BSSP Takes Mini’s Label Defiance to the Olympics

Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners launched an extension of its “Defy Labels” campaign for BMW’s Mini ahead of the 2016 Rio Olympics, which opens this Friday. 

The Olympic push is centered around a broadcast spot featuring Olympians such as Serena Williams, fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad, rugby player Carlin Isles, weightlifter Morghan King, boxers Carlos Balderas and Claressa Shields, beach volleyball player Jake Gibb and swimmer Cullen Jones. Each of the athletes announces a label they’ve had applied to them reductively, such as “poor,” “black,” “immigrant” “Muslim,” and “cancer patient” (Gibb is a two-time cancer survivor), before Williams concludes, “The only label that matters is Olympian.” 

It’s a nice extension of the larger “Defy Labels” campaign and the different message helps the brand stand apart from the large pack of Olympics spots, most of which had debuts preceding this effort. The mix of Williams’ star power with relatively lesser-known Olympians is a nice touch as well, as is the decision to let Williams deliver the concluding line. A series of online interviews with individual athletes from the broadcast spot rounds out the effort.

“The campaign targets the Mini mind-set,” Tom Noble, head of marketing for the brand, told Adweek. “It’s about people who think independently. Our fans are people who appreciate design and also appreciate individuality. What we do know is that the Olympics indexes highly with our fans. They appreciate sports, and there are a lot of sports during these Games which are unique and different, only coming around every four years, and so this is a good platform to reach our audience.”

“We have a message that is topical if you look at what’s going on in today’s world, and you get a real, authentic view of what people’s struggles are and what they have overcome,” he added. “We believe having a relevant, inspiring message with a topical theme should cut through.” 

Client: Mini
Agency: Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners
Chief Creative Officer: John Butler
Creative Director: Mark Krajan
Senior Art Director: Sinan Dagli
Senior Copywriter: Luke Zehner
Senior Producer: Lori Pisani
Head of Integrated Production: Adrienne Cummins
Account Director: Danny Peters
Account Supervisor: Michelle Finelli
Business Manager: Nihad Peavler
Director: Matt Baron
Company: All Day Every Day
Editor (TV):Pete Koob
Editor: Christopher Kasper
Editor: Andy Berner
Editorial Company: Cut & Run
Music: Joaby Deal
Music Company: One Union
Color Grading: Shane Reed
Color Grading Company: Apache
Finish: Jogger

Kinetic Singapore Tows Competitors for Mini

Kinetic Singapore designed a campaign around the insight that drivers who test drive a Mini are far more likely to buy one, the agency found a clever way to get people behind the wheel of the car with “We Tow You Drive.”

The agency and Mini partnered with a towing company in Singapore, letting drivers whose cars broke down take the Mini to where they need to go while their car is towed. This positioned the brand as something of a hero, responding to drivers in need, while getting them to test drive the vehicle. The video above, documenting the stunt, delights in lingering on cars from competitors, such as Volkswagen and Mercedes Benz, as they are towed away — the obvious implication being that Mini is more reliable. While Adweek rightfully characterized the testimonials as “dubious,” it’s a pretty clever stunt (whether or not there’s a degree of staging involved).

Mini Partners With a Towing Company to Give Test Drives to Stranded Motorists

Mini Cooper is out with an awesomely ruthless new ad, set in Singapore, that shows the automaker tricking people into test driving its product—by teaming up with a towing service and giving loaners to stranded motorists.

The consumer testimonials are dubious (as they tend to be in stunt videos like this). But real or fake, the ad makes quick work of indirectly digging at competitors, simply by showing Mini providing real utility in an inevitably frustrating situation.

Adweek responsive video player used on /video.


There’s also the implication of superior reliability—note the prominent Mercedes-Benz logo in one sad shot of a car lying dead on the side of the road. If that doesn’t drive home the point—that when other brands fail you, Mini won’t—the ad’s kicker does, with an excellent bit of snark. (Wishing the other cars a “speedy recovery” is tantamount to hustling them along to the junkyard.)

Still as fun as Mini would like you to think its cars are to drive, comparing them to go-karts might not be the best way to reinforce a message of dependability. But it’s nice to see a brand swoop in like a vulture to scoop up a rival’s business when it’s at its most vulnerable.

Now, it needs to start showing up at poorly marked no-parking zones, too.

Agency: Kinetic Singapore.

Pepsi apresenta mini-latas através de frases famosas do cinema

No intervalo do Oscar, no próximo domingo, a Pepsi vai apresentar suas mini-latas com um comercial que faz referência a diversas frases famosas do cinema.

Um assistente de produção precisa entregar o refrigerante para o ator Cuba Gooding Jr – não que ele mereça, considerando o tanto de filmes ruins que anda fazendo – e percorre um estúdio em que todo o elenco só se comunica através de sentenças clássicas de Hollywood.

