Robber Meets Fastest Glass Company


OK. Funny. We laughed. Sometimes the best approach is a simple approach. Obvious as this ending may seem once viewed, we were expecting something different. In any event, here’s an interesting commercial for a really fast glass company. And a glass company that, apparently, makes really strong glass.

Sinuous Futuristic Malls – The Galaxy Soho by Zaha Hadid is a Surreal Beijing Structure (GALLERY)

( Architect Zaha Hadid has done it again with the Galaxy Soho. A stunning sight to behold, it is the latest development for the architectural guru. Constructed in Beijing, China, the Galaxy Soho is a…

Acer: Megan Fox, a bióloga marinha

Continuando sua boa campanha que começou com Kiefer Sutherland, a Acer traz agora Megan Fox como protagonista de um comercial tão bem humorado quanto.

Assim como Jack Bauer tinha uma paixão – assar cupcakes – Megan também vai em busca de trabalhar com o que gosta: vida marinha.

Ao ouvir mais uma proposta absurda de roteiro, a atriz levanta da mesa do restaurante e salva a vida de duas lagostas que estavam no aquário. É a partir daí que ela passa meses em um laboratório tentando decifrar a língua dos golfinhos.

De maneira divertida e original, a Acer explora aqui um conceito bem comum – que é mostrar que seus computadores são ideais qualquer que seja a sua vocação – mas sem cair no clichê, e não deixando de destacar características do produto.

A criação é da Mother London.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Arby’s (Sort of) Locates "The Back" of Subway


Likely, you’ve seen the commercials on TV already. The Arby’s commercials claiming Subway doesn’t slice its meat in the back of the store but in a warehouse far, far away. Yesterday, the brand launched a five minute, CP+B created, Larry Charles-directed video featuring retired NYPD detective Bo Dietl.

In the video, Dietl, who, we are told, was hired by Arby’s, sets out to find just where “the back” of Subway is located. ALong the way, we are regaled with stories of Dietl’s work for the NYPD, how he’s all about determining truth and the first time he ate at an Arby’s in 1969.

Sadly, we don’t really get to see where Subway slices its meat. One assumes it’s inside the big white warehouse to which Dietl delivers us but it woulf have been nice to have seen Dietl actually infiltrate the place with a hidden camera scenario. Alas, most ad agencies aren’t like PETA and don’t go that extra mile when creating commercial documentaries.


O animador Evan Seitz fez diversos vídeos com alfabetos formados por inúmeros referências. O mais popular deles é o ABCinema, onde cada filme representa uma letra.

Sua nova criação é o Alphagames, um alfabeto animado com referências dos games. Funciona como um quiz. Você é capaz de descobrir todos?

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Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody Now Sells Gum


Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. A classic with such staying power it will likely be played as we earthlings launch our first armada of Starships into space some hundred years or so from now. But, for the time being, Brazil’s F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi has put it to use in a new commercial for Trident.

To illustrate the refreshing, full flavor of Trident Fresh, a man experiences a bit of Queen while visiting an otherwise very quiet pet shop. Produced by Stink Sao Paulo, the :60 is filled with a menagerie of digitally animated pets that deliver full bore Bohemian Rhapsody.

We last saw Bohemian Rhapsody bring bravura to an ad for the new Cosmopolitan in Vegas.

More Than Human

More Than Human est le titre de la dernière série de photographies de Tim Flach. Réunissant des portraits d’animaux dans le cadre de son prochain livre, le photographe nous propose de découvrir des clichés époustouflants de divers espèces, permettant ainsi de dévoiler des facettes plus qu’humaines de ces animaux.

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3M Nexcare: Hero, Ninja, Little Red Hat



little red hat

“For cartoon lovers.”

Advertising Agency: Grey Group, Hong Kong
Executive Creative Director: Keith Ho
Creative Directors: Kym Ma, Jeff Tsang
Art Director: Henry Kwok
Photographer: Jason To
Retoucher: In-between
Print Producer: Ken Yau

Volkswagen Amarok: Marvelous Machine

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy, Cape Town, South Africa
Executive Creative Director: Chris Gotz
Creative Director: Jacques Massardo
Agency Producer: Iris Vinnicombe
Production Company: Velocity Films
Director: Keith Rose
Producer: Grant Davies
Director Of Photography: Peter Tischauser
Art Director: Leon Morland
Editor & Company: Ricky Boyd / Deliverance Post Production
Visual Effects: Searle Street Post
Music Company / Composer / Sound: Pulse Music
Post Production Offline: Searle Street Post

Tipp-Ex: Mistakes

tipp ex mistakes

Advertising Agency: Les Chauds Lapins, Paris, France
Art Director: Loïc Naga
Copywriter: Nicolas Richard

Hot, Half-Naked French Guy Gets Mustard Massage in GOLDaid Ad


A little Old Spice. A little DollarShaveClub. And a little, well, just odd. Here’s some new work from Quebec agency 32 Mars for cold remedy medicine GOLDaid featuring a hot French guy wearing next to nothing. Our man attempts all kinds of cold remedies before he turns to GOLDaid. Mustard massage. Spicy Soup. And a full immersion ointment bath. But, in the end, it’s GOLDaid (with help from the internet) that brings relief.

Braincast 39 – Apple pós-Jobs: A inovação acabou?

Após um ano da morte de Steve Jobs – e da Apple chegar ao auge do prestígio e da solidez financeira com 100 bilhões de dólares em caixa – muitos questionam a falta de novos produtos inovadores há dois anos. Seria o fim da era de ouro da empresa ou ainda virá muito por aí?

