Want to Play a Game of Tag (Lines)? Part II
Posted in: UncategorizedLast week I posted various movie taglines that I enjoyed from the last two decades. One thing I realized about these taglines is that they aren’t very compelling if you don’t have any prior knowledge of the movie. Particularly the puns. Pun-intended taglines come off as awkward and persuade you to raise an eyebrow (kind of like this guy ~_^ ). Overall, there were actually very few from last week’s list that would lure me into watching that movie based on its tagline alone.
Anyhoo, here are the corresponding movies to last week’s taglines:
“Five good reasons to stay single.” (1994) -Four Wedding and a Funeral
“Vampires. No Interviews.” (1996) -From Dusk Till Dawn
“Before you die, you see…” (2002) -The Ring
“Earth. It was fun while it lasted.” (1998) -Armageddon
“On May 6th… See Paris Die!” (2005) -House of Wax
“Love is in the hair.” (1998) -There’s Something About Mary
“See Our Family, Feel Better About Yours.” (2007) -The Simpsons Movie
“Even a hit man deserves a second shot.” (1997) -Grosse Pointe Blank
“From the brother of the director of Ghost.” (1994) –Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult
“The Lucky Ones Died First.” (2006) -The Hills Have Eyes
“When it comes to love, sometimes she just can’t think straight.” (2001) -Kissing Jessica Stein
“A life misunderestimated.” (2008) -W.
“Be All That Someone Else Can Be.” (1999) -Being John Malkovich
“He loves her. She loves him not.” (2005) -Just Friends
“He Was Dead… But He Got Better.” (2008) -Crank 2: High Voltage
Don’t beat yourself up for missing them as I chose some pretty tough ones. Now that you’re all warmed up, here comes a second batch of movie taglines. The twist? These are the really bad ones.
“He stole the money…and he’s not giving it back.” (2003)
“Rocky shows he’s a champ…and wins!” (1979)
“Size does matter” (1998)
“You will believe a cow can fly” (1996)
“The wait is ogre” (2008)
“Twelve is the new Eleven” (2004)
“Everything that has a beginning has an end” (2003)
“The saga is complete.” (2005)
“It could happen to you!” (1997)
“Cowabunga, it’s the new turtle movie.” (1991)
Good luck with these! That second and last one you may never guess. Be sure to look for my next post (or IMDb) for the answers.
Tommy Liu, the man, the legend (to be) wields his pen of creativity against the injustice of mediocriety plaguing the world as the Creative Officer at Supercool Creative & Marketing Director at SpotZero where he also manages the blog. Click here to view some of his battles (he doesn’t always win).