The Sunday Times: Fashion Royalty Tinie

The Sunday Times.
Best dressed list.

Advertising Agency: Grey, London, UK
Executive Creative Director: Nils Leonard
Creative Director: Dave Monk
Copywriters / Art Directors: Lex Firth, Jamie Starbuck
Art Buyer: Shaun Musgrove
Account Supervisor: Tamsine Foggin
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Nick Stringer
Account Manager: Albert Ponelle
Senior Planners: Matt Gladstone, Hamish Cameron

The Sunday Times: Fashion Royalty Victoria

The Sunday Times.
Best dressed list.

Advertising Agency: Grey, London, UK
Executive Creative Director: Nils Leonard
Creative Director: Dave Monk
Copywriters / Art Directors: Lex Firth, Jamie Starbuck
Art Buyer: Shaun Musgrove
Account Supervisor: Tamsine Foggin
Advertiser’s Supervisor: Nick Stringer
Account Manager: Albert Ponelle
Senior Planners: Matt Gladstone, Hamish Cameron

The Truth About Tracking Consumers Across Devices

As mobile advertising dollars race to catch up with consumers’ evolving behavior, a number of startups have emerged with a tempting proposition: target the same user across both his mobile and desktop devices. It sounds logical: one core driver of advertising performance is frequency of exposure, so increasing this frequency across devices should help. After all, a consumer doesn’t undergo a change of identity when he closes his laptop and opens his smartphone, right?

Yes, but it’s not that simple. Consumers do exhibit different mindsets and behaviors as they use different devices. Though a person remains the same person as he watches prime-time TV, searches for a product on Amazon or checks his Facebook feed, he has a different level of receptivity to advertising in each of these contexts. We can’t effectively use cross-device advertising without taking this into account.

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Eating at Steak ‘n Shake is Now Officially a Form of Martial Arts

Steak ‘n Shakes still exist apparently (ed. This was our college late-night sanctuary), and Minneapolis-based Carmichael Lynch, which took over for KBS+ on the diner chain’s biz in late March, is here for a brand new campaign “Hunger Wisely.” What “Hunger Wisely” means is a bit vague, but, you know, kung-fu masters are wise and hungry people eat food, so why not?

While these ads, which were directed by Harold Einstein of Station Films, are a little nonsensical, they do bring up some important topics. For example, Steak ‘n Shake seems to be pretty cheap. The “shake” in Steak ‘n Shake stands for “milkshake,” as opposed to dancing while eating steak. Finally, Steak ‘n Shake offers hotdogs, one of the few fast food places (other than like Sonic or something) that does so maybe. In other words, you take away that weird kung-fu master stuff, and you’re left with a pretty effective brand awareness campaign. (Checks Google Maps). Too bad I’ll never go to one as there aren’t any in Chicago. Watch a one-minute long video of more kung-fu stuff, and another I embedded of some guy getting his head kicked off, after the jump.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Globe Chair

Etudiant à la Design Academy d’Eindhoven, Michiel van Gageldonk a imaginé cette « Globe chair ». Avec un design très réussi, cette création alliant beauté et confort propose un dossier de forme sphérique. Un projet à découvrir en images sur son portfolio et dans la suite de l’article.

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Campanha do Rdio apresenta novos artistas com animações originais

Apesar de a era do videoclipe ter acabado há algum tempo, o Rdio resolveu apostar em animações originais para chamar a atenção para novos artistas e seus discos na campanha New Music Weekly. Idealizada pela produtora Blacklist, a ação apresentará um vídeo por semana, que será inspirado por uma faixa do álbum que está sendo lançado.

Para a tarefa, a Blacklist está convidando estúdios e diretores conhecidos, como I Love Dust, Holbrooks e Tendril. Cada vídeo terá no máximo 15 segundos e poderá ser conferido no canal do Rdio no YouTube. As atualizações deverão ocorrer sempre às terças-feiras.

Por enquanto já são 3 as animações lançadas no projeto. A última delas, acima, leva a assinatura dos canadenses do estúdio Tendril e acompanha de forma psicodélica o som de Michael Franti.

