Snickers Billboard Spurs New Stage of U.S. Campaign

You’ve all seen BBDO’s Brady Bunch-themed Danny Trejo/Steve Buscemi Snickers Super Bowl spot that continues to saturate your TV.

In another, recently publicized element of the campaign, a billboard that’s been up in New York City since December that initially featured a massive image of Marcia Brady was gradually turned into Trejo’s menacing mug.

This week, the brand has unveiled a quick time-lapse clip (above) of the billboard’s transformation from Brady to badass in a matter of weeks. Snickers seems to have captivated some New Yorkers, who were initially compelled to take photos and hit social media with the hashtag #WhatsUpWithMarcia.

Colossal Media, which handled the painting process, shared its own stop-motion clip and accompanying risque joke (?) last month:

The secret about #whatsupwithmarcia is finally out. #eatasnickers, y’all.

— Colossal Media (@colossalmedia) January 23, 2015

I wonder if the carpet matches the drapes. #whatsupwithmarcia #eatsnickers

— Colossal Media (@colossalmedia) January 24, 2015

The billboard essentially serves as a springboard for the next phase of the “Who Are You When You’re Hungry?” campaign.

There’s the web site that encourages visitors to upload photos, the Snickers Meme Generator, and a contest offering the chance to win free stuff or take over the brand’s YouTube page for a day.

Expect more work to come.

Slovakian Billboards Double as Homeless Shelters

Welcome to Slovakia: Where the Homeless Live in Advertising. 

Sound strange for an ad campaign? What if it were real? According to AdWeek, it is.

Billboards have often served as placards for cause marketing and conscientious messaging, so why not use them for something more tangible, like a literal roof over someone’s head?

In Slovakia, an architectural firm called Design Develop created a philanthropic arm of their work with ‘The Gregory Project.’ Its mission:

“to find optimal alternatives for existentional [sic] questions of people without a home through the use of billboard objects and their advertisment [sic] spaces.”

We appreciate their community outreach efforts even as we decry their spelling.


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Artist Replaces Billboard Ads with Art in Milano

Après la ville de Paris, l’artiste français Etienne Lavie s’attaque aux panneaux publicitaires de la ville de Milan, en les remplaçant par des peintures classiques et célèbres. L’artiste utilise l’art comme un substitut de la publicité, le tout dans un décor urbain. Une belle série à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.


Amazing Billboard Ad Blowing in The Wind

L’agence de publicité suédoise Akestam Holst et la maison de production Stopp ont conçu une publicité créative et interactive pour les produits capillaires Apotek Hjärtat de la marque Apolosophy, dans le métro de Stockholm. Quand un métro passe, les cheveux de la mannequin s’envolent dans tous les sens.

Blowing in the wind 7
Blowing in the wind 6
Blowing in the wind 5
Blowing in the wind 4
Blowing in the wind 3
Blowing in the wind 2
Blowing in the wind 1

IKEA RGB Billboard

L’agence Thjnk a eu l’excellente idée d’utiliser pour IKEA une surimpression en RVB pour écrire 3 messages différents sur un seul panneau. La marque cherche une nouvelle fois à aménager au maximum l’espace et propose ainsi un concept jouant sur un système d’ampoule, permettant d’alterner les messages.

The IKEA RGB Billboard6
The IKEA RGB Billboard5
The IKEA RGB Billboard4z
The IKEA RGB Billboard4
The IKEA RGB Billboard3
The IKEA RGB Billboard2
The IKEA RGB Billboard1

Flaming Billboard

Afin de faire la promotion de la chaîne de steakhouse russe Double Grill&Bar, l’agence RA Voskhod a eu l’ingénieuse idée de proposer un affichage 4×3 montre un steak géant, qui durant la nuit a été recouverte de huit sangles qui ont brulé l’affiche, donnant une impression de marques de cuisson pour la viande.

Flaming Billboard5
Flaming Billboard2
Flaming Billboard4
Flaming Billboard4a
Flaming Billboard3
Flaming Billboard6

Interactive Billboards Flight

Les équipes d’Ogilvy 12th floor ont imaginé pour British Airways un panneau publicitaire installé à Piccadilly Circus et Chiswick qui interagit en fonction de l’avion qui passe au-dessus. Une initiative insolite et sympathique montrant de jeunes enfants pointant du doigt l’avion à découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.

