Mercedes-Benz: Slider

We made the slider a navigation bar

Mercedes-Benz launched its first iPad campaign in Israel. The campaign needed to promote Mercedes left brain & right brain print ad. Left side – refers to the logical side of the brain, the side of following the way and the Right side refers to a more creative side of the brain that creates the way. We needed to turn the ad into an interactive iPad experience, without changing or editing it. In order to do this we used iPad’s most recognizable feature – the Slider, but we put a twist that changed its influence and behavior and created immediate engagement with the users. The slider became a two sided Navigation Bar with the sentence “follow the way” on the left side and “create the way” on the right. We created a display in the landing page that changes according to the direction that the user decided to slide. Each side displayed the Mercedes-Benz E class car in a different background according to the ad. Sliding to the left side showed the Mercedes-Benz E – class in a clear and classical background and sliding to the right showed it in a more creative and vivid background. Regardless of the side they chose, there was a form to fill out for a test drive. The intuitive use of the slider created a connection between the campaign concept and the user’s iPad experience.

Agency website: Moblin, Herzliya, Israel
Creative Director: Liron Ben Yakov
Creative Art Director: Lion David
Copywriter: Liron Ben Yakov
Additional credits: VP Business Development: Omri Argaman

if i die first: Your Chance To World Fame After You Die

How the app works in three easy steps: After installing the app, you leave your message. It may be in video or text format, ?and it’s possible to either record a message or upload a ready video.
You then choose friends to be your Trustees, which are in charge of reporting your passing away, thus triggering your final message to be published. ?These Trustees should be close friends or family members your trust, picked from your Facebook friends’ list. You may choose as many Trustees as you wish, but it takes a minimum of 3 Trustees to confirm your death.
In order to assure your message is safely kept until the moment has come, we have taken the highest security measures. No one but you will be able to see your message, including company employees or Trustees. As an act of precaution, the moment a death report is received, the user that left the message is immediately informed and a time buffer is activated, to ensure this was not a mistake.? About the developers: Willook is a start-up company that specializes in time-capsule services and products. The company is assembled of a team of entrepreneurs, psychologists, educators, programmers and investors worldwide. Eran Alfonta, Founder & CEO, came up with the idea after friends of his were involved in a car accident and had a near death experience while on vacation in Italy. The traumatic experience left them with the realization that death could catch them anywhere, anytime, and that there had to be a service that enabled leaving a message for their kids and loved ones. After investing substantial resources to research the concept in hospitals and hospices in the USA, the first version of if i die was launched in 2010. Quickly understanding the service had real social motives, Willook moved the platform to Facebook and launched a successful marketing campaign in mid 2011, receiving worldwide media coverage. If I die website:

Adertising Agency: Mizbala, twentythree, Israel
Regional Executive Creative Director: Dori Ben Israel Kario
Creative Partners: Erez Rubinstein, Yossi Tzarfati
Music: Lee Curreri, AKA Bruno Martelli from TV series FAME
Animation and Post Production: Yuval Meron
Digital Design: Hooligans
Development and Coding: Go-Public

Brasil é o país que passa mais tempo no Flipboard [Infográfico]

O Flipboard completou dois anos desde o seu lançamento, e apresenta em um infográfico suas principais estatísticas.

São 20 milhões de usuários, que geram 1 bilhão de páginas viradas por mês. Além das seções mais populares, mostram também o uso por país. Apesar de não estar no TOP5 em quantidade de usuários, o Brasil é o que passa mais tempo no Flipboard.

Eu ajudo naquele número ali de que o app é mais usado em tablets nos domingos, mas confesso que tenho preferido mais o Zite e o, já que mostram mais notícias do que a interação de amigos em redes sociais.

É óbvio que dá pra configurar todo tipo de conteúdo no Flipboard. Eles agora vão investir também em vídeo, com uma seção “TV”, mas essa parte eu sempre esqueço pra ficar no “Cover Stories”.

