Subway Wants Women to Eat Right So They'll Be Sexier in Their Sexy Halloween Costumes
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Ladies, bikini season may be over, but Subway wants to remind you that sexy Halloween costume season is still nigh.
In a somewhat awkward spot built around the idea of modeling your “sassy” and “foxy” outfits for co-workers over lunch (as one does), the chain ends on the note, “Whatever you’re staying fit for, start at Subway.”
I guess in a world where Sexy Olaf is a sell-out Halloween sensation, this is the Subway ad we deserve.
7 Memorable Moments in the Dubious History of Product Placement
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Remember when you had to wait until the commercial break to be bombarded with brand marketing? Probably not, since product placement has been a Hollywood addiction since the 1980s.
Ever since Steven Spielberg featured Reese’s Pieces in 1982’s E.T. (after being turned down by short-sighted M&M reps), brands and content creators have embraced product placement as a sort of commercial symbiosis.
This Wednesday, we’ll be tackling the issue of product placement at #adweekchat, a one-hour Twitter conversation open to all. Join us at 2 p.m. Eastern for a lively discussion of the best, worst and weirdest examples of product placement in TV, movies and video.
In the meantime, enjoy revisiting a few of the more iconic moments of product integration (some paid, some not) that have helped to shape how writers and producers weave brands into their storylines—with mixed results:
Superman vs. Zod vs. Marlboro vs. Coca-Cola (1980)
And don’t forget the KFC box on the dashboard. This classic scene set the stage for 2013’s Man of Steel, which reaped an astounding $160 million from promotional tie-ins with brands like Sears and Warby Parker.
Wayne’s World Makes Pepsi, Reebok and Pizza Hut Part of the Gag (1992)
Looking back on this classic scene, my favorite part is that Rob Lowe never joins them in breaking the fourth wall. He seems earnestly baffled about why these two public-access TV schmucks are so into Pizza Hut and Nuprin.
Get Shorty’s ‘Cadillac of Minivans’ Is Actually an Oldsmobile (1995)
At the very least, you have to appreciate the John Travolta comedy’s commitment to making an awkward product placement (the Oldsmobile Silhouette) into a recurring gag. It popped up throughout the movie as character Chili Palmer’s signature coolness rubbed off on the ride. The original Swagger Wagon, you might say.
30 Rock Brings Back the Meta Humor for Snapple (2006)
This is my favorite product placement in TV history, and I hate Snapple. So much for my chances with Cerie (whose last name, by the way, is Xerox for reasons that are never explained in the show). In addition to the TGS Show’s love of Snapple, Liz Lemon also helped us see the magical splendor of products like Verizon Wireless phones.
Talladega Nights Really Loves Applebee’s, Except for the Rats in the Cobb Salad (2006)
You can almost hear the awkward conversation as the producer had to tell Applebee’s exactly how this lengthy, seemingly glowing scene set in the restaurant was going to play out. Hat tip to Adweek Twitter follower Heather Taylor for the reminder on that one.
Frank Underwood Loves That PlayStation Vita (2013)
Many viewers were bemused by the House of Cards anti-hero’s obsession with the PlayStation 3 and the (rarely seen on Capitol Hill) portable PS Vita. Of course, many brands make recurring cameos on House of Cards. Check out this slideshow of appearances by Apple (oh so much Apple), Blackberry, Canon and more:
The Netflix show’s creators claim they don’t receive financial compensation for product placements, which are provided gratis by the brands. Discussing the PlayStation Vita mention, episode director James Foley told The Guardian, “If we use real products like people do in real life, somehow that’s perceived as being forced-in product placement when it’s just recording reality.”
Hawaii 5-0 Really, Really, Really Loves Subway (2012)
This is the Citizen Kane of product placements, an achievement so gratuitous you almost have to admire it. Although I’m really not sure it makes me want a sub, much less five.
What are some of your favorites? Don’t forget to join us on Twitter at 2 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Aug. 13, for a whole hour of #adweekchat dedicated to product placement.
