Milton Glaser Explains the Value of Design Beyond Just Selling Stuff

“By the time I was in kindergarten, I had been designated as class artist. Some of the older kids discovered that I could draw girls doing unspeakable things, and I could get a nickel apiece for those.”

Thus began the illustrious career of design legend Milton Glaser, 85, who discusses his life and work in this insightful and charming video made by Poppy de Villeneuve for The New York Times.

Among the many highlights packed into three minutes:

• Glaser recalls creating the iconic “I [Heart] NY” logo on an envelope while riding in a cab: “It was an expression that people felt, and it was sort of inside out rather than outside in.”
• He recounts the early days of New York magazine: “We learned on the job. It was so primitive—no computers of any kind.”
• And he reveals the simple yet awesome power of design: “You invent what is real when you look at something and draw it.”

It’s an inspiring piece that transcends its subject matter, reminding viewers that magic can happen in business and life when you follow your heart.

Separately, Glaser has also weighed in on Hillary Clinton’s much-debated presidential campaign logo. Check out his verdict here.

Via Design Taxi.

Rebirth Announcement: On March 16, Nebraska Realty Is In Business

One of Omaha’s largest real estate firms – Deeb Realty, will change its name to Nebraska Realty, effective March 16, 2015. The real estate company hired Corporate Three Design in Omaha to create a new brand identity and roll it out across traditional media. (DISCLOSURE: Shawn Hartley, the publisher of this web site is Vice […]

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These Pun-Heavy Posters About Graphic Design Will Make Creatives Chuckle (or Groan)

Sara Heffernen’s “Graphic Design Pun Cards” make gentle sport of designers’ compulsive, perfectionist tendencies, while being dad-jokey enough to elicit groans from the rest of us.

Having said that, “Bad Kerning Can Never Be Justified” is legit funny and two levels beyond what this kind of humor usually is, and “Keming” isn’t far behind, even if it does kind of tell the same joke. The others are more of a spectrum; either you’re grinding your teeth in response to the no-no’s on display, or at the low-hanging punnery.

You can find the entire collection here. Sara should consider a line of T-shirts, and maybe opening a typographer’s version of Spencer’s Gifts to sell them in.

Via Design Taxi.

This Hipster Business Name Generator Is About to Become Your New Obsession

Forget all those sites that randomly generate band names, stripper names and hobbit names. This one could make you rich, my friends. Brooklyn rich!

The Hipster Business Name Generator creates a random combination of quirky nouns and drops them under a stylized X, with the requisite stylish dingbats and initials. The resulting names—such as Fox & Otter, Spyglass & Bean, Whiskey & Cake—are good for a laugh, especially when paired with icons of tiny rabbits, knives and muffins.

The site, which was quickly generating passaround among creative types today, seems to be a marketing effort for domain registration site, where you can conveniently book a site for your lovely new business venture. Or maybe the creators simply picked a booking site at random, though that seems unlikely. 

Try it for yourself and let us know your most fruitful combinations. A few of our favorites below.

Hat tip to my friend Paul Crawford for sharing this on Facebook, though to be clear, his agency’s not the one behind it.

Will The Real Experience Designer Please Stand Up?

Titles are superficial. And like so many superficial things, we cling to them dearly. Particularly so in the ego industries where a director is someone with a seat and a say. Hey, I get it. It makes sense. When it takes you 15 years to make it to creative director, you want to revel in […]

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This Brilliantly Designed Alarm Clock Wakes You by Brewing a Cup of Coffee

Tired of being awoken by talk radio or the dulcet default chimes of your smartphone? Maybe you’d like a nice cup of Ethiopia Yirgacheffe instead?

The Barisieur is here to help. Or at least it will be when British designer Joshua Renouf gets it to market at an estimated price of £250 ($405 on our side of the pond).

The device “eases the user into the day with the subtle movement of stainless steel ball bearings that boil the water through induction heating.” Fancy!

It’s clearly a beautiful piece of functional decor, with a removable Corian tray, drawers for grounds and sugars, and even a cooled compartment for cream. Alas, my cat will likely have all of this on the floor by 2 a.m. on Day 1.

Via Design Milk.


Meet the Hero Designer Who Publicly Shamed Showtime for Asking Him to Work for Free

When Showtime invited Dan Cassaro to join a design “contest” he felt amounted to milking professionals for free work, he let the network—and the world—know how he felt about it.

The offer, made to a number of designers, involved promoting the Floyd Mayweather-Marcos Maidana boxing match on Sept. 13. Those who submitted designs for Showtime’s use “could be eligible for a chance to win a trip to Las Vegas and have your artwork displayed in the MGM Grand during fight week!,” the network told Cassaro in an email.

