Salesgenie Pulls, Potatoes Porn, Pedophilia Bloodied

– While Salesgenie has pulled its Panda ad, Salesgenie CEO Vin Gupta told The New York Times, “Pandas are Chinese. They don’t speak German.” – A campaign for the UK’s NSPCC gets bloody with ad to curtail pedophilia and…

The Future Of 1967

Aaaaages ago, when the ‘pc on every desktop’ meme still had to be dreamed of and DOS wasn’t coded yet, a company named the Philco-Ford Corporation launched a pretty foreseeing prototype video of the technology they would see arrive in the homes of people. Philco-Ford was funny enough an aeronautical company, but the devices they’ve placed in the living room or in dad’s home office look a lot like the ones you’d see in the early Bond movies. Despite the age of the movie, things like online shopping, home surveillance, automated backups and online payments were already being discussed. The movie is estimated to be of 1967. Enjoy the flashback.

Video: Digital Life in 1967


Obama Girl Gets Super For Super Tuesday


Once again Barely Political’s Obama Girl is fighting for her man, Barak Obama.

Strange Foundation Says F#@k Death


This is just too weird to pass over.

Because Robots Deserve Happy Endings Too


Mandy sent us another video of the dancing yellow robot from those Carnegie Mellon promotions we saw. It’s strange in a meet-the-new-cult-on-the-block kind of way, but the story ends in fame, glory and success.

A Simple Idea, Well Executed

[Courtesy of Sarah Lane]

Myth of ‘Vagina Dentata’ Becomes Horror Film

Guys, prepare to squirm. Prepare to clutch your privates like you’ve never clutched them before. Here’s a movie that is sure to make you wince for the entire length of the film and every time you have sex for…

No Fancy Coffee For Ford Truck Drivers

[via Cube Mate]

Green Freaks Climb Stairs Everest-Style

Apparently because even elevators are no on green freak’s naughty list, we are now blessed with a lengthy dramatization of ascending three flights of stairs Everest-style. Please….

Andy Ducett + Derek Kirk Kim + Hidetsugu Murakami

Andy Ducett

  • Andy Ducett est un artiste (peintre, collage, installation, etc… bref de l’art plastique ;) )
  • Ce qui m’intéresse c’est les illustrations, mais le reste est assez sympa à voir et ça change de mes habituels illustrateurs ;)

Derek Kirk Kim

  • Derek Kirk Kim est un dessinateur de BD et illustrateur. J’aime pas mal le style, mais moyennement les histoires >_>
  • Il mélange dessin papier et photoshop (ce qu’on appelle généralement du mixed media)

hidetsudu murakami

  • Hidetsugu Murakami est un designer freelance japonais spécialisé dans la vidéo. Le resultat est détonant.
  • Son site est bien aussi, il est passé dans le FWA quand même :)