A campanha assina com “Little Can. Epic Satisfaction.”, e a estratégia da Pepsi é apelar para o emocional, e não para a contagem de calorias, que é o comum para esse tipo de produto miniatura.

Criação da Mekanism.


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Prefab House Mini Modern

Minimod, c’est une alternative de logement innovante et intelligente qui nous propose une personnalisation de modules en préfabriqué du plus bel effet. Des créations sobres, minimalistes et élégantes, qui allie mobilité, durabilité et simplicité mises en scène avec des jolies images à découvrir dans la suite.

Prefab House Mini Modern5
Prefab House Mini Modern4
Prefab House Mini Modern3
Prefab House Mini Modern2
Prefab House Mini Modern1
Prefab House Mini Moder5
Prefab House Mini Moder4
Prefab House Mini Moder3
Prefab House Mini Moder2
Prefab House Mini Moder1

MINI desafia criativos a verem o mundo de forma diferente

Sob o título de The New Original – ou O Novo Original -, MINI está convocando designers e fotógrafos do mundo inteiro para verem as coisas de forma diferente, encontrando algo inesperado e novo em objetos que fazem parte do nosso cotidiano, a partir de um novo ângulo.

Para participar, é preciso enviar uma fotografia, ilustração ou design mostrando sua interpretação do “novo original”. O projeto deve ser original e não conter logotipos.

Os trabalhos podem ser enviados até fevereiro – um quadro no site indica os dias corridos disponíveis. A premiação inclui um iMac e câmeras fotográficas da Fuji e GoPro.

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MINi mostra como se manter seguro no Halloween

Com um comercial para o Halloween, a MINI mostra qual é a melhor forma de se escapar do perigo. E não apenas para gente “normal”, inclusive para serial killers preocupados com a própria integridade física.

O tema não é apenas pela graça, porém, pois a intenção da marca aqui é anunciar que o modelo Countryman foi escolhido, pelo terceiro ano seguido, como um dos carros mais seguros pela IIHS.

Criação da Butler, Shine, Stern and Partners.


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Mini Flashes Personalized Billboard Messages at Drivers of Its Vehicles

I sometimes think billboards are watching, beaming out messages meant just for me. Then I get back on my meds, and everything seems fine. Anyway, BMW's Mini, as part of its "Not Normal" campaign, worked with agencies Iris and Vizeum over the summer to personalize content to drivers of its cars on nine consecutive digital billboards along a busy London motorway. Spotters armed with iPads identified approaching Minis, and the text and images on the boards were then tailored to the individual cars. Drivers' photos were even flashed on signs further up the road. Offers of commuting snacks, car washes and flowers were also in the mix. For example, a driver in a grey Mini drove past successive signs that read, "Early start, Mr. Grey Mini driver? … Need a pick me up? … Fancy a tasty bacon butty? … Mini's buying … See you at the next garage." Nearly 2,000 Mini drivers received such personal greetings in a week. All those folks driving Vauxhalls probably felt sullen and neglected. But that's nothing new for them, now is it?


MINI transforma carros em passeio de montanha-russa

Desde que o mundo é mundo, a MINI trabalha a ideia de que seus carros oferecem diversão e prazer como nenhum outro. O histórico na última década colou essa percepção na cabeça dos consumidores e rendeu prêmios como nunca para as agências que atenderam a montadora.

Dentro da campanha “Not Normal” no Canadá, a MINI fez de seus carros um passeio de montanha-russa. É uma intervenção simples e barata, mas que chamou atenção nas ruas e se encaixou muito bem no conceito pretendido pela marca.

Criação da Anomaly.


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Mini Shows Off Some Grille in Illicit Tweet Making Fun of Anthony Weiner

Not many brands have embraced the Anthony Weiner debacle as inspiration for ads. Spirit Airlines did it in its own traditional sleazy fashion. And now Mini has come out with a little auto erotica of its own—creating (as Weiner did) a fake Twitter identity, @CarlosDMotor, and tweeting out an image of a Mini in a bathroom, showing off a little grille. "Wanna get your hands on my stick?" says the tweet. Agency: Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners.


Mini’s Adorable Tiny Camping Caravan May Be the Coolest Vehicle Never Made

Mini is making the most of the summer season by introducing three incredible concept cars specially designed for campers—though you can't buy any of them (yet). And if they seem hard to believe, no wonder. At least one of them was previously unveiled as an April Fools' joke in 2012, but all three are now official Mini concept vehicles.

The most amazing is probably the Mini Cowley Caravan, an adorable trailer that comfortably sleeps two and comes with a twin-burner gas stove; a water tank with pump and sink; and a solar panel that charges the on-board battery, with a 230-volt connection that powers a fridge, TV and audio equipment.

The two other concepts are cool as well. The Countryman ALL4 Camp has a roof rack that cranks up into a tent.

The Clubvan Camper is almost a home on wheels—it has a spacious sleeping area for one; an extendable kitchenette with propane stove and chest fridge; a hand-held shower with water tank; a glass panel that can be opened for ventilation or stargazing; a kayak-looking storage rack on top; and a television and auxiliary heater.

