MyFitnessPal Hires Grubhub’s Marnie Boyer as CMO

Marnie Boyer has logged into global nutrition and food tracking app MyFitnessPal as its new chief marketing officer (CMO). She succeeds Katie Keil, who left the company in September 2024 after nearly four years. Boyer was vp of growth marketing at Grubhub since 2022, leading initiatives including the food ordering and delivery platform’s partnership with…

Elon Musk’s X Seeks Financing at $44 Billion Valuation

In what is believed to be its first investment round since going private, Elon Musk-owned X is in talks with investors to raise money based on a valuation of $44 billion, reports Bloomberg News. If that $44 billion figure sounds familiar, it should. In 2022, Musk purchased then-Twitter for $44 billion. Bloomberg first reported on…

What No One Needs Now—Technology That Makes Things Worse

Make the technology easy to use, or lose people, lose elections, lose money, and lose your shit. E-TRADE understands. This is the kind of customer-focused copy I can get behind: You should be mad that they gave this guy a promotion. You should be made at forced camaraderie. You should be mad at tech that […]

Put Some Serious Stock In Slack

Are you on Slack? Over 10 million people log on to the messaging App every day. People in all sorts of industries are deciding if it’s a helpful tool or a nagging reminder (that there are unread messages waiting for you to act on). The answers to these questions will vary depending on how your […]

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Move Some Cash Gen Z’s Way

Do you have friends who have a tough time splitting the bar or dinner bill? There’s an App for that! Three Syllables: Venmo Me! According to the Los Angeles Times: Venmo, owned by PayPal, and Cash App, owned by Square, have surged in recent years, as cashless financial services moved into the mainstream. Some 40 […]

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Never In Stock: Will Mass Customization One Day Gain Mass Appeal?

What’s in it for me? That’s the age-old question that every shopper wants to know. To address this fundamental and unrelenting question, progressive retailers are turning to mass personalization and mass customization for answers. According to Investopedia, mass customization is a marketing and manufacturing technique which combines the flexibility and personalization of custom-made products with […]

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Ladies, Start Tracking The Rudeness All Around You

Are you a mansplainer? Prepare to be disrupted. In honor of International Women’s Day, BETC Sa?o Paulo has launched the Woman Interupted App to combat gender inequality. In 2014, a study by researchers at George Washington University pointed out that women are significantly more interrupted than men. Last summer, during the first “debate” between Don […]

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Cristiano Ronaldo's New Charity App Lets You Post Selfies With Him, Topless or Otherwise

If selfies are the ultimate expression of digital narcissism, soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo is doing it all wrong. 

Ronaldo’s new smartphone app, CR7Selfie, seems appropriately vapid on first blush—it lets you fake a selfie with the chiseled athlete by dropping in shots of him in various states of attire or undress.

But the app is actually a charity push, with a portion of proceeds from the $1.99 purchase price on iTunes and Google Play going to Save the Children. Future photos and filters will be sold in-app for 99 cents, and an unspecified portion of that revenue will also go to the charity.

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We Write for Ogilvy Dunthorpe, Jolie Freeman and Ad Grunts Like You

AdPulp is for ad grunts, by ad grunts. We’re not Adverati. We can’t be, we’ve never been to Cannes. We know our place. And we’d like to think we know you, dear reader. We know you, because we work with you, we meet you for coffee or beer and we may even listen to you […]

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Three Things That Make Apps More Marketable

You have most likely heard the expression, “If you build it, they will come”. If you have ever developed an app hoping to make it rich on one of the popular app stores, you already know how untrue that expression really is. Most developers I know of are less interested in building apps than they are selling apps. Building apps is what you do when you are learning how to write code. Selling apps is what you do to pay the rent. Contrary to popular belief, apps do not sell themselves. People do. For that to happen, your app has to be marketable.