Ao que parece, a palavra de ordem deste projeto é ecletismo, tanto nos estilos musicais quanto os artísticos. Isso pode ser comprovado, por exemplo, nos trabalhos do I Love Dust para a banda Gauntlet Hair e da dupla Holbrooks para o grupo Gogol Bordello. Imperdível.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Jenny McCarthy to Star in Latest Blu E-Cig Commercials

TV personality Jenny McCarthy, the most recent addition to ABC’s “The View,” is the new face of Blu e-cigarettes, the leading brand in the category.

Ms. McCarthy will star in the brand’s latest TV commercial starting Aug. 5 and webisodes slated for release today, according to Blu, which Lorillard bought for $135 million in 2012.

In the ads, she credits the Blu e-cigarettes for restoring her confidence in her dating life and introduces the Blu eCig Starter Pack, a new product. The webisode is a longer, different version of the TV commercial, in which Ms. McCarthy goes into greater deal about the Starter Pack, a spokeswoman for Blu said.

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New York Times Company Posts a 2nd-Quarter Profit

The media company reported net income of $20.1 million in the second quarter, compared with a loss of $87.6 million in the period a year earlier.


Creature Channels Nostradamus for Capitol Hill Block Party

Seattle shop Creature really loves their window space. We’ve covered some of their pane projects before, like the motion-sensor-triggered mirror installed in April. There’s also the pop-up window shop from last winter. And now recently, as part of Seattle’s Capitol Hill Block Party that ran from July 26-28, Creature used their window space to chute out creative fortunes to festival-goers and set up cameras, so they could see who had what fortune and then make that fortune come true.

Creative Director Pam Fujimoto blogged about the whole experience and described the project as “pure Creature,” which aside from being lyrically fun, also sounds like the name of a bad 80s rock band. Makes you wonder what impure Creature would look like. A sample fortune was: “Someone will tell you you look like a younger Tony Danza.” Others involved $2 bills and Mike & Ike’s. The fortunes themselves aren’t that important, but the execution from staffers who spent their weekend on the venture is not only good free publicity, but just a cool bit to cover on a rainy Thursday.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Mobile Marketing on the Rise – How to Capture Your Moving Audience

The mobile markets are growing or rather, they are still growing. The proliferation of smartphones and tablets is only looking to increase, with many experts stating this may finally be the nail in the coffin for the desktop computer.

In just two more years, users in the US will access more content through their mobile devices than through their computers, with 30% of them using their smartphones or tablets to do Internet searches for local stores or events.

Mobile technology has proven to be incredibly useful to both personal and professional endeavors and goals; thanks to smartphones, we can keep in touch with email from the office and continue to be productive, even if we’re standing in line at a store. Thanks to the app versions of many business and office software, we can continue working on a project even when we’re sitting on the patio of the local deli or in the library.

QR Codes

A big boom for many businesses and products is the use of a QR code generator, which allows users to view products, messages, URLs, and more simply by scanning their smartphones.

Why are QR codes so interesting? The ability to encode what is essentially a barcode with information about your company or product that people can read within minutes is prominent in the new ‘on the go’ world that mobile technology has created. A potential customer passes by an ad or stand with your QR code on it, they can quickly scan it with their smartphone and perhaps look at it later or with the use of an app, view it on their desktop computers once they return home.

Mobile technology as a whole is set to greatly expand, both in terms of use and monetary gain for businesses. In 2013 alone, global ad revenue grew 400% and it’s expected to continue that growth as we head into 2014 and 2015. Now is the perfect time for businesses to look into or prepare their mobile marketing strategies.

QR code generation is just one marketing strategy for mobile, but there’s also email marketing and social media marketing.

Email Marketing

With email marketing, you have your customers sign up for updates or new releases of your products or even a weekly or monthly newsletter that will go straight to their inboxes. Despite the rise of text and chat programs (and along with them, text marketing), email is still a king when it comes to keeping in contact with people and building up communication between parties.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is marketing to users on the various social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Google+. This is sometimes a hard strategy to pull off by businesses, as they will sometimes forget the social aspect within social media; engagement is the important key and the social networks can be a great way to promote the business, the product, the website (where the email or QR code might be), and can go a long way in building trust with consumers.

This is a guest post

The post Mobile Marketing on the Rise – How to Capture Your Moving Audience appeared first on AdPulp.

