Boost Mobile Makes 6,739,506th Use of Zombie Theme For Brand Films


It would seem after so many repeated uses of a particular genre, people would tire of the whole zombie thing but, it seems, as long and hot girls (Kristen Stewart) and brilliant writing (Walking Dead) are employed, the genre will remain alive and well.

Opting for the hot girl approach, Boost Mobile, working with The Monkeys, has created a series of mini-movies which weave the use of the mobile phone into the story line.

Oh and that one that takes place in the grocery store…where the hell does the electricity for the lights come from if everyone is undead? Or how about the juice to power a cell phone network so the characters can use their mobile devices? Minor details, apparently, since what seems to be important in this chapter is sticking the camera up the ass of a hot pants-clad chick as she skates around the store killing cheesy-looking zombies while her princess-like, Daisy Duke-ish girlfriend strains her brain trying to figure out what a cash register is.

At least there’s a hot, read-headed nerd with oversized glasses and a crop top, who’s ass the camera also loves, who rids an office of all those — ahem — office zombies with whom we all hate to work.

Grocery Store:


Boring Gas Station Version:

Supercell Thunderstorm Time Lapse

Le photographe américain Mike Olbinski nous donne à voir sa dernière video en « timelapse », de loin la plus impressionnante. Il filme, simplement à l’aide de son Canon 5D, une tornade à quelques miles seulement de celle-ci. Des images incroyables à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite de l’article.







This Is Africa

Le réalisateur australien Benjamin Dowie a réalisé cette superbe vidéo lors de son voyage en Ouganda et en Tanzanie en mars 2013. Parti rendre visite à sa sœur, volontaire au sein d’une ONG, avec son Canon 5D, il nous propose une vidéo d’une grande beauté, rendant hommage avec talent aux terres qu’il a pu découvrir.

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Sports Leagues Find Paying Viewers On YouTube

People love sports and will pay good money to watch sports on TV, at a pay-per-view event, on their iPad or mobile handset and so on. Hence, this craptastic TV ad from DISH:

Time shifting is about consumer empowerment, so I am all for it. But “the Hoppah”? What are we, a nation of bunnies?

According to Time, people who want to view their sport on their schedule are increasingly paying to watch games on YouTube. Willow TV–a cable channel focused on cricket–has a live-streaming package hosted on YouTube that costs $14.99 per month. And YouTube is brokering deals with leagues as varied as PGA Golf Academy and the Badminton World Federation.

YouTube’s user base, now more than 1 billion strong, is massive and global in reach — and not all its users can be reached on television. According to Nielsen data from March, YouTube reached more Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 than any cable channel, including ESPN.

Previously on AdPulp: What Happens When You Cross Schoolhouse Rock With ze frank

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Lee Clow Shares 30-Year Relationship With Steve Jobs


In this PTTOW video, ad legend Lee Clow discusses his 30-year relationship with Apple CEO Steve Jobs. As Chairman and Global Director of TBWA\Worldwide, Lee Clow has, of course, been responsible for such iconic campaigns as the Energizer Bunny, the Taco Bell Chihuahua and most Apple work from the 1984 Super Bowl Spot to “Think Different” and the iPod silhouettes.

Give it a watch.

Pela porta da frente

De certa maneira, toda boa ideia acaba virando uma fórmula. É repetida, copiada e claro, transformada em alguma forma de ganhar dinheiro.

Outro dia, em um dos Braincasts, ouvi o Saulo falar sobre algo bem característico dos anos 2000 na publicidade: peças que se apoiam quase que 100% em um garoto-propaganda. Um rostinho nem sempre bonito mas na maioria das vezes conhecido se torna muito mais influenciador do que um conceito interessante, uma boa ideia, ou até mesmo um bom texto.

Mas boas ideias, bons textos e rostos conhecidos surgem a cada segundo na tal da internet.

