Eight O'Clock Coffee Is Bringing to Life the Central Perk Coffee Shop From Friends

Rejoice, Friends enthusiasts! Your dream of sipping coffee at the iconic Central Perk will soon become a reality.

It’s been 20 years since Ross, Phoebe, Monica, Joey, Chandler and Rachel first graced our TV screens, and the love for the gang remains strong, if all of the people on my Facebook feed are to be trusted. To celebrate two decades of shouting “Pivot!” every time a friend announces he’s moving, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Consumer Products and Eight O’Clock Coffee are partnering to create a Central Perk pop-up in Manhattan.

It’ll be short-lived—the shop, created with help from agency Source Marketing, will open Sept. 17 at the corner of Lafayette and Broome Streets, and close Oct. 18—but fans can hang out on the weird orange couch, listen to a rendition of Smelly Cat, see some special guests (Gunther will be there) and maybe, I don’t know, try to figure out how Rachel afforded to live in a sprawling Manhattan apartment on a barista’s salary.

It’s a brilliant partnership for Eight O’Clock, which will also be adding a special Central Perk blend to its coffee line next month, if you want to K-Cup your way to a Friends-in-your-travel-mug experience.

Tipografia x cultura pop, segundo Rachel Krueger

Rachel Krueger é uma designer que manda muito bem na combinação de tipografia e cultura pop. Seus projetos geralmente unem os dois elementos, seja em uma animação com suas falas favoritas de  Sam em O Senhor dos Anéis – As Duas Torres, músicas que já se tornaram clássicas, desenhos da Pixar ou ainda o mundo dos super-heróis. Em seu projeto mais recente, entretanto, ela criou pôsteres com frases que marcaram a trajetória da série Friends.

É impossível não olhar para essa série e sorrir ao nos lembrarmos do contexto em que elas foram ditas. Destaque especial para Smelly Cat, que ficou perfeita.

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Aqui, um bônus dos alguns trabalhos de Rachel que citamos no começo deste texto:

musica iron pixar

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Creative Diptychs Made From Facebook Friends

Silvia Sala et Freddy Viera sont 2 jeunes photographes créatifs originaires de Bergame en Italie et qui se sont rencontrés via un groupe Facebook. Ces derniers ont ainsi décidé de prendre des photos ensemble et ainsi de créer des diptyques. De beaux clichés à découvrir dans la suite de l’article

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Creative Diptychs Made From Facebook Friends6
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Creative Diptychs Made From Facebook Friends2
Creative Diptychs Made From Facebook Friends
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Game of Thrones: Tumblr reúne imagens de Joffrey Bieber

No ar em sua terceira temporada, Game of Thrones acaba sendo alvo de algumas brincadeiras e montagens, algumas mais saudáveis do que as outras. Aqui no B9, a gente tem mostrado alguns exemplos do que tem sido feito e este post é para incluir mais dois itens na lista. O primeiro é o Tumblr Joffrey Bieber, dedicado a inserir a cabeça de Justin Bieber no corpo do jovem e insuportável rei Joffrey. Qualquer semelhança é mera coincidência… ou não. 32 Há algumas semanas, mostramos aqui como seria a abertura de Game of Thrones se a série tivesse sido exibida nos anos 1990. Agora, ainda no século XX, a guerra dos tronos recebe a roupagem mais amistosa de Friends. Antes de dar o play abaixo, é preciso alertar que há alguns spoilers, mas nada demais para quem já acompanha a história.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Buvette – Airplane Friendship

Focus sur le travail de Simon Wannaz qui vient de réaliser le nouveau clip du musicien Buvette pour le morceau « Airplane Friendship ». Avec une atmosphère singulière, la photographie et la lumière viennent ici illustrer à merveille le morceau original. Un rendu décalé et réussi à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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Chris Haines updates

Super digital artist and new found friend Chris Haines has just dropped a fresh new dope website with flawless works as always.

Be sure to drop by and spread the word!

TheKDU.net goes live

We’re just opening up the doors over here at TheKDU.net and it’s been amazing and enlightening to see that the entire fam now has a place to interact and build up even further.

You can find me over at TheKDU.net/diegoquintana.

Huge things to come. Big up to Sub Rosa and the KDU core crew for making this happen.


The KDU is back online

After a long time in the making, The KDU is finally back online and bigger than ever. We now hold a collective website to showcase the very best of the KDU’s work in a well balanced, beautifully planned and direct way.

It’s been 5 long years put together in one place for you to see the highlights of what’s been going down in the KDU trenches. HOTTTTT STUFF!

We’ll also be having our own personal blogs soon so keep your eyes open for any new intel.