After sending an email response slathered in sarcasm (“I know that boxing matches in Las Vegas are extremely low-budget affairs”), Cassaro then posted the exchange to Twitter.

Here’s the screenshot of the conversation (click to expand):

In the week since, Cassaro’s tweet has become a viral rallying cry for creatives who feel besieged by expectations of free work. It has more than 5,000 retweets and 5,600 favorites, and has become one of the topic’s most electrifying moments since Mike Monteiro’s “Fuck You Pay Me” speech in 2011. 

Showtime issued a response to BuzzFeed, saying the network is “a strong supporter of artists around the world. This contest, like many others, is entirely optional.”

We caught up with Cassaro to ask what it’s been like seeing his frustration go global.

AdFreak: Your tweet just keeps blowing up. A week later, it’s still being retweeted. What’s it been like watching it all unfold?
Dan Cassaro: It’s been pretty unreal. I would have double-checked my grammar if I knew this many people would see it.

Why did you go public with it? Clearly, you were frustrated. But after responding to Showtime, what made you say, “Screw it, I’m going to post this on Twitter”?
Partially I just wanted to do it as a joke. But I also wanted to let people know that while it’s good to say no to this kind of work, it’s even better to explain to everyone why this business model is unacceptable.

Why do you think it struck such a chord with designers and other creatives?
Because they all get these emails. And it’s not just designers. I received a ton of responses from writers, cartoonists, architects and people in other professions who get asked to work for free. I don’t know what it is. Maybe people think that if you went to art school you don’t understand money?

Were you concerned about calling out a brand like Showtime by posting the email? I’m guessing they won’t become a paying client anytime soon.
Who knows? Maybe they admire my pluck? Honestly, people valuing themselves and their work enough to say no to this kind of thing has more long-term value than any one job or one client.

Has Showtime responded directly to you?
They wrote me a short and very polite email. Honestly, it’s less about Showtime and more about these hack crowdsourcing campaigns that certain agencies are selling to them. There are lots of folks doing very cool things with user-generated content, but to ask professionals to compete against each other for potential “exposure” is completely different. It’s demeaning, and it lowers the value of everyone’s work.

Among your peers, clearly a vast majority of the response has been positive. Have any designers criticized you for how you handled it?
The response from designers has pretty much been all positive. Some guy on a boxing enthusiast forum called me a “slimy hipster,” though.

Do you think anything constructive will come out of this, for yourself or the industry?
I hope so. If nothing else, it’s good to get people talking about it.

McDonald's Mascot 'Happy' Becomes Even More Terrifying in Horror Poster Contest

Turns out we weren’t the only ones that found McDonald’s newest Happy Meal mascot, “Happy,” just a tad on the frightening side.

Online marketplace DesignCrowd challenged its graphic design community to a Photoshop contest that would drop the much-maligned mascot into horror movie posters. 

While tapping into the obvious unease over this character (who’s been used internationally for a while but is just now appearing in the U.S.), DesignCrowd also used this chance to stump for its approach to crowdsourced creative:

“The public reaction hasn’t been positive to the new McDonald’s mascot, and the company would have spent big money on it,” DesignCrowd spokeswoman Josephine Sabin tells AdFreak. “Had they gone through a crowdsourcing marketplace, like DesignCrowd, McDonald’s would have received hundreds of original designs for a great price.”

The first place winner received $200, which should afford the winner something like 66 Happy Meals. 

Take a look below at some of the better entries, and DesignCrowd’s contest page for more. The winner is at the bottom of our gallery.

The winner:

Lego Versions of Famous Artworks Are So Great, They're Now Official Ads

When most great spec projects make the rounds among the Internet’s creative community, it’s assumed the work will never see the light of day. Here’s a notable, wonderful exception.

Late last year, Italian designer Marco Sodano received global praise for his creative pixelation of famous paintings remade with Legos. At the time, he said he wanted to convey “the belief that every child with Lego can become a great artist like Da Vinci and Vermeer.”

This month, he posted a new gallery, this time empowered to call it simply a “campaign for Lego.” The official versions (largely similar but for the word “Imagine” embedded at the top left) were produced by agency Geometry Global in Hong Kong, with Sodano as art director.

Check out the four official executions below:

Via The Inspiration.

Barista Gorgeously Customizes His Customers' Cups at U.K. Starbucks

Artist and barista Gabriel Nkweti Lafitte, who works at the Starbucks across from the British Museum in London, has been taking some pretty awesome liberties with the chain’s “name on a cup” policy for dispensing coffee to customers.

