Apple’s Pursuit of Beats May Foretell a Shift
Posted in: UncategorizedApple, which has been hesitant to enter the streaming market, could finally be taking the plunge.
Apple, which has been hesitant to enter the streaming market, could finally be taking the plunge.
“Xscape,” the new album credited to Michael Jackson, uses technology to create songs around the singer’s voice.
Rodriguez, the subject of “Searching for Sugar Man,” was a star in South Africa, though he didn’t know it. A former producer asks where those royalties went.
In a kind of low-fi version of Jay-Z's celebrated Decoded outdoor campaign, Coldplay has been promoting its new album, Ghost Stories, with a worldwide scavenger hunt—hiding lyric sheets in Chris Martin's handwriting inside ghost stories in libraries around the world.
Clues were given out on Twitter. The lyrics were hidden in nine different countries, one for each song on the record. Eight of the sheets have been found—in Mexico, Singapore, Finland, Spain, England, New Zealand, Ireland and the U.S. has details of each discovery.
@ynikyonc found the U.S. lyric sheet inside a copy of Jeff Belanger's Who's Haunting the White House at the New York Public Library.
The band have decided to reveal the lyrics for each song from #GhostStories by hiding them in ghost story books in libraries in 9 countries…
— Coldplay (@coldplay) April 28, 2014
The final clue was posted today, hinting at South Africa.
One of the hidden envelopes also contained a "Golden Ticket," good for a trip for two to London to see Coldplay perform at the Royal Albert Hall on July 1.
FOUND with the Golden Ticket! RT @Judit_gc: @coldplay #truelove #goldenticket #lyricshunt
— Coldplay (@coldplay) April 29, 2014
Le clip de Oh Land pour son titre « Cherry On Top » (extrait de son nouvel album « Wish Bone ») vient de sortir. Réalisé par Duncan Winecoff et produit par All:Expanded, on y voit des beaux plans sur des danseurs classiques dont un en particulier. Le tout avec des mouvements de caméra très poétiques.
Maintenant une ambiance mystérieuse, l’artiste Danger revient avec un nouvel EP appelé July 2013 dont est tiré ce clip, illustrant le morceau 1:30 avec des choix graphiques détonnants, dont la construction dans une usine du masque futuriste de Danger. Une réalisation de Kristijan Radosavljevic et un travail de post-production de Multiply Studio.
Boyhood est une fiction qui suit la vie d’un enfant et de sa famille pendant 12 ans. L’enfant grandit sous nos yeux, aux côtés de ses parents joués par Ethan Hawke et Patricia Arquette. C’est aussi le rôle d’un bout de vie, celle de l’acteur Ellar Coltrane filmé entre ses 6 et 18 ans depuis 2002. Un projet ambitieux et unique signé Richard Linklater.
Beethoven died 187 years ago next month. So, why were apparently new obituaries for the composer only recently
TBWA\Guate counted on that clever bit of shock value as part of its bid to save Guatemala's only classical music radio station, Radio Faro Cultural, which is at risk of being closed—presumably because nobody under 50 listens to classical music anymore, no matter what country they're in, because they're all too busy listening to Pharrell or Katy Perry.
According to the agency's case study below, the campaign caught the attention of Guatemala's ministry of culture, which swooped in to bail out the station, because government preservation is probably the only thing that can save a waning genre's presence in a waning medium.
While equating the brand with Beethoven could come across as pretentious, the metaphor reads as surprisingly unstrained. But it's hard to imagine the choice going over well with some of the more staunch proponents of Bach and Mozart.
Credits below.
Client: Radio Faro Cultural
Agency: TBWA\Guate, Guatemala
Chief Executive Officer: Raúl Herrera
General Creative Director: Martín Sica
Creative Directors: Luis Guzmán, Francisco Pérez
Art Directors: Levin Méndez, Javier Contreras
Producer: Mateo Gómez
Planning Director: Flora Hasbun
A quoi ressemblerait le film culte « Forrest Gump » si Wes Anderson l’avait réalisé ? C’est le projet du directeur artistique Louis Paquet qui a imaginé une introduction de Forrest Gump à la manière de Wes Anderson, avec ses compositions rigoureuses, à commencer par la boite de chocolat sur une musique de Mark Mothersbaugh.
Focus sur le nouveau clip de Childish Gambino pour son titre « Sweatpants » (extrait de son album Because The Internet), réalisé par Hiro Murai et produit par Jason Colon. Au-delà du grain et de la circularité, la beauté de ce clip réside dans la prestation de Childish Gambino dédoublé et entouré d’une caméra en plan-séquence.
Kadavre Exquis a réalisé le tout nouveau clip d’animation du groupe français Equateur pour leur chanson « The Lava ». Produite par Rods, la vidéo montre un univers de fusées, de combats dans l’espace, dans un style futuriste. Une très belle animation à l’image du son new wave, à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.
