Letter to Our Readers: Introducing The International New York Times

The move changes the name of The International Herald Tribune and strengthens The New York Times’ 24-hour, global digital newsroom.


FRIDRIH Mushrooms: Pirates

Found guilty for perfect execution.

Advertising Agency: IMAGO, Zagreb, Croatia
Creative Director: Igor Mladinovic
Art Director: Darko Bosnar
Copywriters: Darko Bosnar, Goran Bader
Illustrator: Anna Kulakowskaja
Additional credits: Petar Fridrih
Published: September 2013

FRIDRIH Mushrooms: Tribe

Found guilty for perfect execution.

Advertising Agency: IMAGO, Zagreb, Croatia
Creative Director: Igor Mladinovic
Art Director: Darko Bosnar
Copywriters: Darko Bosnar, Goran Bader
Illustrator: Anna Kulakowskaja
Additional credits: Petar Fridrih
Published: September 2013

FRIDRIH Mushrooms: Courtroom

Found guilty for perfect execution.

Advertising Agency: IMAGO, Zagreb, Croatia
Creative Director: Igor Mladinovic
Art Director: Darko Bosnar
Copywriters: Darko Bosnar, Goran Bader
Illustrator: Anna Kulakowskaja
Additional credits: Petar Fridrih
Published: September 2013

James Franco Endorses ‘Consider This Sh*t’ Ads Aimed at Getting Him an Oscar for Spring Breakers

If this Oscar campaign for James Franco is successful, it could mark the first time a boobs-and-bongs flick gets anywhere near the uptight Academy Awards.

Franco, recently seen getting his handsome face punched in for a Comedy Central roast promo, is now the star of some "For your consideration" ads for Spring Breakers, a movie that most Academy voters likely (wisely) skipped. Even so, distributor A24 is asking them to "Consider this shit"—meaning, think about giving Franco a nomination for best supporting actor for his work as gun-toting, cornrow-wearing, rapper-drug dealer Alien. Critics called the flick misogynistic and leering, part sellout and satire, though most major reviews singled out Franco as a bright spot amid a bevy of bikini-clad former Disney babes.

Franco, who was previously nominated for 127 Hours, seems OK with the campaign, telling the Today show on Monday: "My favorite movie that I've done this year is 'Spring Breakers.' And they're doing an … Oscar campaign for it. … I wanted to put that out there for Harmony Korine, the director."

Maybe he could reprise the movie's musical number at the Oscars. Franco as Alien at a white grand piano singing a Britney Spears ballad with his girl posse dancing around in pink ski masks—that sure would bring the gangsta. And it would be more entertaining than his last trip to the show.


Watch the Spot: LeBron and Others Scream for Sprite in Latest Campaign

After several years of experimenting with new campaigns, taglines and ad agencies, Sprite is looking to go back to its roots.

The billion dollar Coca-Cola brand is introducing a new campaign from agency Translation this week, which carries the tagline “For The Thirsty.” The effort is a nod to “Obey Your Thirst,” the long running Sprite campaign that was discontinued in 2010. Since then, the lemon-lime brand has used taglines including “The Spark” and “Uncontainable Game” from Bartle Bogle Hegarty, and most recently, “There’s Nothing Soft About It” from Leo Burnett.

“We were successful [with ‘Obey Your Thirst’], and we said what’s next?” explained Kimberly Paige, associate VP-Sprite brands, of the brand’s move away from that tagline. “In the past few years, we’ve had taglines that have leaned heavily into the product or leaned on the emotional side. Where we are now is the best of both worlds, [the new tagline] speaks to this duality of thirst — the emotional thirst we know teens crave to express themselves and leave a unique mark on the world, and the physical thirst that can be satisfied with Sprite.

Continue reading at AdAge.com

One Brand, Multiple Markets: Century Link Turns In Rough Mix

My favorite NFL team plays home games at Century Link Field.

The communications technology company also has a large presence in Omaha, my hometown. Therefore, I want to like Century Link, but a print ad like this subtracts several points from the “brand love” scorecard.

bad print ad

Worse than the say-nothing-to-no-one use of stock photography here, are phrases like “visionary cloud infrastructure” and “hosted IT solutions.” This copy is dead on arrival.

Sure, somebody somewhere does care about such things. Send these very fine buyers direct mail. When you opt to run a magazine ad or a TV spot, you’re speaking to a mass consumer audience who has little knowledge of, or concern for, your visionary cloud infrastructure and hosted IT solutions.

