Seth & Riley’s Garage Hard Lemon: Kind of genius way to travel

Today, it seems a garage is all it takes to be a real genius. Think Facebook, Google, Apple and other startups. But what about the other geniuses… the kind of geniuses? Introducing: Seth & Riley’s Garage. An old lemonade recipe with a pinch of alcohol. Basically, a kind of genius drink. With this new hard lemonade, Carlsberg Breweries is launching its first global venture into the ‘hard drinks’ category.

Advertising Agency: Duval Guillaume, Belgium

Seth & Riley’s Garage Hard Lemon: Kind of genius way to fly

Today, it seems a garage is all it takes to be a real genius. Think Facebook, Google, Apple and other startups. But what about the other geniuses… the kind of geniuses? Introducing: Seth & Riley’s Garage. An old lemonade recipe with a pinch of alcohol. Basically, a kind of genius drink. With this new hard lemonade, Carlsberg Breweries is launching its first global venture into the ‘hard drinks’ category.

Advertising Agency: Duval Guillaume, Belgium

Familia Operation Clean Hands: Germs are always waiting for you

Outdoor, Print

Advertising Agency:Creamos, Medellín, Colombia
Creative Director:Jorge Montoya E.
Art Director:Wendy Giraldo
Copywriter:Alejandro Metaute
Illustrator:Raeioul, Raúl Orozco

Edelman U.S. President-CEO Mark Hass to Step Down

Edelman U.S. President and CEO Mark Hass is leaving the independent PR giant in July, the agency told Ad Age. New York lead and Edelman vet Russell Dubner will replace him.

Mr. Hass said the timing of his departure is tied to Edelman’s fiscal year, which ends in July, as well as the shop’s “succession plan.” “There’s an ongoing conversation here about who’s next in what spot,” he said.

Mr. Hass has been in the lead U.S. role for two years and prior to that he was president of Edelman China. Before joining Edelman five years ago, he served as CEO of Publicis Groupe PR shop MSLGroup. Earlier in his career, he started his own shop and worked as an editor at various local papers.

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Yahoo hosts exclusive X-Men: Days of Future Past films

Yahoo has partnered with film distributor Twentieth Century Fox to create a global content hub on its Yahoo Movies platform for new release ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’.

Hi – Dutch telecom provider: Ronnie Flex app demo

The unique aspect of this next generation music video is that all technical features of the smartphone are used. For instance, during the story you can choose between two different girls by swiping, pinching a hamburger smaller or bigger, blow away smoke through the microphone, look around 360 degrees, scratch a record and collect Easter eggs – that will give you access to exclusive content and prizes at the end of the video.

Advertising Agency: FHV BBDO, Netherlands
Concept: Rogier de Bruin, Emilio de Haan, Joeri van Oostwaard
Copywriter: Rogier de Bruin
Art directors: Hakan Coskunsoy, Emilio de Haan
Strategy: Derk van Beek
Account: Elwira Stuur, Niels Heimens
RTV Producer: Peter Burger
Online producer: Hans Dekker
Animation: Rens Wegerif
Production: Habbekrats
Director: Jeroen Houben
Producers: Julius Ponten, Philip Harthoorn
Offline editor: Wouter van Luijn
Grading: Joppo
Digital designer: Marc Vermeeren
Music: Ronnie Flex

WeChat: Crazy For WeChat – Lawyers

Advertising Agency: The Jupiter Drawing Room, Cape Town, South Africa
Executive Creative Director: Ross Chowles
Art Director: Steven Tyler
Copywriter: Gerhard Pretorius
Producers: Lauren Trevelyan, Julie Gardiner
Account Director: Mareli Jordaan
Production House: Giant Films
Director: Peri van Papendorp
Producers: Laura Sampson, Di du Toit
Published: March 2014

WeChat: Crazy For WeChat – Mark

Advertising Agency: The Jupiter Drawing Room, Cape Town, South Africa
Executive Creative Director: Ross Chowles
Art Director: Steven Tyler
Copywriter: Gerhard Pretorius
Producers: Lauren Trevelyan, Julie Gardiner
Account Director: Mareli Jordaan
Production House: Giant Films
Director: Peri van Papendorp
Producers: Laura Sampson, Di du Toit
Published: March 2014

Portable Compact Homes – This Creative Home on Wheels is the Perfect Solution for Smaller Spaces (GALLERY)

( With prices of real estate skyrocketing, we find ourselves living in smaller spaces that feel cramped and ineffective, and to top it all off, we don’t even get to choose the neighborhoods we…

Quem precisa de carteira quando se tem um Power Suit?

