Wooden Charger by Orée

Après le grand succès du clavier en bois sans fil Oree Board, le studio Oree Design a imaginé un chargeur sans fil Smartphone, Bluetooth et micro dans un seul bloc de bois ou de marbre conçue artisanalement. Cette nouvelle création Orée Pebble 2 ravira les consommateurs de belles technologies.

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Primary Lighting Installation

L’artiste Flynn Talbot a créé une installation de lumières appelée « Primary » qui a été exposée à la PSAS, à Perth, en Australie. L’artiste explore les 3 couleurs primaires et les formes triangulaires à travers 3 sources de lumières LED différentes. A découvrir avec les photos de John Madden.


Dandelion Lights by Takao Inoue

Les lampes Tampopo (« pissenlit » en japonais) ont été conçues par l’artiste japonais Takao Inoue et exposées à Milano Salone au début de cette année. De vrais pissenlits sont intégrés et suspendus dans un bloc d’acrylique avec une lumière OLED miniature à l’intérieur de la tige. Un bel objet esthétique.


Rotring 800+ The Future Of Paper

La marque allemande Rotring a récemment dévoilé son outil pour les créatifs avec cet objet Rotring 800+ qui fait à la fois portemine mais aussi stylet pour les appareils tactiles. Un objet au design facilement reconnaissable car reprenant les éléments de la marque à découvrir dans une série d’images et en vidéo.

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The Evolution of Visual Effects

Le réalisateur Jim Casey a décidé de réunir des images tirées de films ayant marqués l’histoire du cinéma pour nous démontrer l’évolution des effets spéciaux au cours de ces décennies. Un montage allant des Dix Commandements à Godzilla, tout en passant par Jason & les Argonautes ou encore Fight Club à découvrir en vidéo.

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Will Elon Musk Reward The Oatmeal’s Glowing Tesla Review With an $8M Donation?

Tesla Motors just got one hell of an unsolicited endorsement, in the form of a glowing review from Model S owner and massively popular cartoonist Matt "The Oatmeal" Inman.

In a lengthy two-part cartoon, Inman first gushes about his love for the electric car (which he calls his "Intergalactic SpaceBoat of Light and Wonder"), then follows up in Part 2 with a request that Tesla Motors founder Elon Musk help invest in preserving the lab equipment used by the company's namesake, Nikola Tesla.

Skeptics will, quite reasonably, note that the lavish praise of Inman's review could be seen as simply buttering up Musk for Part 2's considerable donation request, a whopping $8 million toward Inman's own goal of building a Tesla Museum. 

But clearly if Inman's only goal were coercing money from Musk, he could have done so without spending nearly so much time describing in detail his love for the Model S.

He dotes on the car's touchscreen controls, its safety features and its all-around stellar performance. He also spends considerable time, as many Tesla Motors fans do, assuaging fears from overhyped concerns about range (260 miles between charges for his 85 kwh battery) and potential for fire (very low, considering lack of gasoline and a software upgrade implemented after a few early, non-injury fires).

And then, of course, he asks Elon Musk for $8 million. 

Obviously, Inman is no journalist, so he's not bound by any sort of perceived conflict of interest. If anything, he deserves points for being rather candid with his two-part Tesla-themed opus. There's also the fact that Inman has been no slouch on the Tesla Museum fundraising front, having generated $1.37 million in donations from fans to save the inventor's lab from destruction.

In the end, Inman's positivity, proven passion and direct appeal have effectively put Musk in quite a bind.

The entrepreneur's beloved vehicle now has a sky-illuminating endorsement from one of the Internet's most popular creative talents, and it comes at a vital moment in Tesla's goal of becoming a mainstream national auto brand.

But will he feel indebted enough to Inman to cough up $8 million and co-found a museum to one of history's greatest inventors? Time will tell. Or as Tesla himself put it, "Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments."