Foi assim que o Porta dos Fundos deixou de ser um projeto lado B. Antes, tinha uma coisa quase underground, daquelas que você passa o link para os amigos com o simples propósito de dar risada, sem esperar que alguma propaganda marota vai enxergar em você um público circunstancial. Passou a ser um canal, um programa, que faz publicidade de um jeito claro (bem diferente do Rei Silvio Santos fazendo as propagandas subliminares de 1 frame para Jequiti).

O que chama a atenção na trajetória deles até aqui é a completa inversão do relacionamento entre a “marca” Porta dos Fundos e várias outras marcas de produtos e serviços.

Se você acompanha, mesmo que por cima, o canal (que é excelente, com alguns roteiros incríveis), deve se lembrar da primeira vez que uma empresa é citada de forma indireta (só que não). Fábio Porchat de Blue Men Group, tentando cancelar uma linha de celular, expondo problemas da TIM que fizeram clientes e não clientes se identificarem.

Depois foi a vez do Spoleto e seu atendimento com falhas. E da primeira grande virada: “Vamos aproveitar isso a nosso favor?”. Fizeram o segundo, que sugeria às pessoas reverem o primeiro e conquistou para a marca uma simpatia, uma imagem positiva vinda da atitude ousada de bater no peito e fazer o mea culpa.

Daí veio a FIAT, pulando a parte da crítica, indo direto para a propaganda, aproveitando os rostinhos e o canal conhecido (e descaracterizando um pouco o estilo deles).

Mas agora lá estão eles. Clarice Falcão – que já tinha um canal próprio beeeem legal no YouTube – emplacou uma música pra lá de chiclete para o Pão de Açúcar. Seu par, Gregorio Duvivier, que na época das propagandas da NET era quase um anônimo, já chama mais atenção do que o anunciante nos filmes do Renault. E o Fábio Porchat, que já não era exatamente um desconhecido, agora encena até mesmo propaganda dos biscoitos Mabel e da Prepara (!).

Puxa, que coincidência! Claro que não. O canal Porta dos Fundos Comerciais está lá, a todo vapor. Uma agência, uma produtora, uma mina de ouro. Mandem portfólios!

O que quero concluir com isso? Apenas a reflexão de que talvez estejamos entrando numa tendência de rir de nós mesmos, de olhar a ironia com bons olhos, de aprendizado sobre como usar a opinião espontânea do público em tempos de redes sociais. Talvez tenhamos passado da fase do “te processo”, e logo mais o CONAR fique menos rígido.

E que daí, quem sabe, um dia, a gente volte ao tempo em que a publicidade brasileira ganhava prêmio a rodo, porque tinha humor inteligente e ousado (aquele dos argentinos de hoje em dia, sabe?).

Enfim, é como diria o @raul_amderlaine: “mas devago” (sic).

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Dollar Shave Club Wants to Wipe Your Ass


Dollar Shave Club, which recently introduced a whole new way for men to buy razor blades, has introduced One Wipe Charlies. Yes, butt wipes for men. Apparently, it’s a thing. That thing being men wiping their ass with wet baby wipes instead of toilet paper.

Capitalizing on that trend, and furthering his quest to “own the bathroom,” Dollar Shave Club CEO Michael Dubin is out with another crazy, poop joke-laden promotional video which he, of course, refers to as “number two.”

All manner of bear shitting in the woods humor ensues.

Did you know that according to a Dollar Shave Club survey, 51% of men use wet wipes and 16% use them exclusive of toilet paper. That’s a lot of asses to sell One Wipe Charlies to.

Dubin aims to get this whole wet wip ass wiping thing out of the closet (24% or men hide their wipes in the bathroom and 23% buy them secretly online) and into the mainstream.

While you can buy razors even cheaper than those available at Dollar Shave Club (Google “Dorco”), we haven’t had time to do an ass wipe cost comparison but we’ll be sure to let you know as soon as we do,

Back to the Future

Jamie Jessett a réalisé ce documentaire « Back to the Future » en l’honneur de la photographe Irina Werning et de ses séries dont nous avions pu parler sur Fubiz. Diffusé sur Channel 4, ce documentaire montre la conception et la prise de contact avec les personnes désirant renouer avec leurs clichés d’enfance.

