Micro Spots Are Growing On Vine

What has Twitter unleashed with its new video platform, Vine?

For one, instructional video now comes in six-second bites, care of Lowe’s, BBDO New York and director/photgrapher Meagan Cignoli.

Here’s another tutorial from Lowe’s, also in six second frames meant to be digested on Twitter. And here’s a non-branded Vine from Ms. Cignoli, an artist busy exploring what the platform offers.

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Fubiz Awards 2013 – Music Video

Jusqu’à la fin des votes pour les Fubiz Awards 2013 prévu le 14 mai 2013 minuit, nous vous proposons de mettre en avant les nominés de chacune des 8 catégories présentées. Découvrez dans la suite les 8 différents nominés de la catégorie Music Video en images, en partenariat avec HTC.

Frank Ocean – Pyramids

Kanye West & Jay-Z – No Church in The Wild

M83 – Wait

Flying Lotus – Until The Quiet Comes

Citizens – True Romance

Justice – New Lands

C2C – The Beat

Breakbot – One out of Two

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Flying Lotus - Until The Quiet Comes9 - copie
Citizens true romance
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Breakbot - One Out Of Two8 - copie

Lifestyle Brands Appeal to Vimeo’s Creative Community

One hundred million Internet users watch online video each day. So, how can a brand possibly be heard and seen above the din?

According to Venture Beat, Vimeo has launched a new marketing product called Brand Creative Fund to connect brands and filmmakers, and provide consulting services to brands on how best to create content for Vimeo loyalists.

The first brand taking part in the Fund is Lincoln Motor Co. The first short film funded by Lincoln will become available next Tuesday, April 30. Each following Tuesday, another short film and behind-the-scenes video will launch. Today, four introductory clips about the short films are available online.

“This is a new ad offering that brings brands into the Vimeo experience,” Vimeo CEO Kerry Trainor told VentureBeat. “We’ve always had ads on the site, but we don’t want to do anything disruptive.”

Thankfully, he refrains from calling this initiative Native Advertising.

“We call it Brand Creative Fund because it’s a little different than a media buy in that a brand comes to the table with funding to distribute and create media,” Trainor said.

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Do Digital Right: Create “An Increased Likelihood To Buy”

Is digital a direct marketing medium or a brand building medium, or both? It’s a question that will continue to be asked by befuddled clients and their agency helpers alike.

Personally, I think digital is a radical transparency machine that challenges brands to become better at marketing, product development and community relations. But back to digital as a marketing opportunity…


Direct marketers have data on their side, and have made many persuasive cases that digital is a direct channel, first and foremost. Which is why I want to thank Simply Zesty, a digital marketing firm in the U.K., for firing an arrow into the heart of digital ROI.

We need to think about the process of how we buy something versus what we engage with online. A recent study released by Invodo found that consumers are 174% more likely to buy something after watching a video about it online. While this is a wildly encouraging figure that will probably need to be toned down a bit, this finding in itself is significant.

The fact that we’re more inclined to buy something from a brand after engaging with it online is what’s important. An increased likelihood to buy is all that should ever be asked of an online campaign, particularly one that is content led.

The issue for marketers is distinguishing where a digital visitor is in the sales funnel. If the site visitor is in research mode, expecting a purchase is unrealistic. “This is why having a data strategy is important,” argues Simply Zesty. Conceivably, if a marketers knows where people are coming from and what their intentions are, the likelihood of an e-commerce transaction can be greatly increased.

For me, the takeaway here is a click doesn’t mean much, because clicks are blind. What are the intentions of the person doing the clicking? Is she seriously shopping or casually browsing? Knowing the difference changes the score.

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Hyperlapse incrível com Google Street View

Teehan+lax é uma agência canadense conhecida por muitos designers como “os caras que fazem o iPhone GUI”*. Esse é apenas um dos projetos do laboratório de idéias deles.