Wish Your Life Had an Instagram Filter? It Could With These Sunglasses

Ever wanted to view your whole world through the earthy optimism of Instagram filters? On the off chance your answer is "yes," then you'll want to check out a new brand of Wayfarer-style sunglasses called Tens.

Calling their creation "a real life photo filter," the makers of Tens set out quite a while back to bring the vibe of Instagram to everything around you. 

"What if there was a way that we could skip all the cameras and apps?" co-founder Marty Bell recalls the team asking themselves. "What if there was a way we could filter everything we see while being disconnected from technology?"

The process clearly wasn't an easy one, as co-founder Kris Reid explains in the video below.

"After two-and-a-half years of exhausting sampling and switching between different supplies, trying to create the perfect lens, we finally have a product that we truly believe in."

The sunglasses are available for preorder on crowdfunding incubator site IndieGogo, where the project has raised roughly 1,700 percent of its goal.

Despite their clear popularity, the sunglasses may leave others skeptical about whether the creators have really achieved their goal of disconnecting us from technology. Is this an example of inspiring people to get out and enjoy the real world, or is it another case of the Internet saturating the rest of our lives?

Via Quartz.

BBDO/NY Rolls Film, Presents GE’s Technology As A Service To Humanity

David Lubars is Chief Creative Officer of BBDO in New York.

Therefore, it is safe to conclude BBDO/NY will consistently make beautiful work.

Shot documentary-style by Greenpoint Pictures’ directorial duo The Hudson Dusters, the films capture real, inspirational stories from places around the globe where GE technology is truly making a difference.

The films are running online in GE markets all around the world, and further stories will be rolled out throughout the year.

Previously on AdPulp: Brands Use Instagram to Paint 1000 Words

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Deconstructed Clocks Design

Après plusieurs articles dédiés aux horloges design, voici une série d’horloges comportant des mécanismes de suspensions en fils de fer, reliés à des cadres de contreplaqué réalisés par le designer argentin Daniel Weil. Un rendu impressionnant à découvrir en images dans l’article.

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Suspended Moon

L’artiste urbain d’origine espagnole SpY a récemment mis en place son installation « Moon » à Lausanne en Suisse. Un croissant de Lune artificielle a été suspendue grâce à une grue au-dessus du paysage urbain et s’illumine la nuit. Une installation très poétique à découvrir en images.


Need to Truly Disconnect? If You Wear These Clothes, Your Phone Won’t Work

Tired of texts and phone calls, or all those Snapchats from Taco Bell? Find yourself checking your Klout score while walking down the street? Scrolling Instagram for the fifth time this hour with a look like you're solving a calculus problem? Wishing someone you don't even know happy birthday on Facebook while ignoring the human across the table from you?

Or maybe you just want to be totally off the grid anywhere in the world.

Sure, you could just turn off your phone. But that would be too easy. Now, thanks to Trident (yes, the chewing gum) and fashion designer Kunihiko Morinaga, you can repel all cellphone transmissions simply by wearing these hip threads called Focus Life Gear—made of radio frequency shielding fabric.

"While the introduction of the Internet and smartphones has made things very convenient, we are spending a lot more time in this virtual world even when we are with real people," Morinaga says in the video below. "This is why we came up with the idea to create a collection of garments that would help us avoid these distractions, and focus on real life.

"We used fabrication techniques for outdoor gear that protect us from the rain and wind, and applied them to the garments to protect us from the storm of information."

Buy some for yourself, or the virtual-phobe or reality-core friend in your life. This all seems great, but I think chucking my phone in the East River might feel more gratifying.

Via Visual News.

GIF Illustrations by Rebecca Mock

L’illustratrice Rebecca Mock fait de belles illustrations en gifs animés pour différents médias web. Les illustrations s’inscrivent dans l’ère contemporaine en mettant en scène des personnages dans les transports, tenant un iPad ou alors un bureau désordonné avec un iPhone qui vibre et une tablette graphique.