Para conversar sobre o assunto, Carlos Merigo, Saulo Mileti, Luiz Yassuda, Leonardo Dias (TAXI) e Thiago Mobilon (Tecnoblog) bateram um papo relembrando os últimos lançamentos, características e anseios dos usuários Apple, diferenciais em relação a alguns concorrentes e outros temas.

Faça o download ou dê o play abaixo:

> 0h01m30 Comentando os Comentários
> 0h52m15 Borracharia do Sr. Abel
> 0h55m15 Qual é a boa?

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Teaser poster de “Wolverine”

Com Logan em Tóquio na trama do filme, esse é o tipo de arte minimamente esperada. Porém, não deixa de ser uma boa peça para os fãs do personagem, com Wolverine desenhado em estilo caligráfico japonês.

Dirigido por James Mangold, o longa tem estreia mundial marcada para 26 de julho de 2013. O diretor conta com “Johnny & June” no currículo, mas, na minha opinião, tem uma carreira oscilante demais para assumir um projeto desse tipo.

Na conversa abaixo, publicada há poucas horas, MAngold e o ator Hugh Jackman contaram sobre suas expectativas e experiências com o filme, que está sendo rodado no momento em estúdio na Austrália.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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15 Steps Towards Profitable Content Marketing


Content marketing, the strategy du jour and yet another name for blogging, is said to attract customers, build trust and bring visibility to your brand for minimal expense.

But what exactly is content marketing, why would you want to do it and how would you start? Glad you asked. Vocus enlisted four of the biggest content experts out there – Joe Chernov, Scott Stratten, Ann Handley and Adam Singer – to write an expert guide containing 15 great tips to get your content motor started!

In the guide, you will learn:

  • How to make content that really appeals to customers
  • How and where to publish it, so it gets found by more people
  • How to pick the best stories to tell to get people interested
  • How it’s easy to get your colleagues creating great content too!>/li>
  • Content marketing done well is worth its weight in gold.

Download the report now to learn how content marketing can work for your brand.

Mike Cornwell to lead IDM

Mike Cornwell, the former CEO of TBWA\GGT and MRM London, is to join the Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing (IDM) as CEO on 5 November.

How to Sell Your Product: Tips from the Presidential Debates

When you consider the task of selecting the leader of the free world, you would think that a pretty rigorous analysis would be in order. But as voters few of us actually do that. We rely much less on facts than we care to admit or even realize. We generally default to how we feel about the candidates.

After each of the three presidential debates this year, for example, most public discussion wasn’t focused on what the candidates said about issues. Instead, the chatter in the media, at the office and on Twitter about who won was much more concerned with how well each candidate had performed.

Mitt Romney repositioned himself during the first debate not so much by his content, but by actions and demeanor. While many had written him off because of President Obama’s lead in the polls, Romney’s confidence reinvigorated the perception of him as a viable candidate. Obama’s demeanor achieved the opposite effect, as he appeared cautious and distracted.

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MasterCard Set to Select Ketchum as New PR Shop

MasterCard is set to select Omnicom’s Ketchum as its corporate PR agency in the U.S. following a competitive review, Ad Age has learned.

IPG incumbent Weber Shandwick competed with Ketchum in the final round. Initially, the brief went out to independents Ruder Finn, Edelman, Taylor Strategy and APCO, as well as Next Fifteen’s Bite and WPP’s Public Strategies and Cohn & Wolfe. After the initial briefing, at least a few of these agencies decided not to participate, according to people familiar with the matter.

Cohn & Wolfe has supported various digital and social efforts for the company, APCO has provided reputation and issues-management services and Taylor has worked on various consumer efforts. It’s not immediately clear how the change will affect the PR shops still involved with the company, but the move is a blow to incumbent Weber Shandwick. The agency has worked with MasterCard for at least a few years and continues to work with the company in various global markets, including Asia and Europe.

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34 Serial Killer-Inspired Products – Revist These Dexter Products for the Season 7 Premiere

( The Dexter season 7 premiere was every bit as good as people thought it would be. The blood-filled television series has been going strong for a long time and this collection of serial killer-…

Sony Music Timeline

Afin de célébrer les 125 années de Sony Music, Alex Fowkes a réalisé une fresque au cœur des bureaux à Londres de Sony retraçant ainsi en typographie les noms des 1 000 artistes ayant pu signer avec Sony et ses filiales depuis 1887. Un rendu magnifique à découvrir en vidéo sur une musique d’Avenue Beech.

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Laura Mvula e sua homenagem à simplicidade

Quantas vezes você já não se viu repetindo o famoso “tão simples e tão bom” ao se deparar com alguma ideia que fez cair seu queixo, ou com alguma sacada que, de tão óbvia, você ficou com raiva por não ter sido sua?


Em todos os campos da criatividade isso acontece com muita frequência. A gente passa nossos dias tentando impressionar com alguma coisa inovadora, mirabolante, traquitanas e afins, e às vezes se esquece de buscar a simplicidade, o óbvio, o que sempre esteve ali debaixo do nosso nariz.


Aí sempre vem aquela ideia, aquele filme, aquele quadro, aquele verso que te derruba com tanta simplicidade.


Com música é a mesma coisa, e a Laura Mvula entrou no cenário britânico justamente por ser assim. Não tem superprodução, não tem firulas eletrônicas, não tem efeitos especiais nem loops mirabolantes. E por isso mesmo soa tão denso e completo.


O single She vai  ser lançado dia 19 de novembro no Reino Unido. Se o primeiro album de estreia de Laura for inteiro assim, eu já sei o que vou pedir de Natal este ano.


Simples, bonito e eficaz.




Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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