Car crash: don’t text and drive

A shocking video that makes quite bad advertising for Orange when the logo appears on the phone just before the crash. No idea who has done it but I guess it’s to prevent driver to use their phone while they are driving.

Sky hits out at BBC Trust handling of Project Canvas

LONDON – BSkyB has written to the BBC Trust to express concerns over the proposed launch of internet TV service Project Canvas.

Eat Real, Eat Local

A la manière de la publicité Sprint – What’s Happening, voici cet excellent spot canadien “Eat Real, Eat Local” reprenant des données statistiques en les affichant de manière infographiques. Dirigé par Steve Gordon, en collaboration avec l’agence Ogilvy Toronto.


Site de l’opération Eat Real, Eat Local

Previously on Fubiz

What’s Your Twitter Mojo?

We all know ego is at least part of the reason many folks collect followers and friends — and the folks over at Yahoo must know that, too. They're trying to promote the portal's new home page with a tool called "Know your Mojo," which assesses your Twitter personality.

It’s all about the strategy.

trueblood_posterI was speaking with a co-worker today and we began talking about how, with the recent major decrease in the economy and spending, companies have stopped using their employee’s brains and are doing the bare minimum to keep companies afloat. This is probably the worst idea companies have ever had (and that’s saying something).

Companies are no longer buying marketing and advertising spots to save money. This idea has killed off corporations and lesser known items have taken its spot. Why? Because the smaller company didn’t forget to use a strategy.

It’s not that one product was better than another, it’s that the small corporation took the money that they had reserved for marketing and actually used it for, surprise, marketing. They created a campaign, a strategy, and while the big company sat on their hands and saved their money, the lesser known of the two became the top seller.

Here’s another analogy to put it into perspective. Remember the guy in your high school that every girl had a crush on, but he really wasn’t that great (or maybe he was, but there may have been better in the school, too)? Guess what, he had a strategy, and it worked. Whether it was being rude to girls, ignoring them, or playing a great game, he had a strategy. The rest of the male population only knew they liked a girl and that was as far as they got.

Advertising and marketing is the same. It’s all about the strategy. I’ve tried numerous unknown products and found that, in some cases, the product is better than the large corporate products, but they’re missing a great advertising campaign and the strategy that comes with it.

Perhaps the best strategic campaign, and we’ve all heard of it, is HBO’s True Blood. Not only did they have fantastic print ads, but they also had Web Sites for vampires (which surprisingly all the vampires we have in the world tell their secrets on), a synthetic blood drink for vampires which they had print ads for as well, True Blood books and numerous interactive sites and games. They even brought in other vendors, such as the Mini Cooper. And part of their strategy was the option to spend money for different campaigns in different continents. There wasn’t just one campaign for the entire world. And the consumer advocates built out of this strategy was immense.

Let’s go back in time to the 1680’s, where the word strategy was developed. The word “strategy” actually comes from war, meaning, “to lead.” It’s the science or art of combining and employing the means of war in planning and directing large military movements and operations.

What I’m saying is this – It’s all about strategy. A corporation could have the best product, idea, etc., but if there’s no strategy, there’s no competition. So go to war, strategize, and be victorious.

Finally, a Successful Ad-Supported Music Site

LONDON ( — Faced with declining CD sales and rampant, unmonetized online sharing of their music, record labels need to figure out new ways to make money, and their best hope may just be a much-hyped European startup called Spotify.

The Fray – Heartless

Sweet cover!

Samsung ensina como dominar a técnica das fotos “the angles”

Samsung The Angles

“Beware the angles”, ou seja, cuidado com os ângulos. Esse aviso é regra básica de qualquer rede social. Você vê a foto daquela garota linda, a procura de caras como você, mas todas as fotos dela não passam dos temíveis “the angles”. Se você for esperto, foge, caso contrário, marca um encontro e nunca mais será o mesmo.

Não dá para confiar em thumbnails, não dá para confiar em qualquer foto “the angles”. Essa já era a lição número 1 do “Myspace: The Movie”, em um longínquo fevereiro de 2006.

A Samsung resolveu brincar com isso em sua nova campanha online para as câmeras ST550 e TL225. São modelos que trazem uma pequena tela LCD na parte frontal, para assim você poder planejar melhor a sua temível foto “the angle”.

Na série de vídeos “Master The Power Of The Angles”, criados pela The Viral Factory, a Samsung vai lhe ensinar como dominar essa técnica milenar de parecer mais bonito do que parece nas fotos que infestam redes sociais mundo afora. Comece pelo vídeo abaixo, escolha uma das opções apresentadas e aprenda:

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Update: Qual o advergame mais antigo do mundo?


Se você também nasceu nos anos 80, vai se lembrar um pouco do Mc Kids. Ele foi um famoso game de console que o Mc Donald’s lançou no início dos anos 90, especialmente para a plataforma NES.

Embora houvessem algumas controvérsias em relação a influência do game sobre os hábitos alimentares do jovens consumidores, ele se tornou um sucesso de vendas. Foi levado para a Europa, lá chamado de Mc Land, onde também sumia das prateleiras rapidamente, chegando a ser adaptado para PC (MS-DOS) e até Game Boy.

