Advertising: E-Cigarette Makers’ Ads Echo Tobacco’s Heyday

Antismoking advocates criticize e-cigarette manufacturers for using the same marketing methods as big tobacco did in the 1950s and ’60s.


Two Ad Companies Are Said to Merge, Supplanting Industry Leader

The merger of the Omnicom Group and the Publicis Groupe would create a new industry leader positioned to better capture profits from digital media and emerging markets.


Facebook Says It Will Simplify Options for Advertisers

The social network said it would overhaul the way it sells ads, and eliminate about half of the existing styles, to simplify the process for marketers.


Advertising: Mike’s, a Flavored Alcohol Brand, Tries to Widen Its Appeal

A new campaign suggests that Mike’s Hard Lemonade is a versatile drink for occasions beyond the backyard barbecue.


Fremont’s Move to MEC Made Official

While we’re on the Digitas tip, it looks like our sources were spot-on a couple of weeks ago when they told us that Carl Fremont, who left the aforementioned agency after a dozen years of service, was headed to MEC. Truth be told, Fremont has indeed joined the WPP/GroupM media unit as its first-ever global chief digital officer. MEC global CEO Charles Courtier says in a statement, “Hiring Carl is an essential step in the continued growth of MEC globally. Carl’s mix of skills has made him one of the leading digital specialists in the industry; he is uniquely qualified to help us navigate and develop the future of our business.”

Fremont will assume his global CDO post in May and continue to work out of New York. As we’ve mentioned before, prior to his time at Digitas, the exec spent 16 years at Wunderman, leading direct media efforts for clients including AmEx, Citibank and AT&T. In his new gig at MEC, Fremont will serve on the agency’s executive committee, as one would expect considering his title.

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Media Decoder Blog: Fake Ads in India Showing Bound and Gagged Women Lead to Firings

The fake celebrity poster ads were created by employees of JWT India, for a real agency client, Ford Motor, without Ford’s approval or authorization. The agency said its disciplinary action included “the exit of employees.”

Media Decoder Blog: WPP to Invest in SFX Entertainment

The $20 billion advertising giant, with major agencies like JWT, Grey and Young & Rubicam under its umbrella, will invest an estimated $10 million in Robert F.X.Sillerman’s company, SFX Entertainment.

Media Decoder Blog: Wunderman, Big WPP Agency, Gets a Major Makeover

Wunderman, one of the largest agencies inside the WPP agency holding company empire, is being overhauled to better respond to the significant shifts in how marketers are seeking to reach consumers.

It Appears We Were Right About a G2, Ogilvy Union

This looks like a pretty legit report from the London newswires and it confirms what we first speculated on last week, that G2 was separating from Grey and aligning under Ogilvy. Well, this just adds to what’s already been a busy week for Martin Sorrell and the gang at WPP. Here’s what appears to be the official announce, verbatim:

“LONDON—WPP (NASDAQ:WPPGY), the world’s leading communications services group, announces that its wholly owned subsidiaries, OgilvyAction and G2, will come together in a joint venture to form a company within the Group that becomes the largest and most geographically complete activation agency in the world.

The new entity marries the skill sets of two successful global businesses, which will operate in more than 100 offices in 56 countries. They bring complementary expertise in consumer activation, trade marketing, shopper marketing, one-to-one marketing and digital activation.


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WPP Takes Over john st.

You may have heard the word (shout out to the Toronto Egotist for the tip), but yes, Toronto-based john st. is the latest shop to be swooped up by Sir Martin Sorrell & Co. at WPP. As of now, though, neither john st,’s name/structure nor location will be affected by the WPP purchase, which comes just over two years after the holding company added fellow notable Canadian agency TAXI to its roster.

In a statement, Arthur Flesichmann, president/CEO of 12-year-old john st.,  known for quirkier efforts like the Granny-starring National Sweater day work and “Buyral, says the agency “…will continue to do the kind of work that has made our clients and us unignorable for the past 12 years. But now we will be able to offer services in areas that clients are asking for such as media, direct and public relations.”

Financial details of the WPP/john st. deal have not been disclosed. Current staff count at the newly acquired agency is approximately 100 and notable current clients include Mitsubishi, ING Direct, TJX (Winners, Marshalls), Kobo and AstraZeneca. Marketing fills in more of the blanks on this news here.

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Super Bowl 47: Lincoln dá vida a histórias contadas no Twitter

Super Bowl 47

Renascimento. Esta é a palavra que mais tem se ouvido falar quando o assunto é a agora chamada Lincoln Motor Co. O trabalho para modernizar a marca e conquistar um público mais jovem contou com o reforço do comediante Jimmy Fallon, que liderou a busca no Twitter por histórias que pudessem ganhar vida no comercial para o Super Bowl 47. #SteerTheScript foi um risco, segundo nos contou o líder global de mídias sociais da Ford, Scott Monty.

