Cannes Lions 2012: GP de Design para “The Solar Annual Report”

O GP de Design é quase um simples relatório anual da empresa Austria Solar, mas ele tem um detalhe que mereceu o prêmio: Só pode ser lido sob a luz do sol.

A criação é da agência alemã Serviceplan, que já tínhamos publicado por aqui no mês passado.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Uma carta de amor às letras

O estúdio tipográfico Young Jerks compilou nesse vídeo seu portfolio.

Um belo trabalho do designer Daniel Cassaro, com muita criatividade e talento manual. Computador só depois.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Uma abertura animada e tipográfica para “Star Trek”

O pessoal do The Quintek Group resolveu dar um toque moderno de animação e tipografia na abertura da série clássica de “Star Trek”.

Um exercício divertido, que deve agradar até mesmo os trekkers mais ortodoxos. Compare com a abertura original.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Clark&Kent: XRay Vision Sticker

Advertising Agency: Clark&Kent, New York, USA
Creative Director: Clark, Kent
Art Director: Clark
Copywriter: Kent

The ‘farmification’ of a joystick factory


Designer Lisa Ma traveled to a joystick factory located in one of the suburbs of Shenzhen. She spent several weeks with the factory workers, sleeping in dorms, sharing their meals in the canteen, making friends.

Because most of these young factory workers come from a farming background and because joysticks might well become obsolete soon, she proposed to the factory owners that they would allow the joystick makers to work part-time in a nearby farm. She called the experiment ‘Farmification’ – using farming to keep the factory community together when work dwindles continue

Clark&Kent: Phone Booth Business Card

Clark&Kent is the smallest ad agency in the world with headquarters in a phone booth in New York. Here is the C&K business card. And of course…it’s a phone booth!

Advertising Agency: Clark&Kent, New York, USA
Creative Director: Clark, Kent
Art Director: Clark
Copywriter: Kent

#A.I.L – artists in laboratories, episode 4


My guest on the show is Dr. Jonah Brucker-Cohen whom i’m sure you all know. Jonah is a researcher, artist, and writer. Apart from his work as an artist, Jonah has been teaching in several universities in New York, lecturing internationally, writing essays for magazines focusing on technology and since he is teaching a course called Designing Critical Networks at Parsons in New york, i thought he’d be the perfect guest for a program which covers issues such as social media, subverting network experience, hacking, and internet censorship. We also took the time to focus on some of his own works, from the now legendary Wifi Liberator to Scrapyard Challenge Jr. 555 Noisemaker Kit and America’s Got No Talent continue

Planet Kids: The Talking Invite

Planet Kids, Bangalore’s leading playschool chain wanted an invite to announce their Annual Day celebrations. This invite would be given to students and their parents. The objective was to create excitement around the event and get their kids buzzing.

So we decided to create something out-of-the-ordinary, something that would engage their students and get them to transfer the buzz onto their parents. And voila, the ‘hand puppet’ invite was born!

The invite soon became the children’s new,favourite toy and kept them entertained long after the event.

Advertising Agency: Happy, Bangalore, India
Executive Creative Director: Kartik Iyer
Chief Creative Officer: Praveen Das
Creative Director: Carl Savio
Illustrator: Nalisha Chouraria
Copywriter: Megha Ramesh
Art Director: Shatrughan R
Account Executive: Ajay Kumar

Comidinhas inspiradas na escala Pantone

Olha aí uma dica de cardápio para quando você for dar aquele jantar para designers, criação da fotógrafa Alison Anselot. Via @aldera30. Clique nas imagens para ver cada receita.

Tartar de manga e salmão

Pasta verde
Pasta verde

Cheesecake de framboesa e limão
Cheesecake de framboesa e limão

Sopa de repolho vermelho
Sopa de repolho vermelho

Risoto de açafrão e parmesão
Risoto de açafrão e parmesão

Carpaccio de vieira
Carpaccio de vieira

Tortinha de morango

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Move Performance

Voici une vidéo de présentation de la gamme Move produite par la marque de vêtements Electric Foxy. Vantant la qualité du textile et son optimisation pour le sport, la vidéo en slow-motion simple et très réussie dirigée par Jennifer Darmour est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

Move Performance 5
Move Performance 4
Move Performance 3
Move Performance 2
Move Performance 1
Move Performance

Modified Benches

L’artiste danois Jeppe Hein a installé à la place de bancs traditionnels des bancs au design entièrement modifié, créant ainsi de nouvelles interactions avec les personnes assises. Une excellent idée pensée à l’occasion de la triennale de Beaufort04 à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.

Modified Benches10
Modified Benches9
Modified Benches8
Modified Benches7
Modified Benches5
Modified Benches4
Modified Benches3
Modified Benches
Modified Benches6
Modified Benches2

Vodafone: Like An Inch Away


Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Mumbai, India
National Creative Directors: Rajiv Rao, Abhijit Avasthi
Group Creative Directors: Kainaz Karmakar, Harshad Rajadhyaksha
Art Director: Vishakha Modak
Copywriter: Kainaz Karmakar
Illustrator: Vishakha Modak

Mixtape Table

Voici ce très bel objet design pour les amoureux de musique et pour les nostalgiques. Cette table basse conçue en bois est une réplique géante d’une K7 audio. Un projet réversible du designer Jeff Skierka baptisté « Mixtape Table » à découvrir dans la suite de l’article pour le bonheur des yeux.


