App da Volkswagen conta a lenda do Saci para promover Space Cross [iPad]

Contando a história da mais famosa lenda do folclore brasileiro, a Volkswagen lançou um livro interativo para iPad.

Na história, altamente indicada para pais e filhos, o “leitor” usa um Space Cross para percorrer estradas e procurar o Saci pelo Brasil.

A iniciativa é bem legal e o app é grátis na App Store, só precisa aguentar o João Gordo gritando na sua cabeça.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Volkswagen: The legend of Saci iPad Book

The app is an interactive book that tells the story of the most famous folk-tales of the Brazilian Folklore narrated by Joao Gordo, the leader of the biggest punk rock band in the country.
Saci is known for playing tricks on people. He shows up everywhere in Brazil, and has a different name in different parts of the country. In the interactive book, you will find out all of its nicknames, make Saci jump with on leg only, see how he scares travelers and watch him French-braid a horse’s mane. During the adventure, our hero, Space Cross, plays with Saci until it manages to capture it. The folk-tale is told by means of 3-D animations to the sound of rock music mixed with Brazilian rhythms. At the end, you can find out detailed information on Volkswagen’s new model. A fun way to find out more about Brazilian popular culture, highly recommended for parents and children.
Space Cross. Any adventure you imagine will fit.

Advertising Agency: AlmapBBDO, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Luiz Sanches
Co-Creative Directors: Luciana Haguiara, Sandro Rosa
Art Directors: Sandro Rosa, Raul Arantes, Julio Andery
Copywriters: Luciana Haguiara, Rynaldo Godin
Technology Director: Fernando Boniotti
Producer Company: Vetor Zero


A great new app that allows you capture sounds along with your images and craft them into narratives.
Check out more here.

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SXSW 2012: Picle

Todo ano a SXSW é responsável por colocar uma nova ferramenta, app, ideia, ou algo que o valha no radar. Foodspotting, Twitter e Foursquare estão aí para não me deixar falar bobagem.

E evitando comparações, acho que uma boa pedida para ficar de olho nesse ano é o Picle, criado pela Made By Many, a mesma do Holler Gram.

A proposta do Picle – ainda em fase bem inicial de desenvolvimento – é contar histórias dos seus momentos com imagens e áudio. Imagine o Instagram com som ambiente e narração, mas funcionando de maneira bem simples e divertida.

Alex Harding, da Made By Many, conta no vídeo abaixo como surgiu a ideia do Picle:

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Volkswagen App Book: The Legend of Saci

The interactive book tells the story of the most famous legend of the Brazilian folklore, the Saci.
During the adventure in the outback, the VW Space Cross plays with the character until it manages to captures it. Highly recommended for parents and children.

Advertising Agency: AlmapBBDO, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Luiz Sanches
Co-Creative Directors: Luciana Haguiara, Sandro Rosa
Art Directors: Sandro Rosa, Raul Arantes, Julio Andery
Copywriters: Luciana Haguiara, Rynaldo Godin
Technology Director: Fernando Boniotti
Producer Company: Vetor Zero

Muse: Drawsome Intern

Advertising Agency: Muse, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Post from Japan: Visit Japan

Since the catastrophe in spring 2011 Japan have lost 36 percent of their tourists. In order to bring them back Japan need to show that now, one year later, it’s both a safe and beautiful country to visit. We created a campaign where we get existing tourists to share their photos to the rest of the world. And thereby helping Japan to change its image.

Advertising School: Berghs School of Communication, Stockholm, Sweden
Art Director: Michal Sitkiewicz, Eva Wallmark, Kristofer Salsborn
Copywriter: Rickard Beskow

Voicez Sound Producer: Stories

Advertising Agency: ageisobar, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Carlos Domingos
Art Director: Cicero Souza
Copywriter: Ricardo Porto

Japan Tourism: Post From Japan App

>Tomorrow on March 11th it is exactly one year after Japan was hit by the tsunami. Today the country is to a great extent rebuilt. But the tourism hasn’t recovered. People still have a picture of a country in ruins stuck in their minds and the same goes for the web. To change that image we believe that social media can play a big part. Post from Japan is a way to use existing tourist as ambassadors to change the picture of the country and get people traveling to Japan again.

Advertising School: Berghs School of communication, Stockholm, Sweden
Art Directors: Michal Sitkiewicz, Eva Wallmark, Kristofer Salsborn
Copywriter: Rickard Beskow

YouTube Klubi #6 – The Kony Free Edition

This week’s Klubi takes in a strange mix of topics. From game and music mashups to the fate of three little piggies there is a little something of everything. Well, almost everything. Enjoy.
Now this is how you launch a game. Angry Birds in Space. Real space.
The new Guardian promo shows how the story of the […]

Peixe Urbano: Collective iAd

For their first iPad publication, Brazil’s biggest group buying site Peixe Urbano created an ad that touches the core of their own product: collectiveness. In this iAd, the user needed a “helping hand” to unlock the R$ 10 credit (appox. US$ 5) in his next Peixe Urbano purchase.