Skoda Is a Giant Crowd-Pleaser in Delightful, Larger-Than-Life Ad From Fallon

Car ads have disappointed me lately, so I was pleasantly surprised by this Fallon London spot for Skoda, which ranks as one of the more entertaining and memorable commercials in the category so far this year. (It avoids stalling on gooey sentimentality and hey-we-set-a-record! docudrama.) The awesomely realized one-joke spot shows various objects in a typical suburban neighborhood that have become outrageously big and powerful. These include a baby carriage that's more like a tricked-out moon-buggy; an ice-cream truck serving 2-foot-high cones; a lawnmower with eight cylinders; a jackhammer with mini-hammers to really grind up the pavement; a barbecue grill that's a cross between a UFO and a nuclear plant; and a kid's Big Wheel-type tricycle with wildly humongous wheels. Despite all the size and power on display, folks still stare open-mouthed at a dude tooling around in his high-performance Skoda Octavia vRS.

The action manages to be self-consciously silly but never stupid, because the souped-up stuff, while outlandish and cartoony, is nonetheless cool-looking and convincing. (Check out the "behind-the-scenes" clip below, which opens with a spoof commercial for the jet-powered, bomb-proof grill, and shows some of the impressive props being made.) The slogan, "It's not your everyday family car," is a bit weak, but I still got the message that this is one powerful Skoda, and it might just turn some heads on my boring old street. I'm sold … I'll take the grill! (And a chocolate cone with extra sprinkles, please.)


Usain Bolt aprende a falar russo em novo filme da Puma

Duas características são inegáveis em se tratando de Usain Bolt: sua incrível velocidade e o senso de humor apurado. E são estes dois elementos que a Puma explora em um novo filme, que mostra o atleta se preparando para o Campeonato Mundial, que rola agora em agosto, em Moscou. Além dos treinos, ele também esta praticando algumas frases em russo, que certamente serão úteis. Entre elas:

“Meu nome é Usain”

“Sou da Jamaica”

“Minha cor favorita é ouro”

“Você poderia segurar minhas medalhas por um momento, por favor?”

“Os outros caras já cruzaram a linha de chegada?”

O filme em si é super simples, com Bolt ouvindo uma fita cassete (mais old school, impossível, mas também evita associar o atleta a outras marcas e gadgets), enquanto se troca no vestiário. Vale a diversão.


Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Op-Ed: What is Content Strategy, Really?

Alas, our usual Extractable contributor Simon Mathews is sitting this month out, but we gladly welcome this rather epic debut from Dana Larson, VP/user experience at the aforementioned San Francisco agency. Larson has spent 20+ years in the biz, holding a wide range of positions including copywriter, CMO, content strategy director and ECD. Seeing as she has some experience in the content strategy field as noted, Larson offers a comprehensive look into what this job exactly entails. Read on.

Recently I was reading a discussion on LinkedIn Groups about whether or not it was a promotion to go from copywriter to content strategist. I asked one of my old colleagues what he thought, and his response was, “I don’t know…what is content strategy, really?” Actually, that’s a good question as I think a lot of people don’t really know what content strategy is. Erin Kissane explains this phenomena in her book, The Elements of Content Strategy, by saying, “In an industry in which the efforts of visual designers, information architects, front-end developers, and content creators can be seen center-stage when a new website launches, content strategy is a fundamentally backstage discipline.” And because content strategists typically work with all of these more visible roles, it can make their role seem even less clear-cut.

I’ll get to just what a content strategist does in a bit, but first let’s set the stage by taking a look at a website that was clearly designed without the aid of a content strategist. I’m kind of at a loss for words at how a renowned organization like Massachusetts Institute of Technology could produce something like the Center for Advanced Visual Studies website. Its haphazard placement of text islands obscured by clouds of floating type combined with random web 2.0 animations is a recipe for digital indigestion. Wow. Go there. Now. Resize the window. Experience the wonder. It’s the site that keeps on giving.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Table of Power

Au début des années 1990, l’artiste Jacqueline Hassink a photographié les salles de réunion des plus grandes multinationales du monde, comme Mercedes ou BP. Quinze ans plus tard, ces Tables de Pouvoir n’ont pas changé et sont toujours aussi désincarnées. Une belle et alarmante série de photo à découvrir.