In this case, the problem is even worse given that Century Link is also a consumer brand, providing broadband, entertainment and voice services to millions of consumers across the U.S.

Say you are watching NFL football and you see this B2B spot:

Now compare and contrast the above with the following consumer offering?

The consumer spot appeals to me. What will I do with my gig?

The post One Brand, Multiple Markets: Century Link Turns In Rough Mix appeared first on AdPulp.

JustDial: Professionals, 3

India’s No.1 Local Search Helpline.

Advertising Agency: McCann Worldgroup, New Delhi, India
Chief Creative Officer: Prasoon Joshi
Creative Directors: Talha Nazim, Rohit Devgun
Art Directors: Nobin Dutta, Talha Nazim, Rohit Devgun
Copywriter: Talha Nazim
Account Planner: Bhakti Malik
Illustrator: Twinbrains.in
Published: July 2013

JustDial: Professionals, 2

India’s No.1 Local Search Helpline.

Advertising Agency: McCann Worldgroup, New Delhi, India
Chief Creative Officer: Prasoon Joshi
Creative Directors: Talha Nazim, Rohit Devgun
Art Directors: Nobin Dutta, Talha Nazim, Rohit Devgun
Copywriter: Talha Nazim
Account Planner: Bhakti Malik
Illustrator: Twinbrains.in
Published: July 2013

JustDial: Professionals, 1

India’s No.1 Local Search Helpline.

Advertising Agency: McCann Worldgroup, New Delhi, India
Chief Creative Officer: Prasoon Joshi
Creative Directors: Talha Nazim, Rohit Devgun
Art Directors: Nobin Dutta, Talha Nazim, Rohit Devgun
Copywriter: Talha Nazim
Account Planner: Bhakti Malik
Illustrator: Twinbrains.in
Published: July 2013

Pinturas mostram uma Suécia de ficção científica

Um pensamento sobre o futuro: uma vez que ele chega, já não parece mais tão futurista assim. Apesar de tanto avanço, ao olhar em volta, tudo parece bastante normal. Não há carros voando, robôs andando pelas ruas, máquinas confundidas com arranha-céus. Pelo menos é essa a sensação que tenho quando olho para as pintaras digitais do sueco Simon Stålenhag.

Mostrando um universo único, suas artes carregam o dia a dia dos humanos e suas atividades rotineiras, porém tem como pano de fundo máquinas gigantescas e tecnologias que ainda desconhecemos. E é justamente esse sentimento comum, de uma paisagem até que natural – onde ninguém parece tão impressionado com o mundo das máquinas que os rodeia – que faz as obras de Simon Stålenhag tão impressionantes.

O trabalho de Stålenhag é dominado por um ar utópico, influenciado pelas paisagens suecas a serem exploradas. As construções e máquinas aqui são apenas um adendo, esquecidas em gramados, beirando à ferrugem e decadência enquanto a natureza continua viva.

Antes coisa de ficção científica, hoje os avanços tecnológicos são quase invisíveis aos nossos olhos, tão acostumados a viver no futuro.


“Comecei pintando com guache e aquarela. Hoje me esforço para preservar esse ar natural e analógico nas artes digitais .” – Simon Stålenhag, para Wired

Desde criança, Stålenhag conta que já se interessava por filmes de ficção científica. Mas foi depois de descobrir artistas como Ralph McQuarrie (que fez as artes de E.T. e da trilogia de Star Wars) e Syd Mead (design conceitual de Blade Runner e Alien) que decidiu se aventurar a pintar sobre isso.

Além de trabalhar ilustrando e criando conceitos para games, filmes e comerciais, Simon Stålenhag recentemente criou um jogo de 16-bit, o Ripple Dot Zero.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Amazing Fridge-Contained Kitchens – Bil-Live Refrigerator Houses All Necessary Culinary Appliances (GALLERY)

(TrendHunter.com) At first glance, the Bil-Live Refrigerator might look like a regular fridge—albeit a sleek and modern one. What you won’t realize until perusing the photos is that it has several trays…

‘Walking Dead’ Premiere Is Highest Rated Show of TV Season

With 16 million viewers, the zombie-themed series on AMC broke its own record for cable entertainment. Among young viewers, it was even more dominant.