Advertising Agency: AlmapBBDO, Sao Paulo, Brazil
VP Creative: Luiz Sanches
Creative Directors: Marcos Medeiros, André Kassu
Art Directors: Tiago Marcondes, Guiga Giacomo
Copywriter: Ricardo Wolff, Marcelo Pignatari

IKEA: Beröra

To launch the iPad version of the IKEA-catalogue in Norway, we created a brand new IKEA product called “BERÖRA”. It´s a sewing kit with a special conductive thread to sew into say the index finger of your favourite gloves. This little operation will make your gloves, mittens or whatever work on a touch-screen. Actually quite useful since it was in the middle of a freezing cold winter in Norway, when mittens should be kept on at all times…

Advertising Agency: SMFB, Oslo, Norway
Art Director: Hans Magne Ekre
Copywriter: Alexander Gjersoe
Designer: Niklas Hellborg

Handheld Culture: Read While You Are Waiting


Background: Handheld Culture ( is an electronic book store that wanted to raise awareness of what they offer, encourage people to read more, and drive sales. Challenge: Hong Kong people work long hours and don’t have much time to read. In order to sell their electronic books, Handheld Culture, first needed to find extra time for Hong Kong people to read. Insight: Hong Kong people never waste a second if they can help it: except when they are queuing. As Hong Kong is so crowded people are constantly queuing: in shops, for entertainment, transportation and even for seats in restaurants. Could queuing time be used for reading? Creative Solution: Handheld Culture felt that queues could provide the sales medium they needed. So they used restaurant queue number tickets as a promotional medium. They put short quotes from 100 good books on different tickets along with QR code that allowed queuing customers who were bored waiting to access and download the entire book on their phone or mobile device. Result: Maxim’s Catering also supported the read culture and and provided the medium without charging any cost. Within 1 week, 110,000 restaurant queue tickets were distributed, leading to a 22% click rate increase on Handheld Culture’s site and a 5% increase in sales.

Advertising Agency: Grey, Hong Kong
Executive Creative Director: Keith Ho
Creative Director: Kym Ma
Art Director: Kym Ma
Copywriter: Kristie Chen, Jeff Tsang
Retoucher / Designer / Typographer: Kym Ma

Baby Pic App

Eu não tenho filhos, mas já passei pela situação de querer tirar fotos do meu cachorro e o puto não olhar pra câmera.
Pois é. Parece que que tem filhos passa por isso também.

Esse app se propõe a resolver isso.
Você continua apontando a câmera do seu iPhone pro seu bebe, mas na tela que fica virada para você, 5 opções de som que chamam a atenção da criança.

Coisa simples, mas daquelas geniais, que não entendemos porque algumas marcas não fizeram ainda.

Está disponível na app store por US$ 0.99.

O app foi desenvolvido por uma dupla brasileira, a PunkOpera. Rafael Gaino, programador que mora em São Francisco e Cassiano Saldanha, diretor de criação da RG/A aqui em São Paulo. Parabéns e viva o no-brief.

Dica do @arthurpetrillo

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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OnLive Desktop

Office & Flash running on an iPad?! It’s true.
Using the same fancy technology OnLive offers to play processor intensive games on low specs devices you can now access a pristine Windows cloud based PC loaded with Office and a Flash enabled browser.
This is only the beggining however, just imagine what other programs could be streaming […]

Um dia dentro do MIT Media Lab

Falei durante a semana passada sobre alguns eventos que acompanhei no Social Media Week de Nova Iorque, mas a parte mais especial da viagem, sem dúvidas, ficaria para a pacata Boston e o seu impressionante Media Lab dentro do Massachusetts Institute of Technology ou MIT.

É até difícil de escolher por onde começar a comentar.

Talvez pelo seu belo prédio, espaço ocupado pelos diversos grupos do Media Lab, e que dá uma dimensão da grandeza de um dos maiores e mais conceituados laboratórios de pesquisa em tecnologia do planeta. Aliás, o último andar reserva uma grande vista da cidade.

Mas é nas salas que a mágica acontece. Ao chegar, fui recebido por uma equipe que trabalha em um grupo bastante focado em projetos de mobilidade (Mobile Experience Laboratory). Minha guia pelo dia por lá, Zoe Schladow, assistente de pesquisa, me contou que eles têm um amor bem grande pelo Locast, um projeto de mobilidade e compartilhamento ou consumo de informações concebido para funcionar inclusive sem GPS, conexões 3G e afins.

