Recordings, Posted Online, Rattle Officials in Turkey

A recording was posted on YouTube in which officials were heard discussing a plot to establish a justification for military strikes in Syria.


Disney Buys Maker Studios, Video Supplier for YouTube

The $500 million deal gives the Walt Disney Company an online video company with a subscriber base of 380 million.


A Kiss Is Just a Kiss, Unless It’s an Ad for a Clothing Company

Some experts suggest that a video sensation showing 10 pairs of strangers kissing for the first time could force major fashion designers to rethink how they advertise.


Bits: Meet Lord Huron, a Musical Project That Is Also an Alternate Reality Game

With Lord Huron, Ben Schneider has created a band that is as much an alternate reality game as it is a musical project.


Wireless System Could Offer a Private Fast Lane

The technology, called pCell, is one of many techniques that companies are looking at to address the rising public appetite for mobile data, especially video.


Chasing Their Star, on YouTube

The message to aspiring video makers on YouTube is clear, and seductive: Attract an audience, build your brand. But success, let alone stardom and wealth, remains elusive.


In the Event of an Air Emergency, Remember What Alf Said

You’ve heard it all before, so airlines are enlivening their in-flight safety videos, while bringing buzz to their brands.


NBC’s News Unit Teams With Video Start-Up NowThis News

Working with the start-up is the latest part of NBC’s investment in keeping pace with the new ways that people consume news.


Advertising: Agency to Stream a Daily Show About the Sundance Festival

Weber Shandwick will join the Sundance Institute in producing “Live@Sundance,” an hourlong show, on YouTube.


‘Smart TVs’ Are Next Bet for Makers as Sales Languish

TV makers at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas will be showing off a range of sets that can connect to the Internet and run apps.


Advertising: Samsung’s Video Campaign Pits Earth’s Soccer Stars vs. Aliens

The electronics maker is promoting its Galaxy mobile devices in videos that tell the story of how humans fare in a soccer match to decide Earth’s fate.


Advertising: Finding Holiday Good Will in Glasses of Juice

Welch’s, the grape juice maker, is encouraging users of the Vine video-sharing app to participate in a promotion it has created to distribute the company’s products to impoverished American families.


Critic’s Notebook: YouTube Holds Its First Music Awards Show

This first YouTube Music Awards was a show of essentially no consequence, but one that valued a theoretically equal playing field, risk taking, resilience in the face of failure and evanescence.


Seeking More Pay for Delayed Play

With the pace of delayed television viewing increasing, networks want advertisers to pay for seven days of commercial viewing to cover computer screens and tablets as well as TV sets.


Disney and Dish Wrangle Not Over Broadcast Fees, but the Future of TV

The protracted distribution negotiations under way between Dish Network and the Walt Disney Company are said to focus on digital rights like ad-skipping and online streaming.


CBS Said to Be Developing Streaming News Channel

The 24-hour channel would mostly repurpose video and reporting already produced by CBS News, according to executives.


Epic Rap Battles Seeks Staying Power on YouTube

Epic Rap Battles of History, which just began its third season on YouTube, hopes to hold onto viewers by presenting a new segment every other week.


Maker of Animated GIFs Waits for Offbeat Moments

Tim Burke of Deadspin is known for his ability to capture the moment — whether as a still, a video clip or a GIF — better, faster, more frequently and from more sports events than just about anyone.


Viral Content With a Liberal Bent, a site that hopes to edify visitors on a variety of social issues, may be cracking the code on how to bring them in.


2 Companies in Web Video Are Expected to Merge

Alloy Digital and Break Media, both privately held, would focus on entertaining people ages 12 to 34.