Lafitte incorporates lucky customers’ names into hand-drawn line art on their cups, and some of the designs—which are as inventive and detailed as anything I’ve seen out of a proper design shop—take him up to 40 hours to complete.

I don’t know what his original system was for deciding who got special art cups, but right now he only takes requests (and he’s swamped). Starbucks, which tells Metro U.K. “it’s fantastic how he takes our iconic cup design and makes it his own,” should just commission Lafitte to do a line of ceramic mugs before another company figures out that he’s way too talented to be slinging iced coffees all day.

Check out some of our favorites below and a full gallery on his Facebook page.


Sweatshirts Collection for AYR

L’artiste Amy Woodside, basée à New York, a fait une série de visuels qui confrontent peinture abstraite et typographie. Elle a donc imaginé quelques imprimés de sweatshirts pour une collection de la marque de vêtements AYR. Une collaboration colorée à découvrir en images.

AYR’s website.


Virgin America mostra como todo site de companhia aérea deveria ser

Simples, intuitivo e bonito. Fim. Com aquilo que mais importa logo de cara – que é consultar e marcar vôos – e não mais escondido e atulhado no canto da página.

O redesign do site da Virgin America traz caixas grandes e muitas cores, apostando no senso de humor e no uso de avatares. O fluxo de compra é apresentado como um passo de cada vez. A versão mobile também segue os mesmos princípios.

Virgin America

Outro aspecto muito desejado pelos passageiros: cartão de embarque claro e simplificado. Olha o Vine abaixo.

A novidade ainda está em beta, e pode ser acessada em O antigo ainda pode ser acessado – sem o beta na frente – pra você comparar com a zona que era.

Pronto, outras companhias aéreas. Sigam o exemplo.

Virgin America
Virgin America

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Kangaroo Light

Créée par Studio Banana Things, « Kangaroo Light » est un produit d’éclairage portatif, ludique et flexible conçu pour s’adapter à l’intérieur de votre sac, sur une table, par terre, sur une étagère et dans une multitude d’autres applications. Sa forme flexible, sa petite taille et sa légèreté permettent de faire preuve de créativité.

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3D Flowers Printing

L’impression 3D est une des grandes tendances de l’année, elle ne cesse de s’améliorer et créer des produits impressionnants et de plus en plus étonnants. Joshua Harker a travaillé sur une nouvelle technologie d’impression 3D qui repousse les limites de la qualité, et créer des petits bouquets comprenant 10 à 12 pouces de fleurs.

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The Pour Lights by Design Haus Liberty

Dara Huang et Lisa Hinderdael de Design Haus Liberty ont récemment créé « The Pour » : une installation de lumières en forme de chandelier très design qui imite la pluie. Elle est exposée à Tribeca, situé à New York. Une très belle sculpture lumineuse à découvrir en images.


Iconic World Cup Posters

Le designer Nick Barclay, basé en Australie, a fait une série de posters prints des plus beaux moments de la Coupe du Monde de Football. Très graphiques et minimalistes, les posters ré-interprètent les drapeaux des pays qui ont gagné la Coupe et les joueurs qui ont marqué les buts les plus mémorables.


Medical Diagram Sculptures Made of Found Objects

Edwige Massart et Xavier Wynn ont fait la série « Heads » dans laquelle ils confrontent sculpture et médecine avec des schémas scientifiques de têtes humaines. Réalisés avec des assortiments d’objets aléatoires, ces sculptures représentent des portraits faits à partir de souvenirs considérés comme des objets trouvés.


Minimalist Posters On Design Vocabulary

Les deux designers graphiques italiens Matteo Morelli et Giovanni Manzini ont fait une série de 10 posters minimalistes intitulée « Utopia » qui illustrent les 10 mots-clefs des cours de l’histoire du design de Philippe Daverio à l’école Politecnico de Milan. Plus de détails en images.

Giovanni Manzini’s site.

Calligraffiti by Niels Shoe Meulman

L’artiste néerlandais Niels Shoe Meulman combine la calligraphie avec des graffitis pour créer ses œuvres d’art uniques. Ces oeuvres sont à la fois originales de part leurs nuances de couleurs, mais aussi de part le fait qu’elles sont uniques et donc toutes différentes les unes des autres.

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Magnetic Wallpaper

Si vous voulez que votre enfant aime encore plus sa chambre, la création de ce Magnetic Wallpaper par Sian Zeng conviendra parfaitement. Proposant ainsi une impression spéciale et une ligne magnétique, le mur devient un véritable terrain de jeu, faisant ainsi le bonheur des plus petits mais aussi des plus grands.

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