‘Help’ Remedies Founder Richard Fine Returns to MDC’s Redscout

Redscout is bringing back Richard Fine, co-founder and CEO of consumer health brand Help Remedies, as the branding agency scrambles to manage its rapid growth.

Mr. Fine is returning in the role of managing partner, overseeing the strategy and creative teams. Redscout says it created the role to ensure that as the boutique grows, its size doesn’t stifle creativity.

In his prior position at the New York-based branding shop, Mr. Fine served as a partner and strategic director for four years. After leaving in late 2007, just after Redscout sold to MDC Partners, he launched Help, a popular line of consumer-health products known for eye-catching packaging and quirky names like, “Help I Can’t Sleep” and “Help I Have a Headache.”

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Aplicativo usa Instagram para criar guias visuais de viagem

O Instagram pode ser uma ótima ferramenta para compartilhar fotos, mas também possui um poderoso acervo de dados visuais que podem ser aproveitados para gerar insights sobre o que está rolando ao redor do mundo.

“Com a habilidade de processar fotos públicas do Instagram, Jetpac pode oferecer infinitas recomendações do mundo todo”. – CEO Julian Green, via TechCrunch 

Com isso em mente, o novo Jetpac City Guide usa o Instagram para ajudar os viajantes a escolherem lugares a serem visitados em cada cidade.

O aplicativo usa algoritmos de reconhecimento e análise de imagens para determinar o que está acontecendo em cada foto – se as pessoas estão felizes, qual o estilo delas, onde estão, o que estão fazendo, etc.

A partir das análises, Jetpac faz uma curadoria de lugares para se visitar em cada cidade que o viajante buscar, apresentando informações relevantes e também as fotos em que a seleção foi baseada.

Algumas das top listas são, por exemplo, “Happiest places in town” e “Hipster hangouts” em São Francisco, ou “Bars with best views” e “Best beer places” em Nova York.

Mostrando a sensação do lugar e as pessoas que o frequentam, fotos não mentem.


Com dicas totalmente visuais, os usuários podem escolher qual lugar visitar observando o clima e o estilo das pessoas, das atividades e dos lugares fotografados.

Por enquanto, o aplicativo já possui uma coleção de guias visuais contemplando mais 5 mil cidades ao redor do mundo.

Jetpac City Guides App está disponível de graça para iOS.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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6 Steps to Make Your Mobile Website Shine


True it’s not rocket science, but getting what you need from your mobile website is not as easy as shrinking down your desktop content and moving it around. Not if you want to drive real outcomes, not if you want your mobile site to shine. Here are six steps to getting your mobile site on the road to greatness:

1. Pick An Outcome

Figure out what it is you want your visitor to do, the task they must perform to create what you need. These vary greatly but every nuance falls into five general categories – revenue, data, brand engagement, promotion, or drive traffic. Figure yours out, and stick to it (maybe two).

– Revenue/Commerce

If your company has items or services for sale directly, then your primary goal on-line is to convince the visitor to purchase your goods.

– Data Collection

If your primary goal is to gather information, build a data base of emails, or collect data for direct sales initiatives, then innovative solutions are needed to convince a data collection weary world to give you their information or participate in your survey.

– Enhanced Engagement

If your company wants to immerse visitors in your brand, then a digital experience that encourages interaction and increased time on site is necessary.

– Drive Traffic

If you want to create foot traffic into your brick and mortar location or sort the traffic digitally directing it to other properties, then a compelling digital pathway in impetrative.

– Promotion

If you are championing an idea, product, movement, or philanthropy, then creating engaging ways to inform and garner support and sharing is your digital mission.

2. Build A Path

Once you understand your objective, the outcome you want from your visitors, build a path and they will follow. Create a clear and direct digital linear pathway for your visitors to follow and put what you want them to do at the end. When your path is built with your visitor in mind you will be astounded by the compliance rates. However, if your mobile path way(s) look more like twisty country roads with infinite possibilities, your visitors will get lost in the Tulgey Wood and never find their way to the Queen.

3. Know Your Audience

Look back, you may have missed a very important point that actually deserves an entire article itself – “with your visitor in mind”. It is of the utmost importance to understand your audience. Just as you must choose one outcome to be effective, it is imperative that you speak to someone in particular. Not everyone, not even most people, speak to a very specific audience. You’ve heard the saying, “When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one.” Nowhere is this more true than mobile.

