Peace One Day: Frozen Bullets

Remind the Chinese September 21 is the peace day of the world.

Advertising Agency: Shineworks, Shanghai, China
Creative Director: Koko Huang
Art Directors / Illustrators: Jack Xuan, Koko Huang, Lyon Liao
Copywriter: Sam San
Photographer: Nicholas Siau
Retoucher: Lim Kok Keat
Filmcutter: Rico Zhang

Academia do Rock Music School: Deep Purple, Black Sabbath

Media, Print
Academia do Rock

Only rock. Nothing less.

Advertising Agency:Candy Shop, Brazil
Creative Director:Bruno Regalo
Art Director:Bruno Regalo and Gabriel Protski
Copywriter:Ricardo Mercer
Photographer:Bruno Ferrante

Selfie Around the World in 360 Degrees

Alex Chacon a traversé 36 pays et 201 kilomètres en 600 jours avec 5 motos, et sa GoPro sur le dos. On y voit des paysages d’une rare beauté : la mer, les reliefs, les monuments, les lacs, les animaux et le désert s’enchainent dans un mouvement continuel et circulaire de la caméra. Une vidéo impressionnante à découvrir.


Burgernet Civilnet: Child


Advertising Agency:N=5, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Art Director:Hans Bolleurs
Copywriter:Paul Bakker
Directors:Lernert & Sander
Producer:Maarten Le Roy, WRONG
Animation:Jan Snoekx
DoP:Ram Van Meel
Editor:Derek van Egmond

GSD&M Convinces Southwest Airlines to Show Us Its Pearly Whites

Today Austin’s GSD&M released a sunny new spot for client Southwest Airlines in order to promote its just-announced vacation destinations.

The “just got our passport” theme stems from the fact that Southwest will begin flying to spots outside the continental U.S. for the first time on its more-than-40-year history on July 1st.

The agency enlisted award-winning photographer Martin Schoeller, a celebrity portraitist whose subjects include various film stars and regular guys with wives and kids, to direct the spot–hence its focus on confessional close-ups of the people who have a good time helping you get to where you’re going.


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McDonald’s Unveils New Happy Meal Ambassador, Terrifies Twitter

Say hello to McDonald’s little friend: Happy, the new Happy Meal ambassador.

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Kai Aragaki Photography

Agé de 17 ans, le photographe Kai Aragaki, basé en Arizona, aime prendre des photographies minimalistes sous forme de kits avec des suites graphiques jouant avec les formes et les couleurs : de jolis dégradés de fleurs, de maille de laine et de crayons, des origamis et des mots intelligemment associés à des pantones.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

De Blasio Tells City’s Tabloids to Apologize to His Wife

Mayor Bill de Blasio reacted to front-page coverage of remarks Chirlane McCray made in a magazine about motherhood.

Carlsberg: Happy Beer Time

Media, Direct Marketing, Design

Advertising Agency:Konstellation, Copenhagen, Denmark
Chief Creative Officer:Thomas Pries
Director Of Client Services:Claus Leinøe
Associate Creative Directors:Stefan Arnoldus Rasmussen, Philip Bock, Morten Grubak, Benjamin Bang, Rasmus Høgdal
Technical Director:Mads Sülau Jørgensen
Developer:Morten Barklund
Producer:Kristian Rix
Designer:Bas Meister

Layoffs at W+K Portland

We’ve confirmed, via agency spokesperson, that a series of layoffs officially hit the Portland offices of Wieden+Kennedy today.

In summary: after parting ways with a few unspecified clients, W+K had to make some unfortunate decisions regarding the size of its staff.

Agency reps could not comment on totals or titles, but several anonymous tipsters told us the number of layoffs was greater than 30 and that it included more than one Creative Director.

Updates if/when we receive them.

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DealBook: Options for Rivals in Wake of AT&T’s Bid for DirecTV

Few industries have been as embroiled in merger mania as telecommunications. Now, with another mega-deal in the works, will there be even more consolidation among others?

CP+B Names Jay Gelardi Digital ECD

CP+B announced today the hiring of Jay Gelardi as digital executive creative director.

Prior to joining CP+B, Gelardi was digital creative director at Sydney-based agency The Monkeys. During his time there he helped lead the agency to six “Agency of the Year” titles from awards shows and Australian advertising publications. Before The Monkeys Jay spent eight years at Agency Republic, London. He has worked with brand including IKEA, Intel, Mercedes, PlayStation, Samsung, Smirnoff and The BBC. Additionally, in 2008, Jay set up Republic Film, “a production company specializing in interactive film and animation,” and in 2011 he co-founded “a Twitter-based charitable venture that translated people’s foul-mouthed tweets into donations to good causes” called Charity Swearbox.

“The Digital ECD is a critical role at CP+B,” said Ivan Perez-Armendariz, executive vice president/chief digital officer, CP+B.  “We’re at our best when it’s filled with someone that has made the choice to live and breathe digital 100% of the time. Jay is someone who really understands that the book of advertising conventions is being rewritten almost on a daily basis. We are thrilled that he is here to help us continue to rewrite that book.”

CP+B’s recent digital work includes a partnership with NBC launching the overall digital experience for NBC’s “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” as well as the digital transformation of Domino’s.