Agora, com o lançamento do comercial do modelo MKZ  no YouTube, já é possível formar uma opinião se o risco de retornar ao Super Bowl quase 20 anos depois, com um roteiro entregue nas mãos dos tuíteiros, valeu a pena.

As cinco histórias escolhidas foram costuradas em uma só e contam a história de uma mulher a caminho de um casamento que dá carona para um viajante alemão. Depois de algumas aventuras, com direito à participação de Will Wheaton, a dupla encontra seu próprio final feliz.

A assinatura é da Hudson Rouge, uma unidade da WPP recentemente criada para se dedicar somente a Lincoln Motor Co.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Martin Sorrell Is A Joke And The Ad Industry Is Worse Off Than We Thought


As you know, today Ogilvy eliminated 10% of its is staff across the U.S. We’ve gotten reports that:
“Ogilvy Chicago let 20 people go today. That place is in absolute shambles.”
“Ogilvy L.A. was 10% which is 13 people.”

And then, there’s the reports that staffers in New York were not allowed to pack up their desks. Instead, some anonymous hands will be packing up their personal belonging for them. Fired staffers will receive these items through the mail. Come on. Really? We contacted Ogilvy representatives, but received no response to our queries.

Layoffs happen. Since the bottom fell out on the economy, it seems like an almost weekly occurrence. As the sweep of Ogilvy took place today, Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO of mother ship WPP, was in Athens with a select group of 250 staffers and other “smart people” to brainstorm about the future of the business.

Well, what are these high level thinkers doing? According to Business Week, there are jugglers to get people’s creative juices flowing. There games of Nintendo Wii manned by ad execs and others are listening to an executive from Britain’s Guardian newspaper give a presentation entitled “Oh My God, the Internet Ate My Business!”

Your mouth went try at the mention of jugglers and by now, you are probably gagging a little bit. Anyone in the trenches of the ad industry should be appalled and dismayed right now. Can you believe that the guys in charge are just now getting a lesson about the internet? CEOs of digital agencies? Don’t feel bad about that shit eating grin you’re sporting. That’s right. You’re going to be golden for a very long time. Clearly, the death star agencies are farther behind the curve then we all thought.

What’s Sorrell’s plan? ” Sorrell is now pushing for every one of his 133,000 employees—along with the 15 heavyweight members of his board—to embrace digital technology like there’s no tomorrow.”

Fucking christ. You fucking joker. As you spend, what a hundred thousand dollars taking some crap thinkers to Greece and god knows how much encouraging your staffers to embrace digital, the laid of employees of today are getting drunk at the local pub, cursing your name. Embrace digital! You should be ashamed! Come on. For how long has there been internal pressure at WPP do just that? How many staffers have left to join digital shops or head into the tech sector because you guys have been asleep at the wheel? Buying up digital agencies isn’t going to save you.

“WPP has set up digital training courses for 3,000 managers to find ways to engage customers with tools like Twitter and Facebook, among other new channels.”

You’re already too late on this on, papi. If you get myopic and just focus on digital, mobile and gaming are going to leave your ass in the lurch in just a few short years. Lets not even talk about real world issues like identity, expression, feminism and race in the US that are going to catch you out in the cold in the same amount of time. Lets not talk about the ever present need to do good that continues to face down your clients. Are you ready to confront all these issues as well?

In the article, the writer goes on to discuss how Marty wants more cooperation between his firms. Blah, blah, blah. Sorrell is basically admitting that WPP has become irrelevant. That they’ve done it to themselves and the solution? From what this article says, it’s no so solution at all.

“We don’t take anything for granted,” he says. “Fear of failure drives us quite heavily.”

Yeah, but not in the right direction, apparently. Instead of asking your staffers, who know the day to day problems, you get a juggler. Instead of looking forward, you’re playing serious catch up. Goddamn. This is so sad. So very sad.

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Martin Sorrell Is A Derty Cow


There have been some changes to Martin Sorrell’s wikipedia page. Apparently, Sorrell’s real name is “Martin Derty Cow Sorrell.” Who knew? Tribble has a fullscreen shot since the changes to the page have, in true Wikipedia fashion, have already been deleted. However, notice that the image file was named “human trash.”

Oh boy and dear gawd. Perhaps laid off staffers or soon to be laid off staffers have found a new way to take out their ire? If so, come on… you could have done better than “derty cow” right?

More: WPP’s 60% Rule Staggeringly Obvious: How ’bout Some Exec. Level Redistribution?

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