4. Less Is More

What’s true for salt, make-up and feng shui furniture placement is also true for mobile design, less is more. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to fit everything which is on your desktop onto your mobile site. It makes for a cluttered look and lots of scrolling for your visitors – if they don’t bounce first. Choose only content that makes sense with your chosen outcome and cut down on your copy.

5. Use Mobile Design Elements

Elements which are fantastic on desktop do not always translate to mobile. Create new or redesign elements specifically for your mobile site, to work well with mobile sized screens. Three quick examples, of which there are many, would be:

– Simplify and flatten – The nuances of intricately detailed logos, icons, and design features are lost on mobile and can look wonky (yes it’s a real word and perfect for this purpose).

– Symbols not words – To keep your site from looking cluttered, use conventional mobile symbols rather than words for taps to call, connect socially or find the menu.

– Customization creates space – Customized social icons can help create a cohesive look and gives the site a less cluttered look.

6. Freshen Up Often

Just as horses can smell fear and your mother knew you had not cleaned your room just by looking at your face, mobile visitors can spot an old site within seconds. Freshen up your content often and plan on a redesign at least once a year to stay current.

This contributed article was written by James Ramsey, CEO of Fiddlefly, a digital creative agency.

For Creative Thinkers: Lessons From the Dairy Case

The dairy aisle isn’t the most inviting hangout spot. It’s a cold, fluorescent-lit place where shoppers’ eyes can glaze over before a massive wall of yogurt options in the search for something Greeker or cheaper among all those plastic tubs. Most people grab their favorite brand and a gallon of milk and get the hell out of there.

But people in advertising are not “most people.” I once stood in the dairy aisle of my local Wegmans for over 30 minutes, looking a bit suspect, if not entirely creepy, I am sure, to the grocery retailer’s many employees. I was watching people buy cottage cheese.

Continue reading at AdAge.com

Newcastle Brown Ale’s S**** B*** ad they can’t afford

“Gird your loins for what would have been the biggest football game ad ever.”

Redefining Luxury, the 2014 Wienermoble Is Now Available for Lease

My dream of hogging the road in a 27-foot-long, 14,000-pound frankfurter could finally become a reality if I win Oscar Mayer's contest to let someone "lease" a 2014 Wienermobile for a day.

McGarryBowen touts the promotion in an amusing spoof of a luxury car ad tagged "Form. Meats. Function." Potential leaseholders are asked to tweet with the hashtag #Tweet2Lease to explain why they are worthy—or as the ad puts it in dealership pricing terms, "1 tweet and 140 characters down." 

Per Wienermobile regulations, you get to ride in the huge hot dog, but not actually drive it, but looking at the entries, it's clear that most are dreaming of getting behind the wheel instead of just riding sausage-shotgun.

So far, the contest tweets are a mixed bag. @ForeverZoe1 claims, "I deserve to drive the wienermobile to Prom," while @piggiepi pleads, "Can I please have the biggest wiener for one day?" My favorite, via @stevierut, is dripping with brandcentric sarcasm: "I have 176 followers and they're all VERY influential opinion leaders." Then there's this inevitable, if no longer particularly timely bon mot from @AdverTina: "I want 2 use the @Wienermobile 2 visit @anthonyweiner's house."

Don't strain too hard to compose the perfect 140 characters or fret over endless (and in most cases, utterly predictable) puns. The lucky wiener … er, winner will be chosen at random on Feb. 7.


Google patents mobile ads offering free rides to stores in self-driving cars

The US Patent and Trademark Office has granted Google a patent that will allow companies to serve ads to mobile devices, offering a free ride to their store if an algorithm works out it is cost-efficient.

Newcastle Brown Ale: The Teaser for the Trailer for Newcastle’s Mega Huge Football Game Ad

URL: http://www.ifwemadeit.com

Advertising Agency: Droga5, UK

Newcastle Brown Ale: The ad Newcastle made to prepare you for the ad we didn’t make

URL: http://www.ifwemadeit.com

Advertising Agency: Droga5, UK

Horror Channel Really Wants to Give You Nightmares

Been sleeping a little too well lately? Wish you could have some creepy nightmares instead of your usual, boring Angela Lansbury sex dreams? Horror Channel UK would like to help you out with that. They worked with Hamburg-based, BBDO Worldwide agency Interone to create “Night Terror,” a mobile app designed to give you nightmares.