Now, they just need to sell these things for real.


Airbag no banheiro alerta mulheres para o perigo de se maquiar na direção

A MINI no México desejava alertar para o perigo da maquiagem na direção. Segundo pesquisa, 6 de cada 10 mulheres não podem nem imaginar ir ao trabalho sem se maquiar. Outra 1 em cada 4 acreditam que isso pode lhe custar uma promoção.

Com a tradicional pressa matinal, muitas deixam a tarefa para o momento de dirigir até o trabalho. E para dizer que existe hora certa pra tudo, a Publicis instalou um airbag em um banheiro feminino.

Não tenho dúvidas de que a mensagem é passada com sucesso, mas a abordagem é bem agressiva. Certamente não vai agradar quem anda de saco cheio com a onda de pegadinhas publicitárias, mesmo que tudo não passe de encenação.


O leitor Erick Souza alertou para a camera que aparece instalada na porta do toalete, pra todo mundo ver, no minuto 1:01 do vídeo. Ê láia. Temporada de Cannes é uma festa mesmo.


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MINI alerta que palavras podem machucar em campanha contra SMS ao volante

Segundo a MINI, dirigir e digitar é um ato responsável por duas mil mortes a cada mês no México. Para mostrar que as palavras podem machucar, a marca criou uma impactante campanha de mídia exterior no país.

Trinta letras, medindo 2.5 por 2.5 metros, foram espalhadas pela Cidade do México. As estruturas simulavam fraturas expostas, alertando para o perigo de conduzir um carro e enviar SMS ao mesmo tempo.

Essas instalações promoviam ainda um aplicativo para smartphone, chamado The Word Blocker. Através do GPS, o app identifica a velocidade do usuário, bloqueando automaticamente o recebimento de mensagens no celular. O rementente recebe uma resposta pré-configurada, avisando que o destinatário está dirigindo.

A ferramenta calcula ainda a distância percorrida com o bloqueio ativado, criando um ranking de “quilômetros seguros” entre os usuários do app.

A criação é da Publicis.


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Blown away … by the similarity / Soufflé par la ressemblance?

Bustop « Look your best » – 2005
Source : Cannes Archive Online
Agency : Clemenger BBDO Auckland (New Zealand)
Diva by Makole fashion store – 2012
Source : Adsoftheworld
Agency : Dunkelblaufastschwarz (Austria)

MINI’s tocam “God Save the Queen” para celebrar os Jogos Olímpicos de Londres

A MINI entra no espírito dos Jogos Olímpicos de Londres 2012 não apenas lançando um modelo em edição especial, mas também chamando a Orquestra Filarmônica da cidade para tocar.

Porém, ao invés de instrumentos, as buzinas dos MINI’s é que executam o hino nacional da Grã-Bretanha.

O modelo MINI London 2012 Limited Edition terá apenas 2012 unidades fabricadas.

A criação é da WCRS London.

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Melvin the Mini Machine

Heyheyhey a décidé de créer une machine à réactions en chaîne appelée Melvin the Mini Machine dans deux valises. Rube Goldberg nous montre dans cette vidéo de très belle facture son fonctionnement dans une vidéo à découvrir dans la suite.







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MiniLook Kiev

Focus sur Efim Graboy et Daria Turetski, de véritables amoureux de la ville de Kiev en Ukraine. Armés de leur Canon 550D, ils ont filmé pendant 5 jours la capitale ukrainienne pour obtenir cette vidéo en technique time-lapse et tilt-shit réussie à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.




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Magda Sayeg

Découverte de l’artiste Magda Sayeg, vivant au Texas, qui a inventé un univers intitulé “Yarn Bombing” dans lequel tout est conçu en pure laine. Des photographies de ses oeuvres en laine colorées dans la ville sont à découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.












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MINI: Acenda o fogo, rompa a corda e ganhe o carro com likes no Facebook

Um MINI Countryman está preso apenas por uma corda. Cada vez que alguém dá like na página da marca no Facebook, uma chama acenda e queima um pouco da corda. Se o seu like for o responsável por soltar o carro, ele é seu.

Assim aconteceu na ação “Fan The Flame” na Bélgica, criada pela TBWA\

Provavelmente uma das maneiras mais criativas que já vi de se ganhar “likes” no Facebook. Muito melhor do que um simples “clique aqui e concorra”, que o regulamento da rede social do Markão nem permite.

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Mini x Wash Me

Après l’excellent The Kring Mini, la compagnie Mini en Suisse dévoile ce projet sous la forme d’un livre présentant des voitures Mini transformées en œuvre d’art éphémère. Un travail de 10 artistes comme par exemple Marisa Pichler, Gigi Burn, Aurèle Sack, ou encore Rémi Jaccard.






Plus d’informations sur le site officiel.

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