Xbox has released an epic new ad as it looks to win over market share from arch-rival Sony PlayStation, in what is a very high-stakes year for the brands as they each gear up to launch a hotly anticipated new generation of consoles The 70-second global ad by longtime agency 215 McCann has been released…
The trend toward branded out-of-home machines that actively hate humans might have reached its apex with this stunt by PlayStation, which shocked commuters in Antwerp's Central Station by, uh, literally shocking them.
To promote the PS4 game Infamous: Second Son, a mysterious booth was set up in the lobby. People were goaded to stick their fingers in two holes in the front. Those who did got an electric shock. If they could endure it for five seconds (like that one guy at the end, who is eerily nonchalant about it), they were rewarded with a free copy of the game—whose hero apparently has some kind of electricity superpower.
I wonder if the creatives behind this ad were Mr. Show fans, because the execution here isn't unlike a G-rated version of The Joke: The Musical.
Para promover o plano de assinatura premium PlayStation Plus – um serviço que concorre diretamente com o Xbox Live -, a Sony resolveu mostrar que a melhor forma de se reunir com os amigos para se divertir é jogando online.
Assim como em filmes anteriores da campanha Greatness Awaits, que colocam o jogador dentro do game, Experience More Together insere um grupo de amigos em diferentes jogos, para mostrar que todo mês há uma novidade na assinatura.
Com criação da BBH de Nova York, o filme dirigido por Peter Thwaites e produzido pela Corner Shop também chama a atenção por um detalhe interessante: no grupo de amigos, há uma mulher. Afinal, tem muito tempo que o universo gamer deixou de ser uma exclusividade masculina.
Não é um bom momento para a Sony no Brasil, mas no resto do mundo, onde não é preciso vender um orgão vital para ter um videogame, os jogadores podem apreciar essa nostalgia da marca.
Trata-se de um vídeo para o mercado britânico, que mostra o que mudou na vida – aqui resumida a um quarto – do jovem gamer. Intitulado “Since 95″ – ano de lançamento do primeiro PlayStation – o filme faz um truque para parecer não ter cortes, e brinca com itens de época, incluindo posters de bandas, caixas de pizza e até o horizonte de Londres cronologicamente apropriado. Perceba que o aspecto da imagem e até uma simulação de diferentes definições também se alteram.
A Sony incentiva ainda o uso da hashtag #playstationmemories, para que os jogadores relembrem momentos importantes ao lado de quase duas décadas de história do console.
Quero dar aqui já uma ideia para a versão brasileira deste mesmo vídeo: Quase tudo igual, mas utilizando referências também do Brasil, mas no final o protagonista vira um milionário. Sem motivo aparente. Na minha outra ideia ele simplesmente compra um Xbox One, mas aí os fanboys vão chorar nos comentários. 😛
Depois dos excelentes “Arkham Asylum” e “Arkham City”, eu tenho minhas dúvidas do que o novo “Batman: Arkham Origins” pode fazer pela franquia, mas a WB Games já ganha um ponto pelo comercial acima.
Todo feito em computação gráfica, ele mostra a trajetória de Bruce Wayne desde criança, começando pelo assassinato de seus pais – detalhe pro momento do tiro. A camera mantém a mesma posição até o final, com o garoto sempre inerte à violência, até, claro, assumir a persona do Homem-Morcego.
“Batman: Arkham Origins” será lançado para Xbox 360, PS3, PC e WiiU no próximo dia 25 de outubro.
The PlayStation 4 launches next month, and Sony is feeding the frenzy with its new "Perfect Day" commercial from BBH in New York. It's a follow-up to the widely popular PlayStation 4 trailer from June, and it coincides with the launch of Sony's "Greatness Awaits" website. In the ad, two young men role-play battle via scenes from the Elder Scrolls Online, Driveclub and Killzone: Shadow Fall, all to the tune of Lou Reed's "Perfect Day."
