Publicis Groupe Wants to Manage Your Phone Plan


…or something like that

Here’s a very curious tip we received from at least one source at Razorfish: employees are now required to use parent company Publicis Groupe‘s phone plan to access all work emails and calendars.

Essentially, the message is: “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan…unless you want to do work stuff. Then you’re gonna need either a new corporate plan or a new phone.”

Full email after the jump.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Sprint Inks Deal With Spotify to Provide Free Music for the ‘Framily’

Sprint jumped deeper into the digital music business, announcing a partnership with Spotify to lure more new users into the ‘Framily.’

Starting on May 9th, customers using Sprint’s ‘Framily’ plan will have six free months of Spotify’s premium service. Subscribers with one to five members in their so-called “Framily” plan will then receive a discount of the streaming service, at $7.99 a month, for six years; those with more than five members will get the service at $4.99 a month.

Spotify’s CEO Daniel Ek, sharing the stage with Sprint’s CEO Dan Hesse, called the deal Spotify’s “biggest ever.”

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3D Optical Illusion of 2D Lamps

Le Studio Cheha basé à Tel Aviv a créé ces lampes LED « Bulbing » avec une illusion d’effet 3D puisque les lampes

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sont en réalité complètement plates. Financées grâce à Kickstarter, les designers ont donc pu confectionné différentes formes de lampes : ballons, tourbillon, montagne… A découvrir en vidéo et photos.


TBWA L.A. Names Stephen Butler Chief Creative Officer

tbwalogoAfter reportedly searching to fill the role outside the agency, TBWA\Chiat\Day L.A. has instead filled the chief creative officer position from within, Adweek reports, turning to Stephen Butler, formerly an executive creative director. Fabio Costa and Brent Anderson were also promoted to executive creative director positions, working under Butler.

Butler joined the agency in July 2013, following a stint as a creative partner at Mother in London, where he worked with brands like Coca-Cola, Ikea, Motorola and the London 2012 Olympics. He also served time as a creative director Bartle Bogle Hegarty, also in London, where he worked with Levi’s. In his new role, Butler will manage a department working with Gatorade, Adidas, Southwest Airlines and Energizer.

“Clients want to work with him, agencies want him on their team,” director of media arts Lee Clow said of Butler. “His brave, groundbreaking and unforgettable ideas will help push our creative boundaries.”

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

DealBook: Disney Considered Buying BuzzFeed, but Balked at $1 Billion Price

Disney’s interest in the fast-growing digital media company, part of a routine effort to identify acquisition targets, faded after BuzzFeed provided a high valuation.

The Real Reason China Banned ‘The Big Bang Theory’

Why are Chinese regulators picking on “The Big Bang Theory,” which was just booted off Chinese online streaming platforms along with three other U.S. TV shows?

The move left perplexed fans asking how a sitcom about quirky scientists is more objectionable than other shows still allowed online, like the politically sensitive “House of Cards” or retro-kinky “Masters of Sex” (which shows in China with some anatomical features pixelated.)

China’s State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television hasn’t explained why it targeted “The Big Bang Theory,” “The Good Wife,” “NCIS” and “The Practice.” So it’s possible that — for some obscure reason regulators found something subversive or threatening about those four shows.

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BBC News: BBC News Feeder


BBC challenges government censorship in a new actionable way to deliver uncensored and unbiased information for everyone.

Advertising Agency:Miami Ad School, New York, USA
Art Director:Pat Gamble
Copywriter:Antonio Fragoso, Carlos Ortega

Banana pra dar e vender

O gesto do Daniel Alves, de uma presença de espírito muito bem-vinda, gerou milhares de comentários e uma campanha com famosos que por sua vez gerou uma infinidade de textos, postagens e novos comentários de tudo o que é jeito. Tem pra todos os gostos. O viés também vai de acordo com a preferência do freguês. Cada um tem a sua agenda, meus amiguinhos.

Um colunista da Carta Capital diz que não devemos juntar macaco e banana em campanhas contra o racismo (hein?). Gente que adorava o auê ficou decepcionado porque atrás da campanha existe uma agência de propaganda (não me diga). Teve um cara no Twitter que falou que era negro e que eu não sabia do que estava falando. Tem um povo que não gostou do #somostodosmacacos porque, afinal, ninguém é macaco – por que não #somostodoshumanos?