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Every Runner Has A Reason, And Every Dick’s Sporting Goods Has Running Shoes

DICK’S Sporting Goods, in partnership with Greenpoint Pictures and Anomaly, have created a video series featuring 13 online vignettes focused on what motivates a person to run.

You can view the entire collection of stories at

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Fake Energy Drink Promotes Ibiza Nightclub Party


When you first begin watching this promotional video for Matinee, an epic party held at famed Ibiza nightclub Amnesia, you aren’t really quite sure what’s happening. At first, it appears you are watching a video game promo. Then it appears you are watching an ad for the energy drink, Ibizious. Then, when the scene zooms out and you realize everything you have just seen occurred inside the shorts of some hot chick, you just toss your hands up and go along for the ride.

Once you’re outside the hot chick’s pants, the whole things becomes an epic ode to the 90’s complete with Thriller’s zombie dancers, guys in muscle shirts, girls in high waisted shorts, all fueled by pulse pounding electronica.

The metaphor, of course, is that the Ibizious is like a nightclub in a can. Or that going to Matinee is like downing a case of Ibizious. Or some thing like that.

This is the third such annual video the club has produced for the event. 2012’s video has been viewed 9.5 million times on YouTube and the 2011 promo has been viewed just over 500,000 times.

Amnesia, founded in 1976, is a club on the Spanish island of Ibiza which rose to fame in the early nineties when Ibiza became the world’s nightclub and party mecca.

While the video promotes a single event at Amnesia, the brand also aims to franchise its brand of partying to other locations around the globe.

Of the nineties theme, 90s Island author Marty Beckman said, “After a decade of war and economic anxiety, people are ready for DayGlo optimism again. People associate the ’90s aesthetic with a happier, wackier, stabler time. People are just tired of being depressed about everything, and the ’90s are the last time we collectively remember not feeling that way.”

2012 promo:

2011 promo:

Not All Dollar Shave Club Rip Offs Are Funny


While this Pure Storage video follows Dollar Shave Club fairly closely, it’s really two minutes of waiting for something that’s actually funny to happen. Sadly, it never really happens. Which doesn’t necessarily make it bad. It’s just not as good as it could be. Capiche?

NakedWines Does Dollar Shave Club


Following in Dollar Shave Club’s footsteps, online wine retailer NakedWInes is out with a video that touts the retailer’s frugal methods of operation which allow for offering the consumer better wine at cheaper prices.

It’s like a Genie came right out of the bottle.

Samsung Helps Guy Realize He’s Got A Screw Loose


You’ve probably run into people like this before. And it’s always an awkward encounter. Because you know they have are just whacked in the head. But you are kind and politely listen as they spout their inanities.

Like the guy in this Samsung commercial who thinks his stuffed animal dog is real. That is, until he saunters by a Samsung Premium Monitor — with its super awesome, life-like picture — and realizes he might want to have his head examined.

Leaked Microsoft Video Mocks Google Chrome


You’ve gotta love these corporate videos that “leak” their way into the pubic. The latest, sent to us by a reader, comes from Microsoft which is out with a video that pummels Google’s Chrome for its ubiquity, a quality Google has been touting as a positive.

Riffing off the original, Chrome: Now Everywhere, the Microsoft version claims Chrome is everywhere so Google can target you with ads as you move from device to device. The ad also attacks Google for knowing where you are, who you call, what you search for, what you watch, what you email, the contents of your chats, who your friends are and what you buy…all to make a profit off you.

The ad signs off saying “Chrome has you commercialized” and “Following You. Monetizing You. Now Everywhere.”

One commenter backhandedly praised Microsoft writing, “It would be nice if Microsoft? could put as much of the effort it puts into these videos into improving literally any of its products.”

And so the battle continues.