Based on research showing that “the things we hear before we go to sleep and during the R.E.M phase affects our dreams,” the free app allows the user to choose from a list of horror stories, then place the phone next to their pillow and listen to the story as they fall asleep. When the phone detects that the user is in the R.E.M. phase of sleep (I’m not clear on how the app does this), “subtle story-related sound effects play to the subconscious,” presumably directing a nightmare in the user. Upon waking, the user can review his or her sleep cycle statistics, and share their experience across social media.

The app contains original stories as well as stories based on upcoming Horror Channel programming, so users of “Night Terror” can actually get a preview of future Horror Channel programming while asleep. The official launch date for “Night Terror” is scheduled for Feb. 28, at which time it will be available for free in both iPhone and Android formats. Credits after the jump. continued…

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Sweden Is Proud That Living There Is Like Being a Spoiled Rich Man-Child

In America, you'd need to have a rich, overindulgent father to have the lifestyle of your average Swedish worker, says a bizarre new ad from a Swedish trade organization. 

TCO, an umbrella confederation that includes a number of unions, presents to you "Like a Swede," a three-and-a-half-minute ode to the many benefits—like long vacations and employer pensions—enjoyed by Swedish employees. 

The story is told, quite surreally, through character Joe Williams, a resident of Beverly Hills. His dad, also his boss, treats him to six weeks of annual vacation and six months of paternity leave. Williams all-around enjoys a life of opulence thanks to his decision to live "like a Swede."

For the uninitiated, living like a Swede means using your friskvårdskbidraget, a Swedish health-care stipend, to hire a celebrity personal trainer—but only for a few minutes a year, because, you know, such social support only goes so far. It also includes playing kubb, a Swedish lawn game involving the tossing of wooden sticks; drinking nubbe, a Swedish liquor; and, we're told, singing a song about how the Swedish labor negotiation model is the greatest.

In other words, Swedes are, in a roundabout way, poking fun at Swedes for being spoiled. Credit for their advantages, the spot sort of explains, goes to the Swedish model of labor negotiations, which depends on a high level of collaboration between workers and employees groups and limited government involvement. 

If you're still totally clueless as to what the hell is actually going on, a spokesperson for TCO sheds some light on the campaign in English-language European publication The Local. "It's to make the Swedish Model more visible in a different way. People often know very little about it, which makes it harder for the unions to justify their own existence," says the spokesperson. "The Swedish Model means that the two parties can talk about what is needed in that particular industry, and be supple, rather than have very rigid legislation that we don't think is good for the Swedish economy."

The spot is one of the most intricately produced awareness ads you'll ever see. But if you're a non-Swede like me, by the time you're done unraveling it, you'll probably be too exhausted to laugh.

Via Ads of the World.


2014 Calendar With Flavours

Un collectif de designers anglais travaillant chez Nearly Normal Craft ont conçu un calendrier très coloré pour la nouvelle année 2014. Chaque mois est représenté par un fruit imprégné du chiffre du mois en cours. Ce mois de janvier a donc un goût de pomme rouge faite de papier et de collage. Plus de détails dans la suite.


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Hilariously Violent Tablet Stickers – Give You iPad Some Life with the Apple Killer iPad Decal

(TrendHunter.com) The Apple Killer iPad Decal is a hilarious way to add personality and zest to your handy Apple tablet.

The iPad Apple Killer decal transforms the iconic Apple logo on the back of the iPad into one…

75 Amazing Animal Art Pieces – From Dog Lattes to Recycled Keyboard Horses (TOPLIST)

(TrendHunter.com) Animal art pieces are amazing. The study of the human form is necessary and beautiful in its own respect, but the study of animals is consistently beautiful for its innocence and diversity….

The Street Store

The Street Store a été fondé par Max Pazak et Kayli Vee Levitan de l’agence M&C Saatchi Abel en Afrique. Il s’agit d’une action caritative qui utilise seulement des affiches comme un espace de magasin, pour permettre aux sans-abris d’avoir de nouveaux vêtements offerts par des passants. Une belle leçon de générosité.


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Top 5 propagandas mais populares da semana: 17-23 Janeiro

Confira abaixo os 5 vídeos publicitários mais viralizados da semana, entre os dias 17 e 23 de janeiro de 2014, segundo levantamento da BrandMagz.

O ranking leva em consideração apenas as campanhas lançadas no período da análise, e a classificação é feita de acordo com o máximo de compartilhamentos acumulados em 24 horas nas redes sociais.