Saad Moosajee updates

Young homie and fresh new KDU addition Saad Moosajee (A.K.A. lostnotfound) just released his revamped portfolio with some fresh new hotness.

F’ing kids, scary to think what they’ll be doing in a few more years.


Good friend Alex Haigh, A.K.A. Thinkdust finally dropped a personal project that’s been in the making for quite some time now.

HypeForType is a digital type foundry featuring typefaces made by some of the hottest artists and designers out there. Names such as Alex Trochut, Si Scott and Jon Burgerman are only a few of the giants in the line-up.

The idea, the approach, the website, everything’s top quality and sure to cause a buzz in the upcoming days.

Be sure to drop by and get yourself some type goodness.

slashTHREE vol 10

slashTHREE just released a brand new artpack with even greater contents than before.

A community that’s been slowly but surely gaining its place in the design world.


Today, after a couple months of organizing, programming and designing, a brand new project of mine sees the light of day: LaMalla.cl

LaMalla (or TheGrid) is born as a simple blog between friends, a bit of a programming experiment, a place for us to showcase those who inspire us and should continue to inspire even more people.

The idea is fairly simple, a dynamic grid with customizable contents that fit your browser for best viewing of the content.

We’re of course a spanish-speaking website. But if you’d like to contribute to our project and think language should be no barrier, then hit us up at hello@lamalla.cl and we’ll see what we can do so you too can be part of the family.

Of course we’ve been running several tests these last few days, but there’s always a few loose ends. So if you happen to come across some dead end, please don’t hesitate to let us know at feedback@lamalla.cl.

Of course any comments, opinions, critics, etc, are always welcome.


Pablo Alfieri

Argentinian friend Pablo Alfieri (A.K.A. Be Playful) is back with some hot fresh stuff coming straight out the oven.

Amazing use of shapes.

LatinAmerica stand up!

Magomed Dovjenko 2009 revamp


Fresh homie Magomed Dovjenko (A.K.A. the drippy fella :D), just dropped a major site revamp with 37 fresh new works for a whole bunch of A-list clients.

Go show some love.

Big up my mayne.

Joia Magazine 2009

Around 3 months ago the good peeps at JOIA Magazine decided to recruit me as part of their staff to take charge of their new website’s design and programming.

Today, at last, after a lot of work and problems, the website’s finally online.

So the invitation’s open for you to check the site out and give me your input. Any crticism, opinions or comments of course are always welcome.

Link: JOIA Magazine.

Josh Vanover updates

Good friend / black & white genius Josh Vanover, A.K.A. SpaceKnuckle, just dropped by to let us know he’s got some new works and a new site for us to worship.

Long live the king.

Raúl Burgos releases his website

Good friend Raúl Burgos, after a long time wait, has finally released his personal website with some of his hot works.

Stay sharp for this guy.

The KDU: featured members interviews

KDU Interviews

Down at the Keystone Design Union headquarters everyone is always busy with the pile of work that keeps on coming in, however, good ol’ coleague David Harris (A.K.A. SON) has been taking the time to interview a few of our family’s featured members.

So far he’s gotten his chat on with Neil Duerden, Nelson Balaban and more recently Pawel Nolbert.

Pretty cool interviews to get to know and see what different members from around the globe are up to.

Stay sharp for interviews to come down at the KDU global news site.

Xtrabold updates and turns a year older

Nelson Balaban Jr.

Xtra-talented, xtra-young, xtra-humble, xtra-friendly homie Nelson Balaban Jr. (A.K.A. Xtrabold) has turned 19 years old today and to celebrate he drops in his all new portfolio with killer killer work as always.

Only 19 and already killing it. Amazing. Who knows what he’ll be doing in 5 or 10 years!.

Congrats homie!. Big up!.

Diego Quintana x KDU x Slick Corea

Phil Chang (A.K.A. Slick Corea) is an excelent designer, music producer, apart from being a KDU creative consultant.

A while ago he asked some people to collaborate with his senior thesis project: A full length rap album alongside a graphics book with images related to each one of the songs.

Being a rap and design fan, I couldn’t let this chance slide.

Now Phil just released the album under the title of Children of Idiom along with the book, and they’re both kickass.

Inside the album you’ll find excelent excelent tracks (the beats are insane) alongside top-notch musicians; and in the book you’ll find the incredible works of people like Emeric Trahand, Adhemas Batista, Josh Vanover, Radim Malinic just to name a few.

Also, of course, there’s my modest collaboration to the project (second image above).

An absolute honor to be in such a fun project with exceptional artists, plus working with Phil was a joy by itself. Cool cat indeed.

Thanks a bunch to mr. Chang for making me a part of this kickass project, and much success on works to come.

Of course the invite is open for everyone to download the album, a the book, and the sweet little Extras pack on the website.