Interactive Billboards Flight1
Interactive Billboards Flight2

Máquina da Billboard libera revista grátis pra quem é realmente fã de música

Uma engenhoca criativa da Billboard instalada em bancas de jornais, verificava quem realmente era fã de determinado artista. Bastava plugar o iPhone na Fan Check Machine, se a pessoa tiver 20 ou mais músicas do artista da capa, ganhava uma revista.

Simples, fácil e divertido.

Claro, você pode reclamar que só funciona com iPhone, mas lembre-se do último comercial da Apple.

Criação da Ogilvy.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Billboard Parties / Ça l’affiche mal?

Cliquer ici pour voir la vidéo.

Cliquer ici pour voir la vidéo.

Heineken « Occasionally perfect Billboard » – 2011
Source : PSFK
Agency : Wieden + Kennedy New York (USA)
Virgin Radio BillBooth Party – 2012
Source : I Believe in ADV
Agency : BCP (Canada)

Plugged to the past / Une belle prise?

prise2006saatchiSimko prise2012
Groupe E “The energy to always do more” – 2006
Source : Adsoftheworld, Cannes Lions Archive
Agency : Saatchi & Saatchi Simko (Switzerland)
Elmu Emasz energy company – 2012
Source : @rc Magazine Billboard Contest
Agency : Unknown (Hungary)

McDonald’s Reflective Billboard

Afin de viser des possibles clients la nuit à la recherche d’un fast-food, McDonald’s a pensé avec l’agence Cossette Vancouver ce panneau publicitaire réflechissant. De jour, le panneau est blanc sans message, mais la nuit, les phares font apparaître un message publicitaire.

Continue Reading…

Burned Billboard / Une idée déjà bien grillée?

burn2011 burn2012
Capisco Hot Sauce – 2011
Source : Cannes Archive Online,
Agency : Inter Publicity Mumbai (India)
Taystee Chili Sauce – 2012
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : McCann Erickson Nairobi (Kenya)

Guitar Pee: o mictório dos guitarristas

Post express: Depois do genial Marshall Fridge, registrado aqui pelo Saulo, mais um belo lançamento para guitarristas chega nos melhores banheiros gringos. A Billboard conseguiu explorar a midia alternativa mictório (há tempos não tão alternativa assim) transformando-a em uma guitarra tocada com o seu xixi. O resultado é esse aí embaixo, mas fica a curiosidade do timbre que isso gera. No site deles ainda não tem nada Um desses no banheiro de algum grande festival brasileiro, seria sucesso e fila garantida.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Color Sensitive Interactive Billboard

Une vidéo originale présentant l’idée de la marque IBM. L’innovation : un véritable système de tableau interactif personnalisé, permettant de détecter la teinte et la couleur des vêtements de chaque personne. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.


Previously on Fubiz

The Art of the Billboard

Une initiative intéressante avec How many billboards ? qui réunit 21 artistes sur des panneaux d’affichages inutilisés. Le projet propose de remplacer, de manière périodique, la publicité par l’art. Le tout se déroule à travers le quartier de West Hollywood à Los Angeles.








Previously on Fubiz

Delete Billboard

Une action de marketing alternatif avec le travail de Ji Lee, qui à placée la touche Delete sur tous les panneaux publicitaires illégaux qui se trouvent dans la ville de New York. Il pose alors la question : L’art est-il meilleur que la publicité ? Plus d’images dans la suite.


Et le projet Bubbleproject en plusieurs images.




BMW Says Audi-os to the Competition

“Anything you can do, I can do better.” That is the competitive nature that lives in us all. That attitude surfaces on the playground, in the classroom, at home and on TV. The prevalence of one-upmanship is unavoidable, and, damn it, I love it! The only place I enjoy a high level of competitiveness more than sports is the world of advertising. The creativity required to best your competition in this world has to be quick and uncanny, so please check mediocrity at the door. The most recent demonstration of witty one-upmanship I have witnessed were these two billboards below from Audi and BMW:


A few weeks ago Audi put up a billboard on Santa Monica Blvd. in Southern California showcasing their new A4 vehicle challenging BMW with the copy that reads “Your Move, BMW.” You have to appreciate the confidence Audi is demonstrating. No one expected BMW to take this slight with a smile, but how was BMW going to respond? The answer: by strategically putting up a bigger billboard on the other side of the road featuring the M3 with the copy that wittily reads “Checkmate.” Simple, clever, and absolute “ownage!” I was so taken by the sheer genius of the response I might have gotten a little giddy…On that note, know of any other great advertising disputes or challenges? Drop me a Tomment and let me know.

