Design Thinking For Strategic Innovation Aims To Make Business More Elegant
Posted in: UncategorizedI’m not sure designers would agree, but it feels to me like we’re in a golden age of design. Because as complex as our world (and the technology propelling it) is getting, there’s a stronger need for simple, clear design in our products and surroundings. Idris Mootee takes a closer look at this in Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation: What They Can’t Teach You At Business or Design School.
As the title suggests, there are both higher-level thinking and practical ideas laid out here. Mootee defines what he considers to be “design thinking,” then lays out some very common business challenges and how design thinking can be applied to those challenges.
It’s hard for me to judge whether businesses that don’t consider design to be an integral part of their process can take a book like this and turn their companies into design-centric ones. But Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation presents a lot of very valuable information and ideas for companies seeking every advantage they can get. It also helps that the hardcover version itself is quite nicely laid out, with graphics and pull-quotes that make it a well-designed, enjoyable read.
Special thanks to Wiley for providing me with a review copy.
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