Simplified Subway Maps
Posted in: UncategorizedL’architecte Jug Cerovic s’est amusé avec les stations de métro du monde entier. De New York, à Paris en passant par Tokyo, il a remis en ordre le métro en démêlant les lignes entre elles et en simplifiant les trajets qui respectent désormais la réelle architecture des villes. De nouveaux plans de métro à découvrir ci-dessous.
Voir Paris en plus grand.
Voir New York City en plus grand.
Voir Londres en plus grand.
Voir Tokyo en plus grand.
Voir Berlin en plus grand.
Voir Madrid en plus grand.
Voir Barcelona en plus grand.
Voir Moscou en plus grand.
Voir Mexico en plus grand.
Voir Beijing en plus grand.
New York Subway Drivers Portraits
Posted in: UncategorizedLe photographe hollandais Janus Van Den Eijnden a réalisé une série de portraits intitulée « New York Subway Drivers » autour des conducteurs du métro new-yorkais. Un bel hommage aux travailleurs qui ont des mines rigolotes, parfois déprimées et qu’on croise tous les matins et tous les soirs.
Super Bowl Ad Meter lista comerciais que ficaram no bottom 5
Posted in: UncategorizedNão foram apenas os Denver Broncos que foram atropelados no jogo de ontem à noite. Assim como existe um top 10 para mostrar os comerciais mais bem avaliados no Super Bowl Ad Meter, do USA Today, há também um bottom 5, ou seja, os cinco filmes que tiveram a pior pontuação final.
Dreamworks, com Need for Speed, encabeça esta lista, seguido por Bodybuilder, da GoDaddy.
Family Plan, da Sprint, e Crunch Time, da Subway, são os próximos.
A grande surpresa é que, assim como a Budweiser se consagrou com Puppy Love liderando a lista dos 57 comerciais, sua marca-irmã, a Bud Light, amargou a última colocação, com Cool Twist.
Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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New York City Subway in 1981
Posted in: UncategorizedLe photographe américain Christoffer Morris, vivant à Paris, a fait la série intitulée « New York City Subway in 1981» qui nous replonge dans le passé. On y voit un métro plein de graffitis et de vieilles publicités, des gens avec des vêtements et des coupes de cheveux eighties. Plus de photos dans la suite de l’article.
Action contre la Faim Campaign
Posted in: UncategorizedTBWA a organisé une installation sur le quai du métro de la station Odéon à Paris racontant une histoire tragique, celle d’un humanitaire d’Action Contre la Faim, abattu d’une balle en pleine tête. La balle traverse le quai sur plusieurs affiches, explosant tour à tour des symboles de l’aide apportée aux plus démunis.
Montreal Subway
Posted in: UncategorizedLe jeune photographe français, originaire de Toulouse, Alexandre Chamelat livre une série de clichés du métro montréalais. Prenant le même point de vue, ses images souterraines semblent nous inviter à un voyage dans les souterrains canadiens. A découvrir en détails dans la suite de l’article.
The Quickest Way to Get Fired From Subway Is to Rub Your Junk on the Bread
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Disgusting employee antics at fast-food restaurants are getting out of hand. The latest horror story comes from Columbus, Ohio, where two "sandwich artists" have been fired from Subway for behaving in particularly unartistic ways around the food. One reportedly urinated in a bottle and froze it in the company freezer. The other rubbed his genitals on some bread. (Insert $5 footlong joke here.) The Huffington Post's Weird News blog has more, in case you haven't already heard enough. Subway has issued this statement: "This isolated incident is not representative of Subway Sandwich Artists. These actions are not tolerated and the franchisee took immediate action to terminate the two employees involved." Your move, Arby's employee with no sense of boundaries.
Adweek’s Brand Paternity Test: Who Owns What?
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When you buy anything these days, from apple juice to an Audi A6, chances are good that at least some of your money is going to a parent company that might surprise you. It is a rare and inquisitive marketing mind that can actually remember these relationships, like the fact that Minute Maid is owned by Coca-Cola or Baked Ruffles report up to PepsiCo.