A interface computacional de “Homem de Ferro” e “Os Vingadores”

Mais do que simplesmente desenhar qualquer coisa que pareça tecnológica na tela, quem cria as interfaces computacionais em filmes tenta representar uma época ou prever tendências de futuro. Com o passar dos anos, o trabalho se tornou mais complicado.

O acesso a tecnologia de todo tipo e tamanho foi democratizado, e torná-la verossímil nas telas de cinema requer muito mais que mero exercício de futurologia. É preciso parecer incrível, mas sempre perto do possível.

É exatamente isso o que fez o designer de motion graphics Jayse Hansen para a Marvel, nos filmes do “Homem de Ferro” e “Os Vingadores”. Ele foi o responsável por criar os elementos e animações do visor do Mark VII, construído por Tony Stark.

Hansen explorou anéis que se dividem em diversos pedaços de informação – sempre numa paleta de preto e cinza, com vermelhos, laranjas e azuis – tudo como se fosse controlado pelos olhos.

Junto com o estúdio Cantina Creative, Jayse Hansen desenhou também as telas de vidro touch da Helicarrier de “os Vingadores”, depois de estudos painéis e instrumentos de caças A-10. O trabalho chega ao detalhe de possuir diferentes “modos” de tela, alterando os elementos caso a nave esteja parada, em batalha ou avariada.

Além do velho e bom rascunho no papel, o trabalho do designer segue o fluxo de Illustrator, After Effects e Cinema 4D. Além das várias imagens nesse post, você pode ver outras em tamanho ampliado no portfolio de Hansen.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Um pai faz uma incrível experiência de Branding e Design com a filha de 5 anos

Um pai resolveu fazer uma experiência com a filha de 5 anos de idade, mostrando a ela uma série de logos que ela não estava familiarizada. A menina teve apenas 5 segundos para olhar para cada um deles, e depois teve que desenhá-los, buscando as referências na própria memória.

Dessa forma, é possível perceber em muitos casos como um determinado elemento marcou a mente dela em apenas 5 segundos. E o resultado dessa experiência é brilhante.

Recentemente, a Amanda de Almeida postou algo muito similar no B9. E todas essas experiências só me levam a crer que, quando falamos em simplicidade na estética e no conceito, devemos perceber que esse simples é essencialmente visceral. :)

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Optic Gallery: The card with a vision

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, New Delhi, India
Art Director: Preeti Koul Choudhry, Nasheet Shadani, Umesh Grover

Rolling Smartphone Electric

Découverte de Lit Motors qui nous présente un prototype de voiture électrique appelée C-1. Avec la taille d’une moto et la sécurité d’une voiture, cette voiture surnommée « Rolling Smartphone » propose une connectivité maximale avec les différents appareils mobiles. A découvrir en images et vidéo dans la suite.


Land Rover: 366 days of adventure

Every year, many companies send out a calendar to their clients. And so does Land Rover. But how could we make sure ours would stand out from the rest? We wanted to create a calendar that would be useful, highly interactive and would encourage the recipients to embrace their sense of adventure. We designed the calendar based on the core idea that in a Land Rover, every day is an adventure. We created it in the form of a road map, which would take our recipient around the world in 366 days. Every distance was calculated, every ferry ride was worked out and every day was carefully planned based on the terrain people would encounter. While calendars are usually extremely structured, ours was very organic, graphic, minimal and intuitive. Every day, the recipient could figure out where Land Rover would take them tomorrow or the next month. Increasing the interaction between the recipient and the brand. We sent out 5,000 calendars to our existing customers. Next year, we intend to print 10,000 pieces.

Advertising Agency: Y&R, Dubai, UAE
Chief Creative Officer: Shahir Zag
Creative Director: Shahir Zag, Kalpesh Patankar
Copywriter: Shahir Zag
Art Director: Kalpesh Patankar
Designer: Shahir Zag
Designer: Kalpesh Patankar
Copywriter: Guillaume Calmelet
Illustrator: Gitten Tom
Agency Producer: Amin Soltani
Producer: Leng Panganiban
Account Director: Sarah Locke
Account Manager: Pierre Farra

Renault Alpine Concept Car

La petite et ancienne berline de Renault, la Alpine, fête ses 50 ans. Pour célébrer cet évènement, le constructeur Renault a créé ce concept-car Renault Alpine A110-50, dédié à la performance et au plaisir de pilotage. Un design très réussi à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.

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Fubiz TV Issue 02

Fubiz est fier de vous présenter aujourd’hui l’Issue 02 de son programme hebdomadaire Fubiz TV. Au sommaire cette semaine, nous avons sélectionné le meilleur de l’actualité de l’univers créatif et nous avons eu la chance de rencontrer les réalisateurs Fleur & Manu. Une interview à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.

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