YouTube Raises $10K in a Day

YouTube, under public scrutiny lately for removing videos due to copyright infringement, raised $10,000 in a single day using their little-publicized non-proft partnership program. The YouTube Non-Profit Organization allows not-for-profit’s to upload and run compelling videos, harnessing the power of sight, sound, and motion.

If your organization has a compelling story to tell, YouTube can help. Check out their Non Profit Channel page(s). There’s even an overlay “Call to Action” available, leading viewers to your website to make a donation or for more information.

Although there are some legal requirements to meet (your chaity must have IRS 501(c)(3) status, etc), there has been measured success: charity:water was able to raise enough money in a single day to provide 150 people clean drinking water for 20 years (charity:water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to developing nations).

Apple, The Bird, The Bee and Again.

Aspiring director/creative, Dennis Liu, has released his own viral video/commercial showcasing all the things a Mac can do. Basically, the video is set to the Bird & the Bee’s, ”Again & Again,” and acts as not only a music video for the band but as an interesting little DIY advertisement for Apple. It shows several of the computer’s programs and possibilities, including (but not limited to) Photo Booth, Stickies, Illustrator, Word, iMovie and iTunes. His video was even featured on the Unofficial Apple Weblog where they interviewed him about his video. I find it fun to watch, although at times everything moves slightly too fast for my eyes to keep up with (but we could also chalk that up to a long day at work and my eyes are sleepy). So check it out for yourself… as always, feel free to share your thoughts.


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Visa Going Bananas with Catherine Zeta-Jones

Visa has been known to be aggressive as far as creating commercials is concerned and apparently all it needs is a mixture of one fine actress in the mold of Catherine Zeta-Jones to spearhead this commercial.

Visa is known all throughout the world and apparently there are not stops on where it can be used. With that in mind, it should not be surprising why most people prefer to use Visa in the way it should be and obviously for anyone at any time.

But what if worst comes to worst when even wise monkeys will really know the real worth of the Visa Credit Card?

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Smoking Kills More

I studied animation in school, so I have to admit I’m a bit of a sucker for just about anything animated, but the simplicity and effectiveness of this Brazilian anti-smoking campaign is uniquely impressive. The pinscreen-esque animation seems to speak to the message, which is so simple, it works, and provides proof that things don’t need to be complicated to elicit social change.

The simple smokingkillsmore campaign certainly uses a few cigarettes in the process, but the awareness and impact it has well makes up for it.

check out more, including the making of the installation pieces, at osocio.

The Dark Knight- Are You Ready II

Yeah, but have you heard the good dig Iron Man gets on Batman ABOUT all that Viral marketing?

Screw the Justice League, what I want is a movie about this

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Bob Ross is back & fighting for a cause

I grew up watching Bob Ross… and come to think of it, Bob Ross may be the sole reason I studied art in college. Anyway, in case his officially licensed art supplies weren’t enough, Dutch production agency Comrad created this bizarre yet somehow poignant video for NoBELe Match.

NoBELe is a non-profit aiming to match young creatives and businesses for similar causes. A pretty cool effort, and a bizarre promo. But using Bob Ross is probably perfect for the target demo, and despite its oddness, it’s spreading like wildfire. I only wish there was some reference to Peapod the squirrel in the video. But I suppose that might be asking a bit too much.

Check out the rest of the NoBELe launch at

Adidas Dreams Big

I got into a discussion today with a friend about the Nike and Adidas campaigns and how they address the sport of soccer. I was well-aware of the recent Nike campaign, “Take it to the next level,” but I wasn’t as familiar with what Adidas was up to putting forth. Well I looked around (and watched) and have to say I’m impressed. Adidas produced a documentary surrounding Kaká, Messi, Gerrard and Beckham meeting local football teams in Andorra, San Marino and the Isles of Scilly as part of the film project “Dream Big”.

The production quality of the project is awesome and the feeling that it creates is truly heartwarming. Adidas sending out sports stars to these small cities creates a sense of global awareness and conscience. The concept of “Dream Big” is a strong message that speaks for both Adidas and youth culture in general.

Check out the full-length documentary on youtube: part one and part two.