Find out what the market actually wants

If you intend to make a living as an app developer, you need to do what it takes to make a living. By that, I mean that you have to do a bit of research into what is selling. Figure out how to make one of those and make that your first project. I know that what you really want to do is spend all your time and effort on your big idea that is going to revolutionize the way we do math. That is a laudable goal. But your idea may or may not sell. Building it is no guarantee of success. You most likely have done no market analysts. You just have a gut feeling that everyone is going to feel the same way about your idea as you do.

There is a good chance they won’t. However, what they really love and spend money on are tip calculators. Good news: tip calculators are easy to code and sell. Make a great tip calculator and finance your real masterpiece. It is easy to sell what people already want. An ad agency can provide valuable insight into market desires and help you frame your masterpiece in those terms.

Develop apps that are easy to understand

Tell a friend who is not a programmer about your great idea. Did it take less than 30 seconds to explain? Did they get it right away? Were they excited about it? If the answer is NO to any of these questions, then your idea may be too difficult to market.

If you can’t market your idea, it will not sell. It will languish in the land of misfit apps that no one ever downloads. If your idea is too involved to explain to someone with a passing interest in your work, how much more difficult will it be to market to a world of people who could care less about your hopes and dreams?

This goes for commercial enterprises, too. A new trend in business marketing is enterprise app development. Not only does a proprietary app help to market your company’s flagship product or service, it helps with outreach and branding as well. Check out the iPhone app development of ISBX and see if this is the right kind of investment for your small to medium sized business.

Satisfy a niche

Speaking of iPhone apps, what made Angry birds so popular? A large part of it was that it was one of the first games developed from the ground up for the iPhone. I do not mean to say that there were not iPhone games that came before it. Rather, the developers truly understood the iPhone and what made it interesting. They didn’t just port a PC or console game to the new platform just to get in early on the gold rush. They designed something that spoke directly to the burgeoning iPhone community. It was exclusive, and designed specifically with that device in mind. It was easy to market as it piggybacked on the iPhones cache as a cool and unique device that could do cool and unique things.

It was the right size with the right kind of graphics for the hardware. It was guaranteed to run smoothly every time. It was easy to pick up and play by just about everyone who could use an iPhone. There was no learning curve. Those who knew how to use the iPhone knew how to play the game. It was probably not the most brilliant game that ever hit the market, but it was the right game, the perfect game for the iPhone niche.

Don’t make a game that requires a joystick and a lot of text input for a three and a half inch touchscreen. Make a niche feel special and the marketing battle is practically won.

Finally, just be realistic. Like artists, musicians, actors, and writers, getting rich is not a likely outcome of our work. That doesn’t mean that we can’t make a decent living doing what we enjoy. Make apps that are marketable and you will be able to indulge your creative itch for years to come.

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Apple Celebrates All the Ways iPhones Make You a Better Parent

Don’t worry, the future of the species is safe in Apple’s hands—just look at all the ways the iPhone can help you better take care of your kids.

With the right apps and add-ons, it’s a baby monitor, an educational aid, a thermometer and a flashlight to check for monsters under the bed. That, and much more, says a new ad from the brand.

It’s a success insofar as it does what tech ads do at their best—illustrate how products make peoples’ lives better, or at least more convenient. It also covers a lot of ground as far as variety of uses.

But it’s not particularly groundbreaking. Instead it feels like a less-streamlined version of Google Nexus 7’s camping spot from 2012. That story focused on a closer look at a single father-and-son pair. This one, more impressionistic, goes for the we-are-one-world vibe that is becoming familiar in Apple’s advertising.

Here, that includes undertones that the brand’s technology is a great unifying force at the heart of what really matters most: the children. Subtle as it may be, it does have a certain degree of power as an evolutionary sales pitch.

Strip that away, and it’s not telling us much we haven’t known for a while. Even as Apple has steadied its advertising over the past year, it’s still celebrating, if very respectably, how Apple changed the world years ago. 

Braincast 109 – Aplicativos e Hacks de Produtividade

Automatizar, simplificar e reduzir o tempo de execução de uma tarefa é o sonho dourado de muita gente que se preocupa em manter o foco no que realmente importa: a criatividade.