The song juxtaposes nicely against the battle scenes, and although Reed is not actually singing it, the actors belting it out off-key while fighting make for a fun spot. Reed spoke positively about the ad industry at Cannes earlier this year, which makes a lot of sense now that he's profiting off it (though still not profiting off iTunes, apparently). Is that a touch of irony in the song selection, too, since it's allegedly about addiction?
UPDATE: As Pete Shelly reminds us, Reed's original version of "Perfect Day" has been used in advertising before—in the beautiful AT&T spot below with Gretchen Bleiler, by BBDO New York and director Peter Thwaites, from the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.
CREDITS Client: Sony PlayStation 4
Agency: BBH, New York Chief Creative Officer: John Patroulis Executive Creative Director: Ari Weiss Interactive Creative Director: Tim Nolan Creative Directors: Gerard Caputo, Chris Maiorino Lead Senior Producer: Jennifer Moore Bell Senior Producer: Kate Morrison Head of Integrated Production: Justin Booth-Clibborn Head of Account Management: Armando Turco Account Director: Melissa Hill Account Executive: Jon Moll Senior Broadcast Business Manager: Sean McGee Copywriter: Ian Hart Art Director: Dave Brown Visual Designer: Rahim Masunu User Experience Designer: Kelly Bignell Lead Producer: Martin Mlekicki Digital Producer: Victoria Fishel Chief Strategy Officer: Sarah Watson Strategist: Kendra Salvatore Strategist: Angela Sun Head of Comms Planning: Julian Cole Comms Planner: Ben Zoll
Production Company: MJZ Director: Matthijs Van Heijningen Director of Photography: Joost Van Gelder Executive Producer: Scott Howard Producer: Donald Taylor Production Designer: Robin Brown
Production Partner: HAUS Creative Director: Rasmus Blaesbjerg Technology Lead: Dino Petrone Senior Producer: Claudine Nichols Digital Producer: Tracey McAvoy
Editing: Union Edit Executive Producer: Caryn Maclean Senior Producer: Sara Mills Editor: Jono Griffith Assistant Editor: Megan Swados
Visual Effects, Finishing: The Mill Executive Producer: Sean Costelloe Senior Producers: Charlotte Arnold, Will Mok Assistant Producer: Juan Handal Color Producer: Heath Raymond Shoot Supervisors: Gavin Wellsman, Joji Tsuruga Colorist: Fergus McCall
Music: Lou Reed Additional Music Arrangement: Human Sound Design: Human Mix: Sound Lounge Mixer: Tom Jucarone
A Sony escolheu o intervalo do Monday Night Football, ontem à noite, para apresentar Perfect Day, o primeiro filme da campanha do PlayStation 4, que será lançado no próximo mês. A ideia é mostrar a definição de um dia perfeito, segundo os jogadores do PS4: jogar sem parar, de preferência com seu melhor amigo – ainda que isso signifique matá-lo algumas vezes, na ficção, é claro.
O filme mistura animação 3D e live action, e começa com dois guerreiros lutando, ao mesmo tempo em que cantam Perfect Day, de Lou Reed. A história segue com os mesmos dois personagens disputando uma corrida de carros e, depois, em uma batalha futurística.
Parte da campanha Greatness Awaits, o comercial é divertido e ainda dá uma palhinha de DriveClub e Killzone Shadow Fall, games exclusivos do PS4.
Para defender a si mesmo e aqueles que ama, qualquer um é capaz de se transformar. Especialmente diante de um ataque zumbi. Esta é a premissa que a 180 Amsterdam, junto com a produtora Minivegas, usou para apresentar o game The Last of Us ao mercado europeu. Ao longo de 60 segundos, vemos um homem comum – em live action – se transformando no personagem do game, em CGI.
Segundo o diretor criativo Maarten Boon, o projeto exigia gráficos sofisticados, que dessem a exata dimensão do jogo, mas que também pudessem ser inseridos no cenário da vida real de um jogador.
