If you already have a booming business and your web site has many visitors, you might wonder why you must have a business blog. To continue with a level of success or to improve on that success, it is now essential to have a blog as part of your online presence. A business blog is essential to retaining your current client base and growing it. It can add value to a site that is already thriving, which wouldn’t be possible without utilizing a business blog.
A static site doesn’t create the feeling that there is someone real somewhere, someone you could talk to. People want to know there is a real person, who will respond when a question is asked. A site which is purely text and some pretty graphics is not enough. Your buyers can post comments and questions on your blog, to which you can respond in person, enabling you to develop a connection with your customers, something that you can’t do with a static web site. People have become comfortable with social networking, and love to discuss things, especially intended purchases. A blog can be frequently updated to always reflect the latest information. The information you share can hence always be appropriate and up to date.
Search engines are responsible for 80% of a site’s visitors, and site owners are aware of this. The best way to get relevant traffic is through the search engines. When people type in a relevant query a search engine will direct them to your offerings. By doing this highly relevant website traffic is pushed to your web site. To get on the search engines without much hassle, the pages must be indexed, which happens much more quickly with blogs than static pages.
Blogs have something special, the ping function, which makes it quicker to generate traffic to a blog than a static page. Each time a new blog post is made, it is pinged, letting the search engines know that new content has been put on the web site. Spider bots are then directed by the search engines to analyze the material on your blog to determine if it is new. Your fresh content will be indexed if the spiders okay it, so that when one of your keywords are searched on, your page will show up in the results. You next need to concentrate on getting a high page rank for a lot of people to visit them.
Internal links are instantly created when you put up something new, which doesn’t happen automatically with static webpages. There you need to link them together by hand, in addition to setting up a logical site map. You spend invaluable time on technical tasks which are carried out as a matter of course with a blog. If you have a blog instead, you have more time to manage your business. For anybody with an online business, a business blog is quickly becoming crucial.