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Volkswagen Beetle Mobile Shark Cage

La marque de voitures Volkswagen a décidé d’être partenaire de Discovery Channel à l’occasion du 25ème anniversaire de la Shark Week, retransmise sur la chaîne du 12 au 16 août. Cette collaboration a permis de voir la création d’une Beetle spécialement conçue pour rouler en milieu aquatique au milieu des requins.


P&G: Tap To Thank


The challenge was to put the Proud Sponsor of Moms concept in a 20X100 pixel banner ad.

Advertising Agency: Kirowski Isobar, Budapest, Hungary
Creative Director: Márton Jedlicska
Art Director: Dániel Deme
Copywriter: Bence Bodnár
Account Manager: Anett Kovács
Developer: Attila Polacsek

Action Aid: Inversion

Advertising Agency: F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, Brazil
Creative Directors: Fabio Fernandes, Carlos Di Celio
Creatives: João Resende, Thiago Manhães, Cidney Neto
Advertiser’s Supervisors: João Maia, Alessandra Gamberali
Accounts: Carla Sá, Flavia Cerqueira, Malu Miranda, Aline Lopes, Fernanda Mathias
Media: Lica Bueno, Marylena Gorayeb, Keila Marconi
Project Managers: Cristina Clarke, Fabrício Toth
Digital Producer: Marcus Macarroni
Technology Director: Paulo Pacheco
Planners: José Porto, Carla Sá, Utymo Oliveira
Approval: Glauce Arzua

Café Joe: Location-based Print Ad

Cafe Joe’s print ad is a location based ad. By scanning a QR code the reader gets the directions to the nearest Cafe Joe’s branch, where he can enjoy a free cup of coffee while reading his magazine.

Advertising Agency: Y&R, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Chief Creative Officer: Benni Bronski
Creative Director: Sagi Blumberg
Art Director: Dan Kashani
Copywriters: Liron Ben-Yakov, Maayan Dar
Executive Client Director: Danirl Meirovich
Account Supervisor: Aviv Ben-Zikri
Account Manager: Ortal Dudu
Studio Manager: Lena Feldman
Studio: Oran Yekutiel
Programmer: Gabi Kazav

Handwrite, uma nova maneira de fazer buscas mobile no Google

Talvez eu nunca use isso de verdade, parece mais demorado do que simplesmente digitar. Mas só o fato de existir já é incrível.

Handwrite, como diz o nome, é uma nova maneira de fazer buscas no Google através do smartphone ou tablet. Basta acessar normalmente do seu gadget e ativar nas configurações a opção “Pesquisa escrita”.

A função já está disponível em 27 idiomas.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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The Blur App

Talvez eu esteja roubando a pauta do Felipe Cotta e correndo o risco de apanhar dele na rua. Mas espero que ele entenda, ignore e perdoe.

Acontece que, quando eu estava no colegial, antes de cair completamente de amores pelo Eddie Vedder, eu queria me casar com o Damon Albarn. Eu quis muito isso. Eu passei a adorar o sotaque britânico, eu lia todas as letras e suas traduções, eu gravava videoclipes, eu ficava inconformada quando resumiam Blur a “Song 2″. Eu até comprei a briga / rivalidade e passei a achar a banda dos irmãos Gallagher bizarra.

E pelo mesmo motivo “besta”, este ano eu subitamente passei a curtir as Olimpíadas de Londres. Porque recentemente, depois da banda ter virado história, as inéditas Under The Westway e The Puritan foram lançadas. Música de Blur com cara de Blur. Me deu uma sensação de “eles não perderam a mão! eles continuam incríveis!“.

Nessa vibe de lançar coisas, a notícia mais recente é o aplicativo The Blur App, para iPhone e iPad. Com a história da banda, entrevistas inéditas, conteúdo exclusivo, discografia completa, galeria de fotos e os setlists tocados em vários shows de várias turnês. Enfim, baixa lá. Não tem como não ser bom isso.