Afin de résumer tous les grands projets sur lesquels les équipes ont pu travailler au cours de l’année 2013, The Mill, studio américain spécialisé dans les effets visuels, propose un showreel d’une grande qualité. Un montage superbe réunissant divers travaux dont nous avons pu parler à découvrir dans la suite.
Voici la première publicité consacrée à la nouvelle console de Sony, la Playstation 4. Réalisée par Rupert Sanders, cette vidéo « Greatness Awaits propose de suivre un personnage dans un décor en transformation, multipliant les références aux jeux vidéos. Une création sublimée par le travail en post-production de The Mill.
While most gamers were focused this week on learning what the new Sony PlayStation 4 will look like and how much it will cost ($399), ad geeks were treated to their own big reveal: the console's new marketing campaign. "Greatness Awaits" will be the launch tagline for the PS4, and the campaign rolled out this week with a suitably epic 90-second anthem spot from BBH New York. The agency won the PlayStation account earlier this year, succeeding longtime creative lead Deutsch/LA, whose ads featuring fictional PlayStation vp Kevin Butler were roundly beloved until ending awkwardly with a lawsuit against the star talent. The new guard's inaugural work for the PS4 features actor Taylor Handley (from CBS's recently canceled series Vegas) delivering a long-take soliloquy on embracing your greatness. Speckled with cameos by game characters and self-destructing set designs, the ad ends with the actor diving into the fray to break some pirate legs and clothesline a few clowns. If those are both part of the same game, I'd be willing to pre-order a PS4 today. Credits below.
CREDITS Client: Sony PlayStation 4
Agency: BBH New York Chief Creative Officer: John Patroulis Executive Creative Director: Ari Weiss Creative Director: Nate Able Copywriter: Rick Herrera Head of Integrated Production: Justin Booth-Clibborn Senior Producer: Jennifer Moore Bell Production Assistant: AJ Gutierrez Head of Account Management: Armando Turco Account Director: Melissa Hill Account Manager: Georgie Gooley Account Coordinator: Marshal Kerns
Production Company: MJZ Director: Rupert Sanders Director of Photography: Greig Fraser President: David Zander Executive Producer: Kate Leahy Producer: Laurie Boccaccio Production Supervisor: Adriana Cebada Mora Production Designer: Dominic Watkins Costume Designer: Mayes Rubeo
Local Production Company: Kinema Films de Mexico Local Production Co. Producer: Jose Ludlow
Editorial: Work Post NY Executive Producer: Erica Thompson Editor: Neil Smith Assistant Editor: Healy Snow
VFX & Finishing: The Mill NY Exec Producer: Jo Arghiris Senior VFX Producer: Charlotte Arnold VFX Supervisor: Iwan Zwarts VFX Supervisor: Rob Petrie Assistant Producer: Juan Handal Colour Producer: Heath Raymond Colourist: Fergus McCall 2D Lead Compositor: Iwan Zwarts 2D Compositing Artists: Kyle Cody, Dan DiFelice, Additional: Danny Morris, John Mangia, Ilia Mokhtareizadeh, Greg Spencer, Dan Giraldo 2D Conforms and Cut-downs: Jade Kim 3D Lead Artists: Rob Petrie and Joji Tsuruga 3D Lead Lighter: Olivier Mitonneau 3D Animators: Jeff Lopez, Alex Allain, Tyler Hurd 3D Artists: Olivier Varteressian, Per Bergsten, Ivan Luque Cueller, Billy Dangyoon Jang, Boris Ustaev, Hassan Taimur, Ruben Vandebroek, Tim Kim 3D MASSIVE: Wyattt Savarese, Ed Hicks, Hassan Tuimir 3D FX: Nick Couret, Ian Baxter, Phil Mayer, Cedrick Grousse Matte Painting: Can Y. Sanalan Title Design: Mario Stipinovich, Tetsuro Mise, Eugene Kolb
Additional: LIDAR services provided by Scanable: Travis Reinke Rotoscoping provided by: Trace VFX Sound Designer: Brian Emrich at Trinitite Music: Woodwork Music Music Producer: Andrew Oswarek Composer: Phil Kay Mix: Sound Lounge Mixer: Tom Jucarone
Nada pode ser menos interessante para os jogadores e frequentadores da E3 do que campanhas publicitárias, certo? Ninguém prestou atenção, mas a Sony também revelou ontem o primeiro comercial do PlayStation 4.
