Um bebê nascido para a internet

Se você tem contato com crianças nascidas na era digital, provavelmente não se surpreende quando elas começam a mexer em gadgets com toda a naturalidade do mundo, como se já nascessem preparadas para isso. E, a se julgar pelo novo comercial da indiana MTS para seu serviço de 3G, nascem mesmo.

Em Born For The Internet, a revolução digital chega também à sala de parto, mas não na tecnologia dos instrumentos utilizados pela equipe médica e sim no próprio bebê, que já nasce acessando o Google para cortar o cordão umbilical, tirando uma selfie com uma das enfermeiras para postar no Instagram e fazendo transmissões ao vivo via stream. Tudo possibilitado pela ótima qualidade do 3G da MTS, claro.

A criação é da agência Creativeland e a produção é da Smuggler.

bebe1 bebe

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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#A.I.L – artists in laboratories, episode 55: Anab Jain and Jon Ardern from Superflux


Superflux is looking at the ways emerging technologies interface with the environment and everyday life and the result of their research is a rather extraordinary portfolio which explores deviant economies for India’s elastic cities, climate change, political engagement, desertification, human enhancement, etc continue

Gorilla Gadgets Identity

Pour la société Gorilla Gadgets basée en Californie, les hongrois de Hidden Characters ont imaginé toute l’identité graphique de la marque avec talent, partant de photos de l’animal pour ensuite dessiner un logo, et développer toute une charte, passant des outils web aux différents documents print. A découvrir dans la suite.

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100 Naked People Create Beautiful Stop-Motion Video to Make You Proud of Your Body

If you're disgusted by the nude human body, this video's probably not for you. If you're disgusted by your own nude body, then this video most certainly is for you.

London agency Man+Hatchet spent five days holed up in Estonia with 100 nude people to create the compelling stop-motion clip below. The client is Withings, a creator of digital health products like blood pressure monitors and weight scales. 

It would be easy for a brand like that to guilt you into seeking bodily perfection, so it's nice to see a spot that instead tells you to first take pride in yourself, and self-improvement will follow.

Warning: This video features artistic nudity and probably isn't safe for work.


Google abre lojas pop-up para compras de Natal

Google está abrindo uma série de lojas pop-up neste final de ano, para exibir seus lançamentos como Nexus 7, Chromecast e Chromebooks. Os espaços chamados de Winter Wonderlabs estarão em Nova YorkLos AngelesChicagoSacramentoWashington e Nova Jersey.

Para entrar no clima festivo de Natal, as lojas estão sendo decoradas com elementos do inverno americano.

A brincadeira inclui um globo de neve gigante em que se pode entrar e gravar vídeos em slow motion, interagindo com uma chuva de neve caindo por todo o lado. Depois de gravado, cada pessoa ganha um login e senha para acessar o vídeo online no site do projeto.

O espaço é bastante convidativo, com todos os gadgets livres para serem testados com calma, com a intenção de poupar você da loucura que é fazer compras nesta época do ano.

Seria o “Winter Wonderlabs” o começa das lojas físicas do Google?

Winter Wonderlabs pode ser uma das concretizações do anúncio que a empresa fez ano passo, de abrir lojas físicas para que seus produtos tenham maior contato com o público, em especial o Google Glass.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Interview with Benjamin Gaulon aka RECYCLISM


Often both playful and critical, Benjamin Gaulon’s projects involve printing messages on walls using a PaintBall Gun, collecting video streams from wireless surveillance cameras, turning your videos into animated GIFs, developing radio controlled cars that physically react to messages sent on Twitter, giving an architectural dimension to the 1970s game PONG, circuit-bending, hacking, deconstructing and re-purposing “obsolete” electronic devices continue

The Theatre of Synthetic Realities


The project is miles away from what you’d expect from an architecture work. No model, no plan. In fact, it looks more like an essay made of photos, short videos and texts. Together, they reflect on immoral architecture, unsympathetic machines, reality filtered by technology and more generally, our symbiotic relationship to technology. In fact, Madhav Kidao likens his project to “an exaggerated caricature of our present and near future relationships to technology as is stands.” continue

The ‘farmification’ of a joystick factory


Designer Lisa Ma traveled to a joystick factory located in one of the suburbs of Shenzhen. She spent several weeks with the factory workers, sleeping in dorms, sharing their meals in the canteen, making friends.