P.S. Remember when I said in the world of competitive advertising mediocrity should be checked at the door? Audi managed to sneak it pass; Audi responded shortly by replacing their billboard with another one, but the attempt is disappointing and makes little sense. BMW then responded by removing their billboard all together rendering the copy of the current Audi billboard confusing. I’d show you, but I don’t want to highlight mediocrity.

= = = = = =

Tommy Liu is a Creative at Supercool Creative where he also manages the blog (click here for more of his writing as well as his contact info).

Saving Faces…Taking Names?

A couple years ago Mini Cooper rolled out a test campaign in four or five major markets to inspire brand loyalty among Mini owners and infuse a sense of community. Don’t remember it? Not a big deal, I didn’t either. It  wasn’t an earth-shattering idea. Basically, Mini Cooper owners were given special key fobs equipped with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) transmitters that would activate messages on digital billboards when Mini drivers were 500 feet away. The “community” part was addressed via the use of personalized messages, like, “Hey Bobby, Happy Birthday! Lookin’ Good.” It was slightly innovative and engaging, but expensive (considering that the target already owned a Mini Cooper) and so 2007.were-watching-you

Using a similar approach, Yahoo Corp., Japan isn’t looking to inspire brand loyalty, but is working to raise out-of-home  targeting capabilities. Camera-equipped billboards, armed with facial recognition software, will determine the age and sex of a passerby. The billboard will then deliver a message geared to the person’s perceived demographic.

Yahoo! Japan will begin the campaign with 500 billboards in train stations and shopping malls in Southern Japan, displaying content like news, weather, and ads. Yahoo will then expand the service to Tokyo and Osaka, doubling the number of the billboards.

The technology has already been used in the US, but fell under intense scrutiny due to perceived privacy infringements. It’s hopeful that Japan will utilize the information gained to deliver impactful, truthful, and relevant messages, like; “Whoa! Are Your Kids Getting Enough To Eat? Think Weight Watchers.” or “Ma’am? From Here It Looks Like You Need a New Bra Fitting. Suzie’s Lingerie Can Help.” Truth in advertising does have its upside…

Jeff Louis is an experienced Senior Media Planner, Project Manager, and New Business Coordinator. His passion is writing, contributing to BMA  as well as freelancing. He’d love to hear from you:  www.linkedin/in/jefflouis or

Hey, call a real creative / Une idée pas très à la page

The Yellow Pages – 2000
Source : Cannes Archive Online,
Agency : Grey Advertising (Denmark)
AT&T Yellow Pages – 2007
Source : Adsoftheworld,
Agency : IdeaCity Austin (USA)
Idea City : Une agence qui a un certain penchant pour l’imitation?

Changing Billboards Cause Traffic

Secret Diary of a Call Girl

We are all aware that billboard advertising is a good way to get attention. For soap operas like Secret Diary of a Call Girl, added exposure to inform viewers of this TV series will really help them in terms of ratings and all.

But what is controversial about this billboard ad for this soap series is its changing design which has caused some drivers to stop to this unique style of design and change in billboard advertising approach today.

Apparently, the change is from decent to salacious and with that in mind, the public are sure to react towards this different advertising approach.

A spokeswoman for Prime Television, Lisa Franklin, said back-lighting on the boards came up after dark to reveal sexy lingerie on the “call girl”.

Franklin said she was not sure whether the changeover occurred before the “watershed” time of 8:30pm, when adult content is allowed to appear on television.

“That depends on what time it gets dark in Christchurch these days,” Franklin said.

Another billboard, on the corner of Christchurch’s Tuam and Madras streets, features a skirt that blows up in the wind to reveal the legs of a “call girl” clad in suspenders.


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