Snickers Billboard Spurs New Stage of U.S. Campaign
Posted in: UncategorizedYou’ve all seen BBDO’s Brady Bunch-themed Danny Trejo/Steve Buscemi Snickers Super Bowl spot that continues to saturate your TV.
In another, recently publicized element of the campaign, a billboard that’s been up in New York City since December that initially featured a massive image of Marcia Brady was gradually turned into Trejo’s menacing mug.
This week, the brand has unveiled a quick time-lapse clip (above) of the billboard’s transformation from Brady to badass in a matter of weeks. Snickers seems to have captivated some New Yorkers, who were initially compelled to take photos and hit social media with the hashtag #WhatsUpWithMarcia.
Colossal Media, which handled the painting process, shared its own stop-motion clip and accompanying risque joke (?) last month:
The secret about #whatsupwithmarcia is finally out. #eatasnickers, y’all.
— Colossal Media (@colossalmedia) January 23, 2015
I wonder if the carpet matches the drapes. #whatsupwithmarcia #eatsnickers
— Colossal Media (@colossalmedia) January 24, 2015
The billboard essentially serves as a springboard for the next phase of the “Who Are You When You’re Hungry?” campaign.
There’s the web site that encourages visitors to upload photos, the Snickers Meme Generator, and a contest offering the chance to win free stuff or take over the brand’s YouTube page for a day.
Expect more work to come.