bitterness among black Southerners when the policies were reversed shortly after the war.

New York magazine's website reports that the tweet was soon deleted and that "a spokesperson at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution was unaware of the message and is now trying to figure out why it happened." An apology has been posted, which you can see below. 


Twitter to End Its Music App, Which Never Made Much Noise

A rare flop for Twitter, Twitter #Music was intended to introduce users to new acts, and see what their contacts were listening to.