A tecnologia wearable está com tudo, basta dar uma olhada no que rolou durante o SXSW. Entre tantas alternativas que não param de surgir, os alfaiates da australiana M.J. Bale fizeram uma parceria com o Heritage Bank e Visa para criar o Power Suit, um terno que conta com um chip de pagamento que substitui dinheiro e cartões de crédito. Afinal, quem precisa de carteira quando se tem um desses?

A criação do Power Suit partiu do princípio de que homens poderosos não carregam dinheiro (mas, cá entre nós, o outro extremo também é verdade). Então, com um chip de pagamento inserido no tecido – mais especificamente na manga do terno -, basta que o usuário aproxime o braço de um aparelho Visa payWave e pronto. O dinheiro sairá de uma conta pré-paga do Heritage Bank.

É claro que, pelo menos por enquanto, o produto tem uma edição limitada e é uma exclusividade para clientes vips da M.J. Bale e influenciadores, mas um deles será leiloado e o lucro será revertido para a 4 ASD Kids, entidade que ajuda crianças com autismo.

A criação é da Whybin\TBWA de Sydney e Eleven\PR.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Winner of Infiniti Account Will Have Chance to Rebuild a Brand

Ad executives working on automotive accounts like to speculate how they’d build an automotive brand from scratch. Well, this summer’s opportunity to virtually re-launch Infiniti is about as close as they’re going to get, said Allyson Witherspoon, Infiniti USA’s director of marketing, communications and media. She joined the Nashville, Tenn.-based luxury car maker in November after stints at Arnold, Amsterdam, and other agencies.

“If I were to put my former agency hat on, I would probably salivate…. You’re always trying to look at what are brands that you can help build, or rebuild, or help evolve. I think [Infiniti] is that,” said Ms. Wittherspoon last week at the New York International Auto Show.

But ad agencies chasing the global Infiniti account, long held by Omnicom Group’s TBWA Worldwide , will have their work cut out for them.

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Sculptures by Livio Scarpella

Le sculpteur italien Livio Scarpella nous fait découvrir des œuvres de sa collection, en particulier des sculptures de portraits, aux caractères androgynes, cachées sous un voile transparent laissant transparaitre l’expression de leur visage. Ces sculptures sont complétées par une pierre colorée remplaçant le cœur de l’humain.

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Significant Moments in English Football Posters

Le graphiste anglais Rick Hincks est un passionné de football. Ce dernier a reconstitué graphiquement des moments d’anthologie du football anglais, proposant de résumer en posters et de la plus simple des façons quelques buts importants & connus de tous les amateurs du ballon rond.

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‘Ideas to Steal’ Lets Creatives Share Unused Ideas

Ideas to Steal LargeChances are you’ve felt the frustration of having a great idea never see the light of day, or, conversely, have faced days where any ideas seem hard to come by. Freelance digital creative directors Kalle Everland and Timo Klaarenbeek have created a dual solution in the site

The site lets creatives upload their unused ideas for others to steal. There’s only one stipulation: if you steal an idea, you have to credit whoever posted it and share the glory should the work come up for any awards. Using the site is pretty simple. Login with Facebook or set up an account with username and email, and a password will be sent to you. Then click on “Upload Idea” and load your video or image onto the site, adding a brief explanation and selecting a category. If you want to steal an idea, just go for it (and perhaps add a comment), while making sure to credit the person who posted it should the work get published. Check out the site for yourself; if you’re running low on inspiration, or have a drawer full of unused ideas you’d like to see get some love, it just might make your day.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Advertisers Go to Brand Camp With YouTube Stars

So you want to be a YouTube star?