Se não conhece bem a banda, aí vai um resumão quase cretino. Meninos britânicos, estilo único, músicas incríveis, muitos e muitos fãs, ápice nos 90′s. Mas um dia, como a maioria das bandas de rock, o Blur terminou deixando fãs confusos com histórias parciais sobre o motivo do rompimento. Em 2010 fizeram o documentário No Distance Left To Run explicando um pouco do que tinha acontecido. O trailer é esse:

E agora, de acordo com notícias recentes, daria pra dizer que eles estão de volta. Mas eu não me arrisco. Eu só torço, muito.

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LEGO: Life of George

Life of George is the world’s first interactive game combining real LEGO bricks with apps for your iPhone/iPod Touch. Follow George around the world as he challenges you to a series of fun building tasks. Build as fast as possible, capture your model with your iPhone/iPod camera and get scored on your building skills. Challenge your friends to see who’s the fastest and best Lego builder.

Advertising Agency: Hello Monday, Copenhagen, Denmark
Advertising Agency: Eyecue Vision. Copenhagen, Denmark
Creative Director: Jakob Kahlen
Art Director / Illustrator: Johanne Bruun Rasmussen , Jeppe Aaen
Interactive Designer / Illustrator: Brian Lund Lauridsen
Project Manager: Karen Cecilie Sørensen
Lego Business Development Manager: David Gram
Lego Design Lead: Mikkel Holm Jensen
Lego Concept & Model Designer: Cynthia Bodin
Lego Lead Producer: Jesper Soederberg
Lego Project Manager: Michael Stahl
Technology Partner: EyeCue
Music & Sound Design: Søren Svensson, SoundVenture

Uma experiência sonora em realidade aumentada de “The Dark Knight Rises” [iPhone]

Da mesma forma que fizeram com “Inception”, Christopher Nolan, Hans Zimmer e a produtora Reality Jockey criaram uma experiência sonora em realidade aumentada através de um app para iPhone.

Dessa vez o filme é “The Dark Knight Rises”, claro, e a trilha sonora do novo Batman interage e se modifica de acordo com as suas atitudes no mundo real.

Segundo o próprio Hans Zimmer, essa é uma maneira de fazer com que os fãs da trilogia possam ficar imersos com a atmosfera e ambiente sonoro do filme, levando a trilha para fora das telas.

Assim como no aplicativo de “Inception”, a melhor maneira de aproveitar a experiência é com um fone de ouvido.

O app traz ainda diversos clipes em áudio com o compositor e diretor contando o processo criativo da trilha sonora. Grátis na AppStore.

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Ubisoft: Autodance

Just Dance is the fun dance game series that anyone can pick up and play. But until now, the audience has been dominated by teenage girls. For the launch of Just Dance 3, in Europe and Australia, our brief was to expand the audience to those who wouldn’t usually play dance games. Our answer was Autodance, the app that makes anyone dance. Simply record your friends moving and the app syncs their movements to a choice of dance tracks from the video game. Like magic, your friends will be shaking their stuff in a branded music video, which can be shared online. Autodance is more than a fun app. It’s a fun tool to get people to make and share our ads for us. Each user-generated video acts as an advert for Just Dance 3, and features our tagline “Anyone can Just Dance”, along with an end card for the game. With no media spend, Autodance exposed Just Dance 3 to a new, diverse audience of millions. And over Christmas 2011, Just Dance 3 became the best-selling video game in Europe. Results since the release of Autodance, Oct 2011: App downloads: 4.2 Million User-generated videos: 19 Million Video views (in phone): 56 Million Total video shares (Facebook and Youtube): 1.6 Million Facebook likes: 2.5 Million Facebook comments: 1.6 Million Submitted videos to YouTube Channel: 450,000 (110,000 made public) App Store: No 1 Music app in 15 countries Top ten (overall) app in 10 countries App store reviews: 2647 Average score: 4/5.