It is better to Ride a Chevrolet Aveo

We are quite familiar with the integration of the movie the Transformers into most car advertising today and while some may like them, others use them as a point of reference to show other people why it would be best to use known brands.

There are two ways to which this type of advertising approach can be used. Positive in the sense that it gives life into the cars that are being sold today and negative for people who want to avoid a complicated and techie automobile when all they want is convenient transportation.

Whichever way you look at it, it all boils down to one thing; getting the eye of most car enthusiasts whether they will buy a car or not.

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Adidas Original Games – the playable games

I’m a huge fan of the idea behind the “original games” campaign. Cafe ping pong & street fencing are genius. The 180 Amsterdam commercial (below) produced by Stink (London) piqued my interest.

And with concept that grabs my attention as much as this one, I was hoping for a bit more than some playable computer games. And while the Skate-or-Die-style of game is cool, there’s still a bit of a disconnect for me from the true idea behind it all (or at least what I hoped the true idea would be). Still a cool execution, but I hope these games aren’t the finale of the “original games” concept… it seems to have so much potential.

(I was going to embed one of the games, but this site’s formatting shrinks it down and messes up the flash a bit, so click the image above to be taken to the Adidas site to best experience the games.)

Celebrities care more than the rest of us

You know when I think of troubled third world nations who need our help, I can only think of one celebrity who might be able to adequately convey the pain and suffering of living in a disaster ridden country ruled by a junta.


Unfortunately, this ill-advised Public Service Announcement does less for the poor people of Burma and more for illiteracy. As. she. remembers. what. was. in. the. script.

I don’t watch their reality show, but I know Mom married Bruce Jenner, former awesome Wheaties spokesman and the man who spawned the “Princes of Malibu” (and “please make famous” Hills “star” Brody Jenner). So it’s like a perfect storm of fame-whoring suck.
. Dad on the other hand, was OJ Simpson’s lawyer. So in other words, everyone has a deal with the Devil

A sack of hammers could beat them all on Jeopardy.

I’m not against celebrity PSA’s per se, just ones where celebrities with no real higher education try to lecture me about stuff (looking at you DiCaprio) and to seem more caring than the common man just because they have more influence.

a good primer on what good PSA’s involve.

A good PSA, even if you don’t agree with the content.

Simple, straightforward, to the point, and fairly genuine, which I think is the key to a good PSA. Kim Kardashian couldn’t find Burma on a map with 3 guesses and an encyclopedia.

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Who Needs People in Commercial Advertising?

One thing you will notice in advertising these days is that many companies look at the available talent in the market to cast in commercial productions. But the real question is, do you really need to pay high costing ads to make sure that they get the right mix in producing these ads?

There are various ways to get through commercial advertising and this can be done through creative wizardry. You just have to think outside the box, use resources like technology and representation in other forms such as this one which makes use of balloon dolls that can capture the whole essence of the product being advertised.

Levi’s – Dolls
by YforYerom

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Clean Advertising Comedy Reel

We all know how it is to make the unique concepts in the world today and apparently, putting a touch of drama into the commercial advertising flicks we see today is something that will capture the attention of most consumers to date.

Products often have to create catchy storylines for them to get noticed. It all has to be in line with what the product has to offer and once compiled, you will find that your creative commercial can be a hit advertising medium especially if placed and targeted towards the proper audience it should be effectively exposed to.

Clean advertising

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Why Advertising Needs to be Loud and Clear

One thing that advertising needs to accomplish is the message should be loud and clear. Making promotions and supportive marketing aids are evident these days but unless the whole logistics of proper delivery of the message that the whole campaign should do, chances are the whole advertising effort will go for naught.

Clarity and short messages. That is the best way to describe effective advertising these days. People have no time for long and boring ads. Get to the point but make sure that it is understood loud and clear! That is what advertising is all about.

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Zoo York Roach Department

When is it alright to put your logo on roaches? If you’re brand is Zoo York, you can do whatever ever the hell you want. Zoo York is challenging you to spread the word by any means necessary. As long as you don’t break the law or disrespect anyone. They launched the campaign with the help of their roach department to show that you can get as random as you want. Young skaters spray painted the Zoo York logo on some big’ol roaches and they let them loose in New York City. This is one of the more unique viral campaigns I’ve seen recently. Do roaches count as new media?