The Art of Improbable Coincidence

Le photographe polonais Maciej Dakowicz aime voyager. Parcourant les continents son appareil photo à la main, l’artiste parvient à immortaliser des instants étonnants, soulignant ainsi des coïncidences incroyables. Une sélection d’images est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

The Art of Improbable Coincidence10
The Art of Improbable Coincidence9
The Art of Improbable Coincidence8
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The Art of Improbable Coincidence6
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The Art of Improbable Coincidence4
The Art of Improbable Coincidence3
The Art of Improbable Coincidence2
The Art of Improbable Coincidence
The Art of Improbable Coincidence11

Hyundai faz piada dos discursos clichês em “The Walking Dead”

Ontem estreou a quarta temporada de “The Walking Dead” nos Estados Unidos – e na locadora do Paulo Coelho – e com ela a continuação da parceria da série com a Hyundai.

O aplicativo Chop Shop, que permite a criação de um carro à prova de zumbis virtual, ganhou um comercial veiculado no intervalo do episódio “30 Days Without an Accident”.

O filme brinca com os discursos clichês de situações catastróficas – como um apocalipse zumbi – com o protagonista dizendo: “tudo o que você precisa para sobreviver é coragem, força de vontade, bláblablá”. Mas é fácil pra que tem um máquina de matar contra aquele que tem apenas um graveto (e pouca coragem, certamente).

Criação da agência Innocean.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Campaign Spotlight: Ads Propose Sunday in the Kitchen With Glad

In a new campaign, the plastic containers, wraps and bags of Glad Products are highlighted as ways to fight food waste.


Porsche: Birthday Roar

Porsche 911 has been known for its distinctive car body design and perfect engine, but the 911 has more to offer than power alone. It owns one of the most exciting engine sounds in the history of sports cars. To celebrate the 50th anniversary, we created an interactive online film as a tribute to the legendary sports car. The 7 notes in the music represent the evolution of the 7 generations of 911.

The Gaming experience: http://50years-911-en.porsche-events.cn
Demo Video: http://youtu.be/lrb4TB8YeiA

Advertising Agency: Fred & Farid, Shanghai, China

NBA: Big is on

Advertising Agency: Goodby Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco, USA
Executive Creative Director: Jeff Goodby
Copywriter: Ryan Hoercher
Art Director: Matthew McFaden
Creative Directors: Nick Klinkert, Adam Reeves
Executive Producer: Tod Puckett
Producers: Mallory Guraya, Stephanie DeNatale
Production Company: Interrogate Inc.
Director: Albert Kodagollian
Sound Design: Search Party Music
Executive Producer: Eric David Johnson, Search Party Music
Music Producer: Genevieve Vincent, Search Party Music
Editor: Kim Bica

Despite That Brief Problem With Pacquiao, Hennessy Still Banks on Celebs

Hennessy is acutely aware of the risks that come with putting celebrities in ads. The cognac brand featured Filipino boxing and political star Manny Pacquiao in its “Wild Rabbit” campaign in early 2012 — only to encounter a firestorm later when an article gave the impression that Mr. Pacquiao vehemently opposed gay marriage.

The situation was confused from the start. As the Huffington Post told it, the article “quoted a passage from the book of Leviticus that left many people thinking that Pacquiao was calling for the deaths of homosexuals.” The author of the article later said Mr. Pacquiao never cited the passage, but the backlash sent Hennessy marketers scrambling.

“We probably had a crisis management meeting every other hour until the situation could be cleared up,” said Hennessy USA Senior VP Rodney Williams, speaking during a presentation at the Association of National Advertisers’ meeting in Phoenix.

Continue reading at AdAge.com

Man Uses Grappling Hook and Rope to Flee Michael Wolff in USA Today Ad

USA Today has begun promoting several columnists in short YouTube videos—the most entertaining of which stars Michael Wolff, erstwhile Adweek editor and current writer for USA Today's Money section. In the spot, Wolff's takes-no-prisoners reputation has one suit literally running scared—he uses a grappling hook and rope to flee his office building upon hearing that the columnist has arrived and wants a word. Alas, they meet on the sidewalk, and the man barks, "This is off the record!"—as Wolff, nonplussed, silently tries to comprehend the man's desperation. The voiceover, echoed in on-screen copy, says: "Read Michael Wolff. And thank your lucky stars he's not writing about you." Commercial acting—is it everything Wolff expected and more? "All in a day's shamelessness," he tells AdFreak. See the paper's ads for columnists Christine Brennan and Susan Page below.