Because most of these young factory workers come from a farming background and because joysticks might well become obsolete soon, she proposed to the factory owners that they would allow the joystick makers to work part-time in a nearby farm. She called the experiment ‘Farmification’ – using farming to keep the factory community together when work dwindles continue

Interview with Mogens Jacobsen


Jacobsen is a media artist based in Copenhagen and an Adjunct Professor in Digital Culture and Mobile Communication at IT University, Copenhagen. His artistic work either closely follows social, political and ethical questions or sabotages technology, by mix-matching new and old media or by inviting web users to subvert web banners continue

The Transparency Grenade


The lack of Corporate and Governmental transparency has been a topic of much controversy in recent years, yet our only tool for encouraging greater openness is the slow, tedious process of policy reform.

Presented in the form of a Soviet F1 Hand Grenade, the Transparency Grenade is an iconic cure for these frustrations, making the process of leaking information from closed meetings as easy as pulling a pin continue

Cameras Pillows

Découverte du travail de Ronda J. Smith qui propose à la vente des coussins au design particulier et réussi. Reprenant le design de vieux modèles d’appareils photos Kodak ou encore Amica, le résultat de collection est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article en images.




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Crowbot Jenny


Crowbot Jenny is a manga character. She is a socially-awkward girl who prefers to spend time surrounded by technology and animals rather than with humans. She built the Crowbot. Perched on her shoulder, the crow-shaped robot can vocalize a variety of crow calls to control and converse with her bird army continue

The Gesundheit Radio


Developed in 1972 to protect early microprocessors from dust, the Gesundheit Radio featured a sneeze mechanism that expelled dust from inside the casing every six month. A bellows system extracted dust from inside the unit, blowing waste from two outlets located on the front continue

Sound, DIY culture and mechanics at SonarMàtica


Given my notoriously campy taste in music, you will be relieved to know that i’m going to carefully avoid reviewing the music side of Barcelona’s International Festival of Advanced Music and Multimedia Art. What’s left then? Fashion, a bit of advertising and the SonarMàtica exhibition continue

Wanting to Be You


This suit allows one ardent fan to distinguish themselves from the crowd at film premieres. Comprised of a projector, speakers and a light system, controlled by an portable media player, the suits emits hysterical screams louder than the standard fan collective. As the target star approaches confessed messages are projected. When the wearer gets the attention from the object of their devotion, the suit rejoices by bursting into a climatic display continue

The Toaster Project


Thomas Thwaites is making a toaster, all by himself, from scratch – beginning by mining the raw materials and ending with a product that is currently sold for a few pounds throughout the UK. A toaster. How hard can it be? continue

Signs of Life

Funniest project seen at the RCA show. You won’t need my explanation, just have a look at the video:

Signs of Life was created by Freddie Yauner (of the highest popping toaster in the world fame) a graduate of the Design Products department, Platform 11 . Because it was exhibited where you’d expect to see an emergency exit sign i did believe that it was a real one for a moment.

The Grass Scanner

Another project from the RCA Design Interactions show. This one made me laugh so much:

In wealthier neighbourhoods, the size of the house and how well maintained the garden is, often represents status.


The Grass Scanner is a device designed by Alice Wang to measure how green the grass is. Using 3 Pantone Color Cue devices, it takes reading from 3 random patches of the grass and outputs a Pantone colour code for one to compare. With the codes, one can refer to the PARKTONE cards which contains average grass colours of Royal Parks and other green areas in the UK for people to match up with their own garden.


As grass condition in different areas of a given park may vary, each area was measured several times before an average of the data was used to create the PARKTONE card.

Relate: Mugs for a perfect tea.

The physical value of sound

News from the graduate summer show at the Royal College of Art in London.

Yuri Suzuki and the Prepared Turntable

Quite a few projects made my day over there. The ones of Yuri Suzuki for example. That guy is so talented it should be illegal. He’s an artist, musician and now a fresh graduate from the Design Products department. His project is concerned with revamping and giving new forms and meanings to the almost obsolete turntable, a device which very few of us still have in their house. We don’t buy disks of CDs anymore either. Nowadays music is more abstract and immaterial than ever. Sound has been reduced to data.

Sound Chaser

Sound Chaser

Sound Chaser looks like a little toy train that rides on record rails. You can align and connect each chipped pieces of second-hand records one to another and compose a new track that the train will play.

Tip Tap

The TipTap, developed in collaboration with Bahbak Hashemi-Nezhad, is a little hammer that reveals the dormant sounds around us.

A small metal tapper housed in the object taps out a rhythm on any object or surface that you hold it near to. The rhythm is set either by the user or can be defined by the controller. Alternatively, a beat can be taken from your favourite record, allowing you to play along while keeping perfectly in time. The TipTap can also synchronise with other users to make a social tapping experience.

