Around Clock

Une horloge originale et esthétique, en forme de cylindre. Intitulé “Around Clock” par le designer Anthony Dickens et édité chez Lexon. Une chronologie entièrement gravée sur la tranche. Plus de visuels du projet, à découvrir dans la suite.



Out of the box ideas

Meeting with the lovely folks at eyeblaster last week – i asked them if there were any examples of Augmented reality beginning to creep into creative they are serving and assisting in developing.
They have come back with an excellent example of how similar technology to AR is being used to bring interactivity from ad into […]

Nymph Chic Clothing – Allison Parris Makes Eco-Friendly Garments Fit for Fairies (GALLERY)

( In Fall 2008, designer Allison Parris paired with entrepreneur Marissa Kim to create the woodland-inspired Allison Parris Collection. Now, almost a year later, the duo is making gorgeous eco-friendly clothing…

Dunkin’ Donuts | Dunkin’ Run

Assim como existe a guerra das cervejas no Brasil, lá nos EUA existe a guerra dos cafés. O novo ataque foi dado pela Dunkin’ Donuts, que vive batendo na Starbucks.

A “Dunkin’ Run” é uma campanha que inclue site e um aplicativo para iPhone e outros celulares, com a proposta de reunir e coordenar grupos de pessoas para uma “corrida” pro café. Você pode convocar os amigos através de email ou telefone, todos fazem o pedido pela ferramenta e então é só buscar em uma Dunkin’ Donuts.

O aplicativo ainda guarda os pedidos anteriores e marca seus ingredientes preferidos, além de contar com integração com Facebook. A proposta do “Dunkin’ Run” é lembrar o momento da pausa para o café, facilitando pedidos coletivos e conectando diretamente com compra real.

Assista o vídeo explicativo do aplicativo. A criação é da agência Hill Holiday.

Dunkin Donuts Run

Dunkin Donuts Run

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Recycled Artwork

500 mil latinhas de Coca-Cola para formar a maior arte reciclada do mundo.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Tim Bell says ‘lack of awareness’ led to meagre PR Lions entry list

LONDON – A paltry 431 entries to the inaugural PR Lions were “disappointing” and largely due to a lack of awareness, according to the jury chairman Lord Tim Bell.

Warning! If You’re at Cannes, Beware of the Red Speedos


This is beyond weirdly creepy. Or is it creepily weird?

Microsoft to Create ‘Office Suite’ for Advertising

NEW YORK ( — Microsoft and Mediabrands, the media division of Interpublic Group of Cos. that counts Microsoft as a major ad client, are collaborating to build a software system that marketers can use to track everything from search advertising and e-mail newsletters to CRM systems to TV buys in one place.

Cannes Lions: A Handful of Real Winnars in PR, Promotion and Direct.


This year was the first year Cannes recognized PR’s role in getting a brand message across, so PR people just about creamed themselves getting here.

A Crackdown on Web Tracking Hurts Journalism, Too

The internet should treat us like Norm on "Cheers." Whenever he entered the familiar confines of his neighborhood bar, the welcome cry would go out: "Norm!" Before he could reach his regular seat, his favorite beer had been poured and was waiting for him.

How Not to Respond to Negative Press

When Jennifer A. Jones blogged some helpful hints about how to make a bad press release better, little did she know its author would call her at home and threaten retribution.

Creativity’s Cannes Picks: BMW’s Kinetic Sculpture, ‘The Great Schlep,’ Whopper Sacrifice, Fiat’s Eco Drive and the Obama Campaign

In this week's episode of Creativity's Top 5, we turn our gaze to the French Riviera and make our Cannes picks for top prizes, categories be damned! Among our favorites are BMW's Kinetic Sculpture; Droga5 and Sarah Silverman's pitch to young Jewish Americans to make "The Great Schlep"; Crispin Porter and Burger King's bribing Facebook users to trade in "friends" for free Whoppers; AKQA's innovative Eco Drive system for Fiat drivers; and, for many reasons, the campaign to elect President Barack Obama.

Kush supports heavy boobs while sleeping

Really weird product to rest the breast of women in this viral video. "A Natural Rest for the Breast" Advertiser: Kush Support

Cannes Lions: Ronald McDonald Cameo Ignites Deep-Seated Clown Rage


Clowns leave me with mixed feelings.

CC will not guarantee new CRR mechanism by next trading system

LONDON – The Competition Commission is set to make a “provisional decision” on what should happen to the Contract Rights Renewal system that regulates advertising on ITV, by “early September”. However, there is no guarantee any new mechanism will be in place before the start of the next trading season.

Spastic Jump Cuts Ruin Wells Fargo Commercials


Maybe it’s our short attention span. Maybe it’s our overly simplistic mind. Maybe it’s our aversion to creative full of distracting hack job jumble cuts and irrelevant metaphors.

ESPN scoops Setanta’s Premier League football rights package

LONDON – ESPN, the Disney-backed sports broadcaster, is to broadcast live English Premier League action for the first time in its history, after landing the rights to air 46 games for the 2009/2010 season and 23 games in each of the three following seasons.

Cannes Lions 2009: Obama For America | Vídeo-Case

Eu falei da campanha “Obama for America” umas quinhentas e vinte e dez vezes aqui no site, e gosto sempre de linkar esse texto para resumir tudo. Porém, nesse mundo publicitário integrado de hoje, nada substitui um bom vídeo-case.

Nas últimas semanas tenho publicado alguns dos concorrentes em Cannes Lions este ano, e Obama também tem o seu. O vídeo é a inscrição do case nos festivais mundo afora, e conta em detalhes as ferramentas e números da campanha, começando em 10 de fevereiro de 2007 até o dia da posse.

O foco do case é mostrar como as pessoas, colaborando de diversas maneiras possíveis, foram capazes de eleger um candidato pouco conhecido alguns meses antes. Mais do que isso, é uma campanha que redefiniu a história da política mundial.

As apostas são altas, falando em Grand Prix no plural, e claro, em Titanium. Alguém duvida?

Obama For America | Case Study

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Wall-Climbing Cars – The Peugeot Metromorph Concept Climbs Buildings Like a Spider (VIDEO)

( There is never an open parking space when you truly need it. This Peugeot concept, Metromorph, makes that hassle no longer an issue. Drive to work, drive home, and then park on the wall (yes, the wall.)…

A moda da Harvey Nichols


Ditar uma moda não se restringe apenas ao mundo fashion. A marca de roupas britânica, Harvey Nichols, sempre promoveu campanhas super criativas e não convencionais, se comparadas às demais campanhas de varejo de moda. Seus anúncios sempre sugerem “lutas” entre mulheres por causa de suas liquidações. É basicamente essa a moda na comunicação da marca. Os últimos anúncios formam uma paródia ao game “Mortal Kombat“. Mas o que difere realmente a comunicação da Harvey Nichols, além de seu visual e conceito inovador, é a sua proposta como um todo. Dificilmente é colocado preço nos anúncios. E todos eles contam alguma história, lúdica geralmente. É assim que a marca acredita chamar atenção do público-alvo.



As peças vistas na sequência formam a campanha CatFight criada para eles em 2007. De lá pra cá, a agência DDB de Londres vêm fazendo todo esse trabalho criativo se tornar referência no todo mundo.




:: Via NotCot e