Uma boa novidade sobre o projeto? Ele virou opensource. Portanto, com um pouco de trabalho (eles prometem melhorar a documentação em breve), este funcionamento low cost do Locast poderia ser integrado, por exemplo, aos recursos de API de um Foursquare. Aliás, o próprio Foursquare poderia usufruir um bocado disso em seus apps proprietários. Vale lembrar que o Locast começou a ser concebido quando Symbian era o sinônimo de smartphone…

O Locast hoje é utilizado, por exemplo, pela UNICEF no Rio de Janeiro. Em diversas comunidades carentes, os jovens podem relatar através do sistema os problemas de infraestrutura que enfrentam diariamente e, assim, apontar prioridades de trabalho por parte do estado.

Outros setores do Media Lab chamaram-me a atenção. Há um grupo de pesquisa focado no que eles chamam de Tangible Media, ou seja, como a experiência homem-tela se aplica ao mundo físico.

Outro grupo, High Low Tech, pesquisa tecnologia e interações que somente com tecnologias de custo acessível, melhorando a experiência de pessoas que não possuem grandes recursos. Um dos projetos, chamado de Opensource Consumer Electronics, como o nome já diz, trata de tornar acessível a fabricação e montagem de eletrodomésticos e eletrônicos. Como já disse neste blog anteriormente, não é o caso de que todas as pessoas vão começar a fabricar suas próprias TVs, celulares, equipamentos de automação e afins. O caso é que há uma indústria inteira que sentiria, para o bem ou para o mal, os efeitos da produção ser extremamente barateada.

Há, claro, muito mais para se falar. E, no meu caso, muito mais para se conhecer. Um dia apenas num universo desses não mostraria tampouco faria justiça sobre tudo o que acontece por lá.

Se você está interessado em conhecer mais sobre o Media Lab e seus projetos, separei uma lista de links abaixo. E saiba de outra coisa bacana: eles estão abertos ao público em horário comercial, ainda que não se possa entrar em qualquer sala ou que a simpática Zoe não seja a sua guia, mas sim um eficiente sistema de totens eletrônicos.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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The sound of America’s: Music is for everybody

Advertising Agency: Young & Rubicam, Bogotá, Colombia
Creative director: Mauricio Rocha, Tito Chamorro, Víctor Osorio, Julián Jaramillo, Juan Camilo Valdivieso
Copywriter: Juan Camilo Valdivieso, Andrés Celis, Julián Nuñez
Art Director: Sebastián Otoya, María Fernanda Pinzón, Andrés Bolivar, Irene Cruz, Gerardo Torres.
Programer: Carlos Carrillo, Cristina Posada

The future of ultra intuitive UI…?

To-do list apps. We’ve all seen them done before right? Not like this you haven’t.
I’d even go as far as saying it could be called revolutionary in redefining what we consider as ueber intuitive UI.
Without a visible interaction point or single UI button, the super slick user interface takes advantage of gestures we’re already familiar […]

Smartphones Overtake PCs

It’s official. A study released by Google shows that mobile devices, and smart phones in particular, are now the dominant means of Internet connectivity in five key global markets.
Google conducted the study of smart phone versus feature phone ownership rates throughout last year, pulling data from the USA, the UK, France, Germany, and Japan. And […]

Amnesty International: Freedom Dictionary Project

To mark a Global Day of Action on Revolutions in Middle East and North Africa, Amnesty International Portugal is giving these protesters a voice, setting their words free and amplifying their message through social media networks. We’re launching the Freedom Dictionary project, a collective dictionary that holds 155 thousand words. These words will be set free by people, through the internet. To take part in this project, just go to, choose a word and share using social media networks. The chosen word will bear the name of the person who released it, crediting those who choose to participate.?On World Press Freedom Day, 11 copies of the dictionary will be printed and mailed to eleven countries where revolutions are taking place. ?The names of the people who released the words will also be featured on the printed version. Words that are not released will not be printed in the dictionary, being replaced by a blank space.

URL: ?

Advertising Agency: Torke Lisbon
Chief Creative Officer: André Rabanea
Digital Production Company: Wiz Interactive
Creative Director: Nuno ‘Ninja’ Mendes and Frederico Roberto
Creative Supervisor: Bob Ferraz
Copywriter: Bob Ferraz
Art Director: José Sobral and Rui Pica
Art Assistant: Joana Mateus
Developer: Luís Dias
Creative Project Manager: Pedro Patrício and Frederico Ferreira
Editor: Tiago Soares
Music: Kaazim Zareb, Tareeq Sahraawee