Essa semana eles lançaram um outro projeto chamado Google Street View Hyperlapse. (Hyperlapse é aquela técnica que combina timelapse com uma câmera que se movimenta durante a captura das imagens). Com a ferramenta você pode criar seu próprio vídeo a partir de um trajeto que escolher no Google Maps. Uma idéia simples e bacaninha.


Mas muito mais legal do que simplesmente criar esse aplicativo, foi a edição de vídeo que eles fizeram com lindas paisagens que encontraram no Street View. Assista o vídeo abaixo e chore.

* O iPhone GUI é um PSD com toda a interface do iPhone desenhada em layers, que quebra um baita galho dos designers na hora de criar um aplicativo de iPhone.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Movi by Vincent Laforet

Le réalisateur français Vincent Laforet a dirigé ce court-métrage pour illustrer les possibilités du « MoVI », un système de soutien de caméra à 3 axes qui stabilise et permet d’effectuer des mouvements de caméras aisément. Une belle création tournée au Canon 1DC, à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

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Dove ‘Sketches’ Examines Women’s Perception of Themselves


On Monday, Dove released a video entitled Dove Real Beauty Sketches. In the video, several women sit behind a curtain and describe themselves to former San Jose police forensic artist Gil Zamora who creates a sketch of them. They are then introduced to other people who in turn, describe the person to Zamora. Zamora then sketches a version based on that description.

The women are then shown the two versions of the sketches. The exercise was designed to combat Dove’s claim that only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful along with the fact they are their own harshest critics.

The findings are quite interesting. Give it a watch

New Zealand Timelapse

Equipé de son appareil Canon 5D Mark II, le réalisateur Bevan Percival nous offre une nouvelle vidéo en technique timelapse absolument magnifique, montrant les paysages splendides de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Une création à découvrir en images et en vidéo HD dans la suite de l’article.

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Download Vine, Make A Movie and Share It

Vine is Twitter’s new video App, where users capture short bits of video to share with their friends. Naturally, brand marketers are jumping all over this as widespread adoption among smart phone users is rapidly on the rise.

According to Techcrunch, Vine is presently the #1 free App in the iTunes store.

Here is a look at how my alma mater is applying itself on the platform:

What are you bringing to Vine?

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OK Go convida fãs para criarem vídeo para nova música da banda

A banda OK Go costuma surpreender com seus vídeos, o que inclui experimentos com o Google Chrome manobras radicais a bordo de um Sonic, para citar alguns exemplos. Agora, os músicos se juntaram ao Music Video Challenge, realizado pela Saatchi & Saatchi e Talenthouse, que convida fãs para criarem um vídeo para a música I’m Not Through, primeira faixa do disco que o grupo está produzindo a ser divulgada.

No vídeo acima, o vocalista Damian Kulash explica que os criativos devem fazer um bom vídeo, capaz de ultrapassar os limites – bem ao estilo do que a banda tem feito nos últimos anos. No site da Saatchi & Saatchi é possível encontrar as regras do desafio.

O prazo para o envio dos projetos é 7 de maio e o vídeo escolhido será exibido no New Directors’ Showcase da agência, em Cannes, além de ganhar destaque no site da Talenthouse e da OK Go. Não existe, entretanto, um compromisso de que o projeto será o vídeo oficial desta faixa, mas a possibilidade existe.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Marcel Dzama’s Puppets, Pawns, and Prophets


I’ve managed to keep it under control so far but i’ve got quite an obsession with the work of Marcel Dzama. The world he creates mixes childhood nostalgia, violence, sex and history (without necessarily knocking you down with historical references) in the most sinister and seducing way.