O caso do Mc Kids reverte a defesa de muitos especialistas que afirmam que o advergame é uma “nova mídia“. Até mesmo seu maior concorrente, o Burger King, se posiciona entre os principais benchmarks quando o assunto é advergame. Vide os jogos que eles vendem sob a plataforma Microsoft Xbox.

Hoje, dificilmente você vai entrar em um site de algum produto voltado para crianças e adolescentes, e não se deparar com um joguinho online. O mesmo acontece hoje com mobile applications de muitas marcas. Isso significa que o negócio virou commodity. Inovador foi o pessoal do Mc Donald’s, que instituiu uma ferramenta pouco ou quase nada utilizada pelas marcas como uma estratégia de marketing, naquela época.
Sendo assim, olhamos para trás e vemos que a inovação propriamente dita precisa ser revista e repensada pelas marcas e suas consultoras.

:: UPDATE ::

Depois de vasculhar mais um pouco sobre o histórico dessa plataforma, e receber algumas dicas de leitores, resolvi atualizar o post com a ordem cronológica dos primeiros advergames da história – que se tem registro. Veja na sequência:

Pepsi Invaders (1983)

Este foi um jogo de Atari criado pela Coca-Cola. A mecânica era semelhante ao do Space Invaders, só que os aliens eram substituidos por letras que completavam a palavra Pepsi.

Yo! Noid (1990)

Lançado em 1990, o Yo! Noid era um joguinho de aventura, onde o personagem principal era o Noid, mascote da Domino’s Pizza. O manual do jogo vinha com um cupom de desconto de 1 dólar da Domino’s.

Mc Kids (1991)

Dicas do Flavio Serpa, Orlando Callegari e Ricardo Guimarães.

Feartography – Tiago Ribeiro Recreates Common ‘Phobias’ (GALLERY)

( Many of us are scared of something, whether it’s clowns or failure, and Tiago Ribeiro’s ‘Phobias’ photo set recreates these fears in artistic fashion.

From taphophobia, the fear of being buried alive,…

PacBlue Printing: Oversize business cards


Oversized business cards were delivered to ad agencies and design companies to promote PacBlue Printing’s high quality large format printing capabilities.

Advertising Agency: Hot Tomali Communications, Vancouver, Canada
Creative Director: Thomas Stringham
Art Director: Patrick Chambers
Copywriter / Photographer: Thomas Stringham

Ramadan Kareem from Graph Advertising

Click Image To Enlarge

Advertising company: Graph Advertising Company, Saudi Arabia
Creative director: Sultan Al-mansor
Idea and concept: Abdulsalam Moh. Salah
Art direction: Abdulsalam Moh. Salah

Futuristic Jewelry for Men – Yoolhee Ko’s Stunning Plastic Pieces Are Large Light (GALLERY)

( These dazzling pieces of jewelry were designed for men by Yoolhee Ko. Born in South Korea and now living in Belgium, she possesses a fresh and futuristic take on accessories.

Yoolhee Ko’s oversized faux…

Dramatic Rooftop Pools – Universe Beach House Centers On Swimming Spectacular Views (GALLERY)

( The Universe Beach House is highlighted by its dramatic circular rooftop swimming pool. The extraordinary home, designed by architect Tatiana Bilbao, is located seaside in Mexico and has been situated…

Multi-Hued Crayons – AssistOn’s RichColorCRAYON Blends Several Shades in One (GALLERY)

( The AssistOn RichColorCRAYON is a clever coloring implement that blends several different shades into a single crayon.

Crayon drawings made with the AssistOn RichColorCRAYON have far more depth than…

Water-Soluble Bikinis – Dissolving Bathing Suit is Perfect for Summertime Revenge

( This dissolving bathing suit is water soluble, which means that after exposure to water for three minutes, it will disappear completely. Talk about a gag gift!

The dissolving bathing suit is a fantastically…

Fashion-Forward Designs – James Tunick’s Naked Suit for Esquire (GALLERY)

( The Naked Suit by Richard James and Spencer Tunick is part of a special feature in the new September issue of Esquire magazine that aims to reinvent the male suit.

The magazine commissioned eighteen of…

Want to get freaky at work? – EXPLOITING CHAOS eCard (ECARD)

( Hire Freaks

Creative, eclectic people are more fun. It’s a fact. Tom Peters likes to use the term “freaks,” noting that he loves freaks for many reasons. In his “Re-imagine” presentation slides, Tom notes…

Emergency Torches

Agency: Publicis Communications, Delhi, India
Executive Creative Director /Copywriter: Emmanuel Upputuru
Creative Director: Anindya Banerjee
Creative Group Head / Art Director: Raylin Valles

Emergency Torch


Nikki Farquharson

Just came across the works of Nikki Farquharson and fell in love with what she does. Her ideas are all mind-blowing and you can tell she does it all with love and gentleness.

Make sure to check all her works out.