Getty’s ’85 Seconds’ Does For Video What ‘Love to Bingo’ Did For Images


As a follow up to its beautiful From Love to Bingo which told a story of love in 873 pictures (and has received over 2.6 million views to date), Getty Images is out with 85 Seconds, a video that uses 105 video clips to tell an equally emotional love story.

The video, which tells the story of couple who meet as children, separate after graduation and then reunite as adults, touts the fact Getty has 63,113,983 seconds of video on hand for marketers

From Love to Bingo:

Chris Hadfield: Space Oddity no Espaço

Se não bastasse o Comandante Chris Hadfield ser o primeiro astronauta canadense a realizar uma “caminhada espacial” e a comandar uma expedição à Estação Espacial Internacional (ISS), ele ainda nos proporcionou grandes momentos em seu Twitter e em vídeos. Além de cultivar um bigode maneiro, é claro.

Infelizmente, a missão de sua equipe acaba justamente hoje. Assim, para comemorar a volta ao Planeta dos Macacos e se despedir das paisagens que postamos a seguir, nada mais singelo do que modificar um verso ou outro do clássico Space Oddity, de David Bowie, e cantarolar sob o efeito da gravidade zero.

Sem dúvidas, vídeo obrigatório de hoje se você ainda não o assistiu.

E aqui, algumas fotos fantásticas tiradas lá de cima:

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Windows 8 is Strange, Dr. Pepper Gets ‘What the Buck?’


– Microsoft Windows 8 is beautiful and fast…and really, really strange according to these Asian commercials.

– Ladies, Brayola wants you to snap a pic of your bra for the world’s viewing and judging enjoyment.

– It’s like an Old Navy ad except for bikes.

– Check out how Mullen Chief Innovation Officer and Boston University’s College of Communication Professor Edward Boches had his class create a book in three hours.

– Michael Buckley does his What the Buck thing for Dr. Pepper.

– Perhaps the most unfood-like food campaign you will ever see.

– A new app, Hang W/, makes it easier for you to hang with your favorite friends. Sort of like Bang With Friends except just for a Hang.

– Liseberg amusement park’s ad campaign offends Greece. Offensive, perhaps. Weird, definitely.

Andy Milonakis Get Nailed by Finger-Waving Hotties


Nail care membership service LUXECOAT is out with an Entegrate-created video featuring actor, writer and rapper Andy Milonakis and a bevy of nail-wagging ladies who aim to convince us proper nail care can get you vary far in life.

You don’t need a Bentley, you don’t need a Jaguar. Because when you’re nails look good, there’s no need to brag.

Milonakis, who’s best known for creating and starring in The Andy Milonakis Show on MTV and MTV2, frolics with the ladies as he waxes eloquently about the importance and power of perfect nails.

Chemists Rap ‘Buffet Table of Assays’


We’re not a music critic so we can’t really comment on the musical qualities of this LifeTechnologiesCorp rap battle which takes place among some chemists in a laboratory. But we can tell you this is the weirdest “commercial” we have ever seen for a chemistry company. Created by Wooshii, the video pits two lab-technicians-turned-rappers against one another in an all out battle over the benefits of two competing products: TaqMan and SYBR.

While we have no idea what TaqMan and SYBR are, viewers — who are likely chemists — are invited to vote on which product/rapper was the best.

Hey Slackers, It’s Mother’s Day This Weekend!


You remember her, right? The woman who gave birth to you, changed your crap-encrusted diapers, held your hand while you learned to walk, fawned all over you during your first school play, told you you were awesome in that ski race even though you crashed and burned, bolstered your spirits when life’s bullshit got you down, constantly asks you what the hell facebook is. Yea, you’re mother.

Well don’t forget it’s Mother’s Day this Sunday. Here to help is a video from Google that touts how Google Plus and YouTube can help you you spend the day with mom…without even having to spend it with her. Yea, that’s right. Just send her a few videos, maybe some pictures, hop on a Hangout with her and your job is done. Personalization in the digital age. Gotta love it.