É uma espécie de manifesto que introduz o conceito “Greatness Awaits”, com um discurso bem parecido até com a recente campanha da Nike, “Find Your Greatness”. A doce ironia é que podemos enxergar tudo como sedentarismo vs. atividade física.
Visualmente o filme é interessante, apesar de utilizar as mesmas convenções de outras campanhas do gênero, mostrando o grande e variado universo que aguarda o jogador ao reunir robôs, monstros, esportistas e criaturas místicas num mesmo cenário. Campanhas de TV de alta definição e 3D tem feito muito isso nos últimos anos.
É improvável que repita o mesmo sucesso e criatividade das clássicas campanhas do PS2, mas parece que verba para a produção não vai faltar.
Em sua apresentação ontem na E3, a Sony decidiu vencer a retórica na internet e agradou o público anunciando medidas populares (sem DRM, liberdade para jogos usados, preço mais barato, etc) para o seu PlayStation 4, atacando diretamente os pontos críticos do concorrente Xbox One.
Além disso, a marca resolveu fazer piada. Apresentam no vídeo acima a incrível tecnologia de troca de games do PS4, ensinando passo a passo tudo o que você precisa fazer para emprestar um jogo para um amigo.
With each new announcement about the upcoming launch of the Xbox One, Microsoft seems to be making a few more enemies.
Gamers and industry observers have become increasingly skeptical of the next-gen gaming console thanks to features that seem catered far more to piracy-paranoid game publishers than to game buyers. For example, Microsoft said today that users won't be allowed to play games if their consoles are disconnected from the Internet for more than 24 hours. (Laughably, the brand says you can still "watch live TV" while disconnected, though I'm not sure defaulting to a cable box is a great selling point.) Reddit's Gaming community has exploded today with posts mocking the Xbox One's unpopular features and requirements. As of this writing, 23 of the top 25 posts on the Gaming subreddit are anti-Microsoft (check out several of the best after the jump).
It's not all a reaction to the required-connection announcement, either. Despite Microsoft's assurances that you'll be able to turn off the motion-detecting Kinect's microphone and camera, gamers still see the mandatory peripheral as an potential invasion of their privacy. Players also weren't thrilled to hear that the ability to buy or sell used games will be determined by the game publishers, who might require you to pay full price when you install one of their titles, even if you buy the disc used.
The infuriated response by gamers is definitely a PR nightmare for Microsoft, but here's the real question: Will Sony manage to keep looking like a hero? So far, Sony has revealed relatively few details about the PlayStation 4, and there's a good chance that as gamers learn more about Sony's own anti-piracy measures and hardware requirements, much of the brand's recently garnered goodwill could erode. Or as today's most popular Reddit Gaming post puts it, "Don't screw this up, Sony, and you will own the next generation."
A Sony apresenta seu novo smartphone, Xperia Z, como uma junção de seus produtos mais célebres: TV em cores, Handycam, Walkman e PlayStation.
O comercial é uma explosão de cores com referências indianas, natural considerando que o diretor é Tarsem Singh, de longas como “A Cela”, e os pavorosos “Imortais” e “Espelho, Espelho Meu”.
Além das belas cenas, o ponto alto do filme é uma versão do clássico “Sound and Vision” de David Bowie, remixado por Sonjay Prabhakar. Aliás, Bowie pode estar de volta com disco novo, mas sua música de 1977 é que está em alta. Beck acabou de fazer sua releitura e performance 360 graus para a Lincoln.
A criação da campanha para a Sony é da McCann London.