Advertising Agency: CP+B, Gothenburg, Sweden
Executive Creative Director: Björn Höglund, Gustav Martner
Associate Creative Director / Senior Art Director: Mattias Berg
Senior Copywriter: Jim Connolly
Senior Art Director: Joakim Khoury
Producer: Mikael Lindqvist
Associate Experience Director: Jordan Clayton-Hall, Tommy Carlsson
Creative Technology Director: Per Rundgren
Head Of Interactive: Marcus Åslund
Visual Designer: Stephano Dinamarca Fernández, Mattias Nordenham
Senior Interactive Developer: Mikael Hellqvist, Stefan Hållén
Interactive Developer: Martin Furuberg
Motion Designer: Jörgen Bengtsson
Chief Creative Officer: Rob Reilly
Executive Creative Director: Gustav Martner
Business Director: David Clyde
Group Account Director: Charles Faircloth, Gavin May

Meat Pack: Hijack

Meat Pack is the trendiest shoe store in Guatemala, a brand known for its edgy, irreverent style and a store known for its special discounts in limited edition kicks, including brands like Adidas, Nike, Puma, and Supra. It opened its doors 3 years ago and it quickly gathered a cult following with the youth, becoming an icon within the sneakerhead subculture. They needed to launch a new promotion that lived up to their brand standards, characterised by innovation and always surprising their costumers. An innovative way to earn your discount, edgy in its own way. To promote the new discount we created Hijack, an enhancement for the official Meat Pack app used by our costumers. Using GPS tracking technology, Hijack was able to recognise our sneakerheads entering the official store of one of the brands sold at Meat Pack and triggered a special notice with a promotion that gave you the chance to earn your discount. How? The discount would start at 99% and it would decrease by a percentage with each second that went by. The countdown discount made people want to hurry towards the Meat Pack store, making the countdown stop. Those who reached the stores faster, got better discounts. Results: – More than 600 costumers were hijacked from the competitors. – All discounted merchandise was sold in record time. – Every time a discount was redeemed the persons Facebook status automatically changed informing the world about the promotion and generating a viral competitive attitude that spread like wildfire. – Pedro Rodriguez got a record breaking 89% discount

Advertising Agency: 4am Saatchi & Saatchi, Guatemala
Chief Creative Officer: Miguel Mayen 4am Saatchi & Saatchi Guatemala
Creative Director: Marcopolo Ramirez, Jonathan Deleon
Art Director: Rodolfo Rivera, Rodrigo Fernandez
Designer: Guillermo Chang
Copywriting Craft: Aritz Bermudez
Head Of Production: Carlos Escobedo
Production: Jorge Juarez, Alejandro Perez
Animation Graphic Designer: Luis Fernando Roca
Chief Executive Officer: Guillermo Martinez
Account Executive: Jenny Martinez
Film Director: Rodolfo Rivera
Photography Director: Rodolfo Rivera, Guiseppe Badalamenti
Music: Elliot Rivas

Frauen Gegen Gewalt: Beating Facts

Advertising Agency: Plan.Net, Munich, Germany
Advertising Agency: Serviceplan, Munich, Germany
Chief Creative Officer: Alexander Schill
Executive Creative Director: Friedrich Von Zitzewitz
Creative Directors: Markus Maczey, Cornelia Blasy-Steiner
Copywriter: Christian Aussem
Art Director: Tobias Pechstein
Account Supervisor: Annika Nagel
Graphic Design: Tanja Glamann
Photographer: Michael Leiss
Post Production: Martin Bierbaum
Programmer: Stefan Schrader

Nike+ Dogs: FuelBand Dog Collar

Art Director: Mike Malz
Copywriters: Spencer Campbell, Michael Grosso

TNT Falling Skies: Augmented Reality Experience

Advertising Agency: 5SEIS, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Creative Directors: Gabriel Aufgang, Pablo Saquero
Producer: Ariel Serra
BTL Agency: DLB GROUP Colombia
Location producer: Marketmedios Comunicaciones

“O Homem Mais Corajoso do Universo”, uma experiência para a versão mobile do Google Chrome

Você já viu diversos experimentos com Google Chrome, incluindo os hits criados por Chris Milk.