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SUIPA: Pet Goal


Advertising Agency:Staff, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Creative Director:Paulo Castro
Head Of Art:Rodrigo De Lamare
Art Director:Marcos Siqueira
Copywriters:Pedro Rosadas, Ricardo Hautequestt

Energiaklub: Paper City


Advertising Agency:BEE Environmental Communication, Budapest, Hungary
Creative Director:Gyula Gabor Toth
Illustrator:Enik? Simonyi
Photographer:Dénes Fellegi

Adote Um Vira Lata: The Follower Dog

Online, Mobile
Adote Um Vira Lata

Advertising Agency:dim&Canzian, São Paulo, Brazil
Chief Creative Officer:Michele Dim D’ippolito
Chief Media Officer:Marcio Canzian
Creative Directors:Michele Dim D’ippolito, Bruno Cirello, Samuel Segatelli
Art Director:Cristiano Franco
Copywriter:Márcio Bittencourt
Photographer:Marcos Alberti
Media Manager:Mauricio Belchior
Media Assistant:Simone Pires

New CCOs at Sapient Nitro and Cheil Opentide, Molla Named One Show Chairman and More

Finnish agency Hasan & Partners, which recently acquired Perfect Fools, has opened its first international outpost in Stockholm. It will be headed by four founding partners — Camilla Hahn Fortkord, managing director; and creative directors Peter Laurelli, Jakob Swedenborg and Daniel Wall. Hahn Fortkord, joins from McCann Stockholm, where she was account director on Coca Cola MER, Cederroths and C More for two years. Wall joins from McCann’s Surprise Department, the agency’s international “creative SWAT team.” During his career he has also worked at Farfar, Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam and Syrup. Swedenborg also joins from McCann’s Surprise Department. He spent almost a decade at Farfar and has previous experience from Lowe Brindfors, Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam and Syrup. Laurelli joins from GolinHarris. Prior to this he ran his own advertising agency Blond Swedish Amateurs, and has worked internationally at 180 Amsterdam, and Goodby, Silverstein & Partners.

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Dumb in The Sun

Anthony Gaddis a réalisé ce clip pour le morceau « Dumb in the Sun » de Run Things. Une création en noir & blanc, jouant sur le voyage solitaire d’une femme en voiture, multipliant les effets visuels pour nous plonger dans un univers entre le rêve et la réalité. Une vidéo de qualité, dont les coulisses sont mis en ligne sur Tumblr par son réalisateur.

Dumb in The Sun6
Dumb in The Sun5
Dumb in The Sun4
Dumb in The Sun3
Dumb in The Sun2
Dumb in The Sun1

Selfie e Hashtag ganham verbetes no dicionário Merriam-Webster

A linguagem é algo que evolui com o tempo, e dicionários não podem deixar que novas palavras passem despercebidas e mal explicadas. Na atualização deste ano do Merriam-Webster, entre os 150 novos verbetes adicionados estão as palavras Selfie e Hashtag, que segundo a própria publicação, refletem a crescente influência da tecnologia no nosso cotidiano.

Selfie: uma imagem de alguém, feita por ela mesma, usando uma câmera digital, feita espeficicamente para postar em redes sociais”

Outras expressões, como crowdfunding (traduzida como ‘financiamento coletivo’), big data, gamification, hot spot, paywall e unfriend também irão estrear no dicionário norte-americano neste ano. “Selfie e hashtag referem-se aos modos como nós nos comunicamos e compartilhamos informações como indivíduos. Palavras como crowdfunding, gamification e big data mostram como a internet já alterou o mundo dos negócios de forma muito profunda”, comenta Peter Sokolowski, editor do Merriam-Webster.

A dicionarização de palavras desse tipo também facilita a vida dos repórteres, que podem aos poucos deixar de colocar apostos que explicam os termos. Grosso modo, podemos dizer que algumas buzzwords acabaram se ‘graduando’ e se transformaram em expressões moderninhas e dicionarizadas.

Quem se interessar pode conferir algumas das outras palavras adicionadas ao Merriam-Webster em matéria na Time.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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72andSunny Quotes Pop Culture for Samsung’s New, Curvy TV

72andSunny mined memorable moments in film, TV, and the Internet for their new campaign unveiling Samsung’s Curved UHD TV, called “The Curve Changes Everything.”

The new broadcast spot debuted last night during primetime programing including AMC’s Mad Men,  NBC’s Women of SNL, and the season finale of Fox’s execrable Family Guy, to name a few. The 60-second “The Curve Changes Everything,” mines such sources as Clueless, Jurassic ParkGravity and that screaming goat you saw on YouTube to stitch together “not only excitement for the curve and the experience, but how the curve impacts different family scenarios and living room environments.” 72andSunny worked with production company Caviar, director Rian Johnson (Looper, a couple of great episodes of Breaking Bad) and Oscar-winning cinematographer Claudio Miranda (Life of Pi, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) to bring the spot to life.

“The Samsung Curved TV is just a beautiful object,” said Rian Johnson. “Beyond the quality of the picture, the industrial design of the TV – with its subtle curve – is really stunning when you see it up close in person. We were tasked with finding ways to show off the curve, but you really just need to point a camera at the TV and it pops off the screen. It was a pleasure to shoot.”

In addition to broadcast, the campaign also features print, digital and out of home (OOH) components. “The Curve Changes Everything” will continue to run on major networks, cable and online. Stick around for credits after the jump. continued…

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Justices Reinstate Copyright Lawsuit Over ‘Raging Bull’

The suit, filed in 2009 by the daughter of the author of the screenplay for the 1980 movie, had been dismissed on appeal for being brought too late.