3D Pen Printing In The Air

Voici LIX : le plus petit stylo 3D pouvant être alimenté par l’ électricité à partir d’un port USB. Cet incroyable stylo d’impression 3D a la même fonction que les imprimantes 3D, il fond et se refroidit en plastique de couleur, permettant de créer des structures rigides et autonomes. Une création innovante et original.

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Animated Movie Posters in GIF

Un utilisateur d’Imgur a voulu rendre hommage à quelques films cultes en animant leurs posters sous format GIF : de Fight Club à Skyfall, en passant par Pulp Fiction, Drive et Kill Bill, toutes les scènes de ces affiches se mettent à bouger sous nos yeux. Une belle manière de donner vie à un poster figé.


Fubiz for iPhone iOS7

L’équipe de Fubiz et Blank est fière de vous proposer la nouvelle application gratuite iOS 7 pour iPhone, conçue pour rendre votre expérience plus fluide et vous permettre d’emporter votre dose quotidienne d’inspiration dans votre poche. Découvrez davantage d’informations sur l’application Fubiz dans la suite.

Nouvelle interface iPhone iOS7

Découvrez de manière plus fluide les articles du site, le tout trié par catégories et avec un nouveau moteur de recherche. Un nouveau design et une interface pour un accès plus simple aux médias, galeries et aux vidéos HD sur Fubiz. Une évolution accompagnée par l’ajout des partages sur les réseaux sociaux et sur chacunes des communautés Fubiz (Twitter, Facebook et Tumblr).

Lien direct iTunesSite dédié

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Concept Cars from the 20th Century

Le High Museum of Art d’Atlanta présentera prochainement dans le cadre d’une exposition appelée “Dream Cars” 17 concept-cars venant de l’Europe et des USA pensées entre les années 1930 et 2000. Des créations étonnantes de Ferrari, ou encore Bugatti à découvrir dans la suite en images.

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High Voltage Photography

Phillip Stearns imagine de magnifiques visuels, à l’aide d’une pratique pour le moins étonnante : il applique divers produits chimiques ménagers à la surface d’un film qu’il enclenche avec 15.000 volts. En un éclair, l’impulsion électrique créée des impressions spectaculaires ressemblant à des réseaux de vaisseaux sanguins dans la rétine.

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LinkedIn Stock Price Down 45% from All Time High Last Fall

Do you smell that smell? I believe a degree of odiferous air has been let go from the social media bubble.

According to USA TODAY, LinkedIn reported a 46% rise in first-quarter revenue, to $473.2 million, but a loss of $13.3 million. The news sent LinkedIn shares down 2% in after-hours trading, to $159.02. Its stock, meanwhile, is down about 40% from its all-time high of $257.56 per share in September.

Warwick Business School Professor, Mark Skilton, believes the problem is lack of attention to mobile. “LinkedIn seems to be treating the mobile trend as just another channel but this might prove problematic as members seek consistent multi-device experience.”

That’s one theory. I have a different evaluation. People may be beginning to realize that the never-ending act of promoting oneself in digital channels is tiresome in the extreme.

Twitter Inc., LinkedIn Corp. and Yelp Inc.all have lost more than 20 per cent of their market value this year. Only Facebook, which is up 2.6 per cent, escaped the downward trend.

The Nasdaq Internet Index as a whole is down by almost 20 per cent, hovering close to the threshold for a bear market.

The post LinkedIn Stock Price Down 45% from All Time High Last Fall appeared first on AdPulp.

DealBook: Alibaba Said to Be in Talks to Regain Stake in Alipay

The Chinese e-commerce giant, which is on the cusp of going public in the United States, is in talks about regaining a stake in its Alipay payment affiliate, a

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320 Licht Installation by Urbanscreen

L’installation le « 320 Licht » de Urbanscreen utilise la beauté d’une Gazomètre de Oberhausen en Allemagne comme point de départ pour un rendu artistique fascinant à l’aide de jeux de lumières et de formes. Dans un rayon de 320 degrés : motifs graphiques grandissent et se développent sur ??les parois intérieures de la Gazomètre.

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