The Google-owned video service put that question to seven brands who attended YouTube’s second-ever Brand Partner Program in March. Over three days at the company’s Los Angeles production facility YouTube Space LA, marketers from Ford, Visa, Samsung, Taco Bell, Anheuser-Busch InBev’s Shock Top brand, AT&T and Pantene received a crash course on making a name in the new Hollywood.

YouTube organized the boot camp to “treat advertisers like content creators,” said YouTube’s director of content strategy Jamie Byrne, who oversees the Brand Partner Program.

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NYPD pede nas mídias sociais fotos fofas com policiais, recebe imagens de truculência

A polícia de Nova Iorque, conhecida pela sigla em inglês NYPD, tentou interagir com os munícipes pedindo que eles enviassem fotos suas com os policiais da cidade, usando a hashtag #myNYPD.

A princípio, as interações foram bonitinhas, com gente posando ao lado de policiais paramentados, na ânsia por alguns minutos de fama ao ter sua foto destacada no Facebook da corporação.

No entanto, não demorou muito para o feitiço virar contra o feiticeiro. Em pouco mais de uma hora após o convite, muitos usuários passaram a enviar fotos suas em companhia dos policiais, só que em situações nada agradáveis. Retratos de truculência e violência foram tirados dos ‘arquivos pessoais’, com cidadãos retratando a ~emoção~ de estarem ao lado de policiais. “Minha foto com a polícia de NY. Eles me fazendo uma massagem no pescoço”, diz esse tuíte.

O pessoal do Occupy Wall Street também se movimentou, trazendo um razoável arsenal de truculência policial.

Como as mídias são um fórum público, fica difícil calar as vozes que usaram a campanha como uma forma de protesto. Em resposta sobre o ricocheteio da iniciativa, o departamento de polícia de Nova Iorque esclareceu que “está criando novas formas de se comunicar efetivamente com a sua comunidade. O Twitter funciona como um fórum público e sem censura, que promove um diálogo aberto que é importante para a cidade”.

Segundo o Guardian, até a noite desta terça-feira já eram contabilizados mais de 70 mil tuítes a respeito da truculência da polícia de Nova Iorque, com fotos e mensagens que lembravam vítimas da corporação. Por isso é sempre bom tomar cuidado com o que você pergunta para a sua audiência nas mídias sociais.

Peça, e será atendido.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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My Media Week: Stuart Taylor

This week, Stuart Taylor, chief executive, Kinetic UK, is inspired by the new tech coming to market and how wearables and smart cities will impact on OOH.

National Center of Historical Memory: Eraser

There are painful histories that become forms of inspiration, transforming war into the beginning of peace.
6th Memorial Week. Lessons of life that one should never forget.

Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica is a Government Organization helping war victims in Colombia.

Advertising Agency: Pubblica, Bogotá, Colombia
Creative Director: Ronald Bastidas Vélez
Art Director: Christian Vanegas
Copywriters: Ronald Bastidas Vélez, Juan Suárez
Illustrators: Christian Vanegas, Ángela Mejía, Andrea Gómez, Angie Galvis
Published: April 2014

National Center of Historical Memory: Maracas

There are painful histories that become forms of inspiration, transforming war into the beginning of peace.
6th Memorial Week. Lessons of life that one should never forget.

Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica is a Government Organization helping war victims in Colombia.

Advertising Agency: Pubblica, Bogotá, Colombia
Creative Director: Ronald Bastidas Vélez
Art Director: Christian Vanegas
Copywriters: Ronald Bastidas Vélez, Juan Suárez
Illustrators: Christian Vanegas, Ángela Mejía, Andrea Gómez, Angie Galvis
Published: April 2014

National Center of Historical Memory: Note

There are painful histories that become forms of inspiration, transforming war into the beginning of peace.
6th Memorial Week. Lessons of life that one should never forget.

Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica is a Government Organization helping war victims in Colombia.

Advertising Agency: Pubblica, Bogotá, Colombia
Creative Director: Ronald Bastidas Vélez
Art Director: Christian Vanegas
Copywriters: Ronald Bastidas Vélez, Juan Suárez
Illustrators: Christian Vanegas, Ángela Mejía, Andrea Gómez, Angie Galvis
Published: April 2014