Pembrokeshire College: Phil
Posted in: UncategorizedAdvertising Agency: Face, UK
Creative Director / Art Director / Copywriter: Neil Holoryd
Photographer: Adrian Ray
Advertising Agency: Face, UK
Creative Director / Art Director / Copywriter: Neil Holoryd
Photographer: Adrian Ray
Advertising Agency: Face, UK
Creative Director / Art Director / Copywriter: Neil Holoryd
Photographer: Adrian Ray
Advertising Agency: Face, UK
Creative Director / Art Director / Copywriter: Neil Holoryd
Photographer: Adrian Ray
What’s on
The urban magazine / Free
It’s up to us to tell you what’s going on around you.
The title plays on the double meaning of “A Nous” which is both the title of the magazine and “Up to you”
Advertising Agency: Australie, ,France
Creative Directors: Claire Ravut, Stéphane Renaudat
Art Director: Mathias Gaillard
Copywriter: Dan Assayag
Photographer: Romain Laurent
Other additional credits: Laurent Gesta, Stéphanie Lhermitte
Published: June 2008
What’s on
The urban magazine / Free
It’s up to us to tell you what’s going on around you.
The title plays on the double meaning of “A Nous” which is both the title of the magazine and “Up to you”
Advertising Agency: Australie, ,France
Creative Directors: Claire Ravut, Stéphane Renaudat
Art Director: Mathias Gaillard
Copywriter: Dan Assayag
Photographer: Romain Laurent
Other additional credits: Laurent Gesta, Stéphanie Lhermitte
Published: June 2008
Things get closer.
Advertising Agency: PZL, Warsaw, Poland
Creative Directors: Kot Przybora, Iwo Zaniewski
Art Directors: Mikołaj Manżett-Leszczyński, Jagna Wesołowska
Copywriter: Magdalena Goll
Photographer: Åukasz Murgrabia
Published: May 2008
Things get closer.
Advertising Agency: PZL, Warsaw, Poland
Creative Directors: Kot Przybora, Iwo Zaniewski
Art Directors: Mikołaj Manżett-Leszczyński, Jagna Wesołowska
Copywriter: Magdalena Goll
Photographer: Åukasz Murgrabia
Published: May 2008
Your body milk, is it really organic?
Where your beauty breathes.
Advertising Agency: La petite agence dans la prairie, Paris, France
Creative Directors: Alain Montel, Fred Gallier
Art Director: Alain Montel
Copywriter: Fred Gallier
Photographer: Antoine Kralik
Published: June 2008
Your shampoo, is it really organic?
Where your beauty breathes.
Advertising Agency: La petite agence dans la prairie, Paris, France
Creative Directors: Alain Montel, Fred Gallier
Art Director: Alain Montel
Copywriter: Fred Gallier
Photographer: Antoine Kralik
Published: June 2008
Your face cream, is it really organic?
Where your beauty breathes.
Advertising Agency: La petite agence dans la prairie, Paris, France
Creative Directors: Alain Montel, Fred Gallier
Art Director: Alain Montel
Copywriter: Fred Gallier
Photographer: Antoine Kralik
Published: June 2008
Advertising Agency: DDB, Paris, France
Creative Directors: Alexandre Hervé, Sylvain Thirache
Copywriter: Matthieu Elkaim
Artistic Director: Pierrette Diaz
TV Prod: Sophie Mégrous, Forence Potthié Sperry
Advertiser’s Supervisors: Thomas Granger, Romain Lorthiois
AccountSupervisor: Emmanuelle Michel Mimran
Production: Wanda
Realisateur: Yoann Lemoine
Illustrator: Pierrette Diaz
Since the beginning of 2008, a new law gives the German federal government broad access to stored telephone and Internet data — including e-mail addresses, length of call and numbers dialled — for a six-month period. The private initative “Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung” called for a class-suit against the new law. But how can you make people believe how many traces they leave when surfing the Web?
Though widespread discussions in the press, most users don’t realise what kind of data and to which extent they leave behind when surfing the Web. A special program visualises the digital fingerprint of every user. The fingerprints lead the user to a landing page and to special browser for anynomous Web surfing.
Being launched just in 2008, the “Fingerprint” project may be able, to fuel the discussion about privacy in the Internet and raise awareness for the issue. The sheer number of 30,000 participants that joined the class-suit of the Initiative at the German Constitutional Court clearly demonstrates the public interest.
Advertising Agency: NORDPOL+ HAMBURG, Germany
Creative Director: Ingo Fritz
Claudius Gerstner, Nordpol+ Hamburg
Art Directors: Dominik Anweiler, Mark Höfler
Advertising Agency: Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany
Creative Directors: Jan Leube, Matthias Spaetgens
Copywriter: Edgar Linscheid
Art Director: Marc Ebenwaldner
Photographer: Ralph Baiker
Account Supervisors: Katrin Seegers, Katja Weiden
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Dieter Frost
Graphic: Anatolij Pickmann
Postproduction: Gloss Postproduction
Advertising Agency: Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany
Creative Directors: Jan Leube, Matthias Spaetgens
Copywriter: Edgar Linscheid
Art Director: Marc Ebenwaldner
Photographer: Ralph Baiker
Account Supervisors: Katrin Seegers, Katja Weiden
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Dieter Frost
Graphic: Anatolij Pickmann
Postproduction: Gloss Postproduction
Advertising Agency: Scholz & Friends, Berlin, Germany
Creative Directors: Jan Leube, Matthias Spaetgens
Copywriter: Edgar Linscheid
Art Director: Marc Ebenwaldner
Photographer: Ralph Baiker
Account Supervisors: Katrin Seegers, Katja Weiden
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Dieter Frost
Graphic: Anatolij Pickmann
Postproduction: Gloss Postproduction