MGSCOMM Joins Forces With Reynardus Moya

NEW YORK ( — Independent Hispanic agency MGSCOMM is merging with another independent Latino shop, New York-based Reynardus & Moya. Based on 2008 revenue, the combined agency would be the 10th largest U.S. Hispanic ad agency, and one of five independent shops in the Hispanic top 10.

Chili’s delicious delivery

Advertising Agency: Memac Ogilvy

Via [Memac Ogilvy]

Ikea Space Maker


O que acontece com uma marca que não cria uma comunidade virtual para os seus fãs? Das duas uma: ou eles próprios (fãs) irão desenvolver algo sozinhos, ou a marca vai perder gradativamente a presença entre seus consumidores, principalmente os mais jovens (ávidos por consumir e se relacionar através de ferramentas online e colaborativas).

A Ikea, por exemplo, apesar de não ignorar este tipo de “movimento social”, foi surpreendida quando descobriu que haviam desenvolvido o blog/comunidade IkeaFans, sem ao menos eles (Ikea) aprovarem ou moderarem alguma coisa. No final da história, a empresa se tornou mais do que uma simples parceira da comunidade criada pelos seus fãs. Hoje ela respeita e, inclusive, acompanha tudo aquilo que escrevem no blog ( Existem outros casos semelhantes, mas não vem ao caso no momento. O que eu quero mesmo é mostrar para vocês só mais uma nova ferramenta virtual que a Ikea, mestre no quesito empatia com os novos consumidores, acabou de lançar nos States.

Estou falando do Ikea Space Maker, um projeto que busca facilitar a vida daqueles que estão voltando às aulas e precisam montar seu pequeno quarto, provavelmente porque vão morar sozinhos em alguma outra cidade ou mais próximos da universidade.

O Space Maker nada mais é do que um planejador de dormitórios online. Ele oferece uma grande quantidade de produtos, móveis e pequenos utensílios para a pessoa decorar o seu próprio dormitório. Se você apresentar o projeto para Ikea e eles gostarem, você poderá ganhar bons descontos na loja física. Uma boa idéia, não?

Are You Ready for a Flash-Free Future?

Regardless of how fast our internet connections get, it still seems that we're perpetually waiting for our digital media — websites, videos, pictures, music — to load. It's a twisted feedback loop: faster broadband begets bigger and bigger file sizes. All of which makes accessing that Flash-heavy product microsite a perpetual exercise in patience. It wasn't supposed to work out this way.

Louis Vuitton x Camille Scherrer

Une superbe vidéo produite par la marque Louis Vuitton en collaboration avec l’artiste Camille Scherrer, afin de présenter le nouveau livre Art. Fashion and Architecture. Un film animé et créé en mettant le livre en relief, sur une bande son de Darko Fitzgerald.

Previously on Fubiz

Be Brave and Bet Big

Sometimes recruiters don't care where you come from; they care where you stay too long. Whether working for two years or 20, we all get stuck in ruts. It takes effort to be brave, stretch your backbone and show that you're not afraid to take on something new, but it's crucial. Bravery is especially important for the young — if we don't have the guts to do something brazen when the slate is still clean, when will we?

Adidas Super7

Adidas Super7

A Adidas reuniu sete de seus atletas patrocinados para criar uma nova campanha. Os medalhistas e campeões olímpicos Christine Ohuruogu, Allyson Felix, Tyson Gay, Jeremy Wariner, Veronica Campbell, Haile Gebrselassie e Blanka Vlaši? formam o Super7.

A proposta é trazer os impressionantes números e recordes obtidos pelos atletas para o mundo real, com analogias do cotidiano. Um exemplo: uma bola de boliche demora, em média, 3 segundos para atingir os pinos. Veronica Campbell faz o mesmo em 2 segundos. Para ser um dos homens mais rápidos do planeta, Tyson Gay corre 100 metros, e respira apenas duas vezes.

A criação é da RIOT (180\TBWA\Critical Mass), com produção da Databass. Abaixo você assiste todos os filmes da campanha, na sequência.

Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Glasses-Only Garb – Anna Jagodzinska Shows Off Librarian Glasses in Tom Ford Campaign (GALLERY)

( Oh, good! The naughty teacher look is back (with the help of Tom Ford’s glasses). It looks like sexy and smart is selling again, and we couldn’t be happier about it. 

We’ve got the stunning first image…

What the Mob Can Teach You About Marketing

Think of the consigliere role in the agency/client context. Sounds like a pretty good gig, doesn't it? Nice relationship to have with your client, wouldn't you agree?

European Ban on Positive Coverage of Unapproved Drugs Tramples on Free Speech

The European Court of Justice recently ruled that writing positively about drugs that haven't been approved for sale by government officials constitutes advertising and thus can be prohibited. This ruling has potentially disastrous ramifications on medically oriented free speech in Europe, writes Peter Pitts, of the PR firm Porter Novelli.

K-Mart Sells Small Pool For Big Kids.


Via Brandflakes For Breakfast and Consumerist comes tales of possible Photoshop shoppery with the Banzai pool.

* ESPM: Curso de Recriação *


Brainstorm #9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Watch Out, EBay! Here Comes Alibaba

HANGZHOU, China ( — Alibaba is the latest Chinese company to expand its international presence. The Chinese e-commerce giant has launched a $30 million global ad campaign to court small-business owners.

David Ogilvy Speaks From the Grave.


This is history kids, honest to goodness advertising history. A Mad Men returns, with tie! You have to love an interview with triumphant horns between segments.

White Castle’s .88 cent Birthday Bash


White Castle celebrates 88th birthday with .88¢ double cheeseburger and possibly the 88th most boring spot of all time and written about here in the 88th most boring blog post about it ever.

Pulp Fiction in bikini cinema version

Really interesting idea from a swimwear brand to cast sexy women playing in bikini Pulp Fiction, Star Wars or The Big Lebowski. The free bikini Pulp Fiction video The free bikini Star Wars video The free bikini The Big Lebowski video Advertiser:

And Then There’s This Article: 7 Truths About Viral Culture

There's something a little heartbreaking about the very existence of "And Then There's This: How Stories Live and Die in Viral Culture," by Bill Wasik. After all, it's a meditation on living, breathing virality that resides between the hard, dead covers of a book. For this latest installment of Dumenco's Media People — an ongoing series of conversations with media grandees — I took Bill Wasik out for tea recently in New York City, near the headquarters of Harper's Magazine, where he's a senior editor, to attempt some … interactivity with the living, breathing social-media observer and mischief maker.

Kentucky Mad Men, Queen Latifah and Woodstock Love

– Need a date? Mad Men need not apply. – KFC wants you to Go f…ry yourself. – More real fake designer bag bargains. – Naked Netflix….

Rumors of a Magazine Launch Party Confirmed

It was like a magical wonderland, four floors of international food and beer and wine and vodka and two dudes sitting on the roof playing the didgeridoo and another guy in a room playing the tabla and another playing the zither and at some point eight people ran out into the middle of the space and did a capoeira performance.

Fruity Makeup – Creative Cosmetics Turn Your Face into a Watermelon (GALLERY)

( It’s summer time again, and makeup is getting that pretty summery feel as well.

I saw these adorable watermelon-like makeup pictures online and really like them. These pictures of people eating watermelon…