Think you've got the brand savvy to match up the marketing marionettes with their corporate puppet masters? If so, take Adweek's Brand Paternity Test below and gauge your talent for spotting consumer culture's family connections.
Name the parent brand or holding company of …
Copycat is a professional sport? / Les olympiades de la pompe?
Posted in: UncategorizedTHE ORIGINAL? Belgian Olympic Team « Athens on his mind » – 2002 Source : Cannes SHORTLIST Agency : Duval Guillaume (Belgium) |
LESS ORIGINAL RATP sports partnership – 2012 Source : LLLLLITL Agency : Publicis Conseil (France) |
Munich Subway
Posted in: UncategorizedAprès les impressionnants clichés du métro de Stockholm, voici cette série du photographe Nick Frank sur le style futuriste du métro de la ville de Munich. Un rendu très minimaliste et surréaliste sans la présence de passagers. A découvrir dans notre galerie, disponible dans la suite de l’article.
Dynamics of the Subway
Posted in: UncategorizedKeita Onishi a réalisé ce clip exceptionnel pour le morceau « Dynamics of the Subway » issu du premier album d’Haisuinonasa intitulé « Animal Bodies ». Chaque note est ici représenté par une forme géométrique dans un ensemble animé, permettant de retrouver l’image du métro par le rythme. Plus dans la suite.
Copycat Express ? / Un sérieux goût de réchauffé ?
Posted in: UncategorizedTHE ORIGINAL? NYC DiningCar (click on the image to watch video) – 2011 Source : NYC Dining Car Agency : (USA) |
LESS ORIGINAL Badoit Express (click on the image to watch video) – 2012 Source : CB News, Goldem13 Agency : Elan et Ubi Bene (France) |
E se fizessem um reality show sobre uma concorrência publicitária?
Posted in: UncategorizedO terror e a glória de quem vive em agência: concorrência. Uma versão concentrada e, portanto, desgastante do trabalho publicitário onde em um espaço normalmente curto demais uma equipe deve não só criar uma nova campanha para um cliente novo (ou para aquele cliente antigo que está querendo sair fora) mas também pensar uma maneira impactante de vender a ideia para quem decide.
Por conta das glórias alcançadas pela série de ficção “Mad Men” (é ficção?) o canal americano AMC encomendou a docuseries “The Pitch”, que estréia nos EUA segunda que vem, dia 30, na faixa de horário antes de Mad Men e que está com o primeiro episódio na íntegra no YouTube.
A cada semana duas agências se estapeiam por uma conta real, num processo de debrief, criação e decisão de 7 dias. Na primeira rodada poderemos ver a WDCW e a McKinney disputando a conta da rede de sanduíches Subway.
Mostrar os bastidores de uma concorrência pode ser um tema complicado, já que os segredos mais bem guardados de uma agência correm o risco de ser revelados. Desde a Fórmula Secreta da Criatividade quanto o relacionamento chefe-subordinados, as táticas de convencimento e outras coisas que muita gente acha que deveria ficar debaixo do tapete. Por outro lado este tipo de conteúdo pode servir exatamente para mostrar ao mundo que não existe criatividade tirada do… chapéu e sim muita ralação em cima da marca.
No que isso isso vai dar só o decorrer da temporada dirá, mas tire suas conclusões sobre o primeiro episódio e compartilhe aqui com a gente.
Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Terada Mokei Metro
Posted in: UncategorizedTerada Mokei est un passionné de modélisme. En repensant la place des maquettes et en les sortant des habituels modèles de véhicules militaires, cet artiste japonais propose des situations de tous les jours. Avec cet exemple de sortie de métro urbain est à découvrir dans la suite.
Previously on Fubiz
Kazakhstan Subway
Posted in: UncategorizedDécouverte d’Almaty au Kazakhstan qui a enfin ouvert son impressionnant métro le 1er décembre dernier, après 23 ans de construction. Visuellement intéressante, cette architecture est longue de 8,5 km et est utilisée par 30 000 personnes chaque jour.