Voici le nouveau clip de Pharrell Williams après Happy, réalisé par Luis Cervero pour la chanson « Marilyn Monroe » extraite de son dernier album GIRL. Un grand hommage aux femmes de tous milieux, styles, origines et beautés, toutes dansant autour de lui. Une vidéo pleine de couleurs et de joie à voir dans la suite.
Focus sur B-Classic et sa nouvelle pub pour son projet The Classical Comeback qui consiste à promouvoir la musique classique. On voit des femmes danser et se déhancher a l’image d’un clip de rn’b, dans différents décors mais sur de la musique classique. Une chute très drôle à découvrir dans la suite.
Minneapolis-based agency Martin Williams, fresh off rebranding Mall of America, has teamed up with Mary Beth Mueller (widow of Soul Asylum bassist Karl Mueller) in a campaign launching Kill Kancer, “a nonprofit aimed to raise awareness for preventable types of cancer.”
Following her husband’s death approximately nine years ago, Mueller started The Karl Fund at the University of Minnesota “to support breakthrough cancer research.” Kill Kancer is an extension of The Karl Fund, “a nonprofit positioned to inform the younger generation to take proactive measures on preventing cancer.”
“Cancer is the leading cause of death in Minnesota and since I have been personally affected by the terrible disease, I’ve made it my life’s mission to support the fight. After much research, I found there is a lot information on diagnosing cancer but limited information about prevention,” explained Mueller. “Through Kill Kancer, I hope to give our younger generation information that is useful to them concerning prevention as well as an outlet to have open dialogue about the illness.”
The backbone of Martin Williams’ campaign is the Kill Kancer website the team designed providing cancer prevention information and a community portal where visitors can post content. At the center of the site (and the campaign) is the above video, directed by Dan Huiting. The video features appearances from Minneapolis-based artists such as Slug from Atmosphere, Ashley Dubose from NBC’s “The Voice,” street artist HOTTEA, and rapper/community activist and teacher Toki Wright. Martin Williams will also be hosting a benefit concert for Kill Kancer today at The Cedar Cultural Center, including performances by by Dave Pirner of Soul Asylum, Silverback Colony, Communist Daughter, Willie Murphy & Special Guests, and Taj Raj. Irksome intentional misspelling of “Kancer” aside, this is an important campaign that differs from countless other cancer awareness campaigns by providing important information about preventative measures people can take to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Since most people don’t even realize there are cancer prevention methods, this is an invaluable cause that could do a lot of good.
“Pro Bono work is extremely important to us,” said Tom Moudry, CEO and chief creative officer, Martin Williams. “Working on Kill Kancer from the ground up has been an unforgettable experience, especially for someone who gave the Minneapolis music scene so much and was such a lovely guy.”
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Focus sur le studio de design Tata&Friends qui a réalisé ces illustrations et ces icônes de groupes de rock les plus célèbres. Une série d’affiches avec des noms telles que Radiohead ou Rolling Stones sur des graphismes simples sur fond jaune. Une manière originale de deviner les différents groupes en fonction des pictogrammes.
Belgium's B-Classic music festival, whose mission is to "give classical music the same recognition as pop and rock music," brings us a rather interesting sensory collision in the form of the music video below, promoting its "Classic Comeback" competition.
Korean pop-dance group Waveya interprets the godfather of Slavonik dance music (and Brahm's brosef) Antonín Leopold Dvo?ák in the three-minute synchronized bump-'n'-grind-gyration-twerk-fest set to "Symphony No. 9 Allegro con fuoco."
The video, shot by Raf Reyntjens in South Korea, is cleverly edited and choreographed, albeit shameless in its attempts at drawing in a younger demographic. See, the organizers of the festival believe "the kids" simply need more access to classical music.
Music videos, they believe, are the best way to do this.
In a short documentary also posted below, Frank Peters, a Dutch classical pianist and spokesperson for B-Classic, says he's "not convinced that youth are uninterested in classical music. I think that it's simply more difficult for them to discover."
Chereen Gayadin, a senior music programmer at MTV, adds, "I think that this is the first video in which one listens to classical music without being aware that it is classical music."
Client: B-Classic
Agency: DDB, Brussels
Creative Director: Peter Ampe
Creatives: Tim Arts, Stefan Van Den Boogaard
Designer: Christophe Liekens
Account Team: Francis Lippens, Kaat De Brandt
Strategic Team: Dominique Poncin, Maarten Van Daele, Michael D’hooge
Digital Strategy: Geert Desager
Digital Project Manager: Stefanie Warreyn
TV Producer: Brigitte Verduyckt
Production Agency: Caviar
Producer: Geert De Wachter
Director: Raf Reyntjens
Music, Sound: Sonicville
Aired: April 2014