Jeremy Deller: Joy in People


Jeremy Deller does art outside galleries. It thrives in ‘low culture’ and it is usually ambitious, socially-engaged and unexpected. Indeed, most of his career is built on looking for art in the most unpredictable places, working with the public or with people who have particular knowledge or skill but who wouldn’t otherwise be associated with the contemporary art world. They include unemployed miners, brass bands, a campaign banner maker, fans of Depeche Mode, a glam rock wrestler, experts in re-enactments, etc. He even collaborated on an art project with nightclub owner and trendsetter Peter Stringfellow continue

Drake – Take Care

Voici sur Fubiz, la nouvelle réalisation du français Yoann Lemoine pour l’artiste et rappeur canadien Drake en featuring avec la chanteuse Rihanna sur le titre “Take Care”. Un univers très sobre et en slow-motion à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.








Previously on Fubiz

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Slingbox – Alien


Shake Weight

Oakland A’s Green Collar Baseball

SSD Angels Black Ops

Surviving An Existential Winter

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Al Jazeera follows Occupy through the winter as the movement continues to build after violent evictions across the country.

How Make Money Using Images Online


In part two of this Future of Publishing video series, Viglink’s Oliver Oliver Roup and Host Murray Newlands continue their interview with Stipple’s Rey Flemings and Luminate’s Chas Edwards.

Even an Elephant Can Use A Samsung Galaxy Note


So we’re not quite sure why showing an elephant using your smartphone/tablet hybrid would compel something to buy the thing but it sure is fun to watch.

Stupid Blair Witch Project Parody Hypes Hair Salons


Thirteen years after a parody was relevant, Goldwell Salons has created a Blair Witch Project-themed promotional video for its CallAHairDresser website.

ReplyBoard Captures (Manufactures) Crazy Craigslist Encounters


Not that any service is going to knock Craigslist off its “shit for sale” throne of dominance but we have to hand it the guys over at ReplyBoard for trying.

New Era Flagbearers: Les Twins

The Moon Goose Analogue: Lunar Migration Bird Facility


One of the works on show at the AV Festival this month is the extremely long-term project that sees Agnes Meyer-Brandis training a flock of young geese to fly to the moon. The whole training started last Spring and according to her schedule, the birds will go on their first unmanned flight to the satellite in 2024 continue

Phase One of OWS

An indie filmmaker traveled to Zuccotti in September 2011… this is what he saw.

Pinterest Is All The Rage But It’s Not the Only Game in Town


In this Future of Publishing episode, Viglink’s Oliver Oliver Roup and Host Murray Newlands interview Stipple’s Rey Flemings and Luminate’s Chas Edwards.

Miike Snow – The Wave

Réalisé par Andreas Nilsson, le nouveau clip de Miike Snow pour illustrer le morceau “The Wave” se dévoile. Avec une ambiance étrange et des personnages fantasques, le résultat oscille entre comique et inquiétant, autour de personnages ayant un faciès pour le moins spécial.




Previously on Fubiz

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Occupy’s Spring Return

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Six month anniversary of Occupy signals new movement intensity.

Hipsters Get Their Own YouTube Channel


Really? Really? A YouTube channel called America Hipster?


See video

Check out this creative jam from the land of Starbucks.