Luckily for Londoners, the David Zwirner gallery has just opened a show about Dzama’s latest work: Puppets, Pawns, and Prophets. The main protagonists are helpfully listed in the title continue

AntiCast 75 – Vlogs

Olá, antidesigners e brainstormers!
Neste programa, Ivan Mizanzuk e Marcos Beccari recebem os convidados Zamiliano e Felipe Ayres conversam sobre as dificuldades de se fazer um vlog (ou videolog, ou videocast, ou videozinho no YouTube). Quais os equipamentos que se usam? Como montar pauta? Como fazer sucesso? Por que é difícil ser visto? Como ganhar dinheiro? Não garantimos responder nenhuma dessas perguntas, mas pelo menos nos divertimos conversando sobre tudo isso.

Os 25 canais mais relevantes do YouTube BR (YouPix)
Sobre as Networks do YouTube

Vlog Felipe Ayres (analisando trilhas sonoras de filmes e o jogo Limbo)
Ep.01 – The Royal Tenenbaums
Ep.02 – Harry Potter
Ep.03 – The Nightmare Before Christmas
Ep.04 – Everything is Illuminated
Análise de sound design do jogo LIMBO
Gameplay comentado de DIABLO 3

Canal Zamiliano
Vlog de Semiótica (Vinicius Romanini)
Vlog sobre dicas técnicas de som (Lisciel Franco)
Iradex, canal do PH Santos
Nataly Dawn (vocalista do Pomplamoose)
Red Letter Media (análise de cinema com um velhinho psicopata)
CPFL Cultura
Fronteiras do Pensamento
Angry Joe, review de Games
Porta dos Fundos

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Siga também o nosso irmão @filosofiadodesign.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Chaos and grace


In Tarnac. Le chaos et la grâce, Joachim Olender explores a police and judicial blunder that hit France in November 2008 when a group of policemen wearing black balaclavas stormed into the small village of Tarnac and arrested a group of people who were later accused of being far-left terrorists plotting to overthrow the state continue


Ten Top Viral Videos to Inspire Your Creative Spirit


Over the past year, there were a handfull of video campaigns that not only went viral but also inspired people in different ways. From crazy dances and Ugandan rebel leaders, to men freefalling from space, this past year had something to keep everyone entertained.

These ten videos were huge hits and created a lot of buzz. Here’s a list of ten of the top viral video successes of the past year. Can you do better?


This documentary was made by Invisible Children, a charity that aims to promote ‘Stop Kony’ movement. The 30 minute clip, published in March last year, was about Joseph Kony, a Ugandan rebel leader, and to date it has 96,561,777 views.

The video gained a huge celebrity following with the likes of Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian and Oprah Winfrey who all shared the video.

Gangnam Style

It might be slightly difficult to remember just how popular this dance was given the latest Harlem Shake fad but back in 2012, this was a worldwide phenomenon.

Published in July, the video starred South Korean rapper Psy and it became the most watched video on YouTube. Ever. It even surpassed Justin Bieber’s ‘Baby’ video, which shot the teen-star to fame.

To date, it has had 1,340,321,254 views; not bad for a guy who wears a tuxedo and sunglasses, and dances like a galloping horse.

Red Bull- Stratos

Now we all know how the saying goes, ‘Red Bull gives you wings’, but the brand took this to a whole new level in October last year when they showcased a daredevil marvel.

Felix Baumgatner broke the world record and sound barrier to travel at a speed that man has never done before. The world watched in awe when the 43-year-old man freefell out of space. The mission clocked up over 32 million views on YouTube and it was the most watched live online event ever.

Call Me Maybe lip syncing

Last year, a bunch of celebrities got together to kick start a lip syncing trend and it made Carly Rae Jepson’s ‘Call Me Maybe’ hit record, the song of the summer. Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Ashley Tisdale and more collaborated to sing along to the catchy tune.

It soon became one of the biggest global trends and to date it has had 59,553,496 views.


A TV channel in Belgium was launched in April last year and to promote it a big red button was placed in one of the Flemish towns. It read “Push to add Drama” and the inquisitive souls that pushed it had a very rude awakening.

The moment anyone pushed the button, a wealth of dramatic consequences occurred, including a man on a stretcher falling out of an ambulance, as well as a gun battle between police and a getaway car driver.