No Braincast 109, conversamos sobre ferramentas e hacks que colaboram na organização da nossa vida, seja pessoal ou profissional. Carlos Merigo, Saulo Mileti, Alexandre Maron e Cris Dias destacam seus aplicativos e práticas favoritas para melhorar a produtividade.

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> 01m50 Comentando os Comentários?
> 17m25 Pauta principal
> 1h46m45 Qual é a Boa? –


ENEM: Caminho de Oportunidades

O ENEM é a grande chance para você que ainda não encontrou o seu caminho e quer buscar novas oportunidades.

Com a nota você poderá tentar entrar numa Universidade ou faculdade pelo SISU, que oferece vagas em 115 instituições públicas de educação superior, ou pelo PROUNI.

Além disso, a participação na prova é requisito pra receber o benefício do FIES, participar do programa Ciência sem Fronteiras ou ingressar nas vagas gratuitas dos cursos técnicos do SISUTEC.

Fica ligado e não deixa essa oportunidade passar. O ENEM é o caminho de oportunidades de crescimento. Saiba mais no site As inscrições vão de 12 a 23 de maio. Não perca o prazo!



Críticas, elogios, sugestões para ou no
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Quer ouvir no seu smartphone via stream? Baixe o app do Soundcloud.

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Agency Creates App to Break the Cycle of Over-Hashtagging

You think you're clever, but you're not, with your #amirite, #notgonnalie, #bitchesbetrippin and (God forbid) #epic. You, wanton hashtagger, must be stopped. 

Threshold Interactive, an independent digital shop in Los Angeles, has created an app called Hash Snag that aims to rid the world of #useless #meaningless hashtags. That's a whole lot of heavy lifting.

Here's how it works: The app intercepts your attempted tweets and then butchers them to help you avoid embarrassment. It either erases the hashtags for you or replaces the most common offenders (#YOLO, #LOL, etc.) with self-defeating terms like #Unfollow.

The agency, responsible for "Pocket Like It's Hot," Snoop Lion's musical ode to frozen meat snacks, dispatched chief innovation officer John Montgomery to explain why we need this tool. In the video below, he tries to chip away at the problem of misused, over-the-top hashtagging. And, oh yeah, he mows down a distracted hashtag abuser with his car. Hey, #shehaditcoming.


Fashion Model Moonlights as App Developer, Despite Industry’s Advice to ‘Be Cooler’

Here's a new spin on geek chic: Lyndsey Scott is a Victoria's Secret model who moonlights as an app developer.

With a double degree from Amherst in computer science and theater—along with modeling credit for the likes of Gucci and Prada—Scott has created an app that blends her two worlds. iPort is a simple solution for models to manage their portfolios and billing.

The app also has its own wonderfully cheesy infomercial, with Snoop Dogg's "Drop It Like It's Hot" playing for some 30 seconds in the background while Scott struts into her home tossing off the excess baggage of daily life as a model. She stops short of tossing her iPad, which she then shows off as the one tool needed to manage everything from casting calls to photo releases. (Spoiler alert: She also drops her wig at the end, so be sure to stick around for that).  

Sadly, but perhaps unsurprisingly, she tells PandoDaily she catches flak from some in the fashion industry for her penchant for nerdiness: "I've definitely had a few (modeling) agencies tell me I need to be cooler."

But her new agent is supportive, telling the site that models are increasingly being valued for their depth: "Physical beauty gets a model's foot in the door, but her personality, combined with other gifts and abilities, makes her more interesting to advertisers and fashion and beauty clients." Via Fast Company.


AntiCast 97 – Prêmio Brasil Digital [BRIO]

Olá, antidesigners e brainstormers!
Neste programa, Ivan Mizanzuk e Guilherme Sebastiany conversam com Pedro Segreto e Marcelo Alt, da Caos! Design, sobre o Prêmio Brasil Digital, o BRIO, iniciativa que visa a criar um selo de qualidade para os produtos digitais no Brasil, especialmente aplicativos e sites. Conheça a proposta do prêmio, sua mecânica, seus objetivos e participe!

