David Aaker on the Power of Stories to Shape the Discussion Around Brands

Tech evangelist Guy Kawasaki’s new podcast, “Remarkable People,” continues to bring interesting authorities to the fore. This week’s episode features professor, author, and consultant, David Aaker, “the godfather of branding.” Aaker is a professor emeritus of the Haas School of Business of UC Berkley, the vice-chairman of a marketing and branding firm called Prophet, and […]

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3 Steps to Brand Marketing Success: Consider, Believe, and Buy

I can’t recall how many articles I’ve published here about the power of content marketing, a.k.a. brand storytelling. So many. Because the need is ever great, here’s another… When good fortune is on your side, and you have a well-made ad campaign (backed by sufficient media dollars to reach a multitude of desirable audiences in […]

Betabrand Is Using Its Retail Space to Elevate the Spoken Word, a.k.a. Storytelling

Betabrand, the San Francisco-based clothing retailer has begun a new experiment to increase its brand awareness: making their store into the Bay Area’s premiere live podcasting venue.    On Thursdays the Betabrand store becomes a showplace for popular podcasters, some of whom have traveled from as far away as New York to take the stage […]

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From Ireland to South Carolina in 1817: Eight Hogsheads of Porter

I love to see brand marketers look inside their own company for inspiration. And when you happen to be an iconic brewer like Guinness, the riches to be found there are endless. Let’s learn more about malted barley from the masters of the art… “Two things have always been at the heart of the Guinness […]

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Hey Brother, Your Stock Photography Is Showing

Stock photography and videography is the bane of any respectable art director’s existence. Or is that a tired old fable that makes little sense today? The knock on stock has always been that anyone can use it and everyone does. Yet, there’s no law against using stock well. The “Generic Millennial Ad” above was created […]

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FCB’s Creative Leader Sets The Story Straight

Susan Credle, global chief creative officer at FCB, believes in the power of story to move people to buy and to believe. She’s not alone in this, although it pays to clearly make the argument over and over. In a guest piece written for The Wall Street Journal, Credle explains the great tradition that today’s […]

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Toy Stories Photography

Tout le monde se souvient de ses jouets d’enfance. C’est en partant de cette idée commune que le photographe Gabriele Galimberti a réalisé une excellente série appelée « Toy Stories », qui capture des enfants du monde entourés de leurs jouets préférés. Un rendu à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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StoryBranding Gives You A Process, Not A Magic Formula

I’ve written recently about my skepticism of the worshippers of “brand storytelling” as the new Holy Grail of advertising. So, I wasn’t sure what to expect from Jim Signorelli’s book StoryBranding: Creating Standout Brands Through the Power of Story.


Signorelli is an account person by trade, a self-admitted “suit.” But in working with a new bank client, he decided a traditional creative brief wouldn’t lead to powerful insights the way writing it in the voice of a customer’s own story would.

It’s an interesting story itself – and an intriguing way of tackling a marketing assignment. The rest of StoryBranding is geared more toward explaining Signorelli’s proprietary theory of solving marketing problems. He deconstructs the elements of his process, starting with the brand and employing archetypal personalities to give life to companies and target audiences. StoryBranding a good piece for his prospective clients, to be sure. But it’s his story, not ours, so read it if you want another take on branding as opposed to a look at the pervasive use of “brand storytelling” these days.

Special thanks to The PR Freelancer for providing me with a review copy.

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Come with a Story

Voici une série de posters pensée par l’agence Lowe-SSP3 à Bogota. En reprenant des éléments de personnages de fiction avec un double sens, ces derniers présentent leur campagne “Come with a story and leave with another”. De belles créations à découvrir dans la suite.




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The Kraken Existence

La marque de rhum “The Kraken Black Spiced Rum” a demandé à l’agence new-yorkaise Dead As We Know It et au studio Adam Gault de penser leur publicité. Une mise en scène des illustrations de Steven Noble et racontant la possibilité de l’existence du Kraken.



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The Story of Sushi

Produite pour un restaurant de sushi à Portland aux Etats-Unis, la vidéo “The Story of Sushi” est le résultat de 7 mois de travail pour une vidéo explicative de personnages et décors en miniatures faits à la main. Une création réalisée par Vincent Peone à découvrir dans la suite.





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A Story For Tomorrow

Voici Gnarly Bay Productions qui nous propose cette vidéo d’une beauté incroyable appelée “A Story For Tomorrow”. Un voyage au Chili et en Patagonie avec des images splendides, posant en même temps la question du bonheur. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.







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The Google Story

Un film d’animation présentant les 11 années de la société Internet la plus connue de la planète : Google. Un concept vidéo et une direction de Nick Scott. A découvrir en entier dans la suite.



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