Creative Advertising Just Got Better

We all know that the key towards making advertising work is to find ways to get attention. Apparently, this has been in the mind of people who have let out their creative artistry towards various means such as goods and transport media images that can really draw attention.

For some, this may seem funny, but the thing is, you are getting the attention which is important in any advertising and promotional gimmick. Laugh at it or like it, the fact remains that the key here is baring the ideas of modern advertising the people will use for larger market awareness and penetration needed by businesses today.

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The Caveman’s Gettin’ Down

After the ABC series about Geico’s Cavemen, well, bombed, I was sort of hoping it would be the end of the cavemen altogether. My wish has yet to be granted and now the cavemen have entered the disco world. The new commercials show off their sweet dance moves, think “The Hustle,” and “Jazz Hands.” The purpose of the ads are to direct you to not one but two new viral sites from Geico - and Visit the latter and you can even download your very own dancing caveman to put on your desktop. Hours of entertainment… or maybe just seconds. 

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Adidas, The Left Right Project

The Left Right Project is meant to celebrate an icon. Adidas and 180LA teamed up to create a giant pair of Adidas shell tops. One shoe was given to an east coast team of artist at Surface2Air in New York, NY. The other was given to the creative team, Upper Playground in San Francisco, CA. In a classic east vs. west tradition, the two teams designed their shoes to reflect their coast. Each crew had 3 days to design their shoe. The teams met up in Venice Beach, CA to showcase their work.

This is a nice viral/digital/experiential project. It is an example of micro targeting with mass appeal potential. The viral was picked up by the sneaker community as well as the creative community. It’s very Adidas and I like that it doesn’t feel overdone or over budget. The Left Right Project is part of a larger Adidas Originals campaign, which includes “games” and events.

Meet the Nike Air Force 25 Stars

Nike has always been a synonymous to sports, particularly basketball. So as far as advertising and commercial productions are concerned, it should not be surprising why Nike has aggressively sought the superstars of the National Basketball Association (NBA) to which they compose Nike’s Air Force 25.

Most of the young stars we see today such as LeBron James and Steve Nash lead the parade of leading hard-court heroes who have their own separate deals with other products today. Also, being superstars of their teams, they are brand names for their respective ball clubs as well. So if you are wondering why they are always being paid millions of dollars per month, there is more to their skills and that is called their market value towards their fans.

Sony: Foam City – a commercial like no other?

I have to admit, I’m a pretty big fan of the Sony spots, even including the momentarily controversial play-doh spot. When I first saw the clips on YouTube hyping this new spot from Sony, i have to say I was a bit excited. The continued buzz about the spot kept me eager, although it also got my hopes up.

Well, the newest Sony/Fallon UK spot is finally out, advertising Sony’s line of digital cameras with the tag “images like no other.” The similar tag, similar beautiful cinematography, and an excellent soundtrack make for another impressive spot. Not to mention the fascination and joy at the idea of Miami being flooded with foam.

More info, including a download link for the spot, which will air worldwide beginning in May, at Sony’s website. Enjoy!

Cadbury says Don’t Stop Me Now!

You might remember the Cadbury Gorilla spot we wrote about a while back. The question was posed:

Is it a worthwhile piece of content simply because it makes people watch? Or is it missing the boat because it has no connection to the brand?

Well, something as unique (and bizarre) as a gorilla drumming to Phil Collins is hard to top, but Cabral and Fallon have certainly done their best.

Both the drumming gorilla and this new spot share a bizarre semi-disconnect from the brand, and a similar feeling of enjoyment and satisfaction. And as touchy as I am at the use of Queen, this spot does it beautifully, just as the Gorilla did justice to “In The Air Tonight.” And then there’s the whole whole Cadburyesque purple sky, which is creatively beautiful.

Does it work? Can the “campaign” be continued successfully (and if so, does this accomplish it?) or was the drumming gorilla enough?