Voice Tunnel, instalação audiovisual interativa, ocupa subterrâneo de Nova York

No próximo mês, o túnel de 425 metros da Park Avenue, em Nova York, será interditado aos finais de semana e ocupado por uma instalação audiovisual interativa da artista Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, o Voice Tunnel.

Nos momentos de exibição, até 90 visitantes terão acesso ao subterrâneo e poderão gravar mensagens de voz a serem convertidas em ondas de som e arcos de luz.

Ao entrarem no túnel a pé, os visitantes serão levados ao meio do ambiente para gravarem uma mensagem através de um interfone. As mensagens serão transmitidos ao longo do túnel em forma de onda do audiovisual, com 360 holofotes prontos para acenderem com a intensidade de acordo com o volume da voz.

As mensagens serão gravadas e irão rodar em looping através de 180 auto-falantes. As luzes ficarão posicionadas ao redor das paredes e do teto, interativas devido aos diferentes níveis de intensidade das vozes.

O resultado será uma espécie de código Morse, espalhando flashes sincronizados pelo túnel.


Voice Tunnel é parte do festival de verão que toma as ruas de Nova York no meio do ano. O evento promove tours de bike, festas nas ruas e enormes zonas e novidades a serem exploradas por pedestres.

Ao caminhar, o visitante irá ouvir sussurros de vozes que andaram por ali antes dele, vivendo o espaço com novos olhos, e tendo em mãos o poder de reconfigurá-lo. O tempo se comprimi e, quase estacionado, transforma um túnel no eco da sociedade apressada que vive logo acima.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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U.S. Adults Now Spending More Time on Digital Devices Than Watching TV

American adults this year will for the first time spend more time each day using digital media than watching TV, according to a new report by eMarketer.

Adults in the U.S. are averaging five hours and nine minutes daily with digital media, up from four hours and 31 minutes last year and three hours and 50 minutes in 2011. The amount of time they spend watching TV has essentially stayed flat in that time period. It was pegged at four hours and 31 minutes this year, down slightly from four hours and 38 minutes in 2012.

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36 Gifts for Best Friends – From Sandwiched Friendship Jewelry to Digital Friendship Devices (TOPLIST)

( With International Friendship Day just around the corner, you won’t want to forget about gifts for best friends. The notion of giving your best friend a friendship bracelet or a locket may take…

Chic Housework-Inspired Fashion – ‘Mundane Things’ Shows Appreciation for Everyday Chore (GALLERY)

( Indian fashion designers Nikita and Tina Sutradhar pay tribute to everyday chores in a new collection that features fashion inspired by housework. The siblings, both graduates of London College of…

TBWA\Istanbul Measures Intern Passion via Brainwaves

In a TBWA Facebook post yesterday, the agency wrote “At TBWA\Istanbul the newest interns were picked based on talent AND passion for advertising.” This means that, when potential interns showed up at TBWA’s office in Turkey’s largest city, they were asked to don special headgear that would sense their brain activity. They were then shown a series of legendary ads, while a neuroscientist (presumably) compiled data on their reactions, measuring excitement and infatuation. TBWA branded this measurement category “AdLove,” and from 503 applicants, the five with the most AdLove were given TBWA internships.

Quantifying passion seems completely counter-intuitive to me, though I can’t claim to know anything about the science behind it. When advertising is all about crafting a message (and manipulating your viewer/user) agencies are much better off just assessing an intern’s ability to bullshit their way through an interview, or answer related questions, skills they’ll actually use in the office. Passion should be evident without a sophisticated sensor, and forgoing the expression of it to go straight to neurological action seems the product of poor ad understanding. It may be a cute technological gimmick, but does nothing to prove how qualified (or potentially stoked) these interns are to do the job at hand.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

10 Early-Adopter Brands That Are First to Try New Technology

We’ve all heard the adage that brands are supposed to behave like people on social media. You know your friends who are always first to tell you about some new social platform, who had already made a dozen Vine videos when you decided to give it a try? There are marketers like that too.

1. General Electric

You wouldn’t necessarily expect GE to invest in content for a platform as over-populated by LOLCats (not to mention porn) as Tumblr is, but it has. The marketer is typically always among the first to start publishing content to social platforms with explosive user growth, from Pinterest to Instagram.

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