Um amigo meu disse que preferia algo mais agressivo, tipo #enfiaessabanananoc*, no que eu concordei. Até eu resolvi escrever um texto, ora, vejam só – minha agenda, caso vocês não saibam, é soprar as brasas que alçarão meu balão de festa junina ao estrelato nas redes sociais.

Não temos a menor noção do impacto da hashtag no dia-a-dia das pessoas, mas preferimos vaticinar o certo e o errado tendo como amostragem nossos amigos do Facebook

Mas as poucas considerações que faço acerca da campanha publicitária são:

1. Difícil prever quando sairá algo autêntico do Neymar além dos dribles. Tudo ali é estudado, o que é uma pena – pena pra nós; ele parece estar muito bem, obrigado.

2. O Luciano Huck está em todas e dessa vez lançou uma camisa de R$69,00 para surfar a onda – deve haver alguma espécie de Nobel pra isso.

3. Não temos a menor noção do impacto da hashtag no dia-a-dia das pessoas, mas preferimos vaticinar o certo e o errado tendo como incrível amostragem nossos amigos do Facebook (os que pensam como a gente, porque os que pensam diferente já foram devidamente expurgados).

E 4. Racismo não é um problema apenas dos negros, embora sejam eles que sofram na pele com isso, racismo é um problema da humanidade. Portanto, se alguém vier com a carteirada de que é negro e que por isso tem autoridade inconteste e a palavra final sobre o assunto, levanto meu registro geral de homo sapiens sapiens e cabôsse.

Mas isso, é claro, é só o que eu penso.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Amazon Dash: Amazon Picky

Media, Direct Marketing

Stop worrying about reading food labels for allergy information. With the new Amazon Picky service you’ll always be safe.

Advertising Agency:Miami Ad School, New York, USA
Art Director:Fleur Willems, Irene Aroney
Copywriter:Antonio Fragoso, Jenna Kauppi

Place des Éditeurs 3300 e-books: The Mini Bouquiniste

Place des Éditeurs

For Parisians, literature equals paper, not digital. So how to sell a digital catalogue of 3300 titles and still be respectable ? By using the old to showcase the new. So, for the annual « weekend of the bouquinistes », the Parisian digital publishing house Place des Editeurs created the Mini Bouquiniste, an exact replica of the iconic green book stalls by the Seine river, only much smaller. The size of an e-reader to be precise, enough to fit the entire catalogue of 3300 books.

Advertising Agency:Babel Stratégie & Communication, Paris, France
Creative Director:Paul Wauters
Art Director:Matthieu Poli, Nathalie Mathieu Winkelmann
Copywriter:Jean Desportes
Photographer:Rebekka Deubner
Producer:Laure Dumayet

Ache as letras escondidas do Coldplay e ganhe um ingresso para ver a banda em Londres

Para ajudar a divulgar seu sexto álbum, Ghost Stories, o Coldplay escondeu em bibliotecas de vários países alguns rascunhos de letras de Chris Martin. Segundo o vocalista, elas estão dentro de livros de fantasmas. Para encontrar as letras, os fãs devem seguir dicas postadas no Twitter da banda.

A ação de esconde-esconde é uma brincadeira interessante para promover o disco, e o mais inusitado é o vale-brinde da história: em um dos livros onde as letras estão escondidas, há um bilhete dourado.

Quem achar o bilhete dourado ganha um ingresso para ver a banda ao vivo, no Royal Albert Hall, em Londres.

Teriam os garotos comportados do Coldplay se inspirado na Fantástica Fábrica de Chocolates? Ao que parece, Chris não vive a fase mais doce de sua vida – está recém-separado da Gwyneth Paltrow – e isso já se reflete nas primeiras músicas divulgadas de Ghost Stories.

Pelo singles novos que ouvi, a estratégia de divulgação de Ghost Stories me parece bem mais inspirada do que o próprio disco.  Vamos descobrir em 19 de maio, quando Ghost Stories será lançado oficialmente. Até lá, vamos procurando nossos bilhetes dourados.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Coca-Cola: Summer Together

Advertising Agency: Phibious, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Creative Director / Art Director / Illustrator: Chris Catchpole
Published: April 2014

D-Con D-Con Mouse Traps: End The Horror


Just because you don’t see the mice, it doesn’t mean they’re not all around your house. End the horror of having mice invading your house with D-Con.