1. Old Spice: “Internetervention”

E sua nova campanha online, a Old Spice criou diversos sites falsos promovendo produtos bizarros. Quem clica, acaba levando uma intervenção de Isaiah Mustafa.

Cada site traz um vídeo diferente, são 9 no total: zaneckworkouts.com, glitzelectronics.com, toughsheets.com, smellpulse.com, partytanz.com, brodominiums.com, freshbodycoupons.com e flavorpatch.com

A criação é da Wieden + Kennedy de Portland.

Recorde de compartilhamento em 24 horas: 322 mil



2. Omaze: “Arnold Works at Gold’s”

Em uma campanha social da Omaze, Arnold Schwarzenegger aparece disfarçado para trabalhar na academia Gold, em Venice, California, a mesma que ele frequentava na década de 1970. Arnold se apresenta como Howard, e surpreende os alunos com conselhos de treino.

Visualizações acumuladas: + 8.5 milhões
Recorde de compartilhamento em 24 horas: 174 mil


3. Aerie: “No Retouching”

A grife Aerie lançou uma campanha com modelos que não foram retocadas digitalmente nas imagens. A marca incentiva o uso da hashtag #aeriereal, para que as consumidores compartilhem fotos reais de si próprias.

Recorde de compartilhamento em 24 horas: 45 mil



4. Let’s Move: “The Miami Heat at the White House”

Como parte do programa governamental Let’s Move, a primeira dama dos EUA, Michelle Obama, recebe os jogadores do Miami Heat na Casa Branca. Ela e os astros da NBA dão dicas para se obter uma alimentação saudável.

Visualizações acumuladas: + 2.7 milhões
Recorde de compartilhamento em 24 horas: 36 mil


5. CCAA: “Para nossa alegria”

A escola de inglês resgatou a dupla do meme “Para nossa alegria”, que canta aqui a música com a participação da atriz americana Jessica Alba.

Visualizações acumuladas: + 440 mil
Recorde de compartilhamento em 24 horas: 26 mil



BrandMagz é uma revista de monitoramento das redes sociais atualizada em tempo real. Ideal para quem precisa tirar o pulso da marca a qualquer momento.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Microsoft, Machinima ‘Native’ Ad YouTube Blunder Risks FTC Ire

Native advertising can be a murky — and if not done right, illegal — business. Just ask Microsoft.

Microsoft recently signed a sponsored content deal with YouTube network Machinima to promote the Xbox One gaming console. As part of the deal, Machinima recruited some YouTube creators to post videos positively promoting Microsoft’s product in exchange for ad dollars.

One problem: a number of the sponsored videos didn’t disclose that they were sponsored, as first reported by tech news site Ars Technica. That could draw scrutiny from an already hawkish Federal Trade Commission, which issued rules on the matter in 2009.

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Transport for London Campaign

Le designer et illustrateur anglais Chris LaBrooy, dont nous avons déjà parlé sur Fubiz avec le projet Auto Aerobics, a été sollicité par Transport for London pour créer des affiches de publicité. Le projet a été conçu avec l’agence M&C Saatchi basée à Londres, sous la direction artistique de Will Bates.

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Maryland Gooeys launches £3m ad boost

Burton’s Biscuit Company is backing its Maryland Gooeys range with a £3 million adspend, beginning with a TV ad that breaks today.

Kit transforma câmera Lomo em Polaroid

Novo lançamento da Lomography Society promete unir duas paixões e obsessões fotográficas: uma câmera Lomo e filmes instantâneos similares ao resultado de uma Polaroid.

O projeto Belair X Instant Kit basicamente acrescenta ao modelo de câmera Belair X 6-12 a capacidade de imprimir as fotos tiradas na hora, usando o filme Fuji Instax Wide.

A Belair X 6-12 é uma câmera panorâmica dobrável, com lentes intercambiáveis, um medidor eletrônico com exposição automática e máscaras que fotografam em diferentes tamanhos (6×6, 6×9 e 6×12).

Essas suas características se encaixam bem na proposta de “resgatar a Polaroid”, onde duas tecnologias vintages se unem em um único projeto.

Belair Instant Kit custa U$ 89 e vem com uma combinação premium da Belair X 6-12 Camera com o Instant Back, parte mecânica que integra a função de filme instantâneo.


O resultado são fotografias incrivelmente retrôs.


Como a loja virtual da Lomography no Brasil fechou, a pré-venda está disponível apenas via site americano.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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