I’ve written recently about my skepticism of the worshippers of “brand storytelling” as the new Holy Grail of advertising. So, I wasn’t sure what to expect from Jim Signorelli’s book StoryBranding: Creating Standout Brands Through the Power of Story.

Signorelli is an account person by trade, a self-admitted “suit.” But in working with a new bank client, he decided a traditional creative brief wouldn’t lead to powerful insights the way writing it in the voice of a customer’s own story would.
It’s an interesting story itself – and an intriguing way of tackling a marketing assignment. The rest of StoryBranding is geared more toward explaining Signorelli’s proprietary theory of solving marketing problems. He deconstructs the elements of his process, starting with the brand and employing archetypal personalities to give life to companies and target audiences. StoryBranding a good piece for his prospective clients, to be sure. But it’s his story, not ours, so read it if you want another take on branding as opposed to a look at the pervasive use of “brand storytelling” these days.
Special thanks to The PR Freelancer for providing me with a review copy.
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