Prepared Truntable

The Prepared Turntable is an analogue answer to the digitalized DJ. The turntable has 5 tone arms, each of which can have its volume controlled by its own fader. Users can make or play music with special loop groove records.

Finger Player

The Finger Player is a wearable record player. Insert your fingers into one of the little rings, play the record just by holding your hand over the disk and feel the physicality of making sound.

Sound Jewellery

Sound Jewellery conceives sound as something precious that you can offer to a friend or wear as a memory of a shared laugher, a romantic conversation, any sound moment from your daily life. The record is made up of components which of course you can play but they can also be worn as bracelet, brooch or other pieces of jewellery.

Related: Turntable Orchestra, Computer/Turntable hybrid, The Turnatable Microwave, video turntable, the Tri-phonic Turntable, etc.

All images courtesy of Yuri Suzuki.
The works are on view at RCA until July 5, 2008.

Book Review – Fashionable Technology: The Intersection of Design, Fashion, Science and Technology


Fashionable Technology: The Intersection of Design, Fashion, Science and Technology, by Sabine Seymour (Amazon UK and USA.)

Published by Springer, abstract: The interplay of electronic textiles and wearable technology, wearables for short, and fashion, design and science is a highly promising and topical subject. Offered here is a compact survey of the theory involved and an explanation of the role technology plays in a fabric or article of clothing. The practical application is explained in detail and numerous illustrations serve as clarification. Over 50 well-known designers, research institutes, companies and artists, among them Philips, Burton, MIT Media Lab, XS Labs, New York University, Hussein Chalayan, Cute Circuit or International Fashion Machines are introduced by means of their latest, often still unpublished, project, and a survey of their work to date. Given for the first time is a list of all the relevant information on research institutes, materials, publications etc. A must for all those wishing to know everything about fashionable technology.

Lags, a series of patches for coping with social jet lag, by Teresa Almeida

The book contains only 15 pages of theoretical discourse. It might not sound like a lot but they have the virtue of going straight to the point. Sabine Seymour knows what she’s writing about. Because the Vienna slash New York-based designer and researcher has spent several years dedicating her energy and brain to the exploration of what the next generation wearables would bring, she can see beyond the hype and detect what is truly inspiring or meaningful design-wise. Mondial Inc is a commercial entity born from her research and her role as an educator. She has lectured and exhibited her work internationally and she’s currently a faculty member at Parsons The New School for Design in New York and the University of Arts and Industiral Desin in Linz, Austria.

Taiknam Hat, by Ricardo Nascimento, Ebru Kurbak and Fabiana Shizue, reacts to medium wave radio signals

The theoretical intro covers briefly the history of wearable computing, comments on the technology used to enable garments to interact, underlines textile innovations, adds some design considerations in the process, etc.

Space invader knitting by Be-Geistert

After the intro, there’s just a magnificent show and tell of some of the latest (a number of them haven’t been published anywhere else) and most interesting techno-fashion projects. You’ll find the big names of the industry (phillips, Nike, Adidas) but also pioneering and fearless fashion designers (Hussein Chalayan), the explorers of poetical fashion (Ying Gao), the young stars (CuteCircuit), the makers of fermented dresses (Donna Franklin), the always elegant (Despina Papadopoulos), the unclassifiable Kate Hartman), the lady ready for the catwalk in outer space (Kouji Hikawa), the geeky knitters (Cat Mazza, Ebru Kurbak & Mahir Yavuz), etc.

Kouji Hikawa‘s Space Suit and Cooling Pants

The book won’t tell you everything you dream to know about fashion and technology, how to make a singing skirt or used nanotech in your next project, but it will definitively enable you to have an idea of the breadth and scope of the discipline. Besides it demosntrates that techno-fashion designers have gone a long way since the time “wearable technology” consisted of a keyboard roughly distributed over the body.

There are many books about fashion and technology but this one is truly unique. It’s engaging, intelligent and it will make you smile and inspire as you turn the pages over. Besides, it makes a fantastic resource for students and anyone interested in the subject. There’s a bibliography, a glossary of innovative materials, a list of blogs and websites but also events and institutes which will enable readers to dig further into the subject.

Textile XY by Maurin Donneaud

The book was launched last Thursday in New York. Phil Torrone from Make magazine was there. Just for info, Ulrike Reinhard had a chance to video one of Sabine’s presentation a while ago.
Image on the homepage is Diana Eng and Emily Albinski’s Inflatable wedding dress.