>> 0h14min05seg Pauta principal
>> 1h08min00seg Leitura de comentários
>> 1h27min40seg Música de encerramento – “4/16″, da banda Silent Drive

Prêmio BRIO
Prefiro Baudrillard #12 – Insignificante Design – Parte II
AntiCast no Social Media Week
Lançamento de livro e workshop Filosofia do Design
Lançamento Leaf #4 – evento “Tutoria”, dia 28.09 e 05.10

Homenagem a André Stolarski
Envie um áudio (mp3), de até 5 minutos, para, dizendo seu nome, profissão e contando alguma experiência que você teve com o grande André Stolarski, falecido no dia 31 de Agosto. Seu áudio poderá fazer parte do AntiCast 100, que será em homenagem a ele.

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Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Katy Perry Gives WhatsApp a Starring Role in Her New Video, Free of Charge

Ever wonder exactly which messaging service Katy Perry uses to chat about being a champion while she’s taking a dump? Well, mystery solved: It’s WhatsApp. In just a few days, millions have already watched the lyric video for Perry’s new single, "Roar," which is told through a rapid-fire group chat on Perry’s iPhone. The video’s popularity, while no real surprise, has definitely been an unexpected boost for WhatsApp, the mobile messaging service that’s featured throughout the video—despite not paying Perry a dime for the endorsement. According to Forbes, a WhatsApp spokesman confirmed the company’s app was definitely the one used in the video, but he said it was not part of any paid arrangement. Perry is reportedly a fan of the app and uses it to stay in touch with her entourage, so this concept might have been drawn from real life. Which makes it pretty entertaining to watch the video with the sound off and imagine what an incredibly strange and arguably psychotic conversation this would actually be. 


Aplicativos para chamar táxi: sim, funcionam

Uma rápida pesquisa pelo Brainstorm9 vai mostrar que nós adoramos apps. Jogos e compartilhadores de fotografia são bastante divertidos, é verdade, mas eu confesso que gosto mesmo quando um aplicativo verdadeiramente quebra um galho e facilita tarefas cotidianas.

E uma das minhas novas tarefas cotidianas (não todos os dias, é verdade) é pegar táxi. Às vezes em horários alternativos, às vezes em horários de pico e de diferentes locais de saída, sendo eles perto de pontos fixos de taxistas ou não. Este transporte, apesar de mais caro, tem o seu valor ao evitar trocas de trens ou ônibus em deslocamentos específicos. Entretanto, em certos momentos do dia, achar um táxi na rua é difícil. É verdade que existem centrais telefônicas, que funcionam como “delivery”, mas elas já me deixaram esperando 2 horas por uma corrida. Poxa, será que não existiria um aplicativo que unificasse todas as centrais para que eu não tenha que ligar para cada uma delas?

Nas últimas semanas, testei dois aplicativos que prometem facilitar a vida das pessoas: o TaxiBeat e o 99Taxis. O primeiro foi criado na Europa, chegou ao Brasil neste ano e, segundo relatos, já funciona fortemente no Rio de Janeiro. O segundo é brasileiro e foi recomendado por alguns taxistas. Também existem outros apps semelhantes, sendo que o EasyTaxi foi mais citado pelos taxistas como alternativa aos testados. E o resumo que posso dizer é que sim, eles funcionam.

Sim, eles funcionam.

Ambos identificam taxistas, que permanecem com um app aberto em seus smartphones também, por GPS em um raio de 2km e fazem o chamado da corrida, informando ao motorista o endereço para o início da corrida.

O TaxiBeat tem como vantagem a possibilidade de poder escolher exatamente qual é o motorista que você quer chamar, de acordo com os serviços oferecidos (aceitar cartão, ter ar-condicionado, ser grande o suficiente para uma família com bagagens, etc) ou pela avaliação de outros usuários, caso eles estejam em um raio de 2km do seu ponto de embarque.

