We Write for Ogilvy Dunthorpe, Jolie Freeman and Ad Grunts Like You

AdPulp is for ad grunts, by ad grunts. We’re not Adverati. We can’t be, we’ve never been to Cannes. We know our place. And we’d like to think we know you, dear reader. We know you, because we work with you, we meet you for coffee or beer and we may even listen to you […]

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The Art of Freerunning

Focus sur Tomasz Gudzowaty, photographe renommé dont nous avons pu parler sur Fubiz à plusieurs reprises, qui revient avec une superbe série en noir et blanc appelée « The Art of Freerunning ». Il met en avant cette pratique physique millimétrée, semblable à une chorégraphie dans l’environnement urbain.

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Freerunning - the art of movement
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The Art of Freerunning3
The Art of Freerunning2
Freerunning - the art of movement
The Art of Freerunning
The Art of Freerunning11

Free Advice, When Perfectly Implemented, Adds Up To Serious Cash

Give your expertise away for free on the World Wide Web, and if you are fully dedicated and incredibly talented the community will pay you back. This is commonly accepted wisdom on the Internets today. A formula, if you will. Of course this does not mean it’s a good idea to offer free advice, just that a lot of people say it is.

One person who can vouch for the approach is Sheela Murthy, an Indian immigrant and expert on immigration law.

According to The New York Times, Murthy’s content strategy has paid off in a big way. Today, by at least one ranking, Murthy.com is the world’s most visited law firm website.

Murthy told the Times that her firm’s site is aimed at building an online immigrant community.

There’s no hard sell — its priority is not to bring in clients but to help and show we care and know our stuff. We clarify the most complicated laws, using tools like teleconferences, podcasts and blogging.

Our moderated bulletin board has over 165,000 members who share information and knowledge about visa processing trends and related matters. On Monday nights, we have a real-time chat where one of our senior attorneys explains immigration law and processes. Every two or three years, we redo the site from scratch, working with a Web development firm.

I’m impressed. This is a textbook example of brand utility at work. When you provide something of tangible value–in this case, information on immigration–the need to make a traditional pitch subsides. The firm’s service to the community is action, and actions are more memorable than words.

The post Free Advice, When Perfectly Implemented, Adds Up To Serious Cash appeared first on AdPulp.

The Free Little Library

The Free Little Library est une installation temporaire présente à NoLIta à New York permettant aux passants de se servir librement de livres savamment protégés des intempéries par un design pensé par Stereotank en collaboration avec la Architectural League of New York et The Pen World Voices Festival.

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Transition To The Modern World, Give Markets A Chance

Jaron Lanier, author of Who Owns The Future?, asserts that the rise of digital networks led our economy into recession and decimated the middle class.

Looking forward, he says it is time for ordinary people to be rewarded for what they do and share on the web.


In an interview with Nieman Lab, Lanier argues:

If you have universal backlinks, you have a basis for micropayments from somebody’s information that’s useful to somebody else… Every backlink would be monetized. Monetizing actually decentralizes power rather than centralizing it. Demonetizing a network actually concentrates power around anyone who has the biggest computer analyzing it.

Monetizing decentralizes power. Perfect! Americans love freedom and money.

I also love to provide information that might be useful to somebody–like this very article–thus, I am fully behind a workable micropayments system that rewards me (and others) for being prolific and readable.

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Human Freerunning Machine

La marque Red Bull présente cette vidéo incroyable appelée « Human-Powered Freerunning Machine » dans une usine désaffectée située à Hambourg (Allemagne). Mélangeant réactions en chaîne et Parkour, avec notamment les exploits de Jason Paul. Plus de détails dans la suite de l’article.

Sit Ski Backflip

En 2004, Josh Dueck s’était tragiquement accidenté en voulant faire un backflip en ski. Paraplégique il a décidé de retenter cette figure 8 ans après, avec l’équipement nécessaire. Un superbe exploit capturé en vidéo par Salomon Freeski. A découvrir dans la suite.


Continue Reading…

TypeStar – kinetic type para as massas

Tudo começou com a animação que imortalizou de vez a pergunta: What does Marcellus Wallace look like? Alguns dizem que a linguagem foi inventada no Brasil, 4 anos antes disso. Chupada ou cultura do remix você já viu animações estilo kinetic type em uns 200 outros vídeos diferentes e ficou com vontade de fazer um? Seus problemas acabaram!

Seguindo a máxima do software livre de coçar sua própria coceira o estudante Scott Garner precisava de uma animação para um trabalho do curso de motion design e criou um software que pega um arquivo mp3 e outro txt com as marcações de tempo e gera uma animação com o trecho de filme ou música que você preferir, o TypeStar, disponível para baixar no site.

É claro que (ainda?) não dá para fazer nada no estilo dos clássicos do kinetic type mas quem sabe já dá para você montar alguma coisa com um trecho de Xuxa em O Mistério de Feiurinha. Ou alguém aí se candidata a montar o tema do BraincastTV?

Via letsblogar, via Massa Cultural.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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McDonald’s : Wi-Fries

Une campagne très réussie et pleine de minimalisme pour l’annonceur McDonald’s. Une mise en avant à la fois du service et du produit, afin d’annoncer les Wi-fi gratuits dans la chaîne de restaurants. “Love free wi-fi” : une idée de l’agence DDB Sydney.


Pour aller plus loin : les précédentes campagnes McDonald’s

Previously on Fubiz

McDonald’s Free Coffee

Une superbe exécution et idée, sur cette opération d’ambient-marketing pour la marque McDonald’s. Une illusion d’optique, sur les lampes de Vancouver afin de promouvoir le café gratuit dans toute la ville. Par l’agence Cossette Atlantic au Canada. Plus d’images dans la suite.