“The Bravest Man In The Universe” também é uma interação para promover o navegador do Google, mas dessa vez em sua versão mobile. A experiência só acontece se você acessar o do seu smartphone ou tablet.

O site (e trilha sonora) é baseado no novo álbum do veterano Bobby Womack, e foi criado em parceria com a XL Recordings.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Brewster, reinventando a sua lista de contatos no celular [iPhone]

Existe função mais simples no celular – além de fazer ligações, é claro – do que acessar a sua lista de contatos?

Apesar de básica, isso não impediu os criadores do app Brewster de tentar reinventar a função.

O aplicativo transforma seus contatos – unindo smartphone com redes sociais e Gmail – em uma galeria visual de fácil reconhecimento e acesso. Imagens grandes. Avatares de seus amigos que você já está acostumado a ver por aí, e com atualização automática dos detalhes.

Faça o download na AppStore, por enquanto disponível apenas para iPhone. O Brewster é grátis.

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Red Tomato Pizza: VIP Fridge Magnet

Red Tomato is a neighborhood pizzeria wanting to drive loyalty with existing customers and increase delivery orders. Going up against multinational pizza chains, they were losing to big budget ad campaigns and ‘value deals’. We had to find an idea that would resonate with customers beyond deals and toppings. So we found a local insight. While home delivery is popular in a city with over 200 nationalities, placing and receiving the right order is usually riddled with communication problems. Our strategy was to make home delivery from Red Tomato a special experience in a way no brand had done before. We delivered Red Tomato fridge magnets to loyal customers. The twist? The magnet doubles as the ultimate VIP pizza emergency button! Customers could activate it by connecting through Bluetooth with their mobile phones. With just the press of a button, it would automatically place an order for their favorite Red Tomato pizza whenever a craving struck. And if fans found a new favorite, they could simply edit their preferred order online, with the pizza magnet updating their selection on the spot. In addition, a YouTube teaser video was created to make other customers realize what they were missing out on. The VIP Fridge Magnet uses tech innovation to drive convenience and create a personal, one-of-a-kind experience at the same time. Instead of a campaign, we developed a game-changer product and a new way for the brand to deliver customer satisfaction. The VIP Fridge Magnet is the world’s first one-push pizza delivery service, exclusively for Red Tomato’s most loyal customers. Finally, we helped Red Tomato customers enjoy ordering their favorite pizzas! This new kind of customer engagement increased orders and earned the pizzeria word-of-mouth and buzz that money just can’t buy. In just 4 weeks, On a total marketing budget of $9,000: Deliveries increased by 500% 3,240 requests from existing customers 97,133 requests from new customers Over 12,000 mentions 9,400 news stories worldwide Over $8 million in free media Franchisee opportunities around the world

Advertising Agency: TBWA\RAAD, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Head Of Digital: Preethi Mariappan
Sr. Interactive Art Director: Rafael Guida
Sr. Content Strategist: Melanie Clancy
Producer: Kishore Ramachandran
Graphics/Motion Designer: Juan Behrens
User Interface Lead: Jerome Conde
Technical Lead: Navin Chauhan
Account Executive: Mohammad Khan, Weam Elhila

Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Blood Donation: QR TKS

yr_ _santa_casa_ __qr_tks

Advertising Agency: Y&R, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Chief Creative Officer: Rui Branquinho
Creative Directors: Rui Branquinho, Flávio Casarotti
Art Director: Eiji Kozaka
Copywriters: Marcelo Conde, Evandro Soares
Art-Buyers: Monica Beretta, Juliana Gardim
Print Agency Producers: Elaine Carvalho, Rodrigo Cassino
Account Managers: Valéria Ordonhez, Ticiana Cardoso
Planners: Fernanda Flandoli, Eliana Yamaguchi, Adriano Eliezer
Media team: Gustavo Gaion, Marcello Bolla
Client approval: Dr. Antonio Carlos Forte, Adriana Diniz