Já o 99Taxis parece ter o maior banco de dados já cadastrado: cerca de 1000 taxistas só em São Paulo, segundo informaram os próprios motoristas com quem conversei. Foi o único aplicativo que providenciou corridas em horários de pico de trânsito ou durante a madrugada. Também foi o único que foi indicado por um taxista. Entretanto, nenhuma chamada por taxistas que aceitassem cartões mostrou alguém disponível.

Bom negócio para os dois lados

Tais aplicativos parecem ser um bom negócio para os dois lados. Os motoristas com quem conversei estavam testando os apps, em alguns casos, havia poucos dias e já viam vantagens como ganhar outra corrida na volta de uma ou conseguir corridas mais facilmente em horários alternativos, diminuindo o tempo em trânsito com o carro vazio.

Se você quiser conhecer mais a respeito, veja os sites do TaxiBeat, do 99Taxis e do EasyTaxi. Todos os apps funcionam em Androids e iPhones e não há custo extra para o passageiro.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Spotify lança apps patrocinados para ajudar a fechar a conta

Tenho sorte que o Spotify cobra pouco, pois a impressão é que nunca mais conseguirei viver sem. E olha que eles precisam de dinheiro.

Lançado na Europa há quatro anos e nos Estados Unidos em 2011 – por aqui ainda precisamos do velho jeitinho brasileiro, mas nada impossível – o serviço de música mais incrível que existe já pagou 300 milhões de dólares em licença para as gravadoras.

São 10 milhões de usuários ativos que não pagam nada – ouvem propagandas – e outros 3 milhões que pagam mensalmente pela conta Premium.

Sendo assim, a quantidade de assinantes não fecha a conta, e o Spotify já estuda há algum tempo os formatos publicitários – além dos spots entre as músicas – que irão bancar o serviço no futuro.

A primeira novidade anunciada são os apps patrocinados, com playlists criadas por marcas. Atualmente já existem aplicativos de publicações, como Pitchfork, Billboard e Rolling Stone, por exemplo.

AT&T, Reebok, McDonald’s e Intel serão as primeiras a investir no formato, segundo informou a AdAge.

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O mercado de apps para celular em números

Quais são as categorias de aplicativos pra celular mais populares da mobilesfera? Em primeiro lugar, games. Óbvio. Na sequência, com a medalha de prata, RUFEM OS TAMBORES: clima. Sim, na segundeira vem os serviços à rapaziada preocupada se vai chover canivete ou abrir um sorridente sol.

A informação é da GDS Infographics, que publicou essa semana uma batelada de dados infografados sobre o mercado de apps mundo afora. Aliás, mundo adentro. Dentro do bolso pra ser mais específico. ;)

Em tempo, antes de mostrar algumas das infos logo abaixo, destaco o post de Cliff Kuang, editor do Co.Design, que reflete legal essas infos e é muito bem ilustrado pelas mesmas: clica e lê.

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“Pot Farm”, o seu novo jogo preferido no Facebook

Pot Farm Facebok

O Facebook está em crise, todo mundo reclama dos problemas de privacidade (ainda que a solução seja simples: não publique na internet informações que não deseja compartilhar), mas eu não falo nada. O motivo é óbvio: em que outro lugar você pode jogar pérolas como “Pot Farm”?

“FarmVille” e “Mafia Wars” é coisa de criança, o lance agora é ter seu campo virtual para cultivar incríveis ervas. Não entenda mal, pode não ser isso que você está pensando. Os criadores do “Pot Farm” dizem que todas as plantas do jogo são fictícias, qualquer semelhança com algo do mundo real é mera coincidência.

O bom humor do socialgame é o ponto alto, que foi lançado há pouco tempo e já tem quase 500 mil jogadores. Aproveite, enquanto continua no ar.

Pot Farm Facebok

Pot Farm Facebok

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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