Você já deve saber que ontem à noite, em NY, a Sony apresentou o PlayStation 4, num dos lançamentos mais esquisitos da história dos games, que deixou mais perguntas do que respostas.
Sem sequer mostrar o console, data de lançamento ou preço, o evento foi um show conceitual de como a empresa enxerga a nova geração: jogos na nuvem, função social com botão “share” diretamente no controle, personalização, e sincronia entre diferentes devices. De concreto, foram reveladas as especificações do hardware do novo console, com o DualShock 4 e nove jogos.
Um vídeo liberado pela Sony logo após o evento (acima), resume o que foi apresentado em menos de dois minutos, incluindo as demos técnicas de jogos como “Deep Down”, “Knack”, “Killzone: Shadow Fall”, “Infamous: Second Son”, “Watch Dogs”, “Destiny”, entre outros.
Já no vídeo abaixo, a marca celebra a história da franquia PlayStation ao longo das duas últimas décadas:
Christmas may be 10 months away, but Sony knows it’s never too early to start building buzz for its long-awaited holiday release, the PlayStation 4. Beating rival Microsoft in the race to announce the new generation of game consoles, Sony today unveiled the first legitimate details of the PS4, including some of the launch titles that could be crucial in making the device a sales success right out of the gate (unlike the PS3, which initially saw sluggish adoption due to its combination of high sticker price and low game selection). What will the PS4 cost? No idea. What does the console look like? Good question. For now, Sony would rather focus on showing you how amazing these new games are going to look. So why disappoint them? After the jump, we’ve gathered up the 10 trailers that are supposed to leave you panting for a PlayStation 4. Even if you don’t plan to wait in line for one, you’re going to want to watch these:
Sony PlayStation 4 Announcement Trailer
Here's a quick wrapup video from Sony's announcement event, with highlights of several games and features:
A sneak peek of the new project from Bungie, creators of the Halo franchise. Destiny will be available on current consoles, the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but is also being developed for the new PS4:
Sony describes DriveClub for the PS4 as a "next-generation, socially connected racing game that captures the heart and soul of car culture." The realism of the gameplay footage is pretty staggering:
Deep Down (Working Title)
Fantasy RPGs are a staple of video gaming, so it's no surprise that Sony has one lined up for the PS4 (even if it doesn't have an official name yet). In this trailer, you get to see some hot, hot man-on-dragon action:
Infamous: Second Son
Popular anti-hero game series Infamous returns on the PS4. Notice that the security camera footage show's the date of Sony's announcement event, Feb. 20, 2013:
Killzone: Shadow Fall
Another longstanding PlayStation franchise that's set to return on the PlayStation 4:
The Witness
Indie game icon Jonathan Blow, creator of Braid, has created a colorful and intriguing new title for the PlayStation 4:
Watch Dogs
Trailers for this open-world epic have been around for a few months, but here's some pretty incredible footage from the PlayStation 4, with narration from the game's lead designer:
Just so you don't think the PS4 will be all murder and mayhem, here's a trailer for a clever game with younger players in mind:
PlayStation 4: See the Future
This five-minute clip featuring the brains behind the PlayStation 4 is probably a bit too geeky for most casual gamers, but if you're curious to hear about the philosophical changes that will separate the console from its predecessors, it's worth a watch:
So what do you think? Assuming the price is right, are you intrigued enough to consider picking up a PlayStation 4 this holiday season?
Com um trailer live action, a Sony vai promover “God of War: Ascension” no intervalo do Super Bowl, no próximo domingo.
O vídeo apresenta as origens do protagonista Kratos, num triste reencontro com sua família, tendo “Hanging On” da cantora Ellie Goulding como trilha sonora.
A Sony já fez bem melhor, mesmo com live action. De qualquer maneira, essa é a versão integral, com 2 minutos. O comercial que será exibido no Super Bowl é uma edição de 1 minuto.
“God of War: Ascension” será lançado em 12 de março de 2013.
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