Ainsi qu’une mise en place d’arrêts de bus évoluant au fur et à mesure des jours.


Previously on Fubiz

Google Voice Pre-launch; Forbes Seems “Google-Confused”

090803 NewsweekDespite the fact that Newsweek boldly claimed that the recession was over, it’s really not: On July 31st, Verizon Wireless reported a 21% decline in profits, which, as we all know by now, means massive lay-offs. In this case, 8,000 more employees, the largest lay-off since the GM debacle.  And just to keep things on the up-and-up, Verizon has already cut 8,000 jobs in 2009. It’s my guess that Verizon employees are thinking that the recession lives on…

So, not only must we disseminate information gathered from online sources, it would seem that we must do the same for magazines, newspapers, and TV newscasts; nothing can be taken at face-value.

Which brings me to Forbes and their haphazardly scattered reporting on Google. In the past 10 days, Forbes has printed stories ranging from Google being on top of the SEO game, to comparing Google to newspapers, printing a story titled, “Why Google Won’t Last Forever.” Forbes either does not understand Google’s business plan, or they’re simply pounding out headlines to gain readers. In a single week, they reported the Google demise story and a separate story on how Google Wave and Android will revolutionize telecommunications, e-mail, chat, blogging, archiving and file uploading.

voice-logoBy now, most people have heard of Google Voice, although relatively few know what this new offering will provide. Luckily, I signed up to test Voice, and just received my “approved” email, so I’m not certain what it does either…but I’m eager to find out. Google Voice, formerly known as GrandCentral, was a company that Google acquired in 2007 for just over $50 Million. Despite the nearly two-year wait, the bugs have supposedly been put to rest and the service is ready for beta testing. Below is Google’s video explanation of Google Voice.

Google Voice has a singular main idea: “one phone number for all your phones, for life.” This single phone number will, in essence, combine all your phone numbers, including cellular, office, home, vacation home, etc. To use the service correctly, the phone number provided by Google Voice will be your main phone number. Depending on the party calling, Google Voice will route the call to the appropriate telephone, or even ring all of the phones simultaneously. Thus, calls coming from family members can be set up to ring your mobile and home phone; business calls, depending on how easily you want to be found, can ring both your office and your cellular (or your office, cell, home and vacation number). If your Google Voice number receives a text message, it automatically routes to your cell phone.

Google has also enhanced the original service by adding a transcription service which transfers all of your voice mails into text which users can then append, adding notes or tags for future searching. Voice will also include a friend setting, which routes calls from designated people straight to voicemail, home phone, cell phone, etc. Users can access Google Voice via computer or telephone, and the system tracks all received calls, missed calls, text messages, placed calls, and will even record phone calls. Although not “live” at this time, Google Voice and Gmail will be fully integrated in the future, providing a single source point for all personal and business communications. As an added benefit, if you happen to receive a text message while on your computer, you can simply use the Google Voice interface on your computer to respond.

Google Voice includes a teleconferencing feature for calls of up to 6 people, plus the ability to record the teleconference. International calls can be made at about the same rate that Skype currently offers.

As for costs, with the exception of International calling, the service is very affordable: It’s free.

With Android, Wave, and Voice all nearing release stage, it would seem that Google’s position is where it’s always been…in front of the competition.

Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Brand Project Manager, blogger and aspiring writer. To contact Jeff, leave a comment or find him on LinkedIn or Twitter.

A Designer, Some Bags, and Fantastic Advertising

One of major benefits of working in the ad industry is witnessing creative campaigns and innovative ideas come to fruition. Once the hard work has been completed and the hours tallied up, there’s not much to do but wait and see if the strategy pays off. When it does, the best reward is knowing that the strategy was solid, the tactics were on-target, and the execution was flawless.

In pursuit of this excellence, more posts will be dedicated to the agencies and clients that aren’t talking, but listening. Companies that realize “yesterdays” are the past, and longingly look toward tomorrow, in search of the next coup.

Enter Rachel Nasvik, a New York City designer famous for chic, custom-made handbags. In early June, 2009, Ms. Nasvik began placing 96 of her designer bags around New York City, while simultaneously kicking off a social media campaign to deliver helpful clues regarding each bag’s location. Call it a giant scavenger hunt. The clues are dispersed regularly via her Twitter page, along with follow-up content on her blog, Where The Night Takes You. The hand-printed, “Alice Bond” bags have shown up in coffee shops, the White Horse Tavern, Marlow & Sons, Prime Meats, and other hotspots in the city, along with a simple note: “please take me, I’m yours!” to those lucky enough to uncover their “secret” locations. nasviktwitterpage

One simple, but brilliant idea, flawlessly executed, and thus far, effective. Combining the consumer’s desire for “free” with Twitter-to-Win clues, the campaign has generated buzz and a serious Twitter following, generating nearly a thousand faithful followers in eight days. The story has been picked up by Creativity, numerous blogs, and is receiving its fair share of Word-of-Mouth.

Just as the shoes do not make the man, the bag doesn’t make the woman. It’s her marketing strategy.

Jeff Louis: Strategic Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Account Coordinator. His passion is writing. If you would like to get in touch with Jeff, please leave a reply or follow the links: www.linkedin.com or www.twitter.com.

Follow the lines / Sur la même ligne créative

escapelines2004 escapelines2009
Ariel “Stain-Free” – 2000
Source : Advertolog ad archive
Agency : Unknown
Persil “free the stain” – 2005
Source : Adsoftheworld,
Agency : DDB Warsaw (Poland)
Inutile de lire entre les lignes pour s’apercevoir que c’est la même idée…