The whole scene was filmed by actors, and the core message was to encourage consumers to get their daily dose of drama on the new TV channel.

To date the clip has had 43,538,151 views on YouTube.

Dubstep Violin

In February last year, an American violinist, Lindsey Stirling, published a video on YouTube that catapulted her to fame. The musician created an amazing piece which combined dubstep with her violin and it made her a huge hit.

It has had 49,087,616 views which isn’t bad for someone who has achieved recognition simply through YouTube.

Walk off the Earth’s Gotye Cover

In January last year, a Canadian band, Walk off the Earth, published their version of Gotye’s hit single ‘Somebody That I Used to Know.’

The clip shows the five members performing and playing to one guitar, and it became the biggest cover video of 2012.

The video has had a massive 146,424,871 views on YouTube.

Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney

In October last year, the Epic Rap Battles of History (ERB) published a hilarious video of Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney.

The clip was one of many videos watched during the election season, and to date it has drawn over 57 million views.

Why You Asking All Them Questions?

In January last year, an entertainer from America called Emmanuel Hudson became a worldwide, hip hop phenomenon.

The YouTube star teamed up with another actor called Spoken Reasons to produce one of 2012’s most entertaining videos.

The rap has cultivated 44,100,418 views and was the seventh most popular video that everybody was talking about in 2012.

Facebook Parenting: For the Troubled Teen

In February last year, an American parent called Tommy Jordan decided to give his offspring some tough love.

His 15-year-old daughter had reportedly posted a letter on her Facebook profile, criticizing her mom and dad. In it, she expressed how upset she was and how unfair her life is in that she has to do chores, but never gets paid to do them.

She shared the post with all her Facebook friends but blocked her parents from seeing it; however, her dad did see the thread, and responded with a video that went incredibly viral.

The clip, which showcased a father-daughter relationship in such a socially-savvy world, sparked a storm of controversy and debate. To date it has had over 36 million views on YouTube.

And there it is.

This guest article was written by Lauren Grice on behalf of PR Fire, a press release distribution service.


Le réalisateur suédois Gustav Johansson a dirigé ce superbe court-métrage appelé sobrement « Everyday ». Produite par Camp David, cette création proposant une réalisation maîtrisée et une très belle photographie nous montre les détails et les moments de complicité d’un jeune couple au quotidien.


Moonwalking Pony Becomes Viral Hit For W+K


Describing its new work for UK mobile network Three, Wieden + Kennedy London said, “Shot against the dramatic backdrop of the Shetland Islands, the :60 spot follows the story of a stocky little pony. But this is no ordinary Shetland pony. With the scrape of a hoof, and a flick of his Tina Turner-esque mane, he effortlessly moonwalks along to the sound of ‘Everywhere’ by Fleetwood Mac.”

Which is all that really needs to be said about this new commercial that touts a “pony mixer” that lets people remix the pony to dance any way they choose. Except, of course, that it already has over 1.4 million YouTube views since being released February 28.

Lianne La Havas – Elusive / Gone

Colin Solal Cardo de La Blogotheque a réalisé les clips de « Elusive » et « Gone » de l’artiste Lianne La Havas. Les 2 clips narrent une seule histoire et se suivent, permettant ainsi de raconter la naissance puis la mort d’un amour entre deux personnes dont la jeune chanteuse. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.

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Oreo Launches ‘Cookie Separator Machine’ Video Series


When you’re on a roll, you might as well keep rolling. And that’s exactly what Oreo is doing. As part of its Cookies versus Cream campaign, Widen + Kennedy has created a video that features “physicist and copywriter” David Neevel, who has designed the ultimate Oreo cookie separator.

It’s oh-so Rube Goldberg-esque and Neevel, who is actually a copywriter at W+K, delivers his lines with perfectly droll aplomb. The brand, which capitalized on the power outage during the Super Bowl with a real-time ad, plans to release additional cookie separation videos in the coming weeks.