Advertising School:Miami Ad School, San Francisco, USA
Art Director:Fleur Willems, Irene Aroney
Copywriter:Antonio Fragoso, Jenna Kauppi

O’Learys Sports Bar: The Defeat Treat

Advertising Agency: Pool, Stockholm, Sweden
Art Director: PJ Lindqvist
Copywriter: Ulf Rönnbäck
Illustrator: Dan Berglund
Additional credits: Igor Zimmerman/film
Published: April 2014

James Chandler promoted to lead Mindshare’s global mobile activity

Mindshare has promoted James Chandler to be the agency’s global mobile director.

Poise Gets Awkwardly Erotic With Bladder Control Ad

Poise, the adult diaper brand, is poised to attack the lady bladder control market with a double entendre-laced spot about pee spotting.

Though the product is supposed to be super discreet, the spot certainly is not. Two moms sitting down for some kind of school event have a conversation about Sam. Sam knows how to treat a woman. He might be small, but he can last for hours and he's in her pants RIGHT NOW. Surprise! It turns out Sam is short for the Super Absorbent Material in Poise liners.

Ogilvy & Mather New York put together this strange appeal in response to what is, honestly, a hard product to sell. I mean, when laughing or sneezing makes you pee your pants, it's not really something you want to chat about over coffee with your girls.

But is the right appeal suggesting there's a man named Sam with a small dick who can help you out? I can see why they'd go

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for humor. Make the audience pee in their pants a little and they'll realize how badly they need the product. But this spot is more creepy and weird than funny. At least it's drawing attention to the product while completely avoiding the unsavory reality of the condition. I mean, if the only option is to get all TMI about something, I guess I'd rather have an uncomfortable sex chat than a heart to heart about pissing myself.

Cruz Vermelha desafia jovens a ficarem do lado certo em um desastre

Em busca de voluntários jovens, a Cruz Roja Colombiana Seccional Antioquia pediu que a TBWA da Colômbia encontrasse uma forma de mostrar a importância de se estar preparado para ajudar o próximo diante de um desastre. A agência constatou, então, que a melhor forma de se comunicar com o público-alvo seria por meio do rádio, já que muitas pessoas passam o dia ouvindo as estações locais usando fones de ouvido em seus dispositivos móveis.

O resultado foi um spot em estéreo, que divide os fones de ouvido em “lado certo” e “lado errado”, ou seja, aqueles que ajudam e aqueles que não ajudam ao próximo em situações de desastre. É interessante ouvir como a narrativa se evolui.

Para conseguir aproveitar ao máximo, use fones de ouvido.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Agencies Tap Into B-to-C Skills to Land B-to-B Clients

As the line between b-to-b and b-to-c marketing continues to blur, predominantly consumer agencies that are starting to take on business marketing clients are finding that what it takes to win that business isn’t all that different — with a few exceptions.

Agencies find that businesses that primarily market to other businesses still do take a bit more hand-holding, need a bit more time and — of course — plenty of data before moving forward on a campaign or signing on with an agency. But overall they are still marketers and, more importantly, people and it is these truths that are winning the day for agencies that have historically served consumer clients.

Having clients like Coke, Daffy’s, Chanel, and Bacardi didn’t exactly hamper Johannes Leonardo in its recent win of large b-to-b client, but it did take some specific convincing.

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The New Age of TV: It Doesn’t Have to be a Big Bad Wolf

Here’s the good news: a recent report from Nielsen and Simulmedia showed that television continues to be the largest platform for audience delivery, with 283 million Americans spending more than 146 hours on average watching TV each month.

The scary part, at least for agencies, is that the medium is changing fast. Cross-platform viewing trends are not a myth, and advertisers increasingly want a piece of the video advertising pie. Evidence of this can be quickly seen in the Motley Crew that made up the season’s Digital NewFronts. Time Inc., Cond Nast, National Geographic Society, oh my! And it’s not particularly surprising why they take this strategy a TV ad campaign that includes digital touchpoints can increase effective reach by 16 percent at the same overall budget.

But most agencies today manage their TV and digital media purchases on separate buying structures, making integrated ad buying a challenge for them. Advertisers are increasingly demanding a ‘programmatic creative’ structure from their agencies, where their audiences are targeted with custom content during the path to purchase. Agencies or broadcasters are not currently equipped to manage multiple creative assets at any given time.

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Red And Green Design Branding

Les designers russes Egor Kevraletin, Max Zevakhin, Marat Dzhantuganov et Funky Business ont imaginé un design original vert et rouge pour la marque russe de produits ménagers : Happy Collections. Un style très pop et agrémenté d’un logo